Tillamook Headlight, March 4» ' shackles or hand cuffs, or something Attorney Eagley Appointed Judge. * The Sentence. I 05©Cf |*kord here. Un>«»» the court cares appointment with Mrs. Beals to go might hive been $6, in which event Monopole Solid Pack Gallon Tomatoes 30c can to $165,222.47. to hear further details about that.” v !th her and deliver the money in ac­ the wife and the husband would The bonded debts of the above Monopole I’aiicv Blackberries No. 3 can 15c. Mr. Tongue: I would like you tell cordance with the instructions in that have pocketed $4. If he is willing to counties are as follows: Clatsop, $389 the Court, what preparations wjre letter and tell her by all means not to divide equally with her, he is doing all >53-00; Columbia, 360,000.00; H00J made in the way of furnishing shak- tell Crenshaw? cuffs, and other things to A. I told her not to tell it in gen­ that can be expected, and if he is tel­ River, $50,000; Jackson, $500,000; Rout the scheme. eral around town because of the hue ling the truth when he says that he Multnomah, $250,000. GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG and cry. I don ’ t know whether J .told TWorrall: I think I said a while reserved only 10 per cent, of his pay bey went up there and g"t some her not to tell Crenshaw or not, but I and that the disputed sum was the ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. There 1» always great man living Ions White had stored in the wouldn't say I didn’t. If Mrs. Beals ravings out of 90 per cent which the at every period of the world'» vould say I did, I wouldn't disagree history land this man Carpenter aid he TILLAMOOK, OREGON have to send $to to some with her, because Mrs. Beals would wife disbursed, the women ought to maintained Thomas Carlyle, Who's regard him as a model husband. up in Portland to buy some tell the truth about it. our»? « « White is at the hottom of this be- thing to do.” I said “1 said 1 think cause of his mania to get the children 1 will help you and do everything to help you. In the meantime don’t raise a great hue and cry about it. Il is possible you are being watched, and if you make an effort to flush the birds,, (1 think I expressed it) “they will simply take Arthur further away into the woods. I don't know where he is anymore than you do.” Which was true, because I never did know the place where lie was to be taken or anything about it, only it was in the woods and something was said about a cabin. She kept insisting, and I 1 said “No, 1 will not." She even pushed it into niy hand and 1 reached down and got a pi<.ce of paper and wrapped around the money and jain- [ med it back in her hand bag. I said, ‘"You take that money and keep it. If there is anything 1 can do to help you I will be only too glad to do it, and it won’t cost you anything.” I was really touched, for while 1 am not divine, don’t profess to be, there are some things that touch my con­ science and hurt me. 1 felt sorry for Mrs. Beals.because of her apparent suffering and agoi y. She was quiver­ ing and shaking. I took hold of her hand at one time and tried to quiet her, she started crying. 1 told her not to cry, I said “They won’t hurt him, won’t kill him. They can’t do that in this country, Mrs. Beals” I think 1 treated, her like a perfect lady, at ■least 1 used my best efforts to do so, seeing she was in trouble. She said ["You take it, and I will go back [home.” 1 said “No, you stay in town SjB.or where 1 can reach you by phone. 1 am going to try and find White.” ^f‘He is at the bottom of this, I know Hthat, and he works on the section, /¡and I will try and find him.” Then K*he said she would go to Mrs. Geo. ’'’Lyons, and I told her I would phoni 'her. This was about eleven, and 1 'Said, “I will phone you about three, ■ and tell you what progress 1 have , made in the matter.” I think that was the general line of talk. She thanked m< very much for it. She said she didn’t mind the money, she said "1 can get plenty of more money if 1 ^^Kant it.” I said “ 1 don’t want any of YOUR FIRE INSTRANCE IS SAFE WITH-THIS-AGENCY, OVER 5160,000,000.00 IN-ASSETS Represented by this Office AFETY” ERVICE OUR-AIM ECURITY. Let Us Write Your Next Policy. ROLLIE W WATSON Two World Expositions Now Open. I Pacific Railway & Nav. Co. , Stop-overs on One Way Tickets \ RESOLVED W ' ABOUT IF G ’ : Bur Wf ENTICING Cut Prices In Gallon Goods This Week RAY & CO.