Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 18, 1915, Image 5

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Headliglit, March is,
acts upon the limestone dust which is Lincoln died at the age of 56, and yet or systems, or a system of drains for at an election held for that purpose
Starvation an Aid to Digestion.
used and the two form a permanent in a letter of his written when he was the City, and to make the cost of such on October lytli, 1914, is hereby
Planning to Lay Hard Surfaced binder for the metal rock used. It 40 mentions a speech that brought drains or sewers, or any p.iait thereof, amended so that th- same shall real
Abstinence from food for a short
a charge or lien upon the abutting as follows:
Roads in Tillamook County
I gets hard and very tough. The binder tears to his "old eyes." He was called or adjacent property within said dis­
Section 12: When the whole of the period is a very excellent method of
and City.
conies to you ready to use without “Old Abe” when he was still young trict, and to compel the connections improvements covered by any one 1 treatment for dyspepsia and kindred
any further bothering with it.
Abe. Although Gen. Grant was only of «losets, cess pools, and drains with ordinance therefor shall have been . digestive disturbances. A raging sick
The development of the lime dc-
“Now, if you will get for us the cost 43 at Appomattox, no one regarded said sewer or sewers, and to borrow­ fully completed and accepted bv ihe headache dissapcars after giving the
money upon the credit of the city Common Council, the Common Conn--
posit near Tillamook City by the Til- of your crushed metal rock, and the him as youthful.
therefore by issuing bonds or other­ cil shall then cause the cost of such stomach a rest —by ommitting to sat
iamook Lime Products Co., bids fair I cost of the limestone screenings de­
The old young man of the era are wise. Provided, that the indebtedness work or improvement to be appor­ only one or two meals. It is common
to make a great difference in the cost livered on the job we will figure it all told that they must play, relax, rest of the city shall not at any time, ex­ tioned to the property affected there­
knowledge that a day or two of starv­
of hard surfacing the roads of this 1 out for you and send you a statement or die. The young old of the 50s did clusive of funds available for payment by within the improvement district
thereof including sinking funds raised established therefor as required by ing every two or three months en-
county, as well as city pavement.
of just about what your pavement not play. They were very serious per­ for the purpose of defraying said in­ the ordinance authorizing the same, aides one to do better work- more
This pavement is called “Rocmac,” will cost. This will be the easiest way. sons, and many of them were cut off debtedness, exceed in the aggregate in the manner following:
mental and physical work can be ac­
Each lot, or tract, or part thereof,
and has been tested for years with
Succesful in Canada.
at an early age. If men of 40 now are the sum of Seventy Thousand Dol­
complished without fatigue, It is ad-
the most satisfactory results, the
F. H. Keefer, writing from Thorold actually old, perhaps it is because ment bonds issued in accordance with district abutting upon any street im­ visable however, when on a hunger
binding action of Rocmac is the re­ Ont., says:
they are trying to look like men of the charter provisions of Tillamook proved shall be table for full cost or strike start to drink water, Copious
sult of a series of chemical reactions
proportion thereof hereinafter men­ libations of hot water, several quarts
“Asking how Rocmac is standing 25 or 30, to dress like them and in City.
And the Common Council is au­ tioned, or making said improvement
which take place between carbonate' under
___ the traffic;
_____ r we do consider it business and pleasure to hold their
thorized hereby to levy and collect an
half of the street in front of and during the working hours, will con­
of lime, the carbonic acid gas of the good,
i use. own with them. To look young but be annual tax of not to exceed 10 mills upot.
, and would
___ we _ advise
_____ its
abut ing upon said lot, tract, or part tribute to the feeling of well-being.
atmosphere, and the Rocmac solution ' Of course, being interested, our opin­ really old at 40 is not desirable, but upon each dollar of taxable property ther- of and also for a proportionate The water may be taken a tumbler
forming a waterproof composition.
