Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 11, 1915, Image 2

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    Tillamoolc Headlight,
Marcli li, 19Io
Each lot, er tract, or part the 1 of
' of the Charter of Tillamook C lty, Ore
within the limts of said iinptov< n„
everything ready as soon as possible.
the bgal voters of 1 illamook City, district abutting upon any street i.u.
year. Grocery sales in the same ter-
' ------ o------
Notice is hereby given, that in pur- (ircgon, at a special election held in proved shall be table for full cost or
proportion thereof hereinafter men­
Legal Advertisement!.
The snap shot man devoted con- ■ itory were just as good or b< ttcr, snanci of Ordinance No. 287 adopted said city on October 19th, 19:4-
r,e ic enacted by the people ot 1 ill­ tioned, or making said improvement
First Insertion, per line.......... $ .10 sidcrable time to preparing the article and the explanation of ft red by the by the Common Council of 1 illamook
upon halt of the street in front of anj
and . salesman was that the county agricnl- Ci y, Oregon, on the jid day 01 amook City, Oregon, as 'oliows:
Each subsequent insertion, line.
.05 on the plot to kidnap last v.
__ ___
abutting upon said lot, tract, or p;lrt
Maicli, lol-, a spcci-.l clceti n will be
| when it was finished it read more like
Business and professional cards
held al the City Hall in 1 illamook Charter of T illamook City, Oregon, thereof and also for a proportionate
one month ................................ 1.00 a dime novel than anything else. But been urging the farmers to kill City, Tillamook County, Oregon on as .- .id .»rliclc was adopted by a vote share of the cost of inn roving inter­
the 29th day of .'.larch, 1915. at which of
<.i the legal
1-c-nl Veters
voters of said 1 illamook sections of two of the streets bound­
H omestead Notices .................... poo that is not the point we wish to toueh ■ and cure their own meat.
there will be submitted to tae City at a special election held for ing the block or tract in which said
Timber Claims ............................ >00 upon. The Herald's account was made; The smokehouse is coming back. election
qualifiid electors of 1 illamook Cuy that purpose on October 19th, 1914, lot, tract or part thereof is situated
Head- , | Ham and bacon shows are being con- .for
. • ..
.05 tip from that taken from the Fieao-
Locals per line each insertion.
or - -..■..-
thr*.c n is her.by amended so that the same but the said total cost shall be appor­
1 lip h t, some «even columns without
Display advertisement, an inch,
tioned in accordance with the follow­
measures lor the amending of the shall read as follows:
.50 giving the Headlight one w old of with a view of reviving interest in Charter of Tillamook City, Oregon,
ing plan:
one month ..................................
S-ction 1. The Common Council
I credit for the same. The Nehalem he ne curing of meat. But more power proposed by the Common Chapter
All Resolutions of Condolence
Said lccal improvement
UCIH£ Cl a measure
jaax. ***»*•• ■*• to .....
of Tillamook City, Oregon, is hereby shall, for the purpose of asc ruining
.05 Valley Reporter used three column* fill than any other agency in this being
and Lodge Notices, per line .
\ \111
;; Article
__ ‘ XI,
\ a in asurc to amend authorized to issue and sell to George the amount to be assessed against
Cards of Thanks, per line ....
.05 from the Headlight but gave its credit "produce the living on the farm
.¿.I. XIV
TV.' of the Charter
----- T of Tilla­ !.. nd lohn A. McPherson, or their each separate lot, tract or parcel of
■ for the same. We don't want to de- movement is the county agent. He is mook City, Oregon, and a measure to order, upon the faith and credit of ! land, or other property, or part there­
Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolon
| prive Bros. Trombley and Hamilton right on the ground 395 days in the amend Section 12 of Article V II ol Tillamook City, Oregon, the general of within said district, be divided into
etc., minimum rate, not ex­
.25 of their right* to swipe any thing they year and is ever ready to oversee the the (. barter of Tillamook City, Ore­ bonds of said Tillamook City to the subdivisions, or zones paralleling the
ceeding five lines ....................
gon, and the said measures being in amount of Forty Thousand Dollars margins of the street or streets to be
wan' from the Headlight but it is slaughter and curing of meat on the words and figures as follows to-wit:
($40.009.00) at the price of par, and a (improved, which said subdivision on
' hardly giving the snap shot man a farm.
or three per cent, together each side of the street to be number­
"A measure to amend Article XI I of premium
While other states are holding ba-
(Strictly in Advance.)
i square deal, when the Friday's edition
with accrued interest from daté ci ed respectively 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The
One year ...
