Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 25, 1915, Image 5

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Headlight, March 25, 1915.
Tillamook Headlight.
1st Prize, Overland Auto,
< »
This fully equipped Auto
was selected because it’s the
Valued at
best machine in the market
and guaranteed by A. K.
Case, the local agent.
Overland Model 81
2nd and 3rd Prizes, Trips to the San Francisco Fair ; 4th Prize, Gold Watch.
Rules of Contest,
Cut out this coupon and bring or send it to the Contest Manager, or ifyou
can’t come in today telephone and ask for particulars.
Any Lady., either single or married, can participate in the contest, pro­
vided they are residents of Tillamook and have lived in the county for the
past twelve months. 2X.ll that is necessary is to cut out the nomination or in­
formation coupon and bring or send it to this office, or call up the Contest
Manager by telephone.
Tillamook Headlight : Please let me have full particulars of Your
Big Subscription Contest. This does not oblige me to participate.
The only way to secure votes is by subscriptions to the Tillamook Head­
light, the leading as well as the pioneer newspaper of the county.
All subscriptions, either new or old, carry votes.
No votes are transferable from one contestant to another.
No business establishment, lodge or organization can participate, but
contestants can receive help from them or from relatives or friends.
Only one nomination good for each contestant.
There is only one district and the prizes will be awarded as the contes­
finish, the one having the largest number of votes will receive the first
prize, and the next in their order will take the other prizes.
Year subscription....................... $1.50..............
Years subscription..................... 3.00..... .
Years subscription....................... 4.50...........
Years subscription....................... 7.50 ...........
15.00------ .
Years subscription
1000 votes
2500 votes
5000 votes
10,000 votes
25,000 votes
I here nominate.
in the Great Sub-
scription Contest of the Tillamook Headlight
, Nominator.
Bonus Offer This Week Closes March 31st Read full information on first page.
Any Lady, Single or Married, may participate.
■■ ■ —
■ ■■
are included in the one item to cover
all of such purposes.
It*« Up to the County Court Where
The County Court in making the
Road Money is to be Expended.
■ estimate for and levy ot taxes for
I county purposes, acts judicially and
In answer to the comunication sent
not ministerially,
Attorney General Brown in regard to
speaks only by its record. (Pacific
Atorney General Brown in regard
Bridge Co. vs. Clackamas County, 45
the County Court being allowed to Federal 217, 218; Stout vs. Yamhill
:hange the budget after listening to
County, 30 Oregon, 314, 319; 11 CYC
dtizens at the taxpayer's meeting,
762,763; Section 946, Lord's Oregon
Brown had decided that the court
tan do »0 and expend the money
Therefore any item which is not in­
wherever' it pleases. Some of the
cluded in the budget, although it may
imber men raised an objection to
have been considered r.s an expense
he county court
increasing the
going to make up the more general
imount of money for the Bayocean
item which was afterward included in
oad from $3,000 to $10,250. They
the budget as a part of the basis upon
:ontended that this could not be done,
which the county ta xes were there­
layoceanl did not get a square deal
after levied, is not a specific part of
when the ¡county court and the ad-
the budget.
'isory committee met, for most every
The principle if, well settled in 37
>art of the county was represented,
CYC, at page 975, as follows:
>ut Bayoce.n had no one to represent
"The record c f a levy of taxes is
t or advocate its claims for a road
the best eviden ce of it; the recitals
nd a way out. There is some doubt
are conclusive and parole evidence
s to what the present County Court
cannot be received to prove such levy
vill do with the road budget as final-
unless the previous existence of the
y decided upon by the previous coun-
record, and i ts loss or distruction, is
y Court, but the generalconsensus of
■pinion is that it would be the wisest
Citing nu merous authorities.
olicy for the court to go ahead and
In the p resent instance, there is no
arry out the work to completion.
previous r ecord, or its loss, estab-
lished, br(t the record of the estimate
Dear Sir:—I beg to acknowledge
by statute, (Chapter 342,
eceipt of your favor of the 16th |
page 438 , Laws of 1913 ■ ), is complete,
istant, enclosing a ceritfied copy of ,
showing the total sum of all road and
ie record of the County Court of |
bridjge purposes, and no specific item
illamook County, in the matter of ,
frit an’ • particular road or bridge im­
reparing a budget for the 1914 tax
prove: .nent.