' ion as to using it would naturally be it may be no worse than to look old in the city, to pay the interest and shar • of the cost of improving inter­ full every hour or two. Those per­
The cost of construction in Tilla- ' biassed, but the best answer is, whaj and be old also at the same age.— principle of the city’s indebtedness sections of two of the streets bound­ sons who eat at irregular hours and
and the authorized expenditures of ing he block or tract in which said
mook where limestone can be ob- . is the opinion of those who use it. New York World.
the city for all legal purposes.
lot, tract or part thereof is situated, partake of food poorly cooked or of
tained so cheap now, w ill be very Take for instance, the Quebec Battle­
but the said total cost shall be appor­ such a composition as to cause indi­
A measure to Amend Article XIV tioned in accordance with the follow­ gestion, will find the mild form of
materially reduced below that of con­ fields Commission, they started using
of the Charter of Tillamook City, Ore ing plan:
------o— ■
crete pavement.
three years ago in the Plains of Ab­
Said local improvement
district starving for twenty-four hours or
Notice is hereby given, that in pur­ gon, as said Article was adopted by
The following letters will explain raham park, being laid by the Battle­
the legal voters of Tillamook City, shall, for the purpose of ascertaining longer a practice worthy of trial, for
what can be expected. Mr. Jackson field Commission, one of our best
by the Common Council of Tillamook Oregon, at a special election held in the amount to be assessed against the resulting after effects of the ex­
each separate lot, tract or parcel of
has dozens of copies of letters from Canadian Commissions. They have City, Oregon, on the 3rd day of said city on October 19th, 1914.
Be it enacted by the people of Till­ land, or other property, or part there­ periment will be gratifying. The rest
engineers who have used this pave- used it every year, and will use no March, 1915, a special election will be
amook City, Oregon, as follows:
of within said district, be divided into (when one is on the hunger strike)
ment all speaking very highly of its other, and attached is a little extract held at the City Hall in Tillamook
subdivisions, or zones paralleling the giving the digestive apparatus streng­
City, Tillamook County, Oregon, on
excellent quality.
I from a certificate by Mr. Todd, land­ the 29th day of March, 1915, at which Charter of Tillamook City, Oregon, I margins of the street or streets to be thens it and thus aids in conserving
It is important that the people of scape architect in charge of this election there will be submitted to the as said Article was adopted by a vote improved, which said subdivision on the health. A general feeling or re­
of the legal voters of said Tillamook each side of the street to be number­
this county be given some idea of the work. Then the Niagara Falls (Ont.) qualified electors of Tillamook City City
at a special election held for ed respectively 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The juvenation invariably follows a few
construction of this class of road, Park have had it in use for over five tor their adoption or rejection, three that purpose on October 19th, 1914, first subdivision on each side of the days’ fasting.
measures for the amending of the
—.--------------------- -
which is best told in a letter from C. years, and have purchased every year Charter of Tillamook City, Oregon, is hereby amended so that the same street improved shall include all lands
lying between the street margin and
D. Smith, general manager of the since they started using; it gets the proposed by the Common Council, shall read as follows:
Society and Snobbery.
a line drawn parallel therewith and
Rocmoc Road Co. He says:
heaviest of traffic from the motors in being a measure to amend Chapter
“Allow us at first to express our the park. Then as to heavy vehicular VIII, Article XI, a measure to amend of Tillamook City, Oregon, is hereby I one-third of the distance of the im-
Called to task by a subscriber who
Article XIV of the Charter of Tilla­
pleasure at getting your letter in- ' traffic, St. Catharines adjoining us, mook City, Oregon, and a measure to authorized to issue and sell to George ' provement district on that side of the resented the printing of a picture rep­
K quiring further about Rocmac paving. laid it on two hills that gave them a amend Section 12 of Article VII of L. and John A. McPherson, or their street. The second subdivision shall resenting “society” children wrapping
order, upon the faith and credit of include the next one-third of the im­
■ When Mr. U. G Jackson suggested good deal of trouble, and have found the Charter of Tillamook City, Ore­ Tillamook City, Oregon, the general provement district, and the third sub­ packages for the Belgians, the New
■ that you write us, we know that he it very satisfactory and have laid it
bonds of said Tillamook City to the division shall include the outer third York Sun recently pleaded guilty to
words and figures as follows to-wit:
amount of Forty Thousand Dollars of the improved district The different snobbery and promised to reform.
