Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 04, 1915, Image 5

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    Tillamook Headlight,
State Press Flashlights.
It is reported that the Yamhill
county court will look over the road
route from this place to Dolph this
week. That they will get the grade
from the Bee ranch in a southerly
direction to the creek called Sour
Grass; thence westerly, connecting
with the Tillamook rock road. By
this route they would leave out all the
Dolph hills, and it is said that they
can get a 3 per cent grade that looks
like the practical route.—Sheridan
Will that Independence saloon-
S keeper who objects to the Observer's
■ recent
■ Booze Kills,” please accept our apol
■ogy? The Salem individual, let it be
■ said by way of explanation, simply
■died after having imbibed of the
■stimulent because he wasn’t vigorous
■enough physically to withstand the
■shock, although he was generally con­
sidered to be a well man. It wasn’t
^■he fault of the whisky, but of the
|ftiian—he should have been proof
^■gainst i[.—Polk County Observer.
deleterious consequence and don't
block the wheels of the boom wagon.
A boom is what this old state has
been hankering for ever since it was
born. Let it come. It cannot be too
big for what we have to offer, and
then we will have some to spare for a
still further boom. Oregon has had
too much gradual slowness. Let us
now have some action of the right
sort—the boom sort.—Woodburn In­
Cheap Murder in Ne.v York.
March -4, 1915.
’61070, 861071, 861072, 801073, 861074
8610 '8
>61079, 861080, 861081, 861082, 861083,
861084, 861085, 861086, 861087, 861088,
861089, 801090, 801091, 861092, 861093,
861094, 861095, 861096, 861097, 861098,
861099, and 861100, of the New Bruns-
wick Fire Insurance Company, of
New Brunswick, New Jersey, have
been lost, stolen or destroyed, while
in the Agency of S. B. Whitehouse,
of Tillamook City, Oregon. You are
hereby notified that the New Bruns­
wick Fire InAirance Company of New
Brunswick, New Jersey, hereby as­
sume no liability under the above
enumerated polices. Any information
of the return of the above blank
policies, will confer a favor on W. W.
Alverson, the Western Manager,
374 Pine Street, San Francisco, Cal.
By. A. M. Lovelace,
Special Agent.
That murder can be procured in
New York for a price as low as five
dollars is shocking evidence of condi­
tions which the gang system has de­
veloped under the noses of the police,
says an exchange.
The confession obtained by the Dis­
trict-Attorney from the youthful
gangster Snyder, who admits he was
paid five dollars for shooting Phillip
Paul, a South Street saloon keeper,
Ready for Business.
gives an extraordinary glimpse of
how surely and cheaply boys and
Now that the legislature has passed1
young men are drawn into crime cir­
a bill making it legal for ‘wo or more 1
cles and made adepts in lawlessness.
counties to unite in one road district]
The most pernicious criminal the
we expect to see some good work '
city harbors is the instructor in crime
done on the Tillamook-Polk-Yamhill
A few days ago “the worst Fagan
road. 1 his road has been much talked
in New York”—so the police call him
of for many years but
nothing has
—a man with a long criminal record,
been doue. The next move will be for
arrested twelve times and convicted
thèse three counties to assemble in 1
five, who for twenty years has made
one body and designate the territory ■
a specialty of teaching small boy3 to
Notice to Contractors.
into a road district and appropriate 1
commit all sorts of crime, was fined
money for the construction of the '
$500 and sentenced to one year in
Sealed bids addressed to the County
road. A half a mile will be built in i
prison. He pleaded guilty to the Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
1 illamook county in addition to this '
charge of imparing the morals of a for the proposed improvement on the
road connecting with the Little Nes-
fifteen year old boy.
tucca road. This is a splendid move
Justices in special sessions refused
in the right direction.
to extend mercy to the prisoner. They will be received by the County Court
ft Lack of appreciation in the com-
Some time ago the Oregonian pub
■nunity at large toward the men who
pronounced him "an habitual crimin­ at its office in Tillamook City, Ore­
lislied a lengthy article relative to the al who ought to be sent to prison
gon, on or before the 5th day of
Ado things, has often worked irrepar-
benefits of this road to the tourists for life.” But did the punishment ac­ March, at 10 o'clock a.m. and at that
‘7able injury. Men and women as a
and we reprint the following.
time opened and read.
tually imposed fit the offense?
