Tillamook Headlight, March 26, 1016. the penalties provided by Section 10 I CLEAN-UP NOTICE. GERMANY HAS ARMY OF SPIES mind that our agents must inspire of this ordinance. confidence in circles where they have Section 13. It shall be the duty of Trained to Perfection in Secret Ser­ their center of action, and to create To The Residents of Tillamook City. the city marshal and the committee ot that confidence by the outward signs the common council on health to as­ vice.—In Government Employ Following will be found Sections of of an ordinary, middle-class exist­ certain and cause all nuisances de­ Constantly. Ordinances Nos. 181 and 285 of Tilla ­ ence; indeed, by a well-priced muni­ clared to be such by this ordinance ficence, and by making themselves mook City, defining Nuisances and to be abated, and they shall have London, March 13.—“I have one 1 useful in all kinds of societies, asso­ providing for their abatement. authority, in the day time, to enter cook and a hundred spies,” the great ciations and communities, they must Ordinance 181. any house, stable, barn, store or any Frederick used to say. Thus writes Section 1. If the owner or occupier acquire such a strong social position Tighe Hopkins in the London Daily that, so far as their locality is con­ of any house, market, meat-»hop or building, in order to make a thorough examination of cellars, sinks, vaults Chronicle, and continues: Since Fred­ cerned, each may be well received other place wherein and beeves, sheep or drains, to enter upon all lots and erick's time espionage, in its myrad everywhere and highly thought of in fowl, fish or other animals are kept forms—from false whiskers to forged all quarters, and may be thus always or sold, either in said house or on the grounds, and cause all stagnant water papers of identity, from the shy in a position to give us useful infor­ premises and said owner or occupier to be drained off, and pools, sinks, boarding houses to the fashionable I shall permit the same to remain un­ drains, vaults, holes or low ground to mation on all points. clean to the unnecessary annoyance be cleansed, filled or otherwise puri­ hotels—has been regarded beyond the Rhine as an essential part of the ' of the citizens of this city, or any of fied, and to cause all noisome sub­ One Cent Letter Postage. them, or in any state or condition stances to be abated or removed, and machinery for the defense of the detrimental to the public health, the to have the costs of the same entered monarchy. From the date of the up as a lien against said property on Franco-German war it has been more I Senator John W. Weeks, of Massa­ same shall be deemed a nuisance. chusetts, may be counted as one of Section?. If any person causes or the lien docket of Tillamook City, effectively organized, more energet­ the half dozen best informed men in permits within the city limits of this Oregon. ically carried on, than any other in­ Congress upon postal affairs. For city an! unclean, stinking, foul, de­ Ordinance No. 285. dustry in Germany. Instigated, pro­ I many years he was chairman of the moted and financed by the state, fective or filthy drain, ditch, tank or Section 5. Whenever there shall be Committee on Postoffices and Post gutter, or any leaking or broken slop, found on or about any lot, alley, yard, there has been no pretense about it; Roads of the House of Representa- garbage or manure box or receptable area, street or piece of ground within nor has there been the slightest dif­ 1 lives and it was there that he achiev- of similar character to remain on his the limits of Tillamook City, Oregon, ficulty in recruting the executive per­ i ed his best work, resulting in the sonnel. Encouraged by the king, a premises, the same shall be deemed a any dirt gathered in cleaning yards, | election to the Senate to succeed Bismarck, a Bernhardi, a kaiser, Ger­ or any rags, damaged merchandise, Murray Crane. Senator W eeks de­ nuisance. mans have gone into the business of clares that the government is making I Section 3. All vegetable waste, lit­ wet, broken or leaking barrels, casks spying as readily as into that of sol­ ter, garbage, filth or refuge of any or boxes, or any materials, refuse, a large profit on first-class mail, and dering or shoemaking. On the eve of , nature, kind or description which garbage, or rubbish, which is offen­ he adds that too much discrimination the war 30,000 professional spies shall be detrimental to the public sive or which tends to become decay­ exists in the postal laws favoring drawing incomes in that capacity I health, found in or upon any private ed or putrid, or to render the atmos­ certain classes of mail. It is interest­ from the government, were resident alley, yard or area within the limits phere impure or unwholesome, or ing to note that by some process of in France. A sum of $780,000 a year of this city, excepting the same is which shall be of an inflammable na­ reasoning the Postmaster General has has been spent on them. temporarily deposited for removal, ture so as to cause danger of starting recently turned back $3,500,000 into From Paris to Berlin. fire, or which shall be so deposited the general treasury of the United shall be deemed a nuisance. Section 4. Whenever any stable, or placed as to interfere with the From this it may be inferred States as representing what he claims espionage is conducted by Germany to have been a surplus in the revenues stall, shed or apartment