Tiiyniook Headlight, March II, i015 onderful Exhibits From All Lads Show the World’s Best Progret bm Beginning to End Magnificent Panama-Pacific InternationaKpos^lcn Will Abound With Superb Educational and Entertainment Pures. Francisco In a single day, and. far in r work will, for example, see in HE ' o:i.sii ii'tlmi of the vast advance of its opening, the Exposition ■’ l’-thu e of Mines an exhibit tiiree- I’unama 1‘uclflc International had ereated an unprecedented Interest t'.rtlis of nu acre iu exteut. illus- “;.g 1- the maimer tn which the Expositlou at San Francisco throughout the world, and its opening Ml* "est rge — - steel cor|K>ration In the world I was 95 per cent completed was eagerly awaited. In keen competitive exhibits there' caring 1------ for and plans to still fur­ tlireel mouths before the opening day, will be presented more than 80.001) slnA pr ***1' nace the welfare of its ern- on Feb. 20. 1915. The early installa­ gle exhibits and groups of related exJ°JePH' Iu the Palace of Education tion or thousands of tons of rare and hiblts portraying the results of thfbey j will v.. be interested in a great exhibits from all parts of the word's best efforts iu recent years. I'nited States government exhibit ■ ■- ^^^■snd the participation of furtv of I This wonderful Exposition, presen Th ■ great war iu uo way has ■ dlmin- of attendance at 1 tbj world's great countries have assur-l ed at an outlaytof more than $GO< mw lished the prospect of ed nwlebrutiou that will be unri 000, celebrates a contemporaneo the Exposition, and thousands in ItOldeiidor. magnitude. Interest an.! achievement, the building of the Pan Americans will for the tirst time en- na­ coinprt . ma canal, and nil exhibits that are » Joy the educative trip across their From Its opening until its close, on tered for competitive award will > tive land. After the outbreak of tile Dee, jfc. 1915. the Exposition wil! those that have been originated or r conflict the number of conventions de- abound "ttb original features cot!e*'t- dined since the great Louisiana f elding to meet in San Francisco pro­ expenditure of many chase Exposition nt St. Louis ten j a;,. 1 lie persons against • »..i such i. .tfrs are pending subject tv a special restrict! >11 a iu 3 inr.ol be acceiikj the distinciicn I 0 . ir rank or be alio owed lb núnfle [ o o o uh other prisoners c of war.” 0 A report rtciivtcl frori R ublic by the Admira illy, shevss that -»■ he submarine w;.s In uiaily d «li 3V* d i •v the torpedo-boat 1 destroy» 1 s Gu - ;ha and Maori. The < oih. r »L :b roy : 3 ; which took part in th< » ’lUl.t 1 re : « j Viking, Nubian, M' [oh »wk, Kangaroo, Cossack, l.even Fa" i> : L’re. The opt raci >ns were directed li ­ the officer commanding the fh u la, Captain C. D. Johnson, and v. re marked by skill and promptitude, ac­ cording to the report. Firemen Hold Meeting. k,o QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOuOOOOO • • REL'GTHEN YOUR K! DREYS CT r i - This. Treatment is Guaranteed by the CHARLES I. CLOUGH CO. tersi ill I. - ,1th us- • » •• in t itfi»* t •c, i ail\étions aris«», due to thc extra wor-4 lhr>wn . r< ; X-, > 11 I l><> c ir - I for .!•• wkin in *• PO ’¡»» r |Vil«').’.’ill WH pressure of lljilt ki kn yw; h : rt affection*. »• . uim I by e th'- d burn, l»v the s I i » k » ìn I ì ktdnevs; ev diseaies, nervousness. * hd drcl.t's ai d other ailn e” its. .c. tb • ar»1 < ft’'ii t dune ’onv i iu i great i measure Measure to t!.e poHonous acti >n • left in ti e I ody. j \< r. (• try Rvxall Kidney Treatment if your kidneys ■ f or.hWe feel the uhn »bt confVh’neo in this treatment. is tspfi .Hy desivncl to F-rtr^then th« kid «‘>s. restore their functk ns i Ip iti r .ling- tut general health. C. I. Clough Co. Reliable Druggist Wier Sprechcn Deutsch. * o 3 o o o o o o (> ;> o o o o n o o o o o u o o o o o o o o o o o o o □ J30oooooocooooooo«ocoonooocsooooooooooooooooo©oooooco