whole appreciate a square deal, and
“Heretofore it has required about
Each bid shall be accompanied by
We know no more dangerous in­
this is far more true among men who
seven hours to make the run to Tilla­ dividuals in the city than the leading a certified check made payable to Til­
do things than among women who
mook and then there was not much spirits, the specialists in crime who lamook County, for an amount equal
accomplish something worth while
I than among those who merely live a comfort in the junket, but a(ter the gather around them youths of slanted to 5 per cent of the amount of such
road survey is changed to avoid sev­ morals—boys who begin wrong and bid, which shall be forfeited to the
life of ease and pleasure. Apprecia­
eral high grades and approximately will develop into rowdies and end up County, in case award is made and the
tion works automatically in driving
$110,000 is spent by the counties in­ as thieves, thugs and gunmen. Many bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for
out jealousy, it creates a fine com-
cluded in the 90-mile stretch from a young man might escape a career a period of five days after which the
mutiny spirit and makes men and
Portland to the beach shore, in con­ of crime were it not for some domi­ award is made to enter into a con­
women partners for the common
junction with aid from the state, the nant and dominating rogue who tract and file a bond satisfactory to
good.—News Reporter.
time of transit will be cut almost in wraps him into it. Crime schools are the Court as by law required.
two, according to W. J. Clemens, the worse menace to law and order.
The bids are to cover the clearing of
Now is the time to swat the fly.
president of the Portland Automobile Catch the schoolmaster and make ex- the right-of-way from Station,
Uncle Sam is waging a relentless war
177x00 to Station 198x31.
amplcs of him.—News Times.
on the deadly house fly and in a re­
according to plafis and specifications
The road as planned will have no
cent bulletin the Department of Ag­
on file in the office of the Surveyor
grade more than 5 per cent, and those
War and Insurance.
riculture tells how to give battle to
and County Clerk, for Tillamook
interested in the movement say it
the pest. The most effective way of
County, Oregon.
will be completed by June.
The following article which we
exterminating the fly, according to
The County Court reserves the
The road will lead out of Portland
copy from the Nebraska State Jour­ right to reject any and all bids, Dated
the bulletin, is to eradicate the breed­
over the Terwilliger boulevard, out
nal will be of interest to many of our this the 18th day of February, 1915.
ing places. The breeding season of
the Rcx-Tigardville trip, which is un­
the fly begins early in March and con­
J. C. Holden,
dergoing a $20,000 improvement, and
The insurance companies of Europe
tinues throughout the spring and
County Clerk.
then through McMinnville, Sheridan
are facing a serious crisis on account First publication, 2-18-15.
summer months. All dirt should be
and Willamina. Instead of touching
removed from the premises, stables Dolph and Toll Gate as heretofore, of the calling to the front of a large Last publication, 3-4-15.
portion of the mail population. This
cleaned and decaying vegetables de­
where high grades were encountered,
stroyed. The fly has been rightly the survey switches off the old high­ rush to arms cannot fail to increase
Notice to Contractors.
the mortality. Even a short war will
called the undertaker’s
way at a point 14 miles this side of
salesman, and in addition to his reg­ Dolph and heads for Bear Creek in bring about a sharp advance in the
Sealed bids addressed to the County
ular line of "typhoid bugs,” he car­ Polk County, and then follows the death rate, besides sowing the seeds
ries a side line of tuberculosis, Asi­ Nestucca river to the beach, a branch of future invalidism in tens of thou­ Court of Tillamoolf County, Oregon,
atic cholera and other disease germs. running off to Tillamook and hence sands of previously sound risks. A for the proposed improvement on the
long war threatens bankruptcy to
Now is the time to "swat the fly.”—
to all contingent beaches.
every life insurance company in Eu­ will be received by the County Court
This road will also be connected
rope, and heavy losses to the Ameri­ at its office irt Tillamook City, Ore­
with Astoria and the various Clatsop
Why this hubbub over the State- county beaches, so that the Port­ can companies that haye entered the gon, on or before the 5th day of
March, at 10 o'clock a.m. and at that
ment that Governor W’ithycombe lander who loves motcring can co­ foreign field without taking the pre­
time opened and read.
purposes displacing all the state ordinate his beach stay with a good
Each bid shall be accompanied by
their policies.
