Tillamook Headlight. March 4, Il>l-- were talking. Carpenter come ir., ag I remember, and when he cauiè » ments to meet Worrall in his bid W hite and he went to talking, an() i room on Thursday night at 8 o clock. , excused myself and stepped into th* club rooms, to get away more thar To Be Kidnapped On Way Home. | anything else, from it, and t|len j W orrall, White and Carpenter met went from the club rooms imo ln, as agreed, and the sheriff was secret- private room on the other side ui ed«o as to hear the entire conversa­ stairway, and had been there three ur four minutes, possibly five or t;n | tion It was planned to kidnap Beals don’t remember, a few mir :tes j’na on his way home and take him back somebody knocked on the -looi, and 1 into the woods near the ranch to an opened the door and White i.ir>lt. ¡n old cabin, where he was to be forced and Carpenter said he had destroyed to copy and sign a letter that had . that other letter that W hue had die. tated to him, that it was full of slush been dictated by Carpenter and type White’s house. That man stayed here and he wanted another letter, or , written by Worrall. Mr. Worrall: Unfortunately I am lit It is plainly seen that in reading a poor physical and ment.v condition. I think, three or four days They was 1 copy made of it for Arthur Beals in at least sign, that they were going to pu;| The plot to kidnap A G. Beals and) detective who knows your enemy’«. the letters to Reals and this letter 1 thought I would be stro.i.rcr, but on up to Whites’ one evening, they said they were, I wasn ’ t with this thing off. White said 'you write the two children Mr. and Mrs Beals There are two of them, whom you that Carpenter wa« the man who dic­ account of a lapse of unconsciousness them, all 1 know was I was tol .1 alter it." I said “We had better go to the this afternoon for a few* minutes it I office where there is some papeF adopted is probably one of the most know. I will write from Portland to tated it, and he was still participating has rendere 1 me war.e than ordinary. •wards White gave them some monev. - I don ■ ■ ’t now recall. lhey ! There’s not any here.” So we went How much sensational cases ever unearthed in you or phone you soon. Be careful in the plot. First, 1 don't recollect the exact met .................. there at the office one evening I over to the office, and that letter, ! The Letter. date, but some six or nine months ago 1 1 ami Tillamook County, and, of course, that’s all and don’t tell no one about White dictated, or told over to ' don’t know that 1 can recall it, it is'jn r to 1 to be sometime, Mr. W hite came to me tc them, we call it dictating, a sort ot a existence This is the letter that was somewhere. It was a type. it created considerable local interest this, as it will spoil my plans. Don’t . ........................ I Mrs. consult me as his attorney about ‘ letter he hml mapped out in his head, written letter. (Mr. Tongue hands Those who concocted the plot were say a word about this to your attor­ placed tinder the door so that some matters, at which time he gave .*, bnt ' ** " letter to witness,—"Is that it?") (let. devoid of good common sense, for ney, wife, your brother, or the sheriff, B he said that he had no objection to the children, through fraud, Mr. and I was to go down with her, and H and it raised his suspicions, conse­ after dark only. I signed my right meet the man. As soon as they get Mrs. Beals, but he did object to Ar­ I White always claimed that they I.ad possibly some other talk along. K 1 quently he Ind a close tab k 'pt on n-»nV’ and if you wid go to the i Ram­ tin children and the money they will thur Beal-, without going into details defrauded him, misrepresented things After that was done he asked White ■ W hite, but was greatly in the dark sey Hotel and look on the page that let me loose and I will come home he told me why he didn’t want Arthur I and that he understood Mrs. Beals I for some money, and White gave M is dated Feb 12th you will see mv and we will just keep still and we can Beals to have them, he claimed that I was to have the children an 1 not I him some, I don’t know how much, i I for several weeks name I. \ lligeman and mv business talk this all over and do what we there had been fraud perpetrated on I Arthur, that was White’s convention, saw him hand him some money. I nJ Plan to Employ Detectives. him and one thing another. Well I and he wanted Beals to admit in that didn’t see how much. Then Carpenter I White and Worrall must hive first was that I was looking for an auto think best to do.” don't know he came up to see me letter the fraud that time. i said to White, "You had better gel J] bt»sine*s or was going to open a stage This letter was to contain a blank several times. We talked back and concocted the plot, for W hite gav< I think 1 didn’t see any more of out of here, and not let anybody see ■ I Worrall $0o and he w< nt to Portland line tip. Now don't ask the clerk or check on the Tillamook County forth, and he told me all his plans. them, either the two men or White you,” so White left and in a few I who placed an advertisement in the Mr. Barnes about the names or don’t Bank, and Reals was to make it out Told me what they were. He was go­ until possibly two or three days. I minutes Carpenter left. And the next m ing to get the children. Said he had don’t recall how long. Then Car­ ■ I ping White pleaded guilty to both wouldn't be a party to it, that is tak ­ tectives, and they, at the same time, message. Don’t tell vour brother vet, | ciime* and Judge Belt immediately ing an active part,—and the last time He wanted me to see White and I one of his favorite expressionf- F I were making inquiries as to what until I sav so, tfsis must be quiet ab- told him if he wanted to see White, sentenced him to 1 to 25 years in the I went up there was an ad put in the he could go and see him, as he knew "What will I do let him loose?” aw ■ kind of a man the sheriff was and had solutclv in order to go ahead Hoping White said “No, not to let him loose- slate penitentiary on the first count, paper. The first time, I had a con- ! where he lived. We sat there talking but to bring him to my house.” Car'B someone point hint ont to them. for your trust soon, fercnce with several people I ntn ! awhile, not very long, and I asked penter said something about bring«1! n but the next morning changed this to 1 across there through agencies, that W orking somewhat in the dark, the Ymirs respectfully, I to 12F a years as the indictment only 1 might come down and assist him in him where his partner was’ and he him there, anyway there was sone ■ sheriff had his suspicion« aroused and said down on the street waiting for talk between them as to bringing h® E I A. Carpenter, Detective. charged attempt kidnapping, On the his plan to get the children. A gentle- him. had a close watch kept on White. Don't answer. to the house or go get White an- ■ , man by the name of Carpenter I indictment of. threatening to kill I don't remember the little details bring him where Beals was, the tail ■ Detectives Get Cold Feet. Carpenter “Coughs Up." I think, if I remember right, answered following, as I say, my mind is not was to turn him over to W hite. m ■ White was sentenced to t to 5 years, W hether Carpenter and his partner ’ the ad. in the paper amongst a ntim- The letters convinced the sheriff to take effect following the contple- bcr of others. I talked with Carpenter w’hat it should be now*. In any event, said "I will take care of him" *>'“ 1 I did not like the look of the sheriff, or that Carpenter and his partner were he left there between eleven and lion of the first sentence. and told him I didnt' know all the de- ! twelve o clock, and said he was going sort of a grin or something. T n ” I whether they thought it would be the two men he had tagged about the Worrall asked time to plead, and 1 tails of the plan, but there was a man ' up to qpe White. I remember Car­ was something about "I will get t6t I more profitable to switch over after city and went to Bay City, for when . I ■"i Tuesday evening Judge Belt t gave down here, I don’t think I said what penter said in that conversation that children.” agreeing to the plot, niav have had Carpenter returned tn the county the e • • Now go back to the room y*"' I ■ • - his name was, I don’t know hiiu, but I he wanted to get this thing over with something to do with the turning of Sheriff and Mr. Reals met him at I him until the next morning to do so. a man down here wanted to employ a and “get to hell out of here” that he Mrs. Beals and I were. I thought* ■ Worrall is Sentenced. coupl«* of men to assist him. Carpen-1 was tired of it, and his partner also was in a great deal of suffering • ■ the tables on those whom they had Mohler and the sheriff immediately she IldllUCU handed me ■ lilt the HIV letter ’ M ter agreed to accept the employment. ‘ I and they would have to have some agony, 3IIC conspired with. They left the city but recognized him. Carpenter asked He came to