Pursuant to a call of Fire Chief Coates, the members of the Tillan ook I Hose Co. met in special session on I Wednesday, March 3rd, 1915, at the , City Hall, but the City Council being ' also in special session the meeting was 1 adjourned until Friday, March Sth. On March Sth, tlie Company met in adjourned session and Thos. Coates was elected chairman, and John Aschim Secretary, pro tern. The chairman then addressed the meeting stating that the meeting had been called to devise some means of getting additional members. He gave a brief history of the Company from the first organization in 1889 up to the present time and ended by explaining that it this time there were not enough metr.l ers in the company to handle the appt ratus on hand. The meeting being open for discus­ sion suggestions were made by Mr. Dwight, O'Donnell and others to the effect that the matter of keeping a good live fire company was incumbent upon the property holders of the city and also upon the Insurance Companies repri tented here. A motion was made, seconded, and carried, that a committee be appointed to interview the Fire Insurance agents of the city and through them their companies, as to whether they would help in the support of the Fire Com- pany. Mot on made, seconded, and carried, that a committee of five property own­ ers be appointed by the chairman to Photograph courtesy San Francisco Examiner. secure members for the Fire Company. The Chairman appointed the follow­ THE MOTHER OF LINCOLN BEACHEY, FROM THI TOWER OF JEWELS, 435 FEET ABOVE THE EARTH. AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTER1ATI0NAL EXPOSITION, WATCHES HER SON ing committee: Chas. 1. Clough, C. W. Miller, M. F. Leach, Alex. McNair LOOP HIS ONE THOUSANDTH LOOP. and E. T. Haltom, and he also referred When Lincoln Beachey, a son of San Francisco, on the cession of his homecoming after breaking all world rec. the matter of irterviewing the Insur­ ords as a daredevil looper of 999 loops, performed two eryrely new and death defying stunts over the completed ance Companies to the same committee. palaces of the Panama-Pacific international Exposition lfwns his aged mother who for the first time waved him Beachey held a place of onor, 435 feet up in the air. on the tiptop of the won- on to fresh acHevements. Mrs. ! The Secretary was instructed to pre­ derful Tower of Jewels. Erom this aerie she was ablfto watch every erratic move of her daredevil son. She pare blanks for the signatures of the cried out only once. That was when he wrote the firve» “1000” against the clouds, high above the two miles applicants for membership. of completed exhibit palaces, significant of the loopingaf his one thousandth loop. Under the discussion of propositions for promoting interest in attendance ■ ma canal is today open and doing shown to lllustrae the evolution of the congress, at which its distinguished by the members, Mr. Dwight made the chairman. Colonel George W. Goettials, ss on a far vaster scale than was processes of m.-nufacture— 11s. for ex­ suggestion that each fireman on duty for It, and the Exposition, ample. a displayof a model of the first will preside. ich celebrates the opening of theca- cotton gin in »¿nectfon with the mar­ The foreign participation will be at any fire may be paid the sum of $2.00, Is today revealed as the greatest velous equipnyut into which it has notable The nations are not attempt­ this to be paid from the treasury and a ing to show everything that they pro- rccord kept of all these expenditures, n of national achievement e vol ved. / Many of tlf displays will be espe­ duce, but will lay especial emphasis Then at the end of the year a state- American history. Here will be a utral ground where even nations en cially adaptii to study by the dele- upon those products in which they ex­ ment of money so paid be submitted in warfare will display on a gates to gryit national and Interna­ cel. in the Danish display, for exam­ to the City Council with a request that never liefore equaled their prog tional congr/sses and conventions, of ple. will be shown products of the they re-irnburse the company and levy in the arts. Industries and sciences which more than 31*), embracing al­ Royal Danish porcelain factory at Co­ a tax to provide for same. The matter most every phase of human activity, penhagen, Japan In her exhaustive ex- f peace. Within three months before the open- have vote I'to meet In San Francisco dibit will display priceless works of was continued until the regular meet­ ■g of the Exposition as many ns 2.000 in 1915 Relegates to the congresses art. loaned by direction of tlie Imperial ing to be held March 11th. Nothing further appearing at this ns of consignments hnd reached San Interested in social progress and wel- household and many of which could uot be duplicated, From Italy will be lime the meeting adj urned. shown historic l>a lutings of the old John Asch.im. masters, hitherto never exhibited in Secretary Pro tern. 9'.□enea in tlie originals, From China there bave readied Ran Francisco se Poultry Men Organize. lections of exhibits collected under the supervision of the governors of the Chi- February 27 a few of the poultry uese provinces. Rare silks and satins, carvings, inlay work in the precious men of Tillamook County met in th Hietals, exhibits of the transportation Commercial Club rooms. Professor methods employed in the old China A. G. Lunn, Instructor of I’oultrj and the modern methods used in the Husbandry at the O. A. C. was p’<* awakening repubik will be shown. ent and gave a very interesting lec­ New Zealand will make a marvel­ ture, illustrated with stcrcoptican ous exhibit of its rare woods, of tts fleeces, of its superb scenic charms. slides; his subject being "Poultry A large number of rare giant tree ferns Work at O. A. C.” After the lecture a poultry organ­ from New Zealand will be found ization was formeef and temporary of­ growing on the Ex[>os!tlon grounds. The Argentine Republic early set ficers were elected. H. Booth, Pres.' aside a larger sum than any ever ap­ W. S. Coates, Sec. A second meeting propriated by a foreign nation for rep­ will be held Saturday, March 13 at resentation in an American exposition. 1:30 o’clock at the Commercial Club The modern cities of Argentina, the schools, churches; libraries, the great to adopt a constitution and elect per live stock and agricultural interests manent officers. "Feeds and their will be extensively portrayed, and the costs” will be discussed at this meet mutual interests of South America and ing. All men and women in Tillamook North America will be emphasized in County interested in poultry are in­ almost every conceivable manner. vited to attend. From Soutli Africa will be shown dia­ \V. S. Coates, mond exhibits and methods of extrac­ INTERNATIONAL Temp. Sec. HE END OF THE TRAIL,” PANAMA-PACIFIC The magnlflccut Canadian dls- tion, EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCIS J, 1915. plays will review not only the widely Fairview Literary Society. 1 photograph shows James Earle Fraser’s superb piece of statuary, known agricultural wealth, but will nd of the Trail." at the Pnnama Pacitic International Exposition. More illustrate the scenic charms of ths X> beautiful sculptures are shown at the Exposition, the works of great Dominion, of snow clad moun­ The next regular mccting cf thi sculptors of the day. In addition to th sculptures shown out of tain peaks, of farreachlng forest, of Fairview Literary Society will be hei«! thousands of beautiful works of art are presented in the great Palace Inland lakes In chains of sliver and Saturday evening March 20, 1915. ’ rushing mountain streams. , ■ Arts z The following I r< gram will b' given: — — - probability that «he has been gnilfv Song............. ÌR-SEA RAIDERS HELD the crews of German submarines i« of attacking and «inking unarmed Recitation, . in answer to the demand of Admiral FOR MURDER. merchantmen and firing torpedoes at Dialogue .. . Lord Charles Rercsford, retired, and Johnson, L .conn Rupp. ships carrying non-combatant», neu­ red Crews will Get no Honors. others, that such men be tried for trals and women. In particular, the Talk, "Sho ,uld a school distr murder, and the Admiralty statement steamer Oriole is missing, and there vide play sppi laratus for pupils. don, March 8.