Tillamook Headlight, March 18, 101Ö. J "COME BACK' 'AT SHERIDAN. 4 The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon under the charge of the The club met at the home of Mrs. Masonic Lodge, and the busing E E. Koch, Feb. 26. The taole and houses closed during the services rooms were decorated in honor of of respect to the deceased Captain Washington's birthday. Alter the Nonogenarian Dies at Nehalem. games, the hostess invited the 7"csts to the dining room, where an ekf.ant —A. S. Handy, the oldest resident of lunch was served. the Nehalem Valley, died at his home late hour hour all departed, At a 1—----- Monday. He was 92 years old an(i C.Mtlkr. and will meet with Mrs. had lived here 15 years. He was plln. i-'cd for the March 26. The officers elec ning to make a trip East with one of year were: Mrs. B. D. l.amar, Pres.; his grandsons and arrangements had C. Mrs. Carl Hunt, Vice Pres • Mrs. been made for the departure when he Miller, Secretary. was taken ill suddenly. He is surviv- ed by four sons who live at Nehalem. Tom Watkins Commits Suicide. Swastika Club. The Man Who Came Back. court each year, which is now neces­ The Headlight Turns the Limelight sary. When the law- goes into effect making Washington and Ijllamook The Hon. Joseph G. Cannon was Onto that Burg in Yamhill County. I Legal Advertisements. i First Insertion, per line $ .10 counties a judicial district, it will visited at his home at Danville, Ill., Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 confine this county to two terms of the other day by a federal grand jury ( "Tillamook still keeps in the lime­ the circuit There was no need of this which had been impaneled to inves­ light of publicity and its doing things Business and professional cards one month ................................ ! OO change as far as Tillamook County tigate the mode and manner of his seem to be one darned thing after Homestead Notices .................... 5.OO was concerned, and for that reason election About the middle of Novem­ another.”—Sheridan Sun. Timber Claims ............................ 10.00 the law should be referred to the ber last, after it was seen that Re­ We commented upon this last week Locals per line each insertion. .05 vote of the people. Why create publicans had returned to Congress and since then the editor of the Head­ Display advertisement, an inch, more offices when there is no demand -ill of the standpatters defeated two light has been allowed to peep behind y one month .. ............................ earlier, who had stood for a re­ the serenes as to what is happening ■ jo 1 nor need of them5 The taxpayers | years say- about All Resolutions of Condolence election, stories of fraud, intended to in Sheridan, and upon this matter the should have something to .05 this extra and unnecessary expense break the force of such a blow to the Sun is holding its whist, or to be and Lodge Notices, per line . .05 We hope organiza- Democrats, were manufactured in more correct, afraid to express it. Cards of Thank«, per line that some I Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen tion will be formed to have this bill Washington. It was announced that Since that newspaper has taken a I e etc., minimum rate, not ex­ referred to the people, for as we have grand jury investigations, under fed- . whack at Tillamook, we propose to ----- o------ Douglas County Gets $20,000 From I ceeding five lines .................... ■ 25 just been informed, there is no more eral law, would be made. “come back” good and hard. We hope i The lifeless body of Tom Watkins State Highway Fund. need of this judicial district in Wash­ It is possible that, at the first, the • it won’t raise the indignation of the was found early on Saturday morning RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. ington county than there is in this administration really did fail to be- , Sun nor hurt the feelings of a few- in a stall of the old Dawson barn by When County Judge Reuben W. (Strictly in Advance.) county. On general principles this lieve that the Republican party was prominent citizens of Sheridan, now Nick Melchoir and Howard Edmunds Marsters and Commissioner Nichols One year ....................................... $1.50 bill should be defeated,.and we hope reuniting around its old leaders. At that we have decided to turn on the He had committed suicide by taking took office the first of the year they Six months ........................................... 75 the grangers and other organizations any rate, it soon made the discovery Three months........................................ 