$1.50 of the Jleralrl was simply a second con shows and advertising for slog­
bonds to date of payment therefor by | first subdivision on each side of the
amook City as set forth in an Act en­
Six months
• 75 edition of the Headlight, and no ans to urge a revival of the smoke­ titled: ‘An AA to amend ati Act en­ the purchasers. The proceeds from street improved shall include all lands
Three months
.50 ci edit w as given to the snap shot man house days, Oklahoma farmers have titled,’ "An Act to Incorporate the the sale ot such bonds shall be appli­ lying between the street margin and
1 been killing hogs and debating the re­ City of Tillamook City, in 1 illamook ed by the Common Council of Tilla­ a line drawn parallel therewith and
for it.
mook City, Oregon, to the payment of extending from said street margin
lative merits of “sugar cure” and “dry Countv, State of Oregon, arid to re­ the outstanding warrants of the city, one-third of the distance of the im­
The feed question in Tillamook is cure”. On the desk of State Agent W. peal all acts and parts of acts in con­ and to the defraying of the necessary provement district on that side of the
I getting away with a whole lot of cash D. Bentley at Stillwater the other day flict herewith’' filed in the office of running expenses of the city for the street. The second subdivision shall
Editorial Snap Shots.
the Secretary of State February 13th
and causing some of the dairymen to lay, face up, a photograph of thirty- 1893, and to repeal an Act entitled, year 1915 including the necessary cost include the next one-third of the im­
of a bridge to be constructed over Ho­ provement district, and the third sub­
Only another two weeks in which figure out its cost. It is surprising the three dressed hogs suspended from “An Act to amend subdivision 13 of quarton Slough on Second Avenue division shall include the outer third
Section 2 of Article IV of an Act en­
tn “cough up” your taxes.
“An Act to Incorporate the East in Tillamook City. The purchas­ of the improved district The different
1 that is shipped into the county. It stood a county agent, directing the titled,
City of Tillamook City, in Tillamook ers of the bonds shall not be required subdivisions to be bounded by lines
We, in common with a large num­ used to be, and only a few vears rince work. As chief of the extension work County, State of Oregon, and to re­ to see to the application of the pro­ drawn parallel with the respective
ber of our citizens, are of the opinion tl.at the dairymen grew all their own which A. and M. College and the peal all Acts in conflict herewith ceeds thereof. No part of the pro­ street margins, and the improvement
ceeds from the sale of said bonds
that the grand jury should have in­ feed, ami that was thought to be the United States Department of Agricul­ filed in the office of the Secretary of shall be used for the payment, in district shall be of the extent which
the Common Council shall determine
dicted the so-called “Detective” in most profitable method of dairying in ture are doing in Oklohoma, Mr.
February 13th, 1901, by the addition whole or in part, of any warrants I by its rssolution establishng the
the kidnap plot.
■ this county, but times have changed Bentley receives weekly reports from thereto of Chapter A III, Artcle XI which have heretofore or may here­ I same.
and an enormous quantity of feed county agents all over the state and containing Section I to 3 inclusive after be issued without any consider­
Thè rate of assessment per square
It will, no doubt, cost a trifle more stuff is now shipped into the county frequently they are accompanied by providing for the application of the ation therefor having been received foot in each subdivision shall be fixed
by Tillamook City.
