Headlight, March 4» 19l5 Circuit Court Proceedings. ------o------ Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Association of Credit Men, a corpor­ ation, vs. A. M. Myers. Action for money. Dismissed. First National Bank of Tillamook, President Vrilson ’till Visit Panama-Pacific 0 splay nf Nations via Pamma Canal—Vanderbilt a corporation, vs. C. E. McAlpin. Ac­ tion lor money. Settled and dismissed Cup Race and Grand Prix Will Be Held In San Francisco. State of Oregon, vs. Edgar Wil­ By HAMILTON WRIGHT. this event. The fam< 11s Salt Lake tiiumtnl railways. The Grand Canyon liams, was charged with cruelty to U N D E It F U I, nml novel Mormon choir, the deep toned plaintive concession Is built upuu so prodigious animals, Attorney Johnson demurred amusements, parades air! singerg of Hawaii and even a chorus 11 scale that visitors will view the I to the complaint which was overruled pageants of the oriental of fifty Maori., n singers will take part cauvuses from a standard gauge rail­ Shall a measure for th«' amendment and the case went to trial. The Judge countries, auto ant! yacht in the choral events. At an expendl way conch running on a standard c.f Chapter \ ill, Article XI of the threw the case out owing to the pros- races anil athletic contests will tie ob­ ture of $1,250.0110 the Exposition has gauge track. A huge working model Charter of Tillamook I ity as pro] us­ served upon a scale of unexampled constructed a great Auditorium tn the of the Panama canal is so extensive ed by the Common Council of 1 illa­ ecution failing to propcrly describe magnitude and grandeur at the Pana­ civic center of San Francisco, which that Visitors seated 111 comfortable the­ mook City by ordinance No. 287 the animals. ma-Pacific International Exposition. will l>e used by the great conventions ater chairs will be curried along the adopted by the Common Council of A. C. Everson, vs. W. L. Powell. The extensive participation <>f ('him», and song festivals. Mr. and Mrs. route of the canal upou a movable Tillamook City on March 3rd, 1915, Action for money, This was a case Japan. Slain nml In.Io and C<» lihi CM- Douglas Crane will present their latest platform, and a dictaphone at the arm “Proposed by the Common Council: be enacted? a. when taken In connection with terpslcfiorean novelty, the “Exposition of each cluiir will describe each scene Marx X between the number and where Everson sought to recover $500 as commission on a real estate the plans already nrtde and with the Tango;” Mr. Harry I.auder will sing as it comes mto view. A novel amuse­ ... Yes. answer voted for. The proposed amendment mentioned deal, which was tried by a jury, and it Interesting oriental population of San the Exposition ballad. ment feature will be provided by work­ amends the present Charter provis­ failing to agree was dismissed. Attor­ Francisco, assures such spectacles- as The amusement section of the Ex­ ing submarine boats of sixty-five toil's No. ions of Tillamook City by establish­ have never before been specimens at the Lon­ don zoo. this breed has never been Secretary and Hans Sitstead treasur th< absolute accuracy of all of not guilty. Bhown outside of Chllliugham park, er. A motion to rc-instate Al. Hem- above items, the mail who supp Louis Erley indicted for assault jtngland. These cattle are pure white, bray was carried. A motion to r< quest me with most of this information with intent to commit rape pleaded ■Hth black noses, black tipa to the ears the rcsignati«n of Charles Atkinson known to be a liar, buton the whole I guilty and was sentenced to ¡mieter­ and black horns. An international was referred to committee, A dclight- think you will find them absolutely minate sentence, but the judge parol­ fiheep shearing contest will be one of| ful repast was served under the aus­ correct. ed htn. the unique exhibitions. Jeff D. Matney and Lucy Richards | For the musical events there has VAST TRIUMPHAL ARCH AT THE WORLD’S GREATEST EXPOSI­ pices of the committee on re fresh­ THE EPISCOPAL CH L ECH. ‘.been built by the Exposition the mag­ indicted for lewd cohabitation. TION. THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, ments consisting of Wm. Balder and nificent Festival Palace ui>on the Carl Ward. Obe Harris responded to Ira C. Smith, vs. O. J. Painter No­ SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. ^grounds This is equipped with a won. the principal toast of the evening lan. Action for money. Directed ver­ Services next Sunday at the Chap ­ Arch of the Setting Sun In the west entrance to the Court of the Uni­ "The Ladies—God bless cm.” Henry ■erful pipe organ, upon whicD Mr. Ed- cl in the Masonic Building. Holy Eu­ dict for plaintiff in the sum of $231.18. verse at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Surmounting the arch Win lx vx.-r. 1 .........aa <>r.-. Brown, Clyde Webb and Issy Ed charist 11:00 A. M., and Evensong at mong other celebrities, will give » *e- Is a group of statuary representing "The Nations of the West” in the middle wards were taken in as junior mem­ 7.30 P. M. Everybody welcome. of the group Is an emigrant wagon drawn by oxen. Hiding in this is the The estimate that the belligerents es of recitals The International Eis­ teddfod will at San Francisco com figure of a woman, "The Mother of Tomorrow,” and by her side are two chll- bers. arc spending $10,000,000,000 a year on Sunday School at 10 A. M, Nellie Wahlen has a hen which she pete for $25.