TiîTamook $ 5 Headlight, March li Old Time Dance and Basket Social, St. PATRICKS EVE, 17th, THE [Opera House,Band Boy’s Hall f » I- 1 i « 5 The Hall will be appropriately decorated for the occasion in bunting and evergreen The Gallery will be arranged with tables and seats for the disposal of Lunches and for all those who do not desire to dance. Each Lady bringing LUNCH BASKET will be presented with an appropriate SOUVENIR. Dancing will commence promptly at 9:00 o’clock Grand March at i0:00 o’clock, Lunch Baskets will be auctioned at 11:00 o’clock, the proceeds going towards the Band Boy’s Fund for adver tising Tillamook County at the Panama-Pacific, San Francisco, Exposition GOOD MUSIC GOOD MANAGEMENT GOOD TIME. Bring your Lunch Baskets. I 1 The Anieri' in Leg ■ i. SPEND a SOCIAL EVENING AND HELP THE BAND >•« True Manhood. Collier’s Caustic Critics. V. hat are the regulations on Mars j as to prize fighting? Jack Johnson An organization of <0,1100 or 300, I ife’s best prizes are won, not March came in like a lamb, though ■ si» ins to be wondering around ooo men who have bu! mi'i irv train • I «11 or Strength, but by that grandest a lamb with some speculation. through space between Tampico and ing is not an i iipessible thing ill th I hi’ig known to earth—manhood. February's moon got full on March ! tlavana. cn I niied States. They would not be ' Honorable, educated, active, cultivat Hist day, which may be regarded as Touching a button docs not op n an listed for regular army service, not cd manhood is to rule this world. an unjustible invasion of the premises exposition. If you have ever b < n at for regular military service. None the Mw vs there have been bad men, Woman's styles are going back to the exposition md of it, you will note less they could be mule, unde i proper corrupted, «1« graded, but sharp and those of 1830, they say, Who’s got an that “Here you Bill; do this or that, direction, and owing to their past ex cunning, who have marie prcat up in« old Godey’s Ladies' book. quick!” in a myraclc of variations, perictices, a very mobile body of i .«y great frauds, I, or crafty swindling, So many “ days ’ ’ arc design.-.ted, gets things going. troops readv for artion at short no an«l have held some sort of position why not appoint "onion" da Vi in In great wars, it is the superman ticc. The plan, as formulated after in the world in spite of their want of which indulgence may be univ -rsal? with the camp kettle that is as im- several conferences in New York haracter, for there are parasites and We are impressed by t' e feeling portant as the supernmn with a rifle seems comprehensive enough. In money worshipers who honor and ap­ that any protest aganst th- use of t|lc perhaps more so if every army trav these meetings the government may plaud the man of money without car­ stars and stripes we mip ilt sce fit to els on its stomach. b< said to have been represented lit mg to know how lie came by his pos- make would probably J)(. more effec­ Not necessary to be contrary, we Maj. Gen. Wood, in command of the sessions. tive if it was sent th rough the med­ like spring poetry; and is a matter o. Military department of the b ast, who The true man is the thing most was authorized to participate in the prized by the great world. True man­ ium of George M, Cohan.—Philadel­ fact, very little can be found, either / good, bai< ap must prove, yourself as reliable as again. paint American ships in stripes of red peal would be made to men honora­ the course of nature, as incorrubtable bly discharged from the navy to fill («lory can't fill the Hour barrels in white and blue?—Boston Globe. as sunltg it, a* pure and sweet in your the compliments of crews in time of Europe; and. what is still more de­ More important—will it be the style the breezes of heaven war. A naval reserve force of score« person-,fity pressing, there is no glory stop the to have American ships? Y on ’must «corn all meanness, loath war. of thousand« could be created in that Minorities are more often right, per all "false pretense, be afraid of every way. Mr. Wilson’s second cup of coffee haps, as a New England professor kt'id vi" dishonesty anti hate a lie as The government, would of course, is doubtful; anyway t is first one may says, but sometimes there is a sense have to arm the men and equip them you would hate the devil himself. You have given hun a tou ch of dyspepsa. of deep relief at being wrong with a in time of action The scheme ap- I I must determine stoutly to be what It would relieve Uncle Sam of party that wins occasionally. pears to have been well thought out ytni would appear something of a job bo give Spain a It was a comparatively mild