•—te A 4 k »• •ein, th» hiQ b. lr»?t ! hj I 8». . U* injli ice. it th» Tillamook Headlight, February 25, 19io. i May property rights, by proper convey­ LEGISLATURE PASSES MANY Credit Given Senate Too, ance, to the county in which said city, CONSTPH. TV’ LAWS. , “The House members are an earnest Allows Two Quarts of Liquor or 24 town or municipal corporation at the Consignee. sincere lot of citizens. They contrib- --------- Quarts of Beer—Record of Ship­ Such affidavit shall be signed and ! The state legislature passed a law end of 60 days from the date of the Speiker Pen Sellin-’ Gives His View uted materially to the economy pro- ments to be Kept. sworn to before any duly authorized whereby municipal corporation may election authorizing the surrender on the Wotk Performed. I gramme by scrutinizing every appro­ agent of said common carrier and for disincorporate, which is of some in- shall cease to exist in its corporate priation bill, but honors in this par­ I We give below some of the sections that purpose such agent and such * tcrest just now. It becomes effective capacity without any further or othir “It was the best House with which ticular are about evenly divided. The of the liquor law passed by the state carrier within the State is hereby an- after the governor signs it, for it con­ formal action, and all its property I ever had experience,” said Ben Sel­ wa> s and means committees of the legislature, as this was one of the thorized to administer oath to all tains an emergency clause. The act is rights and interests shall vest in said ling in discussing the work of the two houses luld joint meetings and most important bills that came before persons receiving such liquor; that as follows: county, and the records of said city, lower house of the recent Legislature each body was responsible for a share that body. Although the prohibition- after said affidavit has been executed Section 1. Any incorporate city, town or municipal corporation shall over which he presided for 40 days as of the savings that were effected, ists at the general election did not as herein provided the said shipment town or municipal corporation now be deposited in the office of the coun­ Speaker. ‘ j \\ bile the actual saving is not as say one word about the amount of or parcel containing ' intoxicating existing in this state, or which may ty clerk of said county by the auditor, "It was my fifth regular session. I great some people had expected, it is liquor that could be shipped into the liquor may be delivered to said con­ hereafter be incorporated therin, and clerk or other keeper of said records also had served in three special ses- an important item when it is born in state, since the people voted to pro­ signee, and tl»e said consignee shall which is not liable for any debt or in said city, town or municipal cor- | sions and attended many other ses- mind that the state is growing and hibit the manufacture and sale of then sign up said affidavit so execut­ other obligation, may surrender its ' poration. > sions as a citizen. Without reflecting the needs of its institutions are grow­ liquor within the state, they have ed his receipt for the amount of in Charter, disincorporate and cease to I Section 4. All provisions of the in the least upon the work of former ing in proportion. A lot of credit is been most active in having the State toxicating liquor so delivered to him exist; privided a majority of the elec- J laws of the State of Oregon relating Legislatures 1 can say unqualifiedly due to chairman Cobb ami other Legislature limit the amount and with by said common carrier. Anyone who I tors thereof authorize the surrender ' I to the ballot, to the manner of voting that I never saw a House of equal members of the ways and means com­ the assistance of some of the extreme shall swear falsely to any matters or and disincorporation thereof as pro- ‘ and to the duties of the election of- caliber. mittee. “wet” element, succeeded in passing things contained | ficers so far as applicagle herein, in said affidavit vided herein. "The record of the House is con­ “The only bill passed by the House a law that is drastic in many respects. shall be deemed guilty of perjury and Said surrender and disincorporation . and not in conflict with the provisions crete proof of the fact that a legisla-' to which I took exception is Senate This law will be referred to the peo­ subject to the penalties provided by shall become effective sixty days after of this Act, are hereby included and tive body can be conducted success­ bill Xo. 312, w ith an emergency clause ple, and should it carry, there is no the General Laws of the State of Ore­ said city, town or municipal corpora­ made a part of this Act. fully without an organization and '1 his has the effect of placing the re­ doubt an effort will be made to pro­ gon. tion shall have authorized such sur­ Section 5. Inasmuch as existing without political maneuvering, We call on state employes who hold their, I hibit the shipment of any liquor into circumstances are such