i XXVI ■L xi No. 39. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS ’ , •' HELP the PRUDENT MAN TO KEEP H/S ACCOUNTS Finne’s sells good shoes. * Houses to Rent, see Watson. Safe deposit boxes for mook County Bank. STRAIGHT ? $ Ç £ £ £ ? £ I » If you will open a bank account with us we will show 1 * you bow to keep your accounts straight. Every check you write will be a LEGAL RECEIPT. , And we shall always, free of charge, cheerfully advise * • with you about money matters. We shall be glad to keep you from LOSING MONEY; . so will you. * ’ Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. £ Tillamook County Bank. | The Maple Leaf Creamery people will cele- brate the tenth year of operation of their factory by giving a large dinner to the stockholders and patrons at the factory on Friday, April 2nd, 1915 Big dinner will be given. Speeches and reports will be given commencing at eleven o’clock A.M. All patrons and stockholders are invited to attend and bring their families. s g g I g g @ MARCH L. J. White has bought the Kenne­ dy Garage. Otis Frisbie left on Sunday for Cornelius, going there on business. rent, Tilla- Fred Lange vs. P. P. York is a suit filed in the circuit court to recover See ’P. A. Finne’s shoe advertise­ $500.00. ment on another page. * For sale, strawberry plants, Gold The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying I Dollar and Magoons, $;.oo per hun- ten cents for green hides. * dred.—Mrs. Billings. Samuel Luback vs. Allan H. WÏ1- Home Cooking will be for sale on son is a suit filed in the circuit court Saturday at Resenberg Bro’s, store. to recover $3,050.00, $1,200.00 and A fine quality of Tillamook made $700.00. shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. * W. C. Trombley left on Tuesday Spray your trees! 50 gallons of for Meridian, Idaho, with’ a car of spray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. * 100 calves, where they will be place 1 Electric irons, special $3.50 irons, on a stock ranch. this week, only $3.00. Electric Store.* Uncle Sam Betteys, known as “the We are in a position to make some Cow Boy Preacher", will speak at the long time farm loans. First National Christian Church on next Sunday afternoon at thAe o’clock. Bank. • Born, to the wife of Joe Entzler, a Protect your valuable papers frort son; and to the wife of John Mix, a the unexpected fire by renting one of son. • our safe deposit boxes. Only one Tillamook County We can furnish you cedar fence dollar per year. Bank. posts for 8c. each, Tillamook Feed For Dress or Street, Beach . or Company. ♦ Garden Hats, go to Miss Patterson’s. LOST, a ring, with five keys. Re­ A good supply of children’s Head­ ward offered. Leave same at the gear will be found also. Remodeling Headlight office. done at reasonable prices. * Several thousand shakes for sale, 3 MUSIC: All popular sheet music foot, spruce. Enquire at P. W. Jacob, now 15c. and other musical goods at Tillamook Oregon. ♦ Portland prices. Send your mail or­ White Plymouth Rock eggs $2.00 ders to the Tillamook Music Store at and $1.00 per setting of 15 eggs. W. S. Morrison’s Confectionery. * • Coates, Tillamook. A. J. Stillwell returheij to the city Mrs. E. E. Shaw has opened dress- on Tuesday from California, where making parlors in the McGee apart- he has been with his wife since the ment house. Apartment 4. uew year. Mrs. Stillwell is still in The Y. F. F. Club will meet with California and in poor health. Clara Mayer, at the home of Albert Victor talking machines from $15.00 Marolf, Saturday, March 27. to $200.00—always in stock, hundreds Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ of records to select from. Portland sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ prices, easy terms arranged. Tilla­ mook Music Store at'Morrison’s Con­ merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * fectionery, write for catalogue. * Standard No. 4 letter press 10x12 For Sale—One seven horse power inch for sale at half price as I have no use for same.—Rollie Watson. * wood saw, with standard gasoline engine for $350.00, this an exception­ MILK—Delivered to any part of ally good bargain. One, Mitchell the city at 6c. per quart in advance or Lewis & Staver Gasoline Wood saw, 7c. on time. Tillamook Dairy, Both 6 horse power, $300.00. Inquire of A. phones. K. Case. * Preserve eggs while they are cheap, For Sale, block I and block 6, Park Liq Glass will do it perfectly, fresh Addition, consisting of 12 lots be­ stock with full directions at C. I. tween 3rd and 5th sreets. Will some­ Clough Co. ♦ body make me a cash offer on these SERVICE Ask any of our customers about First National service. They are all Pleased with it and can tell you why First National Bank Tillamook, Ore ered the best ever run in Tillahook. Mr. Chas. Stanley, of Portland is some added attraction. He plays the piano and sings from the stage. Mr. Stanley is really good and the man­ agement is surely playing in luck when they get such attractions as this. Fred Kaufman, a nurseryman from Woodburn, drove in from that place, and his experience with the roads in Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties allowed him to make a comparison with the roads in Tillamook. In the three counties he said the roads were horrible, but directly he crossed the county line at Dolph he saw a mark­ ed difference, and was greatly sur­ prised to fifid such fine roads. He said he traveled in four hours as many miles