Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 04, 1915, Image 1

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    ol. XXVI
was the only sister of Mrs. E. P. Cur­ ners will receive diplomas.
ry, and was 55 years of age, her
All mothers entering babies will be
husband surviving her.
supplied with valuable literature on
A meeting of those connected with care of babies, which is furnished by
of the
the Episcopal Church, on Sunday, at the Better Babies Bureau
the chapel in the Masonic building, it Woman's Home Companion, who
decided to petition Bishop Sum- also furnish all the score cards, cer­
to start a mission in Tillamook, tificates and diplomas. It is important
name selected for the mission that entries be made early and they
St. Albans. Rev. F. O. Jones left must be made by June 20. No babies
for Portland on Monday to lay the received under one year nor over
matter before the bishop. He will re­ four years.
turn in time to hold the regular
| vices next Sunday.
The boss who sometimes goes home early is not
he man who when a voting man came to business late,
atched the clock and spent his money even BEFORE
■ got it.
NO. He started early, worked late and above all
VNKED his money.
You can do the same.
1)0 IT.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
»» V pay
4 per
pvl VVI1V
cent lllVdVQL
interest 1711
on time
Tillamook.County Bank.t,
jottings ■
Hous, s to Rent, see Watson.
For Rent—Furnished House
J. D. Barrett.
A party was given on Saturday
evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. T. Botts, the occasion being the
birthdays of Misses Maude Overfelt
and Lottie Wade, there being about
50 young people present. A pleasant
evening was spent with games and a
short musical and literary program,
in which Chester McGhee, Miss Ber-
niece Nelson, E. E. Koch, Rev. H. A.
Van Winkle, and J. V. Baird took
part. Light refreshments were served.
Friends of Miss Inez Bozarth of
this city will be pleased to learn that
she was one of the two ladies to be
chosen to be at the Oregon building
during the entire of the fair. This is
quite a credit to Miss Bozorth, as out
of the entire O. A. C. there are only
two that remain for the entire fair,
the other girls going for a stay of a
few weeks. Miss Bozorth has active
charge of the Home Economics
Model Kitchen, in the Oregon Build­
ing that is conducted by the O. A. C.
—Bay City Examiner.
Mr. McAllister came over from Til­
lamook Wednesday, making the jour­
ney horseback and leading a horse.
He came over the old stage road over
the mountains, and says it was a very
difficult and hazardous trip. He stay­
ed on his farm until Friday, looking
over a new building sight and says he
will build a new house and barn in the
spring. Lowell McCarty writes from
Tillamook, Oregon, that he now lives
at that place, where he has a position
as fire warden. He will be remember­
ed here as the youngest son of Jas.
McCarty who used to live here about
fifteen years ago on the farm now
owned by John Roberts.—Hillsdale
correspondent of the Yamhill Record.
W. M. McQueen has opened an
rent. Tilla- automobile and vehicle paint shop
* on Stillwell Ave., between ist and
second streets.
Born to the wife of James Patten,
Attorney Tlios. Tongue, of Hills­
on Tuesday, a girl.
boro, w^in the city this week look­
The place to eat is at the “Good ing after A. G. Bells’ interest in the
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
attempted kidnap case.
A heavy team, wagon and harness
The Fairview Birthday Club will
for sale. See Shrode.
meet on Wednesday, March 10th at
The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying the home of Mrs. E. Stanley. A vol­
The Women’s Relief Corps, which
ten cents for green hides.
* unteer program is expected.
is now a wide awake, active organ­
A fine quality of Tillamook made
Attorney M. J. Gersoni, who was ization, gave a reception and ban­
shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. * clerk of the judicial committee of the quet on Saturday, the occasion being
Spray your trues! 50 gallons of House in the state legislature, re­ to celebrate the birthdays of Mes-
dames, Jennie Sheets, Bessie Chaffee,
spray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. * turned to the city on Tuesday.
Mary Poland, Elizabeth Harris and
Electric irons, special $3.50 irons,
Protect your valuable papers from Susie Ball. The guests of honor were
this week, only $3.00. Electric Store.* the unexpected fire by renting one of
those who had given their assistance
We are in a position to make some our safe deposit boxes. Only one and helped in the Lincoln day pro­
Tillamook County
long time farm loans. First National dollar per year.
gram, which proved so successful.
These numbered about 17, with
Captain Schrader returned from Commanders C. E. Reynolds,, F.
Wood!' Wood!!
