ilíamoük I TILLAMOOK, OREGON. 11.SO PER YEAR. MARCH IS. - ^'CGGOOCOOGOCCOGOOOOS* C . J. Green, of the Railway Com­ OVERLAND AUTO TO BE GIVEN AWAY. mission, is in the city on business, ami during Ins stay in this city take up the matter of water rates. I he friends of Attorney lames Me- Cane of McMinnville, will be sorry hear that he has been quite late but has somewhat improved. One ton of coal equals two cords wood and you don t have to sow and split it, I.amb-Schradcr Co., Hello Central Gi'me 28W. 0 I he Dramatic Club have been fused the use of the play “A Soldier’s Sweetheart,” so for the present there i will be no chance to get it for pro- duction. “ pm / dfnt I0UMMS W m. G. Tait, president of the First National Bank, left the first of the wee