Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 11, 1915, Image 1

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The ladies who are interested in the
Episcopal Mission are requested to
meet next Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30
at the home of Mrs. F. C. Baker.
We have made special arrange-
nients with the Telephone Co., to
connect you directly w ith our office,
in case you wish any of our GOOD
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W
O. A. Schultz, of the A. F. Coat;
Lumber Co., has gone East for a lev
weeks in the interest of the saw mill
Mrs. Schultz accompanied him, wh<
has gone on a visit to relatives in Ab­
Rev. F. O. Jones, of the Episcopa’
church, returned to the city on Fri­
day from Portland where he had gone
with a request to Bishop Sumner to
start a mission in this county. The
matter will be decided this week.
. Money PILED UP in the bank is the otte sure
protection against the storms of adversity.
No man who has a home and family should endanger
the security of his home or the comfort of his family
should he be taken away from them.
MONEY IN THE BANK will best insure the com-
fort of a man’s wife and children. As you earn money
bank it regularly and make your family independent.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay four per cent interest on time Deposits.
Circuit Court Proceedings.
Born on the 4th, to the wife of J.
W. Jennings, Jr., a son; to the wife of
B. E. Turner, on the 4th a girl; to the
wife of Will Webb, on the 1th a girl-
to the wife of Geo. Kostic, on the 8th.
a girl.
Preparations are being made to
move back the buildings on First St.,
belonging to Mrs. Goodspeed, the
matter of damages being amicabh
settled betw-een the city and Mrs.
Goodspeed, the City paying $350.
For Sale, block I and block 6, Park
< L Addition, consisting of 12 lots be­
tween 3rd and 5th sreets. Will some­
body make me a cash offer on these
lots for immediate sale?—Rollie W
< , Watson, Todd Hotel Bld., Tillamook
Tillamook.County Bank. I
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tilla­
mook County Bank.
The place to eat is at
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
the “Good I
A heavy team, wagon and
for sale. See Shrode.
The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying
ten cents for green hides.
Attorney C. W. Talmage
week for Southern Oregon.
left last
A fine quality of Tillamook made
shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
Found! A line of buggies with the
quality, that we can sell in competi
tion with the mail order business ant
save you money. Bring your cata
logues and come in and compart
White Plymouth Rock eggs $2.00 prices. Every buggy fully guaranteed
and $1.00 per setting of 15 eggs. W. S. —Tillamook Feed Co.
Coates, Tillamook.
Oregon, “State
Seal” souvenirt
Mrs. E. E. Shaw has opened dress- spoons, extra heavy silver plated
making parlors in the McGee apart- guaranteed by R. Wallace and Sons
15c. each. On sale Saturday, Marc!
ment house. Apartment 4.
13. This is the same spoon advertiset
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­
by Meier & Frank, of Portland
sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for-
Lamar’s Variety Store, “Drop in ani
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
look around.”
Will someone take the mayor and
For the information of taxpayer?
city dads and give them a joltin g up
who are inquiring about half paymcn
at the jump off place north of tow n.
of taxes, taxpayers who so dcsir<
MILK—Delivered to any part of can pay half their taxes-by the first o
the city at 6c. per quart in advance or April and the second half by the firs
7c. on time. Tillamook Dairy, Both of October, no interest brXR charger
on the second half of taxes if paid bj
C. R. Worrall and A. C. White, who the latter date.
Spray your trees! 50 gallons of
spray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. * were implicated in the kidnap plot,
Frank Ebbeson and Alfred Boquis
Electric irons, special $3.50 irons, were taken to the state penitentiary while miking experiments in chemis
try on Monday, some of the ingred
this week, only $3.00. Electric Store.* on Saturday.
they were using exploded and
Protect your valuable papers from
The Womans Relief Corps will
burned Ebbeson about the face. Il
meet in Artisan hall, Saturday, 2:30
our safe deposit boxes. Only one was thought at first he was serious!)
dotlar per year.
Tillamook County injured but he is getting better and
Attorney R. R. Duniway, of Port- Bank.
will be out in a few days.
land, is attending circuit court this
On Friday evening March 19, the
Preserve eggs while they are cheap,
Liq Glass will do it perfectly, fresh Women’s Civic Club of this city will
We are in a position to make some stock with full directions at C. I. have a community sing at the Com­
long time farm loans. First National Clough Co.