50 will get busy and swat the bill by that there was not a shadow- of a case limelight and give a graphic descrip­ a dose of chloroform. The deceased felt that Douglas county had some­ I tion of “one darned thing after an­ had worked on the P. R. & N. and thing coming from the state highway of fraud to be shown against the for­ other” that happens in that burg. was the first conductor on the pas­ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. having it referred. commission. Last year this county mer speaker, and when the grand 1 Peaceable law abiding citizens will senger trains, first running between paid a considerable amount of money W ith the manufacture of lime in jurors assembled in Danville and re­ have nothing to fear at the revelation this city and Mohler and afterwards to the state and part of this went into Editorial Snap Shots this county, this will cut some figure viewed the case, they were not slow I we are going to make. was the conductor on the trains run­ the highway fund. None of the money in the cost of hard surfacing the in reaching the same conclusion. At Our information is from a reliable is adopting a The City Council ning to Portland. He lost his posi­ however, was paid back to Douglas county roads There are a number of the close of their work they signified source and came from Sheridan, and tion on account of a spotter detecting County in the shape of road improve­ novel method of keeping the hose different kinds of pavements, some to Mr. Cannon that theywould be glad we hope the Sun will read carefully company together. It will pay the of which are excellent, but it is the him drinking. This seems to have ments by the state. Shortly after the to call upon him, and were cordially what is alleged in the exposure. Here boys each $1.00 whenever they re­ cost that makes it almost prohibitive worried and depressed him so much new state administration came into invited to come. «pond to the fire alarm. it is in part: that when his money was gone he office Marsters and Nichols left for when a large amount of hard surfac­ It was a “smoker”, of course, with "I see the Sheridan Sun seems to took his life. He had a wife and son Salem in an effort to get the state ed road is contemplated, Since it is Uncle Joe in his best vein and best ■ think Tillamook is doing one darned in Combridge, Mass. The deceased The Nehalem Valley Reporter must highway commission to pay to Doug­ generally concluded ihat macadam humor Some of the jurors thought have changed to a semi-monthly, by thing after another, but does not was a Mason, and the remains were las county sufficient money to assist roads will not stand up under the his prime Havanas a trifle strong, and on the look of last week's issue, as well mention things that are going buried in the Oddfellow’s cemetery in the work of bettering the Pacific present'mode of travel and the cost marveled that a man at his age could as a third edition of the Headlight of around his own little town that can on Monday. is sp great for maintenance, is is al- Highway through the county. They I March 4. What's the matter Bro. most imperative, as a matter of econ­ consume so many. They had a pleas­ outdo Tillamook. He would have vou appeared before the board which con­ ure in watching the ¿moke of an old I believe everything is very nice here. », Hamilton? Has the good old Demo­ I Death of Captain Paul Schrader. omy, to lay hard surfaced roads as man who has “come back,” after a sists of Governor Withycombe, State cratic free trade party put Wheeler I That is the first rap over the knuck­ soon as possible and as little money thousand brass-faced Treasurer Kay and Cecretary of gongs had on the bum? les the Sun got from our informant. on macadam roads. We believe in counted him down and out. They took State Olcot. Then the board agreed | We are sorry to announce the death » Now how does this read:. that Douglas county should have Trobably quite a number of the home industry and want to lend a a personal view of the case. The po- of Captain Paul Schrader, which oc ­ “Last Tuesday night some of the something in the nature of a refund. dairymen in Tillamook County know helping hand to those who help to litical view is as interesting. school boys from this place went to curred at midnight at his home in create payrolls in the county. The Still nothing was definitely done and how to run county and state affairs this city on Friday. Although his Willamina to play basket ball. A lot so the matter rested till Tuesday. economically, but those who are pay­ Tillamook Lime Products Co., is a death came