Democratic office-holders? The peo­ motor trip.”—Cloverdale Courier.
check made payable to Til­
As life insurance was formerly con­
ple elected Mr. Withy combe because
lamook County, for an amount equal
they were tired of the sort of admin­
that in case the insurance entered to 5 per cent of the amount of such
istration the Democrats had given
service the company had the bid, which shall be forfeited to the
In the Circuit Court of the State of
them, and w’hen they chose him for
County, in case award is made and the
right to cancel the policy upon pay­
executive they give him the sole right Oregon for Tillamook County.
bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for
Jeff. D. Matney, plaintiff,
to name his assistants in managing
a period of five days after which the
individual according to the usual
the state’s affairs. The newspapers Lizzie Matney, defendant.
award is made to enter into a con­
To Lizzie Matney, the above named method of accounting. As campeti­ tract and file a bond satisfactory to
that are tearfully protesting against
tion increased in the business and the
the removal of “West’s appointees” defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, big companies became strong and en­ the Court as by law required.
are not winning much sympathy for you are hereby repuired to appear
The bids are to cover the clearing of
themselves or their cause. "West's and answer the complaint filed again­ terprising the fashion arose of strik­ the right-of-way from Station,
appointees” took the place of some­ st you in the above entitled court and ing out protective conditions. The
42x87 to Station 149x06.1 and from
body’s else appointees, and no one cause on or before the last day of the “war clause” was abrogated in the Station 149x06.1 to Station 239x92.
recall, that there were any tears shed time prescribed in the order for the United States rather generally during according to plans and specifications
service of summons by publication
for the ousted officials. But your real herein, and if you fail to so answer, the trouble with Spain and is retained on file in the office of the Surveyor
independent and nonpartisan news­ the plaintiff will apply to the court now only by the more conservative and County Clerk, for Tillamook
paper always has hysterics when any­ for the relief demanded in the said companies. In Europe the same liber­ County, Oregon.
namely, for a decree dis­ ality has prevailed on the theory that
The County Court reserves the
thing. untoward happens to a Demo­ complaint,
solving the bonds of matrimony ex­ the constant fear of war and prepar-
right to reject any and all bids, Dated
crat.—The Spectator.
isting between you and said plaintiff, ation for war would prevent war.
this the 18th day of February, 1915.
Jeff D. Matney, for the recovery by
The conflagration having started,
J. C. Holden,
The lawyers of the legislature were plaintiff of his costs and disburse­
ments in said suit, and for such other the European underwriters realize
County Clerk.
arrayed against newspapers and the and further relief as to the court may
that they have made a fatal mistake, First publication, 2-18-15.
state press association in the latter's seem meet, right and equitable.
I t is hard to tell what they are doing Last publication, 3-4-15.
This summons is served upon you
effort to have established a legal rate
for the publication of legal notices, by publication thereof by order of the on the continent. In Great Britian
Honorable Homer Mason, County the directors of these companies have
and defeated the measure on final Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon,
Notice to Contractors.
been in almost constant session at­
passage. The real reason of its defeat in the absence of the Honorable H.
was because it would remove the H. Belt, Judge of the Circuit Court
Sealed bids addressed to the County
opportunity of the lawyer to ‘‘jew above named, which said order is for keeping afloat in case the war Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
down” the publisher on his reason- and the date of the first publication
for the proposed improvement on tin
able, living rate and deprive the man hereof is the 21st day of Jan., 1915, now seems likely. They have raised ..BAYOCEAN COUNTY ROAD...
the rate on new soldier business, of
of law of a rake off at the expense of and the date of the last publication
course, but this gives no relief on old will be received by the County Court
his client, although the reason given hereof, and the last date on or befoic
at its office in Tillamook City, Ore­
contracts that impose a serious liabil­
was that of class legislation. This which you are required to answer
gon, on or before the 5th day of
this summons, is the 4th day of ity and provide no way of re-couping
was a lame excuse in view of the fact
March, at to o'clock a.m. and at that
March, 1915.
the loss. One American life insur-
that Oregon is one of the very few­
time opened and read.