on the basis that the special benefits
to collect taxes in half payments— every winter. It may be necessary in photographs. It is doubtful if the initiative and referendum principle to
said City Charter, and authorizing ' Section 2: The bonds hereby au­ conferred on a square foot of land in
one half by the first of April and the some instances, but the dairyman week’s mail brought any greater sat- the
said city to create an indebtedness thorized shall be issued in accordance Subdivisions First, Second and Third
second half by the first of October— who raises his own feed is. from all isfaction to the state agent than the for water works, light plants and with the other charter provisions of respectively are related to each other
but it will be a great convenience to accounts, the one who is making the picture ¿>f those porkers hanging by sewerage purposes,, and to levy a tax Tillamook City, except it is hereby as are the numbers 55, 30 and 15 re­
taxpayers who haven't too much most profit and does not have to their heels. It proved that another to pay for the same, and the interest expressly provided, that the ordi­ spectively, and shall be ascertained in
nance providing for the issuing of
money to spare these free traile, meet big feed bills. Ask the dairymen campaign for better farm practice is thereon. Filed in the office of the said bonds shall not be subject to the the following manner.
The product of the number of
Democratic times.
I who have been buying hay this winter gaining ground.
As originally passed and amended or referendum, and the referendum pro­
The story of the traveling salesman attempted to be amended by and sub­ visions of the other portions of the square feet in subdivisions
how many cows it took to pay for it.
Charter of Tillamook City are hereby Second and Third respectively, and
Two good things we
The conservative dairymen who raises has a moral. The saving to the farm­ sequent acts or ordinances.
the numbers 55, 30 and 15 respective­
“ Be it enacted by the people of Til­ declared not to be applicable to the ly, shall be ascertained, and their sum
Circuit Judge Belt. Wh<
their own hay and roots arc playing ers of those six counties through con­
bonds authorized to be issued under
get a little bit fres+i ami begin to get safe.
taken, which sum shall be divided in­
Section 1: Article XI of Chapter the provisions of this Article as here­ to the total cost and expense of such
house products each week would VIII of the Charter of Tillamook by amended.
into a wordv warfare, he claps on the
improvement the products of the re­
A Record for Future Use.
more than pay the salaries of their City, Oregon, as contained and set
“lid”, and the other he keeps the ball ,
A measure to amend Section i2 of sultant quotient and the numbers 55,
county agents.
forth in an Act entitled ‘An Act to
rolling ami does not waste much time, I
amend an Act entitled, "An act to in­ Article VII of the Charter of Tilla 30 and 15 respectively shall be the
the tatter being one of the frequent
The gist of the questions raised be-
rates of assessment per
corporate the City of Tillamook City, tr.ook City, Oregon.
abuses of our courts of justice.
tween neutral nations and belligerents
Wheat is Still More Wheat.
Be it enacted by the people of I til- square foot for subdivisions, First,
in Tillamook County, State of Oregon
Second and Third respectively. The
o—— -
affecting neutral commerce in British
and to repeal all acts and parts of amook City, Oregon, as follows:
Section 1: Section 12 of Article total assessment thus ascertained
Two of the legal lights of the city waters and the North Sea, is that Ger
Regardless of the amount of wheat acts in conflict herewith”, filed in the
against each separate lot or part of lot
got into a little wordy warfare in the many consents to an ending of exist­ raised in this country during the com­ office of the Secretary of State Feb­ VII of the Charter of Tillamook City, tract or parcel of land, or other prop­
Oregon, as the same was amended by
circuit court last week, and the judge ing dangerous and obstructive condi­ ing year, every indication points to a ruary 13, 1893, and to repeal an Act vote of the people of Tillamook Ctiy erty within such district, shall be ap­
entitled, "An Act to amend subdivis­
told the attorneys to cut it rut or l:e tions, and the allies, up to this time, demand for every bushel grown and ion 13 of Section 2 of Article IV of at an election held for that purpose portioned as the amount to be levied
would take a hand in it. They took remain opposed.
President Wilson and for the payment of higher prices an Act entitled, “An Act to incorpor­ on October iolh. 1914. >« hereby and assessed against each separate
the hint, for it is against the religious rec'tillv sail that,
though for it than ordinarily prevail. Study of ate the City of Tillamook City in amended so that the same shall read lot or part of lot, tract, parcel of land
or other property respectively. Pro­
scruples of attorneys to semf them methods of warfare are changed, the amount raised last year confirms Tillamook County, State of Oregon, as follows:
Section 12: When the whole of the vided, how'ever, that the Common
and to repeal all Acts in conflict here­
to durance vile without a fair trial, or there is no n’tion with color or right tins view; present conditions in
i for- with,” filed in the office of the Secre­ improvements covered by any one Council may, in its discretion, at the
giving them an opportmiitv to demur to change the s’ttlcd i des of warfare eign wheat-growing countries con- tary of State, February 13, 1893, ap­ ordinance therefor shall have been time of establishing any local im­
01 move for a new trial.