■>B. »W propounding the questions:
Lfe’pending upon the record therc-
“Suppose that in computing what J
f or as showing the facts of the esti­
ie budget should be, the county
mate upon which the taxes were lev­
Jurt had figured $10,000.00 for t
ied, the County Court is not limited
ridge at a certain place in the coun' y
thereby to the expenditure of the
at such item was not specific (]]y
funds received for such purposes to
Etioned in the budget, but wr g ¡n.
any particular improvement for road
the lump sum as app ,ars ¡n
or bridge purposes, but may expend
« polished budget, cov ld
the same for any road or bridge pur­
rnnty court appropriate f n<_ mone’y
pose within the discretion allowed the
tended for such bfidge 'and expend
Court under the statute providing for
on wrne other project?"
I the improvement, repair, etc. of roads
/ 7°Uld *’y tha‘ ’ ref' I 1 ’
"«* highways
nignway, -nu
and the construction
_ Js .t-
U *et F 5 shown by the and maintenance of bridges.
flr af
rl^Ts’ rcve»le ¿’the fact that the I
purposes was in-
for all r<
T' A,| purposes
Card of Thanks.
eTn’ ** followra;
i~upir risor’i; Salaries Repairs
|*ner y and supplies $172,000.”
' one
R"e . seen th it there is no spec-
F nate mad« • for any particular
I bridge, bu’t all roads, bridges
nscs cot.uected . therewith,
Notice to Contractors
By order of the County Court.
Dated this 22nd day of March, 1915.
Sealed proposals, addressed to the
J. C. Holden, County Clerk,
County Court of Tillamook County,
By Kathleen Mills, Deputy.
Oregon, and indorsed "Proposal to
C'ear a portion of the right of way
Notice to Contractors
on the- Garibaldi
Wheeler Road
Sealed proposals, addressed to the
the plans
and specifications thereof on file in County Court of Tillamook County,
theoffice of the county clerk of Tilla- Oregon, and indorsed "Proposal to
an.ook C ounty, Oregon, will be re­ Complete Hollett County Road Im­
ceived by the County Court of said provement,” in accordance with plans
County, it its office in the Court and specification thereof on file in
House, at Tillamook City, Oregon, theoffice of the county clerk of Tilla-
until the h our of 10 a.m., on the 10th amook County, Oregon, will be re­
day of Ap Hl, A.D. 1915, and at that ceived by the County Court of said
time and pl ace publicly opened and County, at its office in the Court
House, at Tillamook City, Oregon,
Each bid shall be accompanied by a until the hour of io a.m., on the loth
certified che ck on some responsible day of April, A.D. 1915, and at that
bank in the State of Oregon, in the time and place publicly opened and
sum of 5 per ■•ent of the total bid en- read.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a
closed therewi th. Said check shall be
made payable to the County Clerk of certified check on some responsible
Tillamook County, Oregon, to be held bank in the State of Oregon, in the
as liquidated damages in case the bid sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­
be accepted and the bidder shall fail closed therewith. Said check shall be
refuse or neglect to enter into the made payable to the County Clerk of
contract, and file therewith the neces­ Tillamook County, Oregon, to be held
sary bond for the faithful performance as liquidated damages in case the bid
of the work, within 5 days from the be accepted and the bidder shall fail
date of receiving notice from the refuse or neglect to enter into the
County Court that the contract is contract, and file therewith the neces­
sary bond for the faithful performance
ready for signature.
All bids shall be made on blank of the work, within 5 days from the
forms furnished for such purpose by date of receiving notice from the
the County Court; must state plainly County Court that the contract is
the price of each item of work bid up­ ready for signature.
All bids shall be made on blank
on, and must be signed by the bidder,
forms furnished for such purpose by
and also state his business address.
The successful bidder will be requir­ the County Court; must state plainly
ed to furnish a surety bond satisfac­ the price of each item of work bid up­
tory to the County Court for the on, and must be signed by the bidder,
faithful performance of the work, in and also state his business address.
The successful bidder will be requir­
the sum of 50 per cent of the entire
ed to furnish a surety bond satisfac­
amount of the bid.
Each bidder shall be required to tory to the County Court for the
satisfy himself, by examination, the faithful performance of the work, in
location, nature and extent of the the sum of 50 per cent of the entire
work to be performed, and all bids amount of the bid.
Each bidder shall be required to
are to be compared on the basis of
shown on the bidding satisfy himself, by examination, the
blanks, and as included between Sta- location, nature and extent of the
tion 177-00 and Station 198-31 of the work to be performed, and all bids
are to be compared on the basis of
said road survey.
shown on the bidding
Upjn a deposit of $5.00 a set of quantities
plans, specifications, forms for pro­ blanks, and as includ'd between Sta-
posal, contract and bond, may be ob­ tion 39-00 and station 77-89 of the
tained at the office of the County said road survey.