as a surprise to a number According to the dispatches Frank of others went along. Some of them Thursday morning County Judge ing $2000 a ton for hay are not run­ local enterprise, and with commend­ I'. Walsh, chairman of the Federal came back drunk and as noisy as t of the citizens, it wasknown that the Marsters appeared before the board ning their farms very economically, able enterprise has consumated a plan Commission on Industrial Relations, doctor had predicted that he would lot of wild Indians.” at Salem and went into the situation and, if we may be permitted to make that will give Tillamook County hard has been making a display of his Surely the Sun must have known not live many months, the cause of far below surfaced roads at a figure a suggestion, it seems to us that they very fully. After careful consideration his recent sickness and death being 1 panaceas before the Chicago congre­ something about a lot of school boys need some elementary lessons how to most other materials used, We are the board finally agreed to give to a contraction of the artries of the being drunk and raising hell in Sheri ­ gation, adding a few of his already run a dairy farm economically and going to make a sugestión, which we [ large assortment. Among them is the dan, and our informant mentions the heart. He was born on March 21st, Douglas county the sum of $20,000.00 hope the county court will consider. profitably. 1850, at Brentner Germany, and went to assist in the permanent improve­ There is a small stretch of road north demand that a $2.50 a day wage be I names of two prominent citizens who to sea when he was only 13 years of ment of the Crow Creek Canyon. be fixed by law as the minimum for were amongst those who were glor ­ The State Legislature was rough on of the city, between the Warrenite and age. During Franco-Prussian war he This money will be available within unskilled labor. It is not understood iously boozed. political sore heads. When a person concrete hard surfaced roads, we was in the German navy and served a few weeks and will materially assist I that lie is pressing this at present. This is not the worst feature of this runs for office in the primary election would suggest be paved with new on a torpedo boat. After the war he the county court in the betterment of This is not exactly the psychological disgraceful affair, for it is alleged that he has to swear that he will not ac material advocated by this company. I followed the sea and became captain the Pacific highway for the heavy moment. But being one of these "for ­ one of the drunks:: “Went to his cept a nomination if defeated. So The cost of doing so would be small, of the sailing vessel W. R. Wiley, and tourist traffic which is expected this ward looking men, ” of whom we home and got into a fight with his many office seekers are strictly party and it would give the people an op­ I heard much two years ago, he natur- wife, and after she got lose from him and made one trip to Montreal Can­ year on account of the Panama-Pa­ men when running for office and portunity to judge as to the merits of I Valley ! ally expects the return of a Republi- she ran across the street to the bak­ ada and San Francisco, after which cific Exposition.—Umpqua wanting the nomination of some po­ the three different materials and its I 1 can administration, when men will be he came to Oregon and bought a News. ery screaming till she raised many of costs. I hc county court did right litical party, but when defeated they I discussing the size of w ages instead the neighbors. The man went after farm in the Waldo Hills near Salem, flop over to some other party or run when it experimented with Warrenite Gives Birth to Four Babies. 1 of spending their time looking for a her and cuffed her around and he got He was married to Miss Lillie E. and concrete, and now that it appears as an "independent.” The legislature job at any old wages. Mr. Walsh is her by the feet and dragged her in Hunt in that city December 4, 1881, was surely rough on political sore that a much cheaper road can be con­ Redding, Cal., March 12.