Dated this ¡2th day of January, 1915. ance'president says on his return
states that do not have a law fixii g
Each bid shall be accompanied by
Geo. P. W inslow,
from England that the average Briton
a certified check made payable to Til­
the compensation at which all legal
Attorney for Plaintiff.
will pay what he feels like to the fund lamook County, for an amount equal
publications shall be paid, and is no
for the relief of war distress, while to 5 per cent of the amount of such
more class legislation than the law­
Administrator’s Notice.
the insurance companies, will be for­ bid, which shall be forfeited to the
fixing the hours of labor on any pt'b
Notice is hereby given, that the un­ ced, under existing conditions to give County, in case award is made and the
lie work, or requiring the brandir g of
I*. R. Jackson, by order of all they have unless the war is bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for
butter by the butter maker—Sheridan
the County Court of Tillamook Coun­ brought to a speedy close.
a period of five days after which the
ty, Oregon, was on the 12th day of
In the end it will be seen that con­ award is made to enter into a con­
February, 1915, duly appointed ad­
servative restrictions in the issuing of tract and file a bond satisfactory to
One pa; er advises that Oregon ministrator of the estate of J. A.
life insurance policies will prove bet­ the Court as by law required.
thould be careful to avoid a boom.
given that all persons having claims
The bids are to cover the clearing of
Dur contemporary must take into full against the said estate are hereby re­ ter for the insured than the extreme
right of way. First Section from
tonsideration that Oregon never had quired to present the same duly veri­
t^irtt-cla -i boom, such as has been fied, together with vouchers, to the recent years. A company must be Station 4800 to 128.00. Section See.
■lized b> some of the middle states, undersigned or to his attorney, S. S. kept in sound condition or its policies from Station 155.00 to 200.00.
nd is in the peculiar position and Johnson, at Tillamook, Oregon, with­ are not worth having, no matter how according to plans and specifications
in six months from the date of this liberal the managers may be in writ­ on file in the office of the Surveyor
ondition to stand one of the biggest notice.
and County Clerk, for Tillamook
ing them.—The Federal Aid.
ooms th:, could be unloaded here, Dated February 15, 1915.
County, Oregon.
P. R. Jackson,
- big Loo 1 would not damage this
The County Court reserves the
Ute ojkca-:-e an unfavorable reac-
To Whom It May Contern.
to reject any and all bids, Dated
on, for wc have such vast, rich and
this the 18th day of February, 1915.
aried rMources of a native charac-
The following blank Fire Insurance
J. C. Holden,
The Russians attribute th ir recent
T that 'fe can bear with the great-
Policies No's:—861057, 861058, 861059,
County Clerk.
4 booflthat has ever been recorded
was the explanation of the result of | *61060, 861061, 861062, 861063 ,861064* First publication, 2-18-15.
^^^^■fory of the whole countrv.
the Russo-Japanese war.
• *61065, 861066, 861067, 861068, 861067, Last publication, 3-4-15.
et It conic. Don't express fear of
See me and I Will prove It
Some of the Reasons Why
¿tuAer —absolutely ¿L'nendablo, every day, year in*
year out. Built on honor, of the Lest materials.
Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges
77ie on(y range mate entirely of charcoal and malleable iron,
Malieabia iron cl -. y f b; t.k—charcoal iron won't rust like steel.
Economical In Fuel
The .'"nmj of th » Majestic aro riveted (not put together with
and : t- <> putty)—they will always remain air tight,
neither heat nor cold affects them. The Majestic
even is Lto 1 throughout with pare asbestos board,
h< 1>! in pl-. o by : i open iron grating you can see it—ana
15 ' t . i\ ulw.ty . Air tight joints and pure ashes toe
lin.a>r 1 ’ire an even bal ing heat, saving one-half the fuel.
All door# drop to form rigid shelves. No springs.
Malice ble iron oven racks slide out automatically, hold­
ing whatever they contain.
The Great
M ajestic
R ange
Charcoal and Malleable Iron
—Lai ah comer roservoir which Iwata like a tea kettle, through a
copper pockt t stamped from one piece of copper, setting agamft
left hand lining of fire box. It l>oil* 15 gallons of water in a very
fv.v nonut> -s and by turning a lever the frame and reservoir moves
away from fi: j. An exclusive pat on tod Majestic feature. Open etui
ath pan does uwny with shoveling ashes ventilated ash
pit prevent* floor from cutching Are— cup catches ashes.
Mude of
3C 0% to
life of
A.ill us to show you the greatest improvement
ever put in a range.
Don’t buy the range you expect to last a life
time "unaignt, unseen,” or you'll be sure to I m » dis-
BP|M>int«'d. Come to our store, and Bee the (,'reat
Majestic — have its many exclusive features ex­
plained And out why the Majestic is 300t stronger
than ell other ranges where most ranges are weakest.,
it is the bent range at any price uad it should
ba in your kitchen,
/ I
W aí LR z
■ ':
Entire To¡
Doors ana
made oi
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