* mercial Club rooms. The coming en­
tertainment, however, will have some
Mrs. W. B. Powell, who underwent
Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! of all an operation at Boals’ hospital, was additional features. It will be remem­
kinds, and fence posts, for sale. See taken to her home on Wednesday. It bered that the last community sinR
held at the club rooms was a decided
will be several months before she can
success. It is a fine idea to have all
We will soon have several cars of fully recover.
the people get together and have a
hay for sale from the car. See Shrode
Several of the business men formed rousing good time throwing aside al)
for prices.
a class and were admitted to the Or­ formalities.
“Electric irons at The Electric der of Red Men on Thursday evening
Mr. McCowcll has just secured the
Store, next to Gem Theatre, all this The Red Men will hold a pow-wow
rights to present the very successful
week, $3.00.
in this city this summer.
play "A Soldiers Swe'ethcart” and
Attorney Geo. Bagley, of Hillsboro, will offer it in a few weeks, by the
The Civic League is preparing an­
other entertainment. Watch out for it who has been appointed circuit judge Dramatic Club. This play is the very
for it means a whole lot of amuse­ for the new judicial district of Wash­ latest in the Eastern states, and one
ment for those who attend. See the ington and Tillamook, was in the city that has made a tremendous hit. It
this week attending circuit court.
deals with the European war, and
date in the next issue.
tells a beautiful story. No play of the
late years has made as pronounced a
ception of “The Girl of the Golden
West” This play is worth waiting to
see, it will soon be offered, so wait.
OVER $160,000,000.00 IN-ASSETS
Represented by this Office.
Let Us Write Your Next Policy.
“The Insurance Man."
|i.$0 PER YEAR.
Circuit Judge 11. H. Belt has been
kept busy for two weeks with cases
in the circuit court, disposing of a
number of case».
The Jury was dismissed on Tuesday
with the exception of G. B. l amb,
and including the 13th to answer.
This case was set for hearing next
Monday, but it is thought it may be
taken up before that time. There is
ptite an array of attorneys in this
case the plaintiffs being represented
by Attorney II. T. Botts and Attor­
ney Geo. Bagley, of Hillsboro, and
he defendant by Attorney Emmons
t Emmons, Martin Watrous and J.
■•‘rank Shelton (of Sweek and Shel-
on), the local attorneys being C. W.
Talmage and E. J. Claussen.
Mills vs. C. E. M.cAlpin,
F.dgar W illiams and Peter Erickson
s a case to set aside conveyances,
vhich is being heard to day, there be­
ing considerable local interest taken
in the case.
E. D. Severance indicted on four
counts, charged with embezzlement
in connection with the Standard Milk
Sugar Co., will be tried at a later date
to be arranged by both sides.
M. J. Gersoni, vs. Frank A. Rove.
Kction for money. Verdict for derend- to property belonging to the school
C. R. Cater, vs. Andrew Zurcher.
A. C. Everson vs. W. L. Powers is
Action for money. Verdict for de­ a suit to recover $500.00 on a real
estate deal, and W. I- Powers vs. A.
Geo. L. Hamlin, vs. Charles E. C. Everson another suit in which the
Hass. Action for money. Voluntary plaintiff prays that the instrument be
ion-suit as to the second and third reformed in accordance with the ac­
:auses of action. Defendant confesses tual agreement, and that all proceed­
first and fourth causes of action.
ings pending be stayed until the de­
Fred Foster, vs. W. O. Chase and termination of this suit.
Otis Chase. Action for money, Ver-
State of Oregon vs. Otis Jones,
lict for plaintiff and against the de- Loyde Jones and Esther Jones is a
'endant W. O. Chase in the sum of suit to recover $308.75 on promissiry
note. >
North Pacific Brewing Co. vs. Bert
Coast Driving and Boom Co., a cor-
poration, vs. Alma S. Johnson, Con- Stanley is a suit to.recover $100.00 on
lemnation. Demurrer to first amend­ a promissiry note.
J. H. Hicks vs. B. I.. Beals, jr. and
'd complaint overruled.
F. R. Beals, vs. J. W. Haskins and the Adjustment Bureau of the Port­
Nancy L. Haskins, and Leora Curry land Association of Credit Men is a
ind Chas Samuels. Action for money. suit growing out of the sale of Ed
Motion to make definite and certain Snodgrass’ automobile business to
iverruled and defendant given ten the plaintiff, in which the latter is
seeking to be the o.vner and holder
lays in which to answer.
C. A. Parks, vs. P. J. Sharp and
Maud Sharp. Action for money, Vol-
mtary non suit as to Maud Sharp,
nd judgment in default as to defend­
ing P. J. Sharp.