B was doing you a real favor.
I every year for the last three years,
($40,000.00) at the price of par, and a subdivisions to be bounded by lines
The Rocmac Road Co. cannot put 1 Toronto has laid a great deal of it,
In future, it declares, it will not des­
“A measure to amend Article XI of premium of three per cent, together drawn parallel with the respective
,' money into your city treasury, but by laying it in 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914 Chapter \ 111 of the Charter of Till­ with accrued interest from date of street margins, and the improvement ignate neither men, women or chil­
E. working with us we can not only and 1914, and this year there are pe­ amook City as set forth in an Act en­ bonds to date of payment therefor by district shall be of the extent which i dren as belonging to "society”, it will
titled: ‘An Act to amend an Act en­
| make your paving program successful titions in for a large number ofstreets, titled,’ “An Act to Incorporate the the purchasers. The proceeds from the Common Council shall determine eschew the pat terms “w’ealthy”,
B but we can keep you from paying out some twenty-three in number. The City of Tillamook City, in Tillamook the sale ot such bonds shall be appli­ by its rssolution establishng the "prominent”, "daintly dressed,” etc,
ed by the Common Council of Tilla­ same.
I a lot of extra money on pavements City of Three Rivers after trying County,Estate of Oregon, and to re­ mook City, Oregon, to the payment of
The rate of assessment per square as indiscriminate and slovenly words
I not so good as Rocmac .
1 other pavements started using this peal all acts and parts of acts in con­ the outstanding warrants of the city, foot in each subdivision shall be fixed of description running with “young”
flict herewith” filed in the office of
| "This company does not do any two years ago, laying 7,000 yards and the Secretary of State February 13th and to the defraying of the necessary on the basis that the special benefits and “pretty” and “beautiful" heroines
running expenses of the city for the
on a square foot of land in of the dock, the divorce court, mon­
Y constructing, but sticks strictly to the since the» have laid 60,000 yards, and 1893, and to repeal an Act entitled, year 1915 including the necessary cost conferred
Subdivisions First, Second and Third
"An Act to amend subdivision 13 of of a bridge to be constructed over Ho- respectively
gf. manufacture and sale of the chemical so it is with other places.
are related to each other key dinners, soul-mattings, bank de­
^binder, which we sell to either the
“In the States a large number of Section 2 of Article IV of an Act en­ quarton Slough on Second Avenue as are the numbers 55, 30 and 15 re­ falcations, etc.
titled, “An Act to Incorporate the
We wish the Sun well, for whose
B^ity or the contractor without any places are now using it; Baltimore is City of Tillamook City, in Tillamook East in Tillamook City. The purchas­ spectively, and shall be ascertained in
ers of the bonds shall not be required the following manner.
gorge has not risen at these blanted
royalties attached. After we do this going to use it; Minneapolis, St. Paul, County, State of Oregon, and to re­ to see to the application of the pro­
The product of the number of
we have a habit of seeing to it that Duluth, etc. We have some roads peal all Acts in conflict herewith” ceeds thereof. No part of the pro­ square feet in subdivisions
First, expressions, even that of some of the
the contractor puts in a good piece of lkid out near you, I think on Van­ State, February 13, 1893. Approved ceeds from the sale of said bonds Second and Third respectively, and people so described. Yet we have our
work. We cannot afford to have it couver Island or near the coast some­ February 13th, 1901, by the addition shall be used for the payment, in the numbers 55, 30 and 15 respective­ doubts, for "society” is come to be as
whole or in part, of any warrants ly, shall be ascertained, and their sum
Otherwise. Our strict specifications where. I will find out where they are thereto of Chapter VIII, Artcle XI which have heretofore or may here­ taken, which sum shall be divided in­ much a term of actual description as
are such that it is practically impos­ so that you could make a personal in­
after be issued without any consider­ to the total cost and expense of such graft, which includes not only the
providing for the application of the ation therefor having been received improvement the products of the re­ criminal, but the astute, not only the
sible for any contractor to put in in­ spection.”
initiative and referendum principle to
sultant quotient and the numbers 55, sharp whitted but the fat-witted sine-
E. S. Stokes, street commissioner said City Charter, and authorizing by Tillamook City.
ferior materials or "skin” the job.