Wood!!! of all
"kinds, and fence posts, for sale. See Portland last week, where he has Severance, Con Desmond, Horace
* been quite sick, for several weeks, but Weston, John Sheets, D. S. Bales, J.
he feels a little better since he came S. Diehl, Sam Downs, Geo. Wilt
We will soon have several cats of home.
and Harry Lamar and the fife and
hay for:sale from the car. See Shrode
The annual meeting of the Ti'la- drum band made up the visitors.
for prices.
Mook County Sunday School con- There was a large number of mem­
New Models for Sp.mg Millinery vention will be held at the M. E. bers of the Women’s Relief Corps
at Miss Patterson’s, Near Lamar's church in this city the 13th, 14th and present, and they served a splendid
Drug Store.
banquet, which all enjoyed. Since the
15th of this month.
“Elgetri.: irons at The Electric
We have made special arrange- G. A. R encampment last year this
Store, next to Gem Theatre, all this ments with the Telephone Co., to organization has taken an active part
in matters pertaning to the G. A. R.
week, $j.o<>.
i connect you directly with our office, and auxiliary organization, and many
The Woman's Civic League will in case you wish any of our GOOD
pleasant gatherings have been held,
meet at the Tillamook Commerce! COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W
the one on Saturday being another
Clnb on Saturday
Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanley, enjoyable affair. We must not forget
^^^■■Plymouth Rock eggs $2.00 received word this morning that his to mention that C. E. Reynolds
and $1-00 per setting of 15 eggs. W. S. father S. C. Stanley fell dead last proved himself not fcnly a veterian
night at Long Beach California, He of the civil war, but a veteran at
Coates, jrillamook.
was 83 years of age and his wife sur- cooking beans. The press appreciate
Woul® like to purchase 15 or 20
vis es him.
the honor of being amongst thosewho
choice milch cows. Write or call T. B.
A number of the members of the were invited to the social affair on
Mead, Gaibaldi, Ore.
Women’s Relief Corps met Wednes­ Saturday, and pronounce the ladies of
For Sa’- Cheap—Columbia Grap'i- day afternoon at the home of Mrs the Women's Relief Corps excellent
aprone, almost new'. Leaving City. Horace Weston, and spent a most cooks and entertainers.
Apply to Mrs. Barrett.
pleasant time together in needlework
Try Ao-e 25c dinners at the Ram­ and a sociad time.
Better Babies Contests.
sey “Goo d Eats.” M. A. Olson for­
------ o
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
Three local contests will be held in
my ow n farm, 98 99-100 percent puri­
^^■Evo-ter who was two years ty and 85 per cent germination test. July, dates to be announced later, one
pastor of the Presbyterian church in 18c. per pound in lots of too pound# at Nehalem, one at Cloverdale and
or more F. O. B. Forest Grove.—M. one at Tillamook. Parents who appre­
this city died in Portland last week.
ciate the educational value of these
S. Shrock.
, FOR SALE—Team, harness and
contests, are invited to enter their
wagon for $150.00. Team weighs 1950.
For Sale, block I and block 6, Park bdbies by applying to the superin­
^futual phone. L. S. Johnson, Tilla- Addition, consisting of 12 lots be­ tendents in each locality,
who will
tween 3rd and 5th sreets. Will some­ supply application cards.
T MILK—Delivered to any part of body make me a cash offer on these
the city at 6c. per quart in advance or lots for immediate sale?—Rollie W. Louisa Todd; Cloverdale and Nestuc-
7C. oa Mn ■
Tillamook Dairy, Both Watson, Todd Hotel Bld., Tillamook, ca Valley, Supt., .Mrs. L. M. Kraner;
Tillamook, Bay City and vicinity
phe nes.
Supt, Mrs. Mary F. Dunstan,
■Ona to- of coal equals two cords of
The first prize winners, three boys
wood and you don’t have to sow and quality, that we can sell. in competi­
three girls from each locality,
Split it, Lamb-Schradcr Co., Hello
save you money. Bring your cata­ will compete at the County Fair for
Central Gi’me 28W.
logues and come in and compare silver cups, each of whom will receive
A. Van Winkle left on prices, fcvery buggy fully guaranteed. either a first, second or third prize
morning for Dallas, Ore., —Tillamook Feed Co.
* cdp The second prize winners in
ie will conduct a scries of
The body of Mrs. Charles Samuels, local contests will receive one years
for three weeks.
who died in Portland last Week, was paid subscription to the Woman’s
Home Companion.