as it took him in ten hours in the other counties. Dairy Ranch for Rent. A fine dairy ranch for rent, for 5 years, 24 head of cattle, a team, and machinery must be bought, reason for selling is poor health of the owner. Apply at*the Headlight office. Bids Wanted. o------ Bids will be received until Saturday April 3rd, for 150 cords of dry, sound hemlock, to be delivered before Sep­ tember 10th, 1915, at the school house in Tillamook City. E. J. Claussen, Clerk of School District No. 9. Methodist Church. Sunday School to a.m., W. E. Noyes Supt. Childrens Sermon 10:45. Church Service, 11 am. Special singing. Theme of Sermon "Who is This”. Class meeting 12 noon, W. M. Ileaston, class leader. Epworth League, 6:30 pm. Church service, 7:30. Theme of sermon, "The day of Adversity” Special music. Come and welcome. F.dw. Gittins, paytor. C. J. Green, of the Railroad Com­ mission, who was sent to this city for the purpose of adjusting water rates, went fishing last week without a license, On his way home Deputy Fish Warden Leach accosted him ami asked him to ride to town with him, Green not knowing that he was ac­ Mrs. C. Haberlach has contracted to lots for immediate sale?—Rollie W. companying a fish warden, related his sell his farm at Woods for $20,600, Watson, Todd Hotel Bld., Tillamook, experience at fishing, when the of­ * which includes 130 acres of land, and Oregon. ficial asked him to produce his liccns” 32 head of cows. The County Court, composed of Green attempting a bluff and felt his One ton of coal equals two cords of County Judge A. M. Hare, Geo. R. pockets for the license which, of Sale of Rose and Fruit Trees wood and you don’t have to sow and McKimens and F. L. Owens, left this course, he could not produce. When split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello morning for McMinnville to confer they arrived in town Leach took Rose and ornamental trer with the Yamhill and Polk County Green before District Attorney T. 11. Central Gi’me 28W. * at Court in regard to the Dolph road Goyne, and later justice Stanley im­ special sale Saturday, M’arch I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haberlach re­ Dawson's old livery ba", n Till’ ' at that is to be built by the three coun­ posed a fine of $25.00 and costs. This is the last chance to get in on the contest, turned to the city on Thursday, hav­ English Hollies, Arbo r Vitae t ‘,tlr >ok; . ing been to California in the interest ties. A fire alarm was turned in on Sun- Yews, Blue Spruce, Lawsor, as the nominations will be closed this week. Irish Mend your own tires and inner day evening and the whole city went and seven varieties of choice of the cheese industry. press 38,500 Miss Jessie Donaldson » * Double Mileage pell meli to the scene of the fire, old rose and fruit trees, tubes with “ The J. W. Edwall has moved his tailor­ 2 year 7 33,000 Miss Edna Hoover, Can carry it in which was at Roy Henkle's home on • f your yard with some of gkr ing establishment from the Masonic Steam Valcanizer.” •eaiitify mend your tire 28,000 Stillwell Avenue. There was no one and roses and gel -a fc Miss Hattie Walker f » . building to First street, occupying your machine and se trees while on the rim, in any old place. at home, Mr. and Mrs. Henkle being lime from you* , , 20,000 Miss Lottie Wade, , the building on the corner. f f pounds of , . deal a n< Complete outfit only $7.50. Come and at the Schrader cottage on the Leach. your gop* . »’ 12.000 1 get rid of Miss Eugene Smith, f f Have just unloaded a car of gray let us show you the set. Tillamook The fire originated in the attic, pre­ F„. .ers and moi^r 10,000 Miss Edith Knight, Nehalem , oats for seed and if you want seed Feed Co. cd Kaufm n the J Vurseryman. * sumably from a defective electric wire Miss Kittie O’Donnlell, Tillamook 5,000 you had better come in at once before Also agent for tiie J .-. and burned through the roof. A» The newly formed Tillamook Coun ­ d t;-f a • .• armcr’» Mutual they are all gone. Tillamook Feed 5,000 Mrs. Kollie Watson, Tillamook .oon Fire Relief Associati« >n of Portland. as the fire was discovered Company. ♦ ty Medical Association, met on door was broken open - uic front Thursday evening and enjoyed a The above is a list of the ladies that have t n- and the pco- Fire Lous Adjusted. The Women's Relief Corps moved banquet at the Hotel Tillamook, after pie readily assi»* ' > tered the contest to date, and, no doubt, by the vd in moving the to K. of P. hall over the Gem Theatre which matters pertaining to the pro­ furniture, ‘ ne Hose Company end of the week will see some new faces in the line Tillamook City Oregon, and will hold the regular meeting fession were discussed. The doctors prompt!" and / responded to the alarm, M'arch 25th, IÇIJ. there on Saturday, and have the usual present were Boals, Wendt, )L^, I Up, and we can hope that they will be' with us I ■ when it arrived on the scene the ■ Rollie W. Watson, bi’thday dinner. Monk, McGee and Hawk. I fire had obtained a good hold on the ' until the end. Fire Insurance Agent, WANTED—A loan of $1500.00 on The formal taking over by (| ^ 1 roof, but it took only a few minutes Tillamook Oregon. We have decided to make a vote offer that will • i good Tillamook property, will pay 8 Southern Pacific Company of j for the boys to extinguish the blaze My fire loss on my house which oc- per cent interest. For further particu­ Portland, Eugene »and Eastern, the It being a plastered