winter, I here 1« premium on men like that in all of its details It* central idea is 1 free banc* in Mexico* She really has wasn’t it? If we dare speak of it in the one of having at all times, sub I The world is disgusted with fraud* grievances. the past tense. jcct to instant call, a large body of anti prrtrnalers and sham* of all l P Io a generation ago, the aim of men trained not oniy in military ser­ kind*, well know such a man as soon invention was to kivp «off the lighten­ Administrator's Notice. vice, but, at the statement makes a* he appears. It will prize him, hon­ ing, since then Mr. Eds on has taught • ■ o------ plain, in the very important military I or him, reward him, niake him famous the world the value of derailing it. | and rentier him immortal—Philadel­ Notice is hereby given, that the un­ art of a man “taking care of himself Sixty per cent of hun>an energy, dersigned, P. R. Jackson, by order of phia Record in the open." And this would include, sayv Dr. Wiley, is directed toward the County Court of Tillamook Coun­ as we understand it, not onh di« getting something tn eat. We had ty. Oregon, was on the 12th day of (barged soldieis, but any class ol mi Mr. Gary, of the steel trust, tells thought that at least as large a per February, 1915. duly appointed ad­ bin* whose service* would he vain young men to “stick to thr golden cent as that was di voted tc getting ministrator of the estate of J. A. Roberts, deceased. Notice is further able in war. The plan, as it is report rule." Few, however, will find it as something to pay fo r it. given that all persons having claims ed. ! .•» n ion* of militarism golden as Mr. Gary han. No guns arc founds in the pockets against the Said estate are hereby re­ ill H. 1 he tabulation of war supplies sold 1 of murdered men. Jas a rule; which quired to present the same duly veri­ during the year is about a* cheering may or may not be a pertinent coni fied. together with vouchers, to the The Wakefield (M ass.) elei e V na'i as an undertaker’s annual repc rt on or to his attorney, S. S. nient on this Carryr >g of concealed undersigned Johnson, at Tillamook, Oregon, with- bo promises to read anonymous the year’s business. ! w capons. in six months from - the ------ date of this tonmunication* about the hulls of Great Brittan has long kept the Still, we cannot see that it is much notice. ives and husbands should be Russian bear from «kibbling hie feet more rcprchcnsble t o bring starva Dated February 15, 1915. ined before he wrecks half in the war mesa. But it now seem* tion upo nnonconibat; P. R. Jackson, mts than to drop met tn town. Administrator of ___________ the estate bent on aiding that ambition. » bombs on them. of J. A. Roberts, deceased. I T. BOALS, M.D., R. ELMER ALLEN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon S I’. Co. (I. O O F. Bldg ) Tillamook .... Oregon E BST E R (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building’, j2)R HOLM ES, CHIROPRACTOR. ATTORNEY-AT LAW, COMMERCIAL BUILDING, K’ K> DANIELS. Local Office in the Commercial Building. FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, TILLAMOOK J E. REEDY, D.V M., LJ « VETERINARY. Both Phone». Tillamook ... Oregou ORE J T T. WXIto AX. ATTORN EY-4T LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Taid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock . Tillamook GOYNE, H. - OREGON. .... Oregon Both Phones. ATTORNEY-AT LAW. QARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Oregon. T illamook B lock J OllN LELAND HENDERSON, Tillamook ATTORNEY AND CO I ' N S E I.I.OR A T -L A \V. T illamook B lock , 1 Tillamook - . . . Oregon. ROOM NO. 261 J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER. E 0R. "... GEORGE J, Oregon PETERSEN DENTIST, Successor to Dr. Perkins. OREGON. TILLAMOOK, Q^EORGE WILLETT DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT 2’3 T illamook B lock Tillamook - ATTORNEY-ATI AW T u . lamook C ommercial B uilding Oregon Oregon Tillamook - 12)R- JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. H. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook . Oregon' w.c> HAWK- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay Citv Oregon Sidney E. Henderson, Pree . Surveyor. John Leland Henderson, Sec retary Treas., Atto:ney-at Law, Notrary Public Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Ljw, Abstracts, R»al Estate Surveying, Insurance. Both PhoneB. TILLAMOOK J2)R- L- L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregon. - - OREGON. -^wsotzioaoooooooo&oooi ~____ —1 One ton of coal equals two cords of wood and you don’t have to sow and split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello Central Gi'tne 28W.