Headlight, Marcii *riIT amook 5 Old Time Dance and Basket Social, St. PATRICK’S EVE, 17th, T three ou F‘ globe tbj * ed a < in Its THE /?. The Hall will be appropriately decorated for the occasion in bunting and evergreen The Gallery will be arranged with tables and seats for the disposal of Lunches and for all those who do not desire to dance. Each Lady bringing LUNCH BASKET will be presented with an appropriate SOUVENIR. Dancing will commence promptly at 9:00 o’clock Grand March at 10:00 o’clock. $ « Lunch Baskets will be auctioned at 11:00 o’clock, the proceeds going towards the Band Boy’s Fund for adver tising Tillamook County at the Panama-Pacific, San Francisco, Exposition. GOOD TIME. GOOD MANAGEMENT. GOOD MUSIC Bring your Lunch Baskets. t 1 The American Leg'. 1. fl Bf.i SPEND a SOCIAL EVENING AND HELP THE BAND ’/i True Manhood. Collier’s Caustic Critics. An organization of 20,000 or .100,' I u'i's best prizes are won, not by March came in like a lamb, though 000 men who have b id mi'i'arv train -I ill or strength, Imt by that grandest a lamb with some speculation. ing is nut an 1 npossible thing in 111 lii-tg known to earth—manhood. February's moon got full on March I nited Stalls, liny would not be Oil I Itmot.ildc, educated, active, cultivat lust day, which may be rqaarded as lilted for regular at my service, nor cd manhood is to rule this world. an unjustible invasion of the premises for regular military service None the Mw- vs there have been bad men, Woman's styles are going back io less they could be made, tiudci proper corrupted, di graded, but sharp and ! those of 1830, they say, Who’s got ap direction, and owing to their past ex ci.iiniivr, who have made great gain« I dd Godey's Ladies' book. periences, a very mobile body of by great frauds, or crafty swindling, So many "days” arc design.-.ted, hoops readv for action at short no­ and have held some sort of position why not appoint "onion” da Vj ¡n tice. The plan, as formulated after in the world in spite of their want ot which indulgence may be univ rsal? several conferences in New York haraeter, for there are parasites and We are impressed by t* c feeling seems comprehensive enough. In money worshipers who honor and ap­ that any protest aganst th- llse of the these meetings the government may plaud the man of money without car­ stars and stripes we mip ht s(r fit to b< saiii to have been represented by ing to know how he came by his pos­ make would probably |,c more effec­ Maj Gen. Wood, ill command of the sessions. tive if it was sent th rough the med­ Military department of the East, who I he true man is the thing most ium of George M, Cohan.—Philadel­ was authorized to participate in the prized by the great world, [rue man­ phia Inquirer / discussions. Commander Robert B. hood is the wisest, sharpest, strong- I his war has seroiusly interfered Crank of the navy lias been repre cst, most clear-sighted, far-sighted settling that side of the fighting es contestant in the battlefield of life, with Mr ( ohan5j cornering of the red white and bh’e. bunting output. tablishme nt Manhood carries the sharpest sword, Sjrah B-,rn'g ardt, with one leg, is Approximately 25400 I gains the truest success and wears not wi» ,iout dramatic resources, A charged from the United States artni the brightest crown. No one is or can play can easily be written for Iter. annually. T he gicat majority of such be, the best preacher, the best lawyer, i dward ’1’avson Weston is still men, those discharged even as long the best physician, or the best busi­ as ten or fifteen years ago, arc still in ness man, who is not truly, grandl'- walking. Keep up your peripeties; you may need them when you are an the prime ofphvsii.il manhood. It gloriously and unselfishly a nun, octogenarian. would not l>e impossible, we think, to If you would climb to the h’ >hest After a jitney car has serve I its find a qii.irter-millton such men in places, carry off the richest prizes, day it will hardly be as seviceable as the rountrv now I l ining the propos get the most enjoyment ’OI1, of |;ft. an old mule, for there will be no ed organization, which would h< call and have the subliniest of o|,] cd the American Legion, would be you must conquer, the \,asc elements bourne of further utilization, as there voluntary Not all the available« of nature, you must ) avr cvcr>. ,lom is for a defunct mule It is said that candy is a cure for a w ould care to join but it is easy to he­ of the dross and di» ,oniM squeezed, alcoholic appetite, which is cheering; li ve that the very gnat ni.ijotiti ot Vfl hammered, bttrnc»’. liut if necessary. . but afflicted ones may ask what can a them would, and that, with annual \ on must bee nlte as sound is 24- chocolate drop do fir lonesominess accretions, a reset ve army of 300,000 karat gold, as true as best steel You 01 the blues, which is something else men could be created. I lie sa nr ap must prove yourself as reliable as again. peal would be made to men honors the course ,,f nature, as incorrubtable Glory can't fill the Hour barrels in bly discharged from the navy to fill as sunlig'.it, a« pure and