.iff ctri-, mtitr.il rights. Washington, firm it, and we have in addition the proved February 13, 1901, by the ad­ fully completed and accepted by the provement district, furtherprovidethat
11 is to be seen, is preparing to make statement of the president of the Nat- dition thereto of Chapter VIII, Arti­ Common Council, the Common Coun­ any portion of the cost of the making
cle XI containing Section I to 3 in­ cil shall then cause the cost of such of such improvements,, or any speci­
The Sheridan Sun
"Tillamook an energetic protest of the right as­ ional Chamber of Commerce:
* clusive, providing for the application I work or improvement to be appor­ fied part thereof, shall be paid out of
still keep* in the lim’light of public­ serted l y Crime Minister Asquith in
"There is a shortage of food in the of the initiative and referendum prin­ i tioned to the property affected there­ the general fund of Tillamook City.
ity and its doing things seem to he his address to the House of the Com­ world now. That shortage will be ciple to said City charter, and author­ by within the improvement district
The number and form in which the
izing the said City to create an in­ established therefor as required by ballot titles for said measures will be
one darned thing after another." Now mons on Monday. According to the more serious a few
months from now debtedness for water works, light »'>*■ ordinance authorizing the same, printed on the official ballot is as fol­
don't get too fresh Bro., for there’s Associited Press dispatches, the pres than it is now.
plants and sewerage purposes, and to in the manner following:
nothing wrong with Tillamook. It's ident “indicated
that the United
levy a tax to pay for the same and the i
“It is necessary
Shall a measure for the amendment
the “outsiders” who drift into this Stalls would not change its previous­
plant a great deal more. It is neces­ interest thereon.” Filed in the office
of Chapter VIII, Article XI of the
little kingdom west of the Coast ly announced position, but would con­
of the Secretary of State, February
sary that our land should yield more titli 1903, As originally passed and as
Charter of Tillamook City as propos­
Range who arc the cause of "one tinue to make efforts to have the
ed by the Common Council of Tilla­
per acre than it docs now.
amended or attempted to be amended
belligerents respect American ship­
darned thing after another.
mook City by ordinance No. 287
i , “It is necessary that there should by any subsequent act or ordinance,
I ping of noncontraband character.”
adopted by the Common Council of
is'hereby amended so that the same
Tillamook City on March 3rd, 1915,
The State Grange will hold it* an­ I The limitation of our resistance is
shall read as follows:
country if the world is to be fed.
“Proposed by the Common Council: be enacted?
nual convention in Tillamook City protest. Beyond that is is impossible
1 his deduction appears warranted
Marx X between the number and
Article XI.
this year It could not come to a more that we can go, as conditions now
answer voted for.
interesting dairying section, cut off shape themselves. The fact makes all
A es.
The proposed amendment mentioned
the city is vested in the Common
for *0 many years with other part of the more imperative the duty of mak­ and distribution during the past year. Council, but tne same is subject to
• amends the present Charter provis-
No. <!ons _°f Tillamook City by establish­
the state on account of lack of trans ing protest so decided, and so em­ On July I last the supply was esti­ and shall be governed by all of the
ing limit of Cty's indebtedness out­
portation facilities. (If course the ci'y bracing in the completeness of its as­ mated at 952.000,000, and the distribu­ initiative or referendum provision* of
side of improvement bonds, at Seven­
will do it*elf proud in giving the sertion of neutral right and interest, tion of the supply during the seven the constitution of the State of Ore­
ty Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00),
gon as the same is now in force or
visitor* a genuine welcome, ami n ik as to continue a record of protest, for months thereafter, allowing for do­ may hereafter be amended, and sub­
leaving the powers of the Common
ing it pleasant during their visit to future use, against violation of neu­
Council subject to the initiative and
ject to any of the initiative and ref­
referendum powers of the people.
this city and county. Thi* is a matter tral rights in time of war. There can bushels per capita, was: Consumption erendum provisions of the Chatter of
that the Tillamook ('omincrci.il Chit* be no denying that the allies are now­ 299.000.000; seed for 1914, 61,000.000; Tillamook City or ordianccs legally
Shall a measure for the amendment of
an! the local Grangers will woil. going further than belligerents have exports, 2to.000.000; commercial stock enacted under pursuanse of the con­
Article XIV of the Charter of Tilla­
stitution aforesaid, or of any of the
hand in hand to bring it to a .success­ ever heretofore ventured. Their right
provisions of said Charter.
mook City, Oregon, as proposed by
ful cotichison, ami it is none too soon to declare a blockade is indisputable. 380,000,000 bushels though experts in
the Common Council of Tillamook
Section 2: Whenever any initiative
City Oregon, by ordinance No. 287
to be planning and making the neces­ Their failure to make such a declara­ wheat manipulation claim this is 60,- or referendum measure is to be voted
adopted by the Common Council of
tion, while still insisting upon rights 000,000 too high. But accepting their upon at any general or special elec­
sary arrangements.
of seizure, search and detention of figures and comparing them with es- tion. the City Recorder shall cause to
"Proposed I y the Common Council, I illamook City, Oregon, on March
3rd, 1915 be enacted?
be placed upon the ballot at the elec­
We do not see why anvone should neutral vessels with non-contraband timat«* of the amount of wheat that tion at which any such measure is to
Mark X between the number and
object or endeavor to cut out some of cargoes, can mean only that this will be needed for consumption up to be voted, a ballot title and brief de­ 102
answer voted for.
I he proposed amendment of Ar­
the project* in the road improve right is to be extended to include June 30 next, the situation cannot b" scription of the measure to be voted
No. ticle XIV expressly authorizes the
mints, as provided for in the budget seizure, search and detention of neu­ very different than claimed by the on in such form as m y he prescribed 103
by the ( ommon Council in accord­
Common CoiWicil to sell Forty Thou­
a* finally adopted bv the County tral ships with cargoes consigned to National (. hamber of Commerc*.
ance v. ith the Charter of the Citv
sand Dollars of the general bonds of
Court. Taking as a whole the im- neutral ports in nations the xmbargo
Section 3: The People of Tilla­
It may not necessitate an embargo,
the City to George. L. and John A.
ptovenients are necessary to the de­ lavs or export laws of which are not nor cause for an alarm, but it calls mook ( itv, or the Common Council
McPherson at par, with a 3 per cent
premium, and to use the proceeds for
velopment of this countv ami as it i* soisGctory to the allies The enforce­ stronglv for the planting of whea* thereof subject to the initiative ami
referendum powers reserved to the
payment of outstanding warrants of
impossible for everybody to agree on ment of such a new doctrine will and s'ill more wheat *
people, shall have full power and au­
I illamook City, and construct bridge
this or that improvement, »he best m in a heavy loss to the export trade
thority to provide by appropriation
across Hoquarton Slough on Second
policy for the Colintv Court to follow of the United States,
Avenue East.”
The new steamship service of the
The inhibition including not only Panama Pacific Line from New York flict with any superior power or au­
I* to go ahead and carry out these
Shall a measure for the amendment
improvement* a* provided for in the goods consigned to, but good con- to the Pacific Coast by way of the
construction or maintenance and op­
of Section ¡2 of Article VII of the
budget. Should the County Court cut signed from, German ports, the hard- Panama Canal will be started M
Charter of Tillamook City, Oregon,
ay 1. eration, of a complete system of
ont any of these improvement* it will ship will fall upon many industries in with the departure of the steamer water works, electric or gas light
as proposed by the Common Council
meet with considerable criticism, *0 this country dependent upon Ger­ Finland from New York. The Finland plant or plants; to create a sewer dis-
of 1 illamook City, Oregon, by Or­
the best way avoid this i* to go ahead man made chemicals and manufac­ and the steamer Kroonland will make trict or districts 1 within the city, and
dinance No. 287 adopted by the Com­
to put in or maintain a sewer system
Council of Tillamook City, Ore­
and do the work as planned, for there turers' supplies for their prosecution the trip every three weeks The two or systems, or a system of drains for
“Proposed by the Common Council. mon
gon, on March 3rd, 1915, be enacted?
are men who want work, and want it The cotton manufacturing industry ship* were built in Cramp's shipyard the City, and to make the cost of such
Mark X between the number and
1 in particular will be hard hit, as well at Philadelphia and art under Ameri­ drains or sewers, or any part thereof, «04.