(00 tn cash prizes. More di ■ 11. "The Hopes of Tomorrow.” Other figures represent an American la- the European war staggers even the Rev. F. O. Jones, Vicar. than 20.000 singers will participate in dt:«n. a Mexican, an AlaskaD and other American types. is deathly afraid of, the hen has eer- old fashioned Populist, accustomed tainly got her bluff in on Nellie, She The postoffice is to be changed to to the use of big figures. is always laying for her. the Masonic building. drawn parallel with the respective Continued from next page _ | of within said district, be divided into Ira Dimond’s saw mill went on full street margins, and the improvement The Band Boys will give an "Old $100 Reward $100. proved ‘■hall be lable for full cost .-.r subdivisions, or zones paralleling the district shall be of the extent which time last week. The merchants in the The readers of this paper will be pleased ■roportion there f her i- r mo • margins of the street or streets to be the Common Council shall determine down town district of Sandlake are time dance and basket social,, at the to learn that there Is at least one areade» Boned, or making sai l improvement improved, which said subdivision on by its rssolution establishng the that science has been able to cure I each side of the street to be number­ feeling the stimulus that the incrcas- opera house on St. Patrick’s evening, disease all Its staaes, and that Is Catarrh. Hill's ■ P' .n half lithe-'- • i: fr same. March 17th. I he hall will be decorat­ Cl'tarrh ed respectively 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The Cure Is the only positive cure now ed pay roll gave to trade. Knitting upon s . : 1< ’. tr ict, or part first subdivision on each side of the 1 he rate of assessment per square to the medical fraternity. Catarrh Ed Hayes brought in a large bear eli for the occasion and a good time known creof and also for a proportionate street improved'shall include all lands foot in each subdivision shall be fixed bring a constitutional disease, requires a Share of the cost of improving inter­ lying between the street margin and on the basis that the special benefits from off the cape recently. The b'-ar is assured as the Band Boys dances constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon sections of two of the streets bound- a line drawn parallel therewith and conferred on a square foot of land in had one solid gold front tooth. Ed are becoming very popular. thehlood and mucous surfaces of the system, ire: the bl ck or ti ' thereby destroying the foundation of the Subdivisions First, Second and Third Advice that this country await de­ I disease, and giving the patient strength by Kit. tract or part thereof is situated, extending from said street margin respectively are related to each other j is at a loss to account for the evi­ bulhllna up the constitution and asnistiilk one-third of the distance of the im­ velopments on naval warfare before B>i - the said total cost shall be appor- provement district on that side of the as are the numbers 55, 30 and 15 re- , dence of dental work. I nature Tn doing Its work. Tire proprietors ■oned in accordance jvith the follow- street. The second subdivision shall spcctively, and shall be ascertained in I Grandpa Galway took an erratic constructing any more warships is ! have so much faith in Its curative powers 1 that they offer One llnndred Itollars for any g plan: notion to comb out his whiskers the dangerous. Secretary Garrison took ease that It fails to cure, bend for list t»f include the next one-third of the im­ the following manner. | Said local improvement district provement district, and the third sub­ The product of the number of other day and flushed a field mouse the same view of military aeronautics testimonials Address II «. CliBKKY Ac CO., Tekdo, pall, for the purpose ci asccrtainmg division shall include the outer third square feet in subdivisions First, in his first report, but he altered it in Ohio ne amount to be a««'‘»ed ■ of the improved district The different Second and Third respectively, and and two meadow larks. It beats the Hold by Druggists. 75«. Take Hall s Family Fills for constipation >ch separate lot, tract or parcel of subdivisions to be bounded by lines the numbers 55, 30 and 15 respective-1 cars what funny things happen in his secoi.d. nd, or other property, or part thcrc- Big International Exposition's Amusements Navel and Wonderful W <3 lv. shall be ascertained, and their sum taken, which sum shall be divided in­ to the total cost and expense of such improvement the products of the re­ sultant quotient and the numbers 55, jo and 15 respectively shall be the separate rates of assessment per square foot for subdivisions. First, Second and Third respectively. The total assessment thus ascertained against each separate lot or part of lot tract or parcel of land, or other | rop erty within such district, shall be ap­ portioned as the amount to be levied and assessed against each separate lot or part of lot, tract, parcel of land or other property respectively. Pro- xided, however, that the Common Council may, in its discretion, .it the time of establishing any local im­ provement district, furtherprovidethat any portion of the cost of the making of such improvements,, or any speci­ fied part thereof, shall be paid out of the general fund of Tillamook City. The number and form in which the ballot tides for said measures will be printed on the official ballot is as fol­ lows: