Tillamook Headlight, March 2-IPl^ Young Men as Well as Men of Business are Choosing Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits for Spring Wear. enjoyed. The track meet of the grades, I from State Employ to Become Manager of the fourth to eighth inclusive, took place at the Stillwell park last Fri Bayocean Summer Resort and of day afternoon after school. 1 his was T. B. Potter Realty Company. only one of a series of meets w ihich S. B. Vincent, examiner for the will continue to the close of school. state corporation department, has re- The boys were divided into five class­ signed his position, effective at thc es, according to their size. 1 his ac­ convenience of the Governor, to be- counts for the fact that there are come manager for the Bayocean sum­ several first, second and third places mer resort and of the T. B. Potter in some of the grades. Following arc the results of the Realty Company. As soon as hr is re­ lieved of his present duties he will be­ meet: Fourth Grade:—Jesse Shortlidge gin his new work. Mr. Vincent has been in his present and Ernest Dodge, first in the sprint. There’s distinction and position for nearly two years and was Herbert Jones, first in broad jump. style in every Hart Schaffner the first man appointed to the office Ernest Dodge second, Jesse Short­ after the department was organized. lidge third. & Marx Garment. Fifth Grade-—Archie Tye Formerly he was manager of the As­ sociated Press in Portland. He also sprint; Roy Olson second. , See the new models we are Sixth Grade:—Wilbur Kirk first served two terms as president of the just now showing—“Varsity broad jump, Gerald Stark second, Portland Press Club, of which he was Ewald Schnuelle third; Gerald Stark Fifty-five’’ the new English one of the organizers. The appointment of Henry D. second in sprint. James Campbell models, the popular box back Schulderman as corporation commis­ third. coats as well as the becom­ Seventh Grade:—Howard Trout sioner, to succeed Ralph Watson, is first in jump, second in sprint; Ihos. effective May I and it is possible that ing semi-fitting models. Mr. Vincent will continue in office Keys first in sprint, second in jump; until then. A small crop of aspirants Arthur Harris third in jump; Arthur You will find the most up- has sprung up for his job in anticipa­ Travis third in sprint. to-date fabrics here, such as Eighth Grade;—Sam Riefenberg tion of a change. Prominent among plaids, checks, over-plaids them is Elmer Amidon, secretary of first in jump, second in sprint; Leslie the Republican County Central com­ Conover third in jump, third in sprint Glen Urquharts and Navy Robert Meyers second in jump, mittee. Blues. Prices from Mr. Vincent will head a committee , third in sprint; Elwell Erskine thud . I in jump. of seven which will handle the Bay­ ocean property of the T. B. Potter ! Credits were awarded to each per- Copyright ILirt Schaffner & Marx Realty Company. In this committee i I son as follows: there will be three representing the I tst, 35; 2nd, 20; 3rd, 17; 4th, 15; 5th, property owners at Bayocean and 14; 6th, 13, etc. THE NEWEST First place is awarded a blue rib- three representing the corporation SHAPES IN bon, second place red, third place that handles the Bayocean project. The committee, under the leader­ in all events. STETSON HATS, The seventh grade has won so far ship of Mr. Vincent, will conduct the $4.00 & $5.00. development of Bayocean as a beach in the series with an average ot 27. resort and will advance the project The grade averages are: 7th, 27; 8th, I as rapidly as financial conditions will 22 1-3, 5th, 21 2-3; 6th, 20 1-3; 4th, 19 8-0. permit. A. H. Harris, the Tillamook Drug Weather Observer Wanted for Tilla­ Tillamook School Notes. Store, King & Smith, D. L Shrode, growing country is the privilege ot mook County. E. T. Haltom, Grant Mills, and other paying a famine price for a short -----o----- weight loaf. — Oregonian. Last Tuesday evening at a meeting merchants have offered a silver tro­ Mr. E Harrison, Cashier, Tillamook The Mexicans seem to observe the of the high school and grade teach­ phy cup as a prize to be given the County Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. Sabbath by abstaining from war long ers, and the student teachers, Dr. R. room having the highest final average Sir; —Mr. C. M. Terry, coop- Dear enough to elect the provisiontl presi T. Roals gave a most interesting and To get this average the total number observer at Tillamook has erative helpful lecture on the causes and pre­ of points won by a grade will be dent for the ensuing week.