E. T. Haltom, vs. P. J. Sharp and
Maud Sharp. Action for money. Non-
•uit as to first two counts. Voluntary
ronsuit as to Mrs. Sharp. Judgment
igainst P. J. Sharp as to 3rd, 4th, 5th,
ind 6th causes of action.
Jones-Knudson Furniture Co., vs.
M. J. Gersoni. Action for money. Set-
led and dismissed.
Nestucca Valley Bank, vs. Chas.
Kennedy. Action for money. Settled
and dismissed.
Jeff D. Matney and Lucy Richards
indicted for lewd cohabitation. Mat­
ney found guilty and fined $100. Mrs.
Richards sentenced to term of 30 days
in county jail and the judge paroled
A. G. Beals and M. W. Harrison
and Tillamook County Bank, a cor­
poration, vs. Standard Milk Sugar
Co., a corporation and E. I). Sever­
ance. Action for money. Demurrer
overruled and defendant given until
and including 13th to answer.
Ada Wilson, vs. James Wilson, You will be charmed will
« spring models in
Divorce. Divorce granted.
Some seventy-five members of the
Womans Relief Corps met at the
home of Susie Conover, Friday after­
noon, the occasion being a farewell to
two active members, Ella Gersoni and
' Alice Anderson. The president in be­
half of the W. R. C. presented each
I with a Tillamook Souvenir spoon,
: and they responded by returning
I thanks to the corps. We regret very
much the departure of our members,
I but realizing there arc real live W. R.
I C. organizations where they will re­
side, we are confident they will con-
, tinue the work. Light refreshments
were served and a general good time
enjoyed by all.____________
Notice to Grangers.
All Grangers and their families are
'invited to attend a surprise party to
1! be given at the Fairview Hall on Sun-
¡[day next, March 14, in honor of the
¡ sixtieth anniversary of the marriage
ijofMr. and Mrs. L. S. Maynard.
i' Bring no presents, but bring your
dinner» and have a good time.
of certain property and that the plain­
tiff recover $347.69 from proceeds of
certain sales.
Commits Suicide at Bay City.
Martin Bartberg, a jeweler of Bay
City, committed suicide at midnight
on Sunday, blowing his brains out
with a revolver. It seems that several
persons heard the report of the re-
volver and they hastened to bis room
where they found Bartberg dead on
the bed with the revolver in his hand.
He was 78 years of age and it is
thought the cause of the rash act was
despondency. He had resided in Bay
City for two years, and had $155.00
in cash a mortgage and some real
Rains and snows insure good crops
for Central Oregon.
Organized labor has established a
notional union-label mail order house.
New Suits Filed in the Circuit are as
W. G. Dwightvs. B. J. Stephens is
a suit filed in the circuit court to re­
cover $240.00 being balance owing
for rent.
W. G. Dwight vs. B. J. Stephens,
Fleckenstcin Mayer & Co. and Amer­
ican Importing Co., asks for damages
against the defendants for $140.00,
and that the pretended sale entered
into between the parties be decreed
to be wholly null and void.
Mina Booth vs. Benjamin W. Booth
is a divorce suit, These parties were
married in January 1<JOI, and five
children were born to the union. 1 lie­
grounds upon which the divorce is
sought is cruel and inhuman treat­
ment and personal indignities on the
part of the defendant, also that the
defendant drank to excess and con­
sorted with immoral women. It is
also alleged in the complaint that last
August defendant, while intoxicated
attacked the plaintiff and used vio­
lence toward her, and after this at­
tack defendant told plaintiff that he
was going to leave her for good.
They separated. Plaintiff asks for the
custody of the children, $30.00 per
month for the support of the children
and $100.00 for attorney's ices.
Minnie J. Trowbridge and husband
D. L. Dalton and wife is a suit to re­
cover $217.00 on a promissory note.
School District, No 54, vs Frank
Barnes and wife is a suit to quiet title
beauty and design of the
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists
and Dress Skirts.
the coming season.
These desirable garments fur
outing and beach wear come
in stout qualities of white twill
cotton, witl
IB to
are nil
20 years a
A h our engagement
with meats from
prices are
Miss Jone» > h for a short »ca­
non only we »hall lx- glad if von
will place your order» as early
Red and Navy Blue Silk,
a» possible.
with white anchor emblems.
The millinery workroom un­
der the able management of
Miss Marne Jone«, is
••quipped to handle all your re­
$1.00, $1.44 & $1.48
Middy Ties.
Millinery Dept—Balcony,
Each 50c.
Wayne Knit Hosiery
For the Whole Family.
Ladies' from ■. 25c
Men’s from .... 25c
Children’s from 19c.
SALE Price, 15c. with one Pattern Free, j