We desire to express our thanks for ; Clerk of Tillamook Count,, Oregon.
Upon a deposit of $5.00 a set of
The right is reserved to reject any | plans, specifications, forms for prn-
so many tokens of kindness and
sympathy to us on account of the : or all proposal», or to accept any posal, contract and bond, may be ob-
death of our husband
and father, and ! proposal or proposals, as may be tained at the office of the C aunty
------- -----------
deemed best for Tillamook County, j Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon.
we greatly appreciate the same
The right is reserved to reject any
1... and family.
Mrs. Paul Schrader
Upon a deposit of $5.00 a set of
plans, specifications, forms for pro­
posal, contract and bond, may be ob­
tained at the office of the County
The right is reserved to reject any
or all proposals, or to accept any
proposal or proposals, as may be
deemed best for Tillamook County,
Notice to Contractors.
Dated this 22nd day of March, 1915.
By order of the County Court.
! call'd proposals, addressed to the
J. C. Holden, County Clerk,
Cc inty Court of Tillamook County,
Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon.
Otegon, and indorsed "Proposal to
By Kathleen Mills, Deputy.
eh ir a portion of the right of way
on Sandlake road in accordanse with
Notice to Farmers.
pl: 11s and specifications thereof on file
or all proposals, or to accept any
proposal or proposals, as may be
deemed best for Tillamook County,
Dated this 22nd day of March, 1915.
By order of the County Court.
J. C. Holden, County Clerk,
By Kathleen Mills, Deputy.
in the office of the county clerk of Til
la' 100k County, Oregon, will be re­
ceived by the County Court of said
County, at its office in the Court
H ,usc, at Tillamook City, Oregon,
until the hour of 10 a.111., on the totli
day of April, A.D. 1915, and at that
time and place publicly opened and
Each bid shall be accompanied by a
certified check on some responsible
bank in the State of Oregon, in the
sum of 5 per cent of the total bid cu­
closed therewith. Said check shall be
made payable to the County Clerk of
Tillamook County, Oregon, to be held
as liquidated damages in case the bid
be accepted and the bidder shall fail
refuse or neglect to enter into the
contract, jind file therewith the neces­
sary bond for the faithful performance
of the work, within 5 days from the
date of receiving notice from the.
County Court that the contract is
ready for signature.
All bids shall be made on blank
forms furnished for such purpose by
the County Court; must state plainly
the price of each item of work bid up­
on, and must be signed by the bidder,
and also state his business address.
The successful bidder will be requir­
ed to furnish a surety bond satisfac­
tory to the County Court for the
faithful performance, of the work, in
the sum of co per cent of the entire
amount of the bid.
F.ach bidder shall be required to
satisfy himself, by examination, the
location, nature and extent of the
work to be performed, and all bids
are to be compared on the basis of
shown on the bidding
blanks, and as included between Sta­
tion 42 plus 87 to Station 149 plus
06 1 and from Station 149 plus 06. r to
Station 2J9 plus 92 of the said road
I'he Tillamook Lime Products Co.,
is ready to furnish ground lime stone
to the farmers. The lime stone is
ground so as to pass a 1-6 inch wire
The lime stone will cost $5.00 per
ton in sacks at the plant. A charge of
3 cents per sack or 60c. per ton extra
will be made for the sacks unless
sacks are furnished by the customer.
Only grain or meal sacks with a close
weave should be brought as the fine
dust or powder will all be lost if the
sacks have a course weave leaving
only the course grains of limestone in
the sacks.
A set of new grinding rollrrs are
being installed to increase tnc capac­
ity and produce a finer prxluct.
Address all comniuni.-a’ions to U.
G. Jackson, Box 413, Tillamoc.l'.
Change in Nestucca Valley Bank.
------ o——
W. J. Logus, Cashier of Nestucca
Valley Bank, has sold his interest
in the bank to Chas. Ray, L. M. Kra-
ner and J. W. Hellenbrand and has
resigned as cashier of the bank. Mr.
E. L. McCabe was appointed acting
cashier for the time being.
Mr. Logus will devote all his time
in the future to gen< r:i|s contracting
incorporated at
Portland, Oregon, under the name of
Company. They
have secured the contract for $35,000
street paving in Bay City of this
county and expect to bid on county
work to be let this year.
The directors of the Nestucca Val­
ley Bank take this opportunity to
thank the patrons for the business of
the public with assurance that their
interests will be appreciated and pro­