Tillamook Headlight. March 4, I9IÔ. I STOP PRESS NEWS. An Entire Line of the Famous Wayne Knit Hose ior Men, Women mid Children arrived on Thursday Morning. We consider ourselves extremely fortuntite in securing flic exclusive agency for this famous hue of Hosiery ami we hasten to announce the first shipment received this morning. Short descriptions only of the various numbers can be given in this Ad., fuller descriptions will be given later. See window on Second Avenue East this week end. Wayne--Knit Indestructible Half-Hose for Men. A guaranteed hose shown in Black only. Sizes 10 to 12|. Six pair guaranteed forsix months. THE NEW SPRING MODELS IN HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS are nozv here and priced at $20, $22.50, $25 and $27.50. Up-to-date in Style, faultlessly tailored and priced suit every purse, the new spring suits shown here represent the greatest possible value and fitting qualities procurable. . Included in the selection we offer there are such popular and fashionable weaves as cassimeres, worsteds and serges, produced in desirable shades of Grej, a\y Blue, Brown as well as in the newGlen Urquharts, Plaids, 6 pair $1.50 Vegetable Silk Half-Hose for Men Shown in colors Black, White, (¡rev and Tan and all sizes from 9j to 11. Price per pair . Seamless Wool Half-Hose for Men Shown in Black only and made with double heels and toes. Sizes 10 to I H. Price per pair Lisle Half-Hose for ¡Men. A beautiful quality line of sox in colors Black, Grey and Tan. All sizes fromlli to 11. Price per pr. PFov/ic’ Knit Cotton Hose for Ladies. A splendid quality Hose in Black only and sizes nr 8J to 10. I ’rice per pair.................. . «DC« Silk Lisle Hose for Ladies. Superior Silk Lisle Stockings for Ladies in Black rn only and sizes 8J to 10. Price per pair .................... DvC* Pure Silk Hose for Ladies. Black and while Silk Stockings with the Way d* | nr new foot, a splendid feature. SizesMtolO. Per pr.V Wayne Knit Pure Silk Hose for Ladies Shown in Black only and in sizes 8j to 10. beautiful finished stocking. Price per pair CHILDREN S HOSE. Infants' CiiHlimore Colored lioso, per pair 25c. Infanta' Veurtiilrlo Silk Hoar perpair... 25c. Boys’ arid (¡iris’ Black Cotton Host*. per p 19c. Two pair for........................................................ 35c. (¡iris’ Wayne Knit Pony Stockings, per p; 25c. Boys’ Wayne Knit Pon v Stock mi's, per i>.-t 25c Tartans, Pin Stripes and Banjo Stripes. Prominent among the styles shown are the New Box Back Coats as well as semi-fitting and English models. Come in and let us show them to you. You will not be importuned to buy, it will give us pleasure simply to 25c 25c. show the garments to you. “Arrow” Golf Shirts, $1.50. 35c ' $1.75 GOOD DRESSING Ami the new Home Journal Patterns for April are now here. Pattern Counter, Dry ( ioods I »■•p.irtnient. Road Appropriations Republished by Request. Road District No. 1. For work on road from Wheeler to Brighton. For work on Wheeler road from Garibaldi to Brighton work on Gods Valley road.............. work on l.ocrpabcl road................ w ork on M cK inicns’ road . . . . work on North i'oik road least and \\ est side of river work from Foley _ to North .... ................... ____ I'oik of Ntdial em ................ new construction front Ncbalcm to Dcati’s Point or from Ne- Iialein to l.ocrpabcl road............................ general repairs .......................................... Miami road on South side of liver . work on Mohler road.................................... wotk from Foley to Miami.......................... work from Garibaldi to Miami work on Wilson river roacf work on Hobsonvillc, Bay City road .... Dolph road, one-third of estimate $ 8,000.00 10,000.00 1,500.00 2,5OO.OO 3,000.00 2,500.00 1,200.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 300.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 I,-’00.00 500.00 5,800.00 5,000.00 Tot at . . . . $52,500.00 Road District No. a. Hatching up road at I arson t ree k, North of Bay City.............. . $ 50.00 Work on Doughty road 400.00 \\ o rk on Kilchis river road.................... 400.00 W ilson river road, from end of pavement to \\ . Bridge* . . . 7,000.00 Road from Toni Jenkins, up W ilson river 1,000.00 Wilson river from Bester's ford to County line 750.00 Fairview road from R. R. crossing to (¡range Hall . . 13,500.00 I* rom Grange Hall up I task and Wilson livers to Bester’s foni 1,000.00 R. Frazer road ........................................................... ... . . 