as this Act is had Oo members and bo minds, We positions by appointment. They can It shall be unlawful for any one per­ render and disincorporation. the state, and then, and not until son or family within the state to re­ Section 2. The question shall be necessary for the immediate preser­ had no machine and no steam roller. be discharged at the w ill of the power then, will Oregon become “dry”. ceive from any common carrier or submitted to the electors of said city, ; vation of the public health, peace and Yet when meritorious legislation was that appointed them. I don’t object to Section 7. It shall be unlawful for common carriers more than two (2) town or municipal corporation de- safety of the State of Oregon in this proposed it never suffered for want of the principles of the bill itself, but I any person to collect, take or receive quarts of spirituous or vinous liquors siring to surrender its Charter and —that there is urgent demai’d that votes. did object to the emergency and vot­ within the State any order for intox­ or more than twenty four (24) quarts disincorporate, as provided in this Î the Legislature provide a method “The successful work of the House ed against the bill for that reason. But icating liquor or make any contract of malt liquors within a period of ! section. whereby cities and town may surren­ is proof of the fact that a Legislature we had to pass the bill in that form for the sale of any intoxicating liquor, four (4) successive weeks, but this | The common council or other legis­ i der their charters and disincorporate can be conducted effectively without to induce the Senate to withdraw its except in cases where the sale of such shall not apply to any wholesale or ' lative body of such corporation shall and cease to exist in order to pro­ a machine and without politics.” amendments to the compensation I liquor within the State is permitted. retail druggists receiving ethyl alco­ upon receiving a petition therefor mote the general welfare thereof, j, In reviewing the work of the House bill.” Section 8. If any person shall ad* hol; and it shall be lawful for any signed by not less than five per cent therefore an emergency is hereby de­ Mr. Selling placed the prohibition bill 1 vertise or give notice by signs, bill­ priest, minister, or commanding offi­ of the electors of said corporation, as clared to exist and this Act shall take and the Schucbel workmen’s compen­ NEW JUDICIAL DISTRICT WINS boards, newspapers, periodicals, or cer of any fraternal organization in shown by the number of votes at the effect from and after its approval by sation bill in the front rank of con- I otherwise for himself or another of which wine is used in administering last general election, submit the ques­ the Governor, or the same otherwise structive legislation for which the Senate Approves Measure to Create the sale or keeping for sale of liquors, the sacrament, to receive from any tion to the electors of said corpora­ become a law, as provided by the House stood sponsor. Judge for two Western Counties. or shall circulate or distribute any common carrier such quantity of wine tion. Such question may be submitted Constitution of the State of Oregon. Prohibition Credit Disclaimed price lists, circulars or other blanks I as may be necessary for sacramental at any special or regular city or any Senator Wood won his fight in the “We do not want to take credit for advertising liquors, or publish any purposes only; provided, however, general state election; provided, the the prohibition bill,” he said, “be- Senate for the establishment of the Collier's Costic Critics. newspaper, magazine, periodical or that all consignees shall be required petition as above provided is filed not cause that duty was handed down to Fifteenth Judicial district, to be com­ other written or printed papers, in to subscribe to the affidavit hercinto more than 90 days, or less than IS Suppression of moonshine olco- us by the people. All we could do was posed of Washington and Tillamook which such advertisements or notices fore set out before the delivery of days before the date on which the margarine and the absence of a full to enact a prohibition law in accord­ Counties. Senator Perkins, who voted I are given, or shall permit any such such intoxicating liquor to them; and election is held. Or said council or moon this month seem to be a melan­ ance with the constitutional amend­ against the bill created the district, f notices, or any advertisement of it shall be unlawful for any pci sen to other legislative body may call a choly coincidence. ment. The House originated and per­ when it was defeated Thursday, said liquors (including billboards) to be receive intoxicating liquor, the trans­ special election to be held not later It is a compensation that we get as fected the bill and the Senate passed lie hail been under a misapprehension posted upon his premises, he shall be portation or delivery of which has I than 90 days after the filing of such much« w eather from Tuscon as we do it as we gave