—’’ indicates that the Government has is grave reason to fear that she has Maxwell. ncc» that it is n ling honors to 'he captured this in mind. Motion Song been sunk with her crew of 20. ---------------- The statement refers to the gerer- “Rubber Boots." of German nabmarine boat«. Evidence May be Lacking. Flay,........... .. Willie Lucas ous treatment accorded German offi- ’’Thcr is, of course, great difficulty Recitation, . ; to thgir method 1, numbering upwards of (ed to segregate them under cers and men. in bri izing heme particular crime» to Fantomine. to Mrs. Crawford. ' any individual German submarine, Recitation .......... restrictions, ; ending their tooo. and then says with reference the V-8: Mr. Herring, ble\ ¡onvictions • the c ,nclu- -nd it may be that the evidence nec- Newspaper, ....... __ ___ S m had HB been operating in -•»»ary to establish conviction will not i Seng, Arranged b y P.ita and Florence "This vessel the Strait* of Dover and in the Er-’ I be obuined until after tlie conclusion Marter Trials Possible. e policy\to be adopted tv..-:d lull channel, and there is a strong J k Ou < Two World Expositions Now Open. Reduced fare round Itip tickets, permitting stop-oversat all points in either direction, to the Panama Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, and to the I ’an.-ima California Exposition, San Diego, on sale everyday to November 30?h. Via the Pacific Railway & Nav. Co. Three Fine Trains front Portland Daily. Shasta Limited: San Francisco Express: California Express. 1’.Id. & N. Trains make direct connection nt Portland- Stop-overs on One Way Tickets 1 I via till- Southern I’aciiic. “California and It’s Two World Expositions.” A new booklet describing the trip from Port- Lind to S.in Diego including Hie two Ex­ positions, the scenic beauties of Oregon, the Siskivous anl Shasta Mountains, San Joaquin V illey and Yosemite National Park. Fret: on application to nearest Agent. PACIFIC RAILWAY & NAV. CO. JolinM. Scott, General I’.issen/er Aujent, Portland, Ore. oo©c sso & j C í : > j u0.z>;xw©o&300G,®^i*3t,®®t *• fTIGE ^TICKLED ? RÆ5OLVED THAT WE NEVER. ¿PR.IN6 ANYTHING CN OlR. CUSTOMER. 5 UNLE55 WE KNOW IT 13 RIGHT. liJ îprin Grocery Specials This Week Royal Club Soli I (’ack Tomatoes No. 3 can 2 fur 25c. Royal Club Solid Pack Maine Corn 2 cans for 25c. Royal Club Summer Pack Pineapple 9 oz. can, 2 cans lor 25c. Koval Club Earlv June Peas, 3 cans for 40c. RAY & CO. GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. Til I A MOO K. OREGON ; cents prr seek or COc. per tor. extra Morgan. Play,................. “The Farmers’ Club.” will be mad<- for the sacks unices Song..................................... By Society sad . arc furnished by the custom» r. Program committee. Miss Lorpabcl Only grain or meal sacks with a close a cave should be brought as the fine Miss Shrod- and Mrs. Crawford. Inst or powder will all be lost if the sacks have a coarse weave leaving Notice to Farmers. inly the coarse grains of limestone in Co the sacks. The Tillamof'c Lime Pre A set of new grinding roll» rs arc is reedy to furni»h ground being installed to increase the capac­ to the farmers. The lime ity and produce a finer product. ground so as to pass a 1-6 Address all communirations to U. G. screen. The lime stone will cost $5.00 per Jackson, Box 41J, Tillamook. ton in sacks at the plant. A charge of i