—Louis­ that he is unable to act longer told us ville Courieh-Journal. vention of disease. He discussed divided by the number of boys in the Another step for the manufacture of for us, and it is desired to secure the smallpox and advocated vaccination; room. This cup will st.» / it; th- room he discussed tuberculosis also, and winning it a year, and will be come benzol in this country has been taken. services of another reliable person to advocated segregation and isolation the permanent propert ’ of the grade Thomas A. Edison, it was announced succeed him. It is assumed that the has opened a factory at Johnstown. residents of Tillamook do not want for tubercular patients. which first wins it th" second lime. The next debate of the Webster E. T. Haltom, E. E. Kerb. A. H. Pa', for the manufacture of benzol to have the station closed and the in­ Club will he held Tuesday evening at Harris, Dr. Daniels, and others, in from coal gas, a process never before struments moved elsewhere, I am the High School. eluding a number of high school boys developed in this country. Corbolic therefore addressing you in hope W ednesday afternoon Rev. Gittins, acted as officials at the track meet acid and aniline dyes are made from that you may be able to assist us in benzol, which heretofore has chiefly getting a new observer. As you know pastor of the Methodist church of our last Friday. come from Germany. Since the war there is no pay attached to the job, city, spoke to the high school student but the work is light and pleasant, body and faculty. His speech was The Wall Street Journal computes there has been a great shortage of short and pithy. The conclusion was that bread is twice as dear in New’ this product and chemists and manu­ and requires only about five minutes quite unusual and amusing. Visits of York as in London. Apparently the facturers have given much attention i day to read the thermometers and rain gage and record the readings. this sort are always appreciated and chief advantage of living in a wheat to producing it here. All instruments, forms, blanks, frank­ ed envelopes, etc., are furnished by the Weather Bureau gratis, so the 1l'Y'« V " IA" V » V .1 II observer is not required to expend any money whatever, merely giving his time for a few minutes each day about sunset. As it is impossible for me to go to Tillamook to secure another observer and believing you are interested in Vi" ‘''’Piling. March 21, Fire partly destroyed the home of having the weather report for your city published every month in our Mr. K. N. Henkle. The Insurance was carried on the property by tin« Agency. Oregon Climatological Monthly, this matter has been taken up with AS SOON AS THE FIRE WAS OUT you. If we can get another observer to go with the work, it will not be 0,110r^*a *‘‘rc Insurance Co at their Pacific Coast necessary to discontinue the Tilla­ Office in San Francisco and the Home Office in Milwaukee. Wis. mook station. the special agent 1 hanking you in advance for your assistance in this matter, I am. Arrives on I uesday evening, less than 48 hours, to adjust loss. \ ery Respectfully, A DRAFT WAS ISSUED E. A. Beals. District Forester. lo Mr Henkle in bull Coverage of His Loss by Special Agent and Those who feel like taking charge Adjuster Mr Miles D.W arreti, for the Concordia Fire Insurance Co. of the instruments and furnish the reports should either communicate with Mr. Beals, Portland Forecast District or Mr. Harrison. S. B. VINCENT RESIGNS. Authentic Showing of the most Upto-Date Lasts in Dress Shoes for Ladies Displayed in one oi our 2nd Avenue East window« there is a selection of Spring Dress Shoes worthy of an., large citv store. The sty les shown represent the ven latest models now being offered lor spring wear am| ev 1 lady who desires to be correctly booted should make a point of viewing them at the earliest possible moment. I riel iidei 1 *! n the selection now available there are Gwj. metal and Vici Kid leathers ; patent colt with gaiter, cloth amt black black' and mat tops in putty, sand, battleship grey and white buck and black Suede with ...... -cnivenette ~ tops; ...................... .uni Tan Russia Calf, Buttons are the favorites and there are both low, military, and Louise-Cuban ..... heels, '..... ' All sizes frotu 2i to 8 and widths A A to E E are included in the fittings. Prices.................... ......... $3.50 to 6.00 For instance : — A 4- C*? we s1,ow pate|>t leather button shoes with At «pJ.DU cloth and mat tops with low and Cuba! in heels and sizes 21 to 8 and widths A A to E E. At C4 00 vo* are °ff‘-*re(I /xl «p*t.UV pafent leather ;l selection of Button Shoes in with cloth and mat tops and a smart style in Gunmetal. All come with Cuban heelsand in sizes 21 to 8 and widths A A to E E. At 00've sl,ow n particularly smart 2XL «pu.W y|K)CS ¡n patent and gunmetal line of Dress leathers with cloth tops in the new putty, sand and battleship grey colors as well as in black. All sizes 21 to 8 and widths A A to EE. $20.00 to $27.50 s^hom’s - ê FIRE LOSS ADJUSTED 3rd Day After Fire. 4 $ ? $ $ Are You Insured ? If Not, Why Not ? 00000*MCOCCOCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCC009M09&MGQC09& » > > > ► YOUR FIRE INSURANCE IS SAFE WITH-THIS-AGENCY, OVER $160,000,000.00 IN-ASSETS Represented by this Office ? □ State of Ohio. City of Teledo.i aa Lucas County. i !*H* I-’rauk J. Cheney makes oath that he is ■»enior partner of the tii-ni of F I. Chenev X- Co. doin« business In the Cltv of To- ledo County and State aforesaid, and ttUSLhrn' wil1 P“y the sum of ONE Hl NUKED DOLLARS for each and every case of ( atarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of HALL'S CATARRH CORE. „ _ FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in A D *trith'’ 6lh ,llly of December, C8e»l] A W. GLEASON. •i <>. e, . . Notary Public. Hall » Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu­ cous surtaces of the system. Send for testi­ monials free . i.,F '„V,HK!ets or any single article that you may be in need of. W.A, WilliamsIc Co. Ladies Home Journal and Home Book of Fashions now on Sale The