1,000.00 Having from Harrison bridge to Hunt’s bridge.............. 8,000.00 Mapes road from Jeff Harris to McCormack's...................... . . l.OOO.iX) Road from l airvii w Factory to McCormack’s .......... .......... 800.00 Road from IVItz's corner to Brick yard .......... 1,500.00 Road from hildcts* to Full ll.itclivry.......................................... .......... 1,500.x) Road from 1 task river bridge to old Netarts road .................... .......... 5,000.00 Road fl O!ll 1 ilium (H <1 |o I’aucct cr< vk .......... 1,000.00 Road from I illamook riv< r hridge to Frank F.cklofl's .......... 500.00 Road up th» Netarts bay . . . .......... 500.00 Surface <>f the Bavocean road, luoo yds. <<< $1-75 1,750.00 I wo miles »4 Bayocean toad 1 0.00 l itmi I rash rivet to I illamook river Draw Bridge 1,000 ' \pproach to draw l>iidi;c on Bavocean road 750.00 Repair work all over district 8, s “o.oo I* <>r Dolph toad, one third of estimate 5,000 00 Total, Road District No. 3. F<> replace three bridges between Blum’s ami Hemlock repair work from Hemlock to Cloveidalc rrpair work from I loverdale to Xcskowin work on Slabcrcrk road work on M.'.la and l ittle Nestucc.i road griding and grareling Pacific Citv toad, bridge at \\ ood< work on \\ oods road . . work on Blaine road work on Vast Heaver road . work on Sandlake road . . general repair. . .......................... paving from Hunt’, bridge south Dolph road, one third of estimat. Total. One hundred women in Tike Cenin­ Ky., have been indicted oti a charge of selling their votes, at a school election. An indictment is of course, not a conviction of guilt, but there is Midi strong presumptive cvi ilcnce in this case, in the number ol indictments brought that some of the accused have actually let their palms be crossed with the price of a vote, that those advocates of women mi ' higr who have maintained that it would purity election* must reel un­ der the blow. Tlie further statement is made that the Kentucky women •old th • ' THE NEW STAGE LAST. GAITER TOP SHOES Made with gunmetal vamps and Louise-Cuban heels, these smart and up-to-date snoes come with Dove ore y gaiter top effe» ts with fashionable button fas ten- iugs. All sizes in widths A. to D. Price per pair . o5.00 Dailies (iiiiimetal calf Colonial Pumps with Cuban heels and lull metal buckles. All sizes Price per pair.......... .. 53.00 Ladies’ Man Jane Pumps in Patent leather with ankle strap and corded silk bow. All sizes in stock. Price per pair S3. 00 Ladies’ patent leather six strap pumps with two button fastenings and Cuban heels All s zes. Price per pair $3.50 Ladies lan, Russian CaJf, Oxfords in English lasts, witli rubber heels and “flex "soles AH sizes. Price per p ,lt \S.4LL) WALKEF. SHOES lor Misses <3 } oung Ladies. A complete selection ot this famous foot-wear in all widths anli-s Maine Jones will open our Millinery work r.H'in on Mondas in online March Sth. All orders placed with us will receive careful cour tc'ius and expert attention. . $1.50000 1,500.00 1..00.00 2,000 00 1,000,00 4.000.00 * . 10,000.00 1,500.00 ELECTION NOTICE. 3.OOO.GO 300 (H» Notice is hereby given, that in pur- 8,000 00 6.000 00 su . iih , 01 Ordinance No. 28? adopted the Common Council of Tillamook 7.500.1 io 5,000 aine CHAPTER VIII. Article XI. Section i: The legislative power / the city is vested m the C«,inmo Council, but the same is subject i and shall be governed by all of . l ° initiative or referendum provisioni the constitution of the State of Q, gon as the same is now in force o may hereafter be amended, and mk ject to any of the initiative and ref erenduni provisions of the Charter of ’i illa.nook City or ordiances leMi] enacted under pursuanse of the con­ stitution aforesaid, or of any ,of t|/ provisions of said Charter. Section 2: Whenever any initiate, or referendum measure is to be voted upon at any general or special elec, tion, the City Recorder shall cause to be placed upon the ballot at the elec- tioti at which any such measure is t0 be voted, a ballot title and brief dc. scription of the measure to be voted on in such form as may be prescribed by the Common Council in accord­ ance with the Charter of the City. Section 3: The People of Tilla­ mook City, or the Common Council thereof, subject to the initiative and referendum powers reserved to the people, shall have full power and au­ thority to provide by appropriation ordinance or ordianances not in con­ flict with