Tillamook with me. Met t more money. That was the hue and said she had got that morning, »>* ■ He pleaded not guilty Wednesday failed to consult with the sheriff.. Crenshaw if he was the sheriff of the ped under her door. I asked „1 j morning and the judge set the case White here, in town, up at mv office I cry all the time he ever saw me or Letters That Warn Beale. county and shook hands with him. if I remember, and we talked the mat White, was money, money. And he where and she said at the Mr Beals received three letters. Reals was introduced to Carrenter, lot trial for Monday, During the day 1 ter over. The first part of the talk I j went, or so he said, all I know, went ranch where they were living. IJrJ one dated Tillamook, Feb 17; the and all three went into the depot, it was decided to change the plea to I introduced him to White,—said ’.Mr. up to see White, and the next even- the letter. She said it was in Art , the under­ ' W hite this is Mr. Carpenter,” < one of ing, about seven thirty I think. White Beal’s hand writing, I dont kno* second, Portland, Feb. 18, and the where Carpenter “coughed up” the that of guilty, upon I the men who wants to talk to you course. But she said it was t" third, Seattle Feb. jo They are as plot he had entered into with White standing that Worrall would tell the about your plan” and I think I step- walked into my office and says hand writing. I presume the let,er* “ Have you seen Carpenter?, ” and ’ I ceurt the whole facts of the case, follows which proved that the deter and Worrall. They returned to this still in existence. I can't try and | ped into the club rooms. I was gone \\ errali a little while and when 1 came back says “No”, and he says, “He is to call what was in it now. It was *■* lives had «witched over, no doubt, city and commenced working on the which he did. There was profound meet me here at eight o ’ clock, he was silence in the court room, ; they were still talking The idea was up to sec me and I gave him some ten in indelible pencil of some with the object of saving their own case. keenly feeling the disgrace he had i that Carpenter should get another beans and one thing and another to scription. Then she took out *,, [i, hides; More Provisions Wanted biought-upon himself. Had it been a man to help him, that he had leen i.p eat,” and we were sitting there talk­ of bills and says "Here is $800. Tillamook, Ore., Feb, 17, tots Wednesday night of last week the murder case nothing could have been , ther» 1 think it was a man who also ing ’t count it, and I didn t. and I told White this thing was didn Mr Arthur Reals, take this money and go and /c* / Sheriff and Carpenter wrnt to Bav 11 orc solemn as the court passed an answered the advertisement. And I getting pretty dangerous and I think this was one of the men. I un­ Dear Sir—Your life is in danger City, the latter going to White’s thought the best thing to do would thur” she said. I said, “I don t. You are marked to be shot on sight cilnn and had a talk with him, the indeterminate sentence of 1 to 12'1 derstood «0. So the matter then was be to get away from it. and he got to the mogey, Mrs. Beals. I won t left until they should send for this Carry a gun on you and be careful sheriff overheard the conversation years in the penitentiary on the pris­ other man to come down. I don't re­ talking in his mania about the chil­ a thing to do with it. I won't na it. It is blood money,,. She '“T*. oner. who collapsed as he heard his that you don’t make any trips toother 1 hev talked about more provisions, call the name. W ouldn't know it if I dren. and said he was going to have sisting on it. I said “No, I doom, which was in marked contrast them no matter what happened. I : «hintld hear it. He soon came down. alone in the night and look as the supplies were running short the money. Y'our husband s®)’*.. ti> of \\ hite, who received his and they met White at my office ami told him I was getting tired of it, so and so with the money. two that sentences as though he did not J your house at night. 1 am a While there Carpenter made arrange- care something like that, didn ’ t like the a whoop. ’ ». il - j .i. ---------------------- > talked the matter over and went up to appearance of things. And while we want to follow his advice, that » PLOT TO KIDNAP A. G BEALS AND CHILDREN. Lands Attorney C. R. Worrall and A. C. White in the State Penitentiary. WORRALL’S STORY AND FOR MERCY. PLEA Mentally and Physically Broken Down Tells His Story in Atmosphere 01 Solemn Silence. I