house, it burned | continue fora week and which will be the largest ' curred on Sunday evening March 21 lars jnquire of Geo. W. Winslow, Willamette Pacific, the Salem, Falls slowly. I he damage is about $600, of the extra offers if it proves a success with the was satisfactorily adjusted on Wed­ Commercial Club Bldg. * City and Western, the Pacific Rail which is covered by insurance. nesday evening March 24th, by spec- contestants and also the paper- We will give The Forest Service plans to plant road and Navigation Company, the Il is reported that the members of ial agent and adjuster Mr. Miles D an extra offer of 25,000 on each ten years of busi- trees this spring upon a thousand Coos Bay, Roteburg and Eastern 'he county grange are advocating a Warren representing the Concordia acres of burned over land on Mt. Railroad and Navigation Company referendum on the act of the recent , tire Insurance Company, of Mil >ness. Now that does not mean that it must be . ■ -• -........ Iwau- Hebo in Tillamook County, Oregon. and the Corvallis and Eastern will oc­ legislature which created the sixth 1 . kee, .... Wisconsin, in which company I a ten year orders of five twos, or two fives or any A crew of fifty men will be employed cur April 7. judicial district comprising Washing­ was insured by you. I tombination that will make ten, we will give It is This adjustment which wa« made in Chris Beltz, brother of Mrs, Stran­ lion and Tillamook counties. We have made special arrange- ■ 25.000 votes extra in addition to the regular vote stated that prior to the passage of the less than three days after the fire ahan and Mrs. Q, A. Schultz, died on ments with the Telephone Co., to ■Schedule. Remember this offer closes on the 31st connect you directly with our office, Saturday in California from tubercu­ act creating the district. Judge Belt certainly reflects great credit on you 1 day of March and is« the largest vote offer of the had declared that he could handle all Agency and the Concordia Fire !r in case you wish any of our GOOD losis where he had gone from Aber­ the work in the three counties com- . surance Company; and I very hearti • Contest. No one but residents of the county COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W deen Wash., for the benefit of his - - — -, ——.I ,—. .......j. ana allowed to enter. health. He was 26 years of age and prising district number twelve, and ( recommend your Agency and t L. S. Miller vs. Lcneda, Incorporat- was married last August. The funeral |'a there was really no necessity of | Company to every one wishing s wishing I ed, a case appealed from the Circuit takes place to-day at Aberdeen, and -he n.w M.iny members < of ’ j surance, Service, Security and Saf j Court to the Supreme Court, on a Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Schultz and Mrs the Grange and citizens of the coun-| I A draft in full settlement of i contract for sale real estate, was re- Stranahan arc attending it, ties affected feel that the creation of claim was paid me in person the new office was made simply to Special Agent, Miles D. Warrer ! versed. The circuit court decided the There will be a meeting of th« give employment to the friends of the 25th day of March, 1915. A few nights ago, a number of peo­ next meeting the date will be an­ I case in favor of Miller. * ple were gathered on the main street nounced. It will be offered in a Tillamook Commercial Club next legislators The fact that . a special Yours very truly, A great opportunity for the people very short time. listening to what they supposed was Monday evening for the purpose of election will be held this fall for the R. N. Het to get "Burbanks" Seeds. We have a»r. on the phonograph with a nominating officers for the ensuing purpose of determining the will of the been appointed exclusive agent for Mopcan tune, but in reality it was year, and it is hoped that there will people on the liquor bill, will not the Luther Burbank garden seeds and be a large attendance of members, as greatly enlarge on the expense of Jim t iner singing the love song from flower seeds and now have them all EAT VIERECK’S theLi ilay "The Arizona Voulnteer” the Club will have to take an impor­ such an election to include the matter on sale. Tillamook Feed Co. • tant part in the entertainment of the of the judicial district.—Nehalem ■JX npanied on the mandolin. The BREAD, low of the Artisan Lodge hall Several of the timbemen met with State Grange and other events that Valley Reporter. waslopcn and the beautiful strains of the County Court on Wednesday are scheduled to take place in this For Sale. On your front porch « the r riusic seemed to be coming from TILLAMOOK BAKERY evening, and it seem» that there is city this summer. I every night until m tance, making it soft and low' some discrepancy in the valuation of and register not "Exploits of Elaine” began at the ' House and two lot« each lot J2ji by is the play the Artisan Lodge some timber, which is assessed too Gem Theatre this week with fifty cent« per ni 1Î5 feet in Thayer's Add. Price $500. a good i 154, Tillamook Assembly are to tn the mete high, which they want straightened attendance 2nd the house was packed I $2.50 down balance eaiy terms. ice in a short time. After the out. At All Grocers both evenings. This seria 1 is < consid- « W. G, Dwight . THEY ARE OFF IN A BUNCH For the Overland Auto to be Given Away by the Headlight. £ » I y 1 I $ $ 1 A 15 Wall Mw Lamp