—Mrs. C. I structed with home materials, we be­ also accredited with the statement I that way out into the street without and six children were born to the O. McKnight, wife of a rancher of heads. man with a great a stitch of clothing on her, except union, two of whom died. The Cap­ lieve it is right to experiment with that every Ballavesta near Redding, is the proud Quite a number of our citizens wh > this also.Why can't the county court Jortune must at some time have cros­ what was under her arms, in the tain soon became tired of farming mother of four babies—two boys and had never seen a type setting machine and the new company get together sed the line of ethics and of criminal I presence of people that had been and a longing to follow the sea aga:n two girls—who were born shortly be­ before, have visited the Headlight and put in the small piece of road we laws." Of course, he would not in­ aroused in the after part of the night ' took possession of him. One reason fore midnight, all within the short clude successful lawyers in this cate­ by the racket. He took her back ' the Captain used to give for quitting office the past few months and watch­ have mentioned? space of two hours time. gory. And he surely should have ex­ across the street into the house. He fanning that it was too dangerous an ed the machine. We understand that Each was perfectly formed and nor­ The death of Captain Paul Schrader empted Mr. Ford and a few other then came back to the front of the occupation, that was when old bossy others would have done so, but they mal in every way. At noon the at­ removes from our midst one who choice spirits who have shown such house with his gun and made the peo­ used to kick when he was milking her thought they would be intruding. We tending physiciah said that Mrs. Mc­ want to say that the latchstring is played an important part in the fine enthusiasm for Mr. Welsh's gen­ ple who had gathered around raise Having disposed of his farm Captain Knight was well and happy, and that their front feet high towards the : Schrader went to Newport and built always out for citizens to visit this early development of Tillamook coun­ eral program. her babies were progressing finely. heavens, and although their reach was ! the steam sloop Augusta in the year office and sec what the snap shot ty The most difficult problem thia A baby incubator was rushed by au­ Sheriff’s Sale. not exactly to his satisfaction lie re­ 1887, and the next year he made his man thought impossible in his young county had to contend with was tomobile from Redding to the Mc­ transportation in its early history, in quested them to go higher. During first trip into Tillatnoko in that ves­ er days—a machine that would set fact, until a few years ago, and it was Notice is hereby given that by vir­ this time his wife escaped through sel with material for Cape Meares Knight ranch. type as fast as ten type stickers. Mrs. McKnight is 40 years old and here when Captain Schrader showed tue of an execution issued out of the the back door and ran several blocks . light station, which was under con­ Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, I weighs 150 pounds. She is the mother his worth, and enterprise during his The city authorities ’ ..ve started 1 for the < otintv of Tillamook, dated screaming and raising the neighbor­ struction in that year. The Augusta of nine childlren living, all born clean-up movement, r id tho«e who 27 years residence in this county. It the 15th day of March, 191c, in the hood saying her husband was after was put on the run between Tilla­ I keep their premises in a dirty condi­ is no small boy's job to navigate cause wherein F S. Whitehouse was Í her with a gun. I understand this is mook and Astoria, which was a great singly. Her husband is 45 years of age. plaintiff and Calvin E. Black, Oscar tion are going to be prosecuted. We small steamers during winter storms not the first time she had her face acquisition to the transportation fa­ Monson, C. R. Funk. Mary Funk, F. I The McKnights were unprepared to f on the Pacific coast, and when it is move that a delegation of the Civic cilities of the county in those early S. Fisher, lames A. Biggs and Geo. bruised by him.” i cloth this remarkable burden, so kind­ League accompany the city officials taken into consideration that for the V\. Phelps were defendants, upon a This shows where the Sun got its days, for it insured a regular service. when making their inspections. It is most part of 27 years Captain Schra­ judgment and decree rendered against information of “one darned thing The Augusta was succeeded by the W. ly women of the neighborhood went not only imperative that the city der missed only a few weekly trips the defendants, C. R Funk and Mary I after another” happening, and then H. Harrison, both of which were to their aid. Other prospective moth­ Funk in favor of the plaintiff, F. S. ers carried to the McKnight home should be cleaned up, but it should be during that long period he held a re­ Whitehouse, for the sum of eight Iour informant goes on to say: wrecked, one in