it to them. It is a good and asked that the measure be recon­ I guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined been in violation of the provision» of petition, for the purpose of submit­ from Medicine Hat. bill in every particular. Without doubl sidered. The motion was carried and not less than one hundred dollars nor this section; and any person who shall ting such question; provided that Panama Canal was built partly to those who are opposed to prohibition I Senator Wood again urged the pas­ receive intoxicating liquor in viola- [ one such special election is held, save the expense of maintaining two can find plenty of flaws in it, but no sage of the measure. He declared that more than five hundred dollars. Section 9. The giving away or tion of the provision of this section another shall not be called until a navies, but a parsimonious policy one who wants to give prohibition a the proposed judgeship was necessary furnishing of intoxicating liquor for shall be deemed gqilty of a misde­ period of six months has elapsed. seeks to save the expense of main­ fair trial can attack it in good faith. 1 if Washington county was to have its Such council or other legislative taining any. the purpose of evading the provisions meanor, and upon conviction shall be “Representative Schucbel's bill docket disposed of promptly. Senator Dintick said he had just of this Act shall be deemed an unlaw­ punished by a fine of not more than body shall give notice of said question President Wilson hasn’t given us a amending the compensation law was ful selling within the meaning of this fifty dollars ($50) or by imprisonment to be voted on by publication in a popular phrase since “watchful wait­ a piece of constructive legislation been informed that the House had Act. in the county jail for not more than newspaper of general circulation in ing”; and such an able phrasemaker which alone justified the session. It passed a bill taking Clatsop and Col- at least 10 days too. Section 10. It shall be unlawful for thirty (30) days; and it shall be uri- such corporation originated in the House, was passed j umbia Counties from the Fifth Judi­ any person, directly or indirectly, to lawful for any person other than a prior to the election, and in addition Mercury is going up; seems to be a by the House, and the House refused cial District and if Washington also keep or maintain, by himself or by common carrier keeping such records by posting such notices in three pub­ bull movement everywhere. toconcur in the Senate’s proposed , was to be taken away Clackamas associating or combining with others, and complying with the provisions lic places in said city, town or muni­ Seed catalogues are here; must have amendments. After the Senate yielded would be a district all by itself. He or in any manner to aid, assist or hereinbefore set forth to deliver in­ I cipal corporation. Such notice shall heard about the ground hog. the bill became a law in precisely the argued that there was no need for the abet in keeping or maintaining any toxicating liquor into this State to distinctly state the question to be If Mr. William De Morgan has a same form as it went through the . new district, and it was desired just locker-room, club-room or other any other person, and any such deliv­ submitted and the electors shall be book impinging, let it come now. House. The House should be proud of to give a lawyer a place as judge. similar place in which intoxicating ery shall be deemed an unlawful sel­ .invited thereby to vote “Yes” or “No' There are foui days of reading be­ this bill. Inasmuch as only two votes I The Senator sounded a warning liquors are received or kept for the ling within this State within the upon such question. The question tween New York and San Francisco— were recorded against it, I take it for that if the legislature did not cease purpose of use, gift, barter or sale as meaning of this Act; and it shall be shall be submitted upon a separate F. P. A. Of course, it isn’t worth grantid that the House is proud of it. creating judicial districts indiscrimi- a beverage, or for distribution or di­ unlawful for any agent of any com­ j ballot to be called "Charter Surren­ while looking out of the window ! nately the people would pass a con­ Tax Law Praised. vision among members of any club mon carrier or other person to know­ der and Disincorporate Ballot” and while going “The new tax law is a piece of stitutional amendment limiting the through the Rocky or association by any means whatso­ ingly deliver intoxicating liquor to any 1 be substantially in the following Mountains. remedial legislation for which both number and reducing the salaries of ever, and it shall be unlawful for any minor, or to any other person who , form, to wit: Our theory is that the public pens houses are entitled to credit. The bill the judges from $ |,ooo a year to $3000 person to use, barter, sell or give has not subscribed to the affidavit , “Charter andDisincorporation Ballot” in post offices are kept below the un- originated in