any superior power or au­ thority, for the purchase or erection, construction or maintenance and opi eration, of a complete system of water works, electric or gas light plant or plants; to create a sewer dis­ trict or districts within the city, and to put in or maintain a sewer system or systems, or a system of drains for the City, and to make the cost of such drains or sewers, or any part thereof, a charge or lien upon the abutting or adjacent property within said dis­ trict, and to compel the connections of closets, cess pools, and drains with said sewer or sewers, and to borrow money upon the credit of the city therefore by issuing bonds or other­ wise. Provided, that the indebtedness of the city shall not at any time, ex­ clusive of funds available for payment thereof including sinking funds raised for the purpose of defraying said in­ debtedness, exceed in the aggregate the sum of Seventy Thousand Dol­ lars ($70,000.00) exclusive of improve­ ment bonds issued in accordance with the charter provisions of Tillamook City. And the Common Council is au­ thorized hereby to levy and collect an annual tax of not to exceed io mills upon each dollar of taxable property in the city, to pay the interest and principle of the city’s indebtedness and the authorized expenditures oi the city for all legal purposes. II A measure to Amend Article XIV of the Charter of Tillamook City, Ore gon, as said Article was adopted by the legal voters of Tillamook City, Oregon, at a special election held in said city on October 19th, 1914. Be it enacted by the people of Till­ amook City, Oregon, as follows: Section 1: Article XIV of the Charter of Tillamook City, Oregon, as said Article was adopted by a vote of the legal voters of said Tillamook City at a special election held for that purpose on October 19th, 1914, is hereby amended so that the same shall read as follows: ARTICLE XIV. Section 1: The Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, is hereby authorized to issue and sell to George L. and John A. McPherson, or their order, upon the faith and credit oi Tillamook City, Oregon, the general bonds of said Tillamook City to the amount of Forty Thousand Dollar! ($40,000.00) at the price of par, and a premium of three per cent, together with accrued interest from date of bonds to date of payment therefor by the purchasers. 1 he proceeds from the sale of such .bonds shall be appli­ ed by the Common Council of Tilla­ mook City, Oregon, to the payment of the outstanding warrants of the City, and to the defraying the running expenses of the City for the year 1915 including the necessary cost of a bridge to be constructed over Ho- quarton Slough on Second Avenue East in Tillamook City. The purchas­ ers of the bonds shall not be required to see to the application of the pro­ ceeds thereof. No part of the pro­ ceeds from the sale of said bonds shall be used for the payment, in whole or in part, of any warrants which have heretofore or any here after be issued without any consider­ ation therefor having been received by Tillamook City. Section 2: The bonds hereby au­ thorized shall be issued in accordance with the other charter provisions ot Tillamook City, except it is hereby expressly provided, that the ordi; nance providing for the issuing oi said bonds shall not be subject to the referendum, and the referendum pro­ visions of the other portions of the Charter of Tillamook City are hereby declared not to be applicable to bonds authorized to be issued under the provisions of this Article as here­ by amended. 111 . i A measure to amend Section 12 o' Article VII of the Charter of Tilla­ mook City, Oregon. . ... Be it enacted by the people of 11'1' amook City, Oregon, as follows: Section 1: Section 12 of Article VII of the Charter of Tillamook City. Oregon, as the same was amended by vote of the people of Tillamook Ctiy at an election held for the purpo’* on October 19th, 1914, is hereby amended so that the same shall reaJ as follows: . Section 12: When the whole of improvements covered by any one ordinance therefor shall have becn fully completed and accepted by Common Council, the Common Coun­ cil shall then cause the cost of sue« work or improvement to be appor­ tioned to the property affected by within the improvement established therefor as required "1 the ordinance authorizing the san>e’ in the manner following: , , Each lot, or tract, or part therco, within the limts of said improveme district abutting upon any street Continued on Next Page