Alaska and the other markable record, for he met with but kept »lean. Tillamook is somewhat hundred thirty three and 33-100 dol- “Many of the better class of the on the Pacific Coast, Captain Schra­ the dainty baby clothes and other in­ behind other cities in matters of few accidents and little loss of freight Y'................. —», ulc raie peOp]f here are talking of trying to der had the Sue H. Elmore built ard fantile r—essities they had them­ ten per cent per annum from the selves red. Within a few hours beautifying the city with Howers, etc, on account of weather Captain Sch­ of I7th of February, ’nd for 17th day day of February, 1914, 1914, » and for haVe .somcthinS ‘’°"«” wi(h ‘hcse tw° he supervised her construction in but we hope to sec a decided improve­ rader used good judgment when an I the further sum of $100.00 attorney's Pr°minent citizens, and depose them Portland, and when she was put on each buoy had a wonderful wardrobe. ment and much progress made this when not to cross the bar, and from . fees, and for his costs and disburse­ from their positions.’ the run between Tillamook and As­ City of Teledo.l year. Everybody get the clean-up his long experience with the Tilla ments of this suit, and also upon a ! Then our informant had a slam at toria it was a great improvement State of Ohio, Lucas County. J ss- judgment and decree rendered against niook and Columbia bars, took spirit and vie with one another who Frank J. Cheney oath that he is 1,0 I I defendants, C. R Funk and Mary the city authorities, which the Mayor over the other vessels, for the Sue H. senior partner of the makes firm of F. J. Cheney can make their homes look the pret­ chances of losing bis vessel or the ■ Funk, in favor of the defendant Tames and City Council of Sheridan should Elmore had two state rooms and a & Co., doing business in the City of To­ lives of his passengers That was the I I \ Biggs, for the «urn of twenty-six ledo. County and State aforesaid, and tiest with beautiful flowers investigate, for it is neither to their number of sleeping bunks for the that said firm will pay the sum of ONB secret of his success as captain of the hundred sixteen and 67-100 dollars, HLNDRBD DOLLARS for each and every credit nor to the credit of Sheridan convenience of passengers, For 27 case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the The snap shot man is of the opinion Augusta, W. H. Ha rrison and the with interest thereon amounting to to have such disturbances as we have use of HALL'S CATARRH CURB. years Captain Schrader yvas two hundred twelve and ss-100 dol ­ on the Sue H Elmore. Probable the that too much money is going out of most lars, and the further sum ’ of three revealed, to pass off with a paltry FRANK J. CHENEY. run between Astoria and Tillamook, Sworn to before me and subscribed ia the county for hav, and that the dairv • serious accident he encountered was hundred dollars attorney's fees and fine. For the information presence, this 6th day of December, . of the May- « and during that long period he was my A.D. 1886. men would be far better off if they soon after the Sue H Elmore was and his costs and disbursements of or the city councilmen, we will quote [Seal] A. W. GLBASON, unusually fortunate in not meeting grew more roots etc. In the early built, and after she had put to sea this suit, and commanding me to sat­ _ . Notary Public. what our informant has to say: with accidents, for he was a most Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally isfy the said judgment by the sale of history of the dairy industry in this from Tillamook. If we remember and acts directly upon the blood and mu­ real property belonging to the said “All the Sheridan Sun knows of careful skipper and would not put to cous surfaces of the system. Send for testi­ county, the dairymen bbught little or correctly, something went wrong defendants, C. R. Funk and Mary monials. free. this is that there was a little distur­ sea when the weather was bad or no hay, depending upon their own with the pumps and instead of pump­ Funk, and hereinafter described! O F J CHBNBY. & CO., Teledo, O. Sold bv all Druggists. 75c. and some pci- per- ------ ------- ». although nvuiv Now. therefore, in order to satisfy bance on Main street and that a fine . threatening, crops to feed their cows. Now a ing water out of the vessel it pumped Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 1 sons at times questioned his judgment whole lot of dairymen arc paying water in. The Captain promptly re­ the said judgment and decrees, I will, of $5.00 was imposed.’ ’ ' f those îi (IC Cl «* k. zx I- « ... • the 1« . dangers ___ of get­ on the 17th day of April. 191c, at who knew Gee Wiz, Mr. Mayor of Sheridan, $20.00 a ton for hay, and feed at that turned with the steamer to GaribaMi, 10 00 o'clock a m. of said day, at' the ting into a storm or butting into a EAT VIERECK’S figure means only one thing—very whete the defect in the pump was ad­ front door of the Court House in Til­ is $5.00 all that the city can impose big breaker on the bar, were always on those who are guilty of such dis ­ little profit With so many kinds of justed and the water pumped out, the lamook C ity, Tillamook County, Ore­ feed that can be successfully raised only damage being to the label« on gon sell at public auction to the graceful, drunken debauchery and ready to abide by the captain’s dis­ BREAD, highest bidder for cash in hand, the in this county, it is surprising the large ths canned salmon he had on bo..rd following described real property, brutal conduct by prominent citizens cretion, prefering to be safely tied up amount of hay and other feed that is Those who were passengers on the situated in Tillamook County, Ore­ of Sheridan? Or is it, Mr. Mayor, that in port to risking the dangers of a TILI.AMOOK BAKEP'ç some of your city officials are friends 1 severe storm and being kept at sea on shipped in and a big lot of money Augusta, and Harrison, which larked gon, to-wit: shipped out to pay for it. But this is accommodations. know- how picasan. . 1 he southeast quarter of the south- of the guilty parties and they were ' acc0l,nt of bad bars. It is true that west quarter of section twelve and 10 i j the Captain several times raninto bad not the only way to view the situa the Captain used to make them under acres off the entire north side of the let off with a paltry fine? __ it _ We are sorry that we have to Storms blit but he» he Lnau- knew how 4 to — l. handle tion How can those with high priced the circumstances, especially when northeast quarter __ .------- of „ the ...j 1 northwest At All Gir nAirc vi5*H* and kept them out of dan- land make both ends meet’ We don't «ea sickness laved most of his passen­ quarter of section thirteen, all in "come back" good and hard at Sheri-' ■>cers. want to be misunderstood, but there is ger« out, Riving up his own cabin for township two, south range ten, west dan, but it won't do any harm for a ^er' **** exception of a few- of the W illamette Meridian. fearless outspoken newspaper to sma " m > s haps, and when the pumps only one solution to the feed problem their benefit and comfort. We regret Dated the 16th dav of March. 1915. for those who are encumbered with very much the death of Captain bch- _. is Went wronR on ,he Sue H- E’niore, draw a graphic picture of t what ___ „ „ , — H Crenshaw. high priced land Th< v’ve got to (| it radcr at this time, when b- was plan­ Sheriff of Tillamook Countv. Oregon, going on, for it helps to improve the . Captain Schrader had a remarkable Ry, W. L. Campbell, Dpv. buying hav at $20.00 and raise their ning a little ease and enjoyment in moral atmosphere of any town to ex­ record, not losing any freight or lives -s-1 ---- . own feed, or the sheriff will sooner his declining days after a strenous pose “one darned thing after another’* during the 27 years he ran to Tilla- THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. or liter have to sell the high priced life on ship board—baffling with | mook making over 40 trips a year. that happened in Sheridan. farms. The Captain is survived by his wife storms and fog and other dan-.ers o> Services next Sunday at the Chap­ (and four children, the latter being the deep. Tillamookers will always el in the Masonic Building Holy Eu- On your front porch can be lit Vnder the present arrangement« have a kindly word for Cap’aiit Sch­ Mr. Bryan will continue to go a Mrs. Augusta M. Schelling: Mrs. J11IJ- e'er? ni«rht until midnight charist it 00 A M. and Evensong at ith Tillamook, Folk and Yamhill rader, and we want to express their chautauquaing. It would be cruel and E. Hinkle and Otto and Frank 5 / a22 re»rister not over 7 .to P M Everybody welcome. fatty cents per month ■inties in one judicial district, there sympathy to the bereaved family in unusual punishment to hush him and rader. He was a member of tb’. q Sunday School at 10 A. M. tn tie met er. Aid be three terms of the circuit th s hour of sorrow. consequently in violation of the con­ man Reformed Church, and a *'r ‘ f - O- Jone*, Vicar. stitution. bcr of the Masonic Lodge of thu *" c,:jriC2Asr POWER COMPANY. * ? I ADVERTISING RATES. a A15 "rfitt lidi Lamp