of any yard fighting of fire in case fire breaks out on the newest and most practical 1 of his department for the fiscal year or appurtenance thereto in which any the same shall be deemed a nuisance. You are hereby notified to clean up lines; nothing old-fashioned here! It , ending June 30, , 1914. Of course, horse, cow or other animal shall be it is part of the system, part of the ' there ■' is nobody except possibly, Gen­ i kept, or in any place within the limits any such nuisances which may now kaiserism, part of Potsdamism. But it eral Burleson, that has any idea that of this city, in which manure or liquid exist on property which you repre­ the point on the paper which is to receive the is older than either Kaiserism or . the postoffice made three and a ha|f discharge of such animal shall collect sent, or in alleys adjoining said prop­ Potsdamism. As a military engine, es­ I million dollars during 1914, or even 1 or accumulate, and when such stable, erty, type impression is stationary at the instant the pionage has been perfected at the | three and a half cents. General Bur- I stall, shed or apartment, or any yard You are further notified to have type hits. The carriage does not bob up and date of the French-German war. The I leson is the first Postmaster General or appurtenance thereof, is not kept your property ready for inspection by in a cleanly and wholesome condition down when the shift is made to write capitals. organizer-in-chief was Stieber, whom since 1836 to surrender any of his ap­ the officials on the toth day of April, Bismarck described as king of the propriation. By lumping guesses on so that no offensive smell shall be «9’5- Why? sleuthhounds; Stieber who rose by what ought to be revenues from Fed­ allowed to escape therefrom, the same N. J. Myers, i shall be deemed a nuisance; provided infamy to be head of the active ser­ eral buildings, franked and penalty ' City Marshal. I Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. vice police; Stieber whose whole life mail, and the handling of second class . that the keeping of swine in the city % limits of this city north of nth street (he died in 1893) was a cool and quiet mail, Mr. Burleson is a true Texan, ' The only movement of the carriage is back and Notice To Contractors. crime against society and his fellows "reckons” that the department is car­ shall be forbidden: provided further, forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— that nothing in this section shall be and the comity of nations. rying a load of about $50,000,000 a ( Sealed bids addressed to the county and this does not take place while the print is being so construed as to include manure It was Stieber who, when King year for other departments of the made. There is no lifting of the carriage. Frederick William was ready for his government and for subsidies to pub­ deposits upon any private property court of Tillamook County, Oregon, for the purpose of cultivating the for the construction of additional march on France, had strewn with lishers. This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type­ same, and the same is kept in an in­ buildings and fencing at the County 20,000 spies the road from Paris to Fair grounds, will be received by the noxious condition. writing is free from blurs and every letter in the right Berlin. This methodical organization Parcel Post not a Money Maker. Section 7. If any person being the County Court at its office in Tilla­ place. —brilliant in conception—embraced a host of farmers, market growers, It was calculated that the parcel owner or occupier of any premises mook City, Oregon, on or before the commercial travelers, tutors, non­ post would render an immense profit within the corporate limits of the city 8th day of April, 1915 at 10 o’clock Ask for flemonstration commissioned officers in retirement, to the government, and department shall put in or hang or allow any gate a.m. and at that time opened and read. now put in or hung to swing into any nice-looking widows at the desks of officials prophesied in the beginning Each bid shall be accompanied by a caves and restaurants and several that Uncle Sam would clean up from public street or alley, the same shall L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co certified check made payable to Till­ thousand of agreeable waitresses and $40,000,000 to $50,000,000 annually up­ be deemed a nuisance. amook County, for an amount equal chambermaids and the governess in on this branch of the service. The Hom« Office and Factory: SYRACUSE. N. Y. Section 8. Every act done or made beer halls, hotels and private houses. postoffice itself appears to be in con­ permitted, allowed or continued on to 5 per cent of the amount of such All these were, in fact, the second siderable of a quandry as to the re­ any property, public or private, by bid, which shall be forfeited to the army of 1870. They had arrived in sults of the parcel post, but the spec­ any person or corporation, their County, in case award is made and France one at a time, long before bat­ ial Joint Committee of Congress agents or servants, detrimental to the bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse tle was joined, and under Stieber's headed by Senator Bristow, has health or to the damage or injury of for a period of five days after which “I SI directions, had furnished thousands made a report upon the parcel post, any of the inhabitants of this citv, the