Section 2: The bonds hereby au­ 30 and 15 respectively shall be the
the said city to create an indebtedness thorized shall be issued in accordance separate
hen the work is done by day labor of Woodstock, Ont., writes:
rates of assessment per curist whose graft was handed him.
“Replying to your favor of the 9th for water works, light plants and with the other charter provisions of square foot for subdivisions, First, “Society”, if it ever had a particular
the nice part about Rocmac is its
sew-erage purposes,, and to levy a tax
simplicity of construction. Since there inst. beg to say that Rocmac road, to pay for the same, and the interest Tillamook City, except it is hereby Second and Third respectively. The significance in this country, has long
expressly provided, that the ordi­ total assessment thus ascertained since lost it. We are all sufficiently
is no heating of materials etc., it is exposed to extreme weather condi­ thereon. Filed in the office of the nance
pwviding for the issuing of against each separate lot or part of lot
merely a matter of mixi.ng the mater­ tions, wear and scour, 5 inches thick, Secretary of State, February 11, 1903. said bonds shall not be subject to the tract or parcel of land, or other prop­ inoculated with the declaration to rise
referendum, and the referendum pro­ erty within such district, shall be ap­ up and swear that birth has nothing
ials by hand or in a concrete mixer built eight years ago, has had no ex­
attempted to be amended by and sub­ visions of the other portions of the portioned as the amount to be levied to do with the case, even if the mel­
and then rolling the mass after it has pense for repairs or maintenance in sequent acts or ordinances.
Charter of Tillamool^City are hereby k and assessed against each separate
been spread. In construction it is es­ that time, and is in practically per­
" Be it enacted by the people of Til­ declared not to be applicable to the lot or part of lot, tract, parcel of land ancholy spectacle of the so-called
sentially the same as a piece of two fect condition today.
bonds authorized to be issued under or other property respectively. Pro­ well-born in tatters and the proletar­
Section 1: Article XI of Chapter the provisions of this Article as liere- vided, however, that the Common iat in limousines and opera cloaks
“I would not hesitate to recommend
course concrete, except that you roll
VIII of the Charter of Tillamook
Council may, in its discretion, at the were not always before our eyes.
Rocmac for use on roads or streets City, Oregon, as contained and set by amended.
Rocmac with a road rol ler.
time of establishing any local im­ 1 hat wealth makes “society” is not
“Rocmac has many re al advantages where the specifications of the Com­ forth in an Act entitled ‘An Act to
A measure to amend Section i? of provement district, furthcrprovidelli.it
over a concrete pavemet it. It can be pany are strictly adhered to and the
Article VII of the Charter of lilla any portion of the cost of the making always true—but it is almost true that
corporate the City of Tillamook City,
of such improvements,, or any speci­ “society” never excludes wealth, cer­
laid in practically any v.eather with­ disposition of contractors and engi­ in Tillamook County, State of Oregon mook City, Oregon.
Be it enacted by the people of I iil- fied part thereof, shall be paid out of tainly when it concludes that it pays
out the danger of freez.:mg and crack­ neers to experiment, overcome.”
and to repeal all acts and parts of amook City, Oregon, as follows:
the general fund of Tillamook City.
to advertise. And, in fact, "society”
acts in conflict herewith”, filed in the
Big Contract Let.