sweet in your Europe; and, what is still more de­ the compliments of crews in time of war, A naval reserve force of score« I’C’son-,htv as the breezes of heaven pressing, there is no glory stop the \ on ‘must scorn all meanness, loath war. of thousands could be created in that all Ttlse pretense, be afraid of every Mr. Wilson's second cup of coffee w ay. ki’id of dishonesty and hate a lie as is doubtful; anyway his first one may The government, would of course, have to arm the men and equip them you would hate the devil himself You have given him a tou ch of dyspepsa. It would relieve Uncle Sam of in time of action The scheme ap I must determine stoutly to be what you would appear something of a job 60 give Spain a pears to have been well thought out I here is premium on men like that i free hand in Mexicos She really has in all of its details Its central idea is . The world cs disgusted with frauds grievances. the on» of having at all times, «uh I j cat. We had as we understand it, not only dis Mr. Gary, of the steel trust, tills thought that at least as large a per t0^«harged soldiers, but any class ot ctvi- 1 ns whose senins would be vain young men to “stick to thr goldcr cent as that was d< voted tc getting • hie in wai I lie plan, a« it is report rule " Few, however, will find it as something to pay fo r it. |« the Still, we cannot see that it is much vex and husbands should be *n- Russian bear from i fact, very little can be found, either good, bad or indifferent, as clipping editors will tell von. After being in session 28 days the New York legislature had only passed fettr bills; don't crowd the mourners in any state. Four good bills are an abundant harvest. Wheat promise in Kansas is as good as it was last year. We begin to have an idea where the income tax will be busiest with new names. Popularity with certain jitneys may y et compel the chauffeur to tie a bun­ die of passengers on behind after fil­ ling the running boards. Danish ships are now dt'linguished by Danish flags painted on the bow at right and left and the name Den­ mark painted in big letters on both s'des. Will it be the fashion soon to paint American ships in stripes of red white and blue?—Boston Globe. More important—will it be the style to have American ships? Minorities are more often right, per haps, as a New England professor says, but sometimes there is a sense of deep relief at being wrong with a party that wins occasionally. It was a comparatively mild winter, wasn't it? If we dare speak of it in the past tense. p T. BOAI.S, M.D., R. ELMER ALLEN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon S P. Co. (1. () O F. Bldg ) Oregon ERSTER (Successor to Dr. Sharp), , DENTIST. 0K E. E, DANIELS. HOLMES, CHIROPRACTOR. ATTORNEY-AT LAW, COMMERCIAL BUILDING, Local Office in the Commercial Building-. FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, J, TILLAMOOK OREGON. - ORE J T T. BOSTM A A . E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phor.ee Tillamook ... Tillamo:k Commercial Building, Oregon ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock . Tillamoog H. GDYNE, .... Oregon Both Phones. ATTORNEY-AT law . onice- O ppositb C ourt H ouse . QARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW rillamcok .... fir»™,. T illamook B lock J OllN I ELAND HENDERSON. Tillamook ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR.AT-LAW. 0R. GEORGE J E • CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, J. Oregon PETERSEN DENTIST, T illamook B lock , Tillamook - . . - Oregon. ROOM NO. 261 . Successor to Dr. Perkins. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. C J FORGE WILLETT, « DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT 213 T illamook B lock ATTORNEY-AT I AW T u . lamook C ommercial B uilding Tillamook . Oregon Tillamook . Oregon JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Sidney E. Henderson, Free , Surveyor. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney-at Eaw, Notrary Public Administrator's Notice. Tillamook . Oregon - - o------ Notice is hereby given, that the un­ dersigned, P. R. Jackson, by order of the County Court of Tillamook Coun­ C. HAWK. ty. Oregon, was on the 12th day of February, 1915, duly appointed ad­ ministrator of the estate of J. A. PHYSICIAN and surgeon Roberts, deceased. Notice is further L aw , Abstracts, R»al Estate given that all persons having claims Surveying, Insurance. 1 against the «aid estate are hereby re­ Bay City- Ore iron Both Phones quired to present the same duly veri­ fied. together with vouchers, to the TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. ! undersigned or to his attorney, S S. Johnson, at Tillamook, Oregon, with­ ]2)R' L. I.. HOY, • 'Os,oee|eoooeoaooceoooooooa in six months from the date of this notice. physician and surgeon Dated February 15, 191?. One ton of coal equals two cords of T illamook B lock , P. R Jackson, wood and you don’t have to sow and Administrator of the estate split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello of J. A. Roberts, deceased. Tillamook, Oregon. Central Gi’me 28W. » Tillamook Title and Abstract Co.