award is made to enter into a con­ of secret reports concerning every and while it docs not deal specifically not hereinbefore specified, shall be tract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court. district that the German army was to with its revenue-producing powers it deemed a nuisance. Plans and specifications will be traverse. In a word the consumate clearly indicates that this new feature e Section 9. Every nuisance herein spy works throughout this campaign in postal affairs is not a money maker before mentioned, declared or defined ready and on file with the County at the side of Bismarck and Moltke, The Post Office Department makes is hereby prohibited, and in case of Clerk, March 20, 1915. The County Court reserves the with both of whom (with the first, millions of dollars on first class mail neglect or refusal of any person to for certain) he is close and continu­ matter, and loses it—and more, in comply with the provisions of this right to reject any and all bids. Dated this the 18 day of March, T915. ous touch. Paul Lanoir, in a remark­ carrying newspapers, merchandise ordinance after notice has been serv­ able brochure, "The German Spy and other classes of mail. As the ed as provided in Section 12 of this J. C. Holden, County Clerfc System in France,” says: "It consti­ principal function of the Post Office ordinance, it is hereby made the duty tuted the first example in the history Department is to transmit communi­ of the City Marshal to abate or pro­ Sheriff’s Sale. of war of the scientific and methodi­ cations, the suggestion put forth by cure the abatement thereof, by filling cal organization of an espionage ser­ Senator Weeks boils down to the Up, draining, cleaning, purifying or Notice is hereby given that by vi ■ jv _ / vice placed directly and continuously plain proposition that inasmuch as removing the same as the case may tue of an execution issued out of the k..-3— A ->«rfeer —ateotateiy dependable, every day, year in- at the service of the combatant army.’ letter mail is undoubtedly able to pay be ,and the cost shall be collected Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, year out. Built on honor, of tho best materials. its own way at the one cent rate of from the authors thereof. for the County of Tillamook, dated Spying in Peace. Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges the 15th day of March, 1915, in the Turn now to the management of postage, the people are entitled to onZ.y rnn»?e made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. Section te. Any person or persons cause wherein F. S. Whitehouse was Mallcavtc iron can’t break—charcoal iron won't rust like steel. spying in peace time. In Germany that rate. But there is no attempt up­ who shall be convicted of being the plaintiff and Calvin E. Black, Oscar Economical In Fuel for twenty years past this has been on the part of Senator Weeks or any author or keeper of a nuisance, or Monson, C. R. Funk, Mary Funk, F. Tb-c seams of the Majestic are riveted (not put together with thoroughly up-to-date. A secret com­ one else who thinks as he does, to otherwise guilty of a violation of any S. Fisher, James A. Biggs and Geo. bolts and stove putty)—they will always remain air tight, W. Phelps were defendants, upon a because neither heat nor cold affects them. The Majestic mission to an officer on a holiday’ conceal the fact that one cent letter of the provisions of this ordinance, judgment and decree rendered against oven is lined throughout with pure asbestos board, postage would mean a higher rate up ­ An emissary dispatched here and ( held in place by an open iron grating — you can see it — and shall be fined not less than five dol­ the defendants, C. R. Funk and Mary it stays I hero always. Air tight joints and pure asbestos on parcels and second class mail mat ­ Funk in favor of the plaintiff, F. S. there at intervals to post himself lining assure an even baking heat, saving one-half the fueL lars nor morj than twenty-five dol ­ Whitehouse, for the sum of eight All doors drop to form rigid shelves. No springs. with information and return with it ter. lars, for the first offense, and for the Malleable iron oven racks slide out automatically, hold" hundred thirty three and 33-100 dol­ As an increased rate on second to some bureau in Germany? Not at ing whatever they contain. second and all subsequent offenses lars, with interest thereon at the rate »11! There would be nothing new in class mail matter would affect every not less than ten dollars nor more of ten per cent per annum from the publishing concern, it is very easy to this, and the information thus gained than fifty dollars, or by imprison­ 17th day of February, 1914, and for could amount to nothing much. A 1 forsee that any material growth of ment not to exceed twenty-five days. the further sum of $100.00 attorney’s fees, and for his costs and disburse­ minister of the interior, Puttkamcr, | this one cent letter postage idea along Section II. Where a nuisance ex- ments of this suit, and also upon a the above lines will rapidly bring stated openly what was done. "Our ists upon property, and is the out- judgment and decree rendered against agents at fixed posts in France were p J about the consertcd opposition of the growth of the usual, natural or defendants, C. R. Funk and Mary nec- bunk, in favor of the defendant James to establish themselves in the country publishers against an increase in their cssary use of the property, the A. Biggs, for the sum of twenty-six in situations which should lay them postage rates. At the same time the landlord thereof or his agent, and all hundred sixteen and 67-100 dollars, large shippers of merchandise open to a minimum of suspicion. other persons having control of the with interest thereon amounting to through the mails will resist any at ­ Each one, said Herr von Puttkamcr— property on which such nuisance ex­ two hundred twelve and 55-100 dol­ and there was little more of secrecy tempt at "revision upward" of parcel ists, shall be deemed to be the author lars, and the further sum of three hundred dollars attorney’s fees and in the instruction than in .a “White post rates. rir.'