Yes. answer voted for.
as cotton exportations Washington can registry and the American flag. a charge or lien upon the abutting
This proposed amendment permits
W» ar* frequently asked why the hopes that the formal reply of the Each ship is 22.000 tons displacement or adjacent property within said dis­ 105.
the Common Council to fix the boun­
daries of improvement districts for
County Court doc* not git startad British government to the representa­ and 600 feet long. Each vessel will of closets, cess pools, and drains with ■
improving streets so that the same
with road work, with the purpose of tions made, in conveying the German carry an orchestra and all deck games said sewer or sewers, and to borrow
may be extended further back than
giving employment to men who are concent to a cessation of submarine in use on trans-Atlantic liners will be money upon the credit of the city
105 feet from the street being improv­
therefore by issuing bonds or other­
wanting work Our sympathy is with activities in exchange for an open sea provided.
ed, to such distance as the Common
The service promises to wise. Provided, that the indebtedness
men who have had little or no work for noncontraband, will mitigate the be popular this summer, owing to the of the citv shall not at any time, ex­
Council may determine.”
this winter, and although we are just severities of the present outlook attractions at San Diego and San clusive of funds available for payment
.u- .e a
, „
as anxious to see road work com­ But protest will not be delayed, nor Francisco. Smooth seas and silvery thereof including sinking funds raised o clock in the morning and will con-
Dattd thls 4th day of March, 1915.
mence as any one. there are certain its vigor abated, in anticipation of nights will add to the attraction of for the purpose of defraving said in­ tinue until 6 o'clock in the afternoon
John Aichim.
I conditions and formalities to be gone such a thing I'hi re can be no doubt th« trip No «tops will be made be­ debtedness. exceed in the aggregate of said March 29th, 1915.____
City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore.
throughJiefoie thq^court can proceed that neutral rights arc violated by all tween Christobal and New York go­ lars ($70.000 00) exclusive of improve­
and on twat aclonnt it cannot rush in of the belligerents.
ing in either direction, but a short ment bonds issued in accordance with
La Grande—Made in Union County
East side, Portland, Masonic lodges
charter provisions of Tillamook-
' to road work her* and there. But it is
stay will he made at either San Diego the
attended by 500.
erect temple.
the wish of the people that the Conn
I he Packing Plants and the Farmer or Los Angeles.
St. Helens—McCormic Mills have
And the Common Council is au­
Baker County placer mining resum­
| ty Court use a* much speed and get
- -o—
thorized hereby to lew and collect an contract for 11,000.000 feet ties.
ing earlier than usual.
the work started as soon as possible, | The other day a traveling salesman,
Call for Warrants.
annual tax-of not to exceed to mills I
On Portland city contracts Oswego
so as to relieve those who arc urgent­ who represents six Oklahoma coun­
Marshfield black sand tests $3 a
All outstanding county warrants
ly needing work There arc a whole ties for a big packing house, told a will be paid upon presentation. Inter­ in the city, to pay the interest and Iron Works get $128,514 cast iron ton in gold and 32c. platinum.
lot of improvements to be done this district agrnt in the employ of the est ceases February 2, 1915.
Portland good roads boosters would
and the authorized expenditures of fittings.
4 year, and a* the season for road work farmer*’ oc-operative demonstration •
the city for all legal purposes
initiate $1,000,000 bond issue.
B L Reals,
B-i* so short, it is just as well to gel work that his sales of meat had fallen
| O. \V. R & N. and Uaion Pacific is
County Treasurer. '
Astoria—March 16, excursions meet
I i
placing orders for lumber.
steamer Great Northern at Flavel.