¡forget to consult Drs. Lowe brought to this city and was buried
Third prize Winners will receive a
[r eye specialists of Portland,
certificate and diploma. All babies
k- Jewelry Store. Friday and
Winkle of the Christian Church. She will receive certificates, all prize win­
L March 5 and b'
Safe deposit boxes for
mook County Bank.
»1.50 PER YEAR.
Ask any of our customers
about F irsi National service
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why
Drowned at Nehalem Mar.
Fred Miller, a fisherman
drowned on Thursday while attempt­
ing to bring his fish boat from Ne-
hulem to Tillamook. The boat was
capsized on Nehalem bar and Miller
was thrown out and drowned. The
boat drifted ashore, but the body has
not been found. He was
about 40
years of age.
I First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore
Program for Fairview Grange Mar. 11
Song ................................. By Grange.
Recitation....................... Frank Bester.
Reading............................... Ina Chance.
When and when not should a father
give a boy his time, discussed by
Sid Anderson and L. S. Johnson.
Reading, ................ Ethelyn Crawford
Recitation, ................ Edith Anderson
Song............................. Morrison Mills.
“Does it require more brains to earn
a dollar than to save it.”.......... Gus
Goeres and Dolph Tinnerstet.
“What does it cost to produce milk?”
Marion Chance, John Schields and
Verner Holden.
Resolved, “That we favor business
Roads and a pay as you go policy.”
Will Maxwell and Morrison Mills.
Every body sing.
Christian Church.
------ 0------
Ful^ 175 people attended the two
• _ «. held
• < at . ..
the , Miami
Miami school
house and Garibaldi last Friday, five
more responded to the invitation and
9 were baptized in the river. Fiftyonc
haVe taken their stand
with the
ehnfcR in these communities the last
eight weeks.
Next Sunday C. F. Swander one of
our best preachers and also State
Secretary cf Oregon will preach
morning and evening. It will be a
treat for the public. Special anthem
and orchestra music at the evening
Mr. Swander will preach at the
Shearer house at Garibaldi, Saturday
instead of Friday.
School Notes.
— o-----
The “picture" program given by the
grades at the High School Auditor­
ium last Friday evening was very
satisfactory. Great
interest was
shown by both the pupils performing
and by the large audience. The pro­
ceeds amounted to just a little less
than seventy dollars. Following is
the program that was rendered:
Recetation, Lloyd Terry, 1st grade.
Birthday Candles, 4 children is tgradc
Kenneth Rugar, Clyde Jolliff, 2nd
Little Valentines, 5 girls
2nd grade
Flag Exercise, 4 children
1st grade
Recitation, Mabel
Play, The first American Flag, 4th
Between Soldier, scene and act II of
Song, Janet Mackenzie,
2nd grade.
Duet, Ruth Fallis, Arthur Schunelle,
1st grade.
Play, Lincoln, the rail splitter 7 grade
Recitation, Lulu Knudson, 5th grade,
3rd grade.
Minuet, 8 children.
Tableau, Washington Crossing the
8th grade.
Costume Song, Uncle Ned, boys, 5th
and 6th grade.
Drill and Fairy Song, girls 4th grade
Tableau, Mother of the Revolution,
8th grade.
Flag Drill,
6th grade.
Tableau, Westward, Lewis & Clark,
8th grade.
Tableau, Land of the Free, Sth
Tableau, Miss Tillamook, Sth
Exercise, Goodbye, 7 girls, 2nd grad'
Dr. Griffin, of the Oregon Agricul­
tural College, gave a very interesting
illustrated lecture at the High School
last Tuesday evening. The develop­
ment of his theme, school garden and
industrial clubs, was aided to a great
extent by stereoptican slides, show­
ing the success of other boys and
girls interested in the work. The lec­
ture was indeed helpful, and the aud-
ience was well pleased.
The Webster Club meets Friday
night, March 5, instead of meeting
last Monday, as previously announced
The postponement is due to the ill­
ness of one of the students who was
to take part in the debate. Everyone
is welcome to attend the debate Fri­
day night.
Several sever cases of fever were
/found among the girls at the high
school during the latter part of this
week. The symptoms were very pe-
ceptable:—roving eyes,
pulses, wandering
minds, flushed
cheeks. Upon a thorough diagosis it
was found to be nothing worse than
“baseball fever”, and it is believed
that all the victims will recover safe­
The fourth, fifth, seventh and eighth
grades have organized a tract league.
Several business men have offered
prizes, to be given to the room mak­
ing the best average in the contests,
which will be held later in the spring.
Following are the names of the cap­
tains elected by the respective grades
John Snyder, Fourth grade; Flraid
H.iltom, Fifth grade; Robert Switzer,
Sixth Grade; Lewis Rugar, Seventh
grade; Leslie Conover, Eighth brade.
Next Monday evening, March 8,
the regular business meeting of the
take place. There seems to have been
some misunderstanding as to this
Y. F. F. Club.
Members of theclub were pleasantly
entertained at the residence of Mr. A.
L. Thomas. The time was passed in
social conversation, fancy work and
doing justice to a dainty lunch served
by Miss Neva liydorn, hostess. The
guests were the Misses Blanche Stark
and Maude Overfelt. Ethelyn Craw­
ford will entertain the club on Sat­
urday, March 13. All members and
the young ladies of Fairview are in-
Anderson Shirley.
Following the ceremony the wed­
ding party was served with a bount­
eous wedding dinner at the Ramsey
-Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will make
their home in Tillamook County.
Tillamook Oyster Shells May
Utilized for Lime.
At intervals the question is revived
of making use of the beds of oyster
shells that occur in many places about
Tillamook bay, Coos Bay, Netarts
Bay and other shore points, as a
source of lime. A bulletin just issued
by the State Bureau of Mines says:
"The shells themselves are practic­
ally pure lime carbonite in composi­
tion as are good grades of lime stone
If they can be obtained free from the
sand and mud that usually accompany
them, and in sufficient and accessible
quantities shell beds may serve as
well as any other source to supply
lime for fertlizer or cement manu­
facture. The bulk of such beds is apt
to be comparitivcly small however,
and as they are usually found, the
shells are usually filled with sand and
clay impurities to get rid of which
economically is apt to be difficult.”
On Wednesday, February 24th, Geo
Henson had served on Mrs. Kilgorj
an attachment on fixtures of the
Green Tree rcsturant for tnoncy due
Mr. W. Beamish, formerly of
the Green Tree rcsturant, has erected
a large tent, in which he will conduct
his rcsturant in the future.
Mrs. Lottie Alexander and Mrs.
Kilgore left for Portland last Wed­
Chas McMillan and Ivan Ivancovich
hiked it to Bay City, Sunday after­
noon, and participated in the fresh
spring tryout of the Bay City base­
ball team.
Mrs. M. A. Wheeler, of Tillamook,
is visiting with her daughter and the
Jackson family at Bar View.
On Monday Mr. McMillan left for
Tillamook to serve as a juror in the
circuit court.
On Tuesday, March 2nd, Messrs
Hue), County School Superintendent,
Prof. Griffin, of O. A C. and Mr. R.
Jones, county agriculturist, visited the
Garibaldi school.
A beautiful wedding took place at
the Christian Church, Monday after­
noon, March 1st, the contracting par­
ties were E. W. Anderson, of Tilla­
mook County, and Miss Lou Ellen
Shirley, of Portland. The brides dress
was made of beautiful white satin and
shadow lace. She carried on her arm
a shower bouquet of bride’s roses
and li!ies-of-the-valley. The groom
was dressed in the conventional black
They were united by a ring cere-
money, H. A. Van Winkle, pastor of
the Christian Church, officiating, the
bride’s mother, Mrs. E. M. Bcntly, of
Portland, was present for the occa­
Call for Warrants.
sion and assisted in the ceremony.
All outstanding county warrants
Miss Selma Kebbc, resident of Tilla­ will be paid upon presentation. Inter­
mook, was the bride's maid. She and est ceases February 2, 1915.
B. I.. Reals,
Mrs. Bcntly carried bouqutes of pink
County Treasurer.
roses and lilies-of-thc-valky.
0 30000000oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
This Treatment is Guaranteed by the
If the kidneys are sluggish in their action, general ill health us­
ually results. Skin affections arise, due to the extra work thrown
upon the skin in removing poisonous wastes that should be cared for
by the kidneys; heart affections, caused by the pressure of fluids
dammed back by the sluggish kidneys; eye diseases, nervousness,
chronic headaches and other ailments.
These are often done in great measure to the poisonous action 'of
matter left in the body.
We want you to try Rexall Kidney Treatment if your kidneys
are out of order. We feel the utmost confidence in thia treatment,
which is especially designed to strengthen the kidneys, restore their
normal functions and.help in rebuilding the general health.
Reliable Druggist
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t 0000000000000000009000000«