-’ T'?"’ rMrrTOjr Which heats like a tea kettle, thrmish a thereof, and shall be deemed equally and his costs and disbursements of Lined et »tarn ped from eno piece of copper. Betting against Paper” of their own—"must be 1 Undoubtedly Senator Weeks is liable therefor, but where any such this suit, and commanding me to sat­ with V, y “T® It boils 15 gallon» o/ water in a very Pure right; nevertheless there is little prob ­ andAby tufnir4T » lever the frame and reservoir move» obliged to keep some kind of shop, aw a) xru.n nre. An exclusive patented Majestic tsnture. Open enJ isfy the said judgment bv the sale of Aabeetoe nuisance shall arise from the unusual pan doe« away with shoveling ashes—«wnf flare«/ <»•* Board whose selection may be left to him. ability of one cent postage for a good or unnecessary use to which such real property belonging to the said pu prevents floor from catching fire— ash cup catches ashes. many yeirsf A v* us to show you the greatest improvement defendants, C. R Funk and Mary provided it is, at least to outward ap­ ever put in a ranee. — property may be put, or from the Funk, and hereinafter described: .. .t?’t bnT the range you export to last a Iff« I M AJCSTIC! I L MAJtjijt j pearance, thoroughly in keeping with time unsignt, unseen,” or you'll be sure to be dis­ Made of business thereon conducted, then the Now, therefore, in order to satisfy appointed. Come to our store, and see the Greet Administrator's Notice. M tjcstic — have it» many exclusive feature» ex- the commercial or other requirements Charcoal jj 1 occupants and all other persons con­ the said judgment and decrees. I will, Kmed -find out why the Majestic is «004 stronger Iron, n an other ranges where most range» are weakest, of the country where he has been the 17th day of April, lots, at it is the best range at any price and it should tributing to the continuance of such on ■¿din* | Notice is hereby given, that the un ­ to 00 o’clock a tn. of said dav. at the be ¡ a your ki-cben. sent to take up his abode." M0% to dersigned, 1’ R. Jackson, by order of nuisance shall be deemed the author, front door of the Court House in Til­ FOR SALE BY He is, it will be observed, sent to the County Court of Tillamook Coun­ thereof. life of lamook City. Tillamook County. Ore­ take up his abode,” as if he were a ty. Oregon, was on the lath dav of Range ALEX. McNAIR & CO Section U, * • • « « jf such gon, sell at public auction to the aoldier ordered to foreign service. February, 1915. duly appointed ad­ highest bidder for cash in hand, the —------------ "Whatever the nature of the estab­ ministrator of the estate of J. A. owner, occupant or agent, shall neg­ following described real property 15 CALLO* F ALU r 1 '■ lishment, whether it be a disputed Roberts, deceased. Notice is further lect or refuse to comply with the re­ situated in Tillamook County, Ore­ atstevote I given that all persons having claims gon, to-wit: wn L evt L claims office or a land and property against the said estate are hereby re­ quirements of such notice within the pc« lino ■ The southeast quarter of the south­ WAT 19 J agency, or whether the business is quired to present the same duly veri­ time specified, he shall upon convic­ west quarter of section twelve and to of a purely commercial character, fied. together with vouchers, to the tion thereof be fined in any sum not acres off the entire north side of the tuch as a grocer establishment, a undersigned or to bis attorney, S, S less than five dollars nor more than northeast quarter of the 1 northwest __ Entire Top cafe, a restaurant, hotel, insurance lohnson, at Tillamook, Oregon, with­ fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in quarter, of section thirteen, all in in six months from the date of this the city jail not to exceed twenty-five township two, south range ten. west L>oora and fice, or the like, in all cases the notice. Frame* of the Willamette Meridian. of days, or by both such fine and im- !•« must be soundly established , Dated February tj, 1015 able Dated the 16th day of March, 1915. ossess a subtantial good will, P. R. Jackson. | prisonment. The failure to give the Can't break H. Crenshaw. Administrator of the estate notice as provided herein shall not ust, in fact, be ever born in of J. A. Roberts, deceased. I relieve the author of any nuisance of Sheriff of Tillamook County. Oregon. By, W. L, Campbell, Dpv. EMPIRE MILKING MACHINES Are best yet. See me and I Will prove it A. J. Carpenter, Agent. Printing Point Does Not Bal Up and Down In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter 306 Oak st Portland, Ore rac------------- ---------- Some of the Reasons Why The Great M ajestic R ange pharcoal and Malleable Iron