ing. It is ready for traf fic immediate­
Section 1: Section 12 of Article
The number and form in which the
“It will please you to know, and it
ly and does not tie up the street and
VII of the Charter of Tillamook City, ballot titles for said measures will be is no more than a certain trade mark
ruary 13, 1893, and to repeal an Act
traffic. The Canadia n Government will help you in the United States, entitled, "An Act to amend subdivis­ Oregon, as the same was amended by printed on the official ballot is as fol­ of social activity with an eye on the
gallery gods who can never hope to
put down about two miles near Vic­ that the largust mileage contract that ion 13 of Section 2 of Article IV of vote of the people of Tillamook Ctiy I lows:
figure within its circle. As such the
toria, B. C., and ne'zer stopped the has ever yet been given in Canada, an Act entitled, "An Act to incorpor­
hackneyed as it is, makes a
traffic where they 1 iad as many as
of Chapter VIII, Article XI of the
Tillamook County, State of Oregon,
Charter of I illamook City as propos­ picture which every one recognizes
fifteen hundred mac hines massing per the County of Haldimand to Rocmac and to repeal all Acts in conflict here­
ed by the Common Council of Tilla­ and in which far more are glad to be
day. Rocmac will n ever crack, and if for the sum total of 26% miles; 19 with,” filed in the office of the Secre­
mook City by ordinance No. 287 featured
than are irritated at being
■Rental rock is used -such as we have miles of this in a straight-away tary of State, February 13, 1893, ap­
adopted by the Common Council of
Specified there will be no raveling. It stretch, and the other 714 miles is in
I illamook City on March 3rd, 1915, put in.
dition thereto of Chapter VIII, Arti­
“Proposed by the Common Council: be enacted?
if much more resik ent than concrete. a different place in the county.
cle XI containing Section I to 3 in­
Marx X between the number and
There is no need of formal
"The tenders were opened on Thurs clusive, providing for the application
Horses like it ber ause of this resil-
answer voted for.
the "possum
ifnee and auto dr ivers like Rocmac
The proposed amendment mentioned
ciple to said City charter, and author­ ioo.
amends the present Charter provis­ whipped those girls were not
because it will n> »ver wear slippery cadam, Gluterin, and Tarvia were izing the said City to create an in­
No. ions of Tillamook City by establish­ Kentuckians.
and they feel 'safe from skidding. rival bidders. The tender for Rocmac debtedness for water works, light «oi,
ing limit of Cty’s indebtedness out­
Mocmac will n< ot soften up in hot was the highest, but was chosen in plants and sewerage purposes, and to
In estimating the average New
side of improvement bonds, at Seven­
preference, and this, after
ty 1 housand Dollars ($70,000.00) Yorker’s vocabulary of 250 ' words,
interest thereon.” Filed in the office
leaving the powers of the Common Gue Thomas must have excluded all
> “Based on the information we have months investigation by the county of the Secretary of State, February
Council subject to the initiative and
before us, we w ill state that our Roc­ officials of Rocmac, and after receiv­ nth 1903, As originally passed and as
swear words.
referendum powers of the people.
mac binder w-illt cost not to exceed ing the approval of the government amended or attempted to be amended
An official not issued by the French
by any subsequent act or ordinance,
Shall a measure for the amendment of
25c. per gz.Hon f.o.b. Tillamook. The of the Province of Ontario, because is
hereby amended so that the same
Bureau declares that the Ger­
binder w eighs X1.5 pounds per gallon under the provincial law the province shall read as follows:
mook City, Oregon, as proposed uy man losses since the beginning of
net we’.ght and is sold on this basis.
the Common Council of Tillamook hostilities in killed, wounded, sick
City Oregon, by ordinance No. 287
1» delivered in iron drums a charge cost. This is the first contract under
Article XI.
adopted by th e Common Council of and prisoners, reaches the enormous
WO1’ .id be made for the drums, but the new system of county construc­
Section t: The legislative power of
Tillamook City, Oregon, on March total of 3,000,000 men. This calcula­
“Proposed by the Common Council, 3rd,
w juld be rebated on r^)urn of the tion, and will likely mean that other the city is vested in the Common
1915 be enacted?
tion is based on the known casual­
Council, but
Bttrums in good condition. We will counties will follow their example.”
Mark X between the number and ties in ten German regiments.
and shall be _
look this matter up immediately and
initiative or referendum provisions of 102
Ihe proposed amendment of Ar­
Two important developments indi-
Our Old Young Men.
¿advise you as to the exact price based
the constitution of the State of Ore­
No. ticle XIV expressly authorizes the dicate that the big business interests
gon as the same is now in force or «03
upon freight rates etc.
Common Council to sell Forty Thou­
I "Enclosed is a set of our detailed
It may be, as physicians and pro­ may hereafter be amended, and sub­
sand Dollars of the general bonds o( of the country, representing manufac­
ject to any of the initiative and ref­
the City to George. I., and John A. turing, commercial and financial lines
¿•Specifications. You will note we spec­ fessors of physical culture do not fail erendum provisions of the Charter of
McPherson at par, with a 3 per cent are determined again to take a hand
ify from 36 to 54 gallons of Rocmac to tell us, that men of 40 are now old Tillamook City or ordiances legally
premium, and to use the proceeds for in the coming presidential
(per cubic yard of limestone screening.
payment of outstanding warrants of
stitution aforesaid, or of any of the
Tillamook City, and construct bridge tion and work for the election of a
This is equivelent to 1 and 1.5 gal­ enough, but most of them look young­ provisions of said Charter.
across Hoquarton Slough on Second Republican president, just as they did
lons of binder per square yard, and er than did men of that age fifty or
Section 2: Whenever any initiative
Avenue East.”
bark in i860 when they united against
?what is finally used depends upon sixty years ago. No one can imagine or referendum measure is to be voted
Bryan and his free-silver notions.
»traffic conditions, The more binder the portraits of 1850-60, knowing the
Shall a measure for the amendment
tion, the City Recorder shall cause to
are somewhat similar now
Jthe better pavement, naturally.
of Section 12 of Article VII of the
be placed upon the ballot at the elec­
Charter of I illamook City, Oregon, in the business world to what they
i "Inasmuch as you propose doing that they depicted very young men tion at whicl^ any such measure is to
as proposed by the Common Council were then. These two developments
be voted, a ballot title and brief de­
your own work we take a special in­ who looked very old.
of 1 illamook City, Oregon, by Or­ so far indicating the trend of affairs
The fact is that until times com­ scription of the measure to be voted
terest in it, as of course we know
dinance No. 287 adopted by the Com-
on in such form as may be prescribed
that with the average workman much paratively recent, young
. ,
, -
mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore- arc the organization in the cast dur-
by the Common Council in accord­
gon on Marcll
, be enactc<!?
ing the last week of the Republican
money can be saved by this method ed the airs, dress and appearance of ance with the Charter of the Citv.
number and Publicity Committee, with hcadquat-
Section 3: The People of Tilla­
as against the contract method. You age, and perhaps prifited by it. They
........................ Yes. answer voted for.
mook City, or the Common Council 104. •
ers there, and the eonference held
should save at least 15-20 per cent on carried themselves with much gravity thereof, subject to the initiative and
This proposed amendment permits last week
in New York between
your work, and we will assist you in
referendum powers reserved to the tos. .
and Secretary Rcy-
■every way to do it. When you get all of youth. Beards were more in vogue people, shall have full pow^r and au­
improving stnets so that the same nolds of the Republican National
I ready to start we will send an able than they are to-day, and in other re­ thority to provide by appropriation
may be extended further back than Committees of forty prominent busi­
ordinance or ordianances not in con­
representative to you who will start spects men of 40 or 50 whose like- flict with any superior power or au­
105 feet from the street being improv­
„ the work. --
ed, to such distance as the Common ness men. Apparently the same effort
It ___
is so
that — af- nesses are preserved to us were more
thority, for the purchase or erection,
is to be put forth in the interest of a
Council may determine.”
ter he has been working with your! venerable figures than are their sons construction or maintenance and op­
return to prosperity as were used so
men for half a day the men will know : of 60 or 70 to-day.
Said election
will be held at 8
Dated this ;th day of March, 1915.
successfully in the 1896 campaign in
J It was a custom, too, half a century water works, electric or gas liçht o’clock in the morning and will con-
» » < . •
I just
how it is done.
plant or plants; to create a sewer
behalf of "sound money,” as against
tinue until 6 o’clock in the afternoon
"This Rocmac binder is a carefully or more ago for men of middle%ge to trict or districts within the city, and of
said March 29th, 191$.
Chy Reorder of Tillamook City, Ore. free silver.
- 4
- -
prepared chemical solution which re-^speak oi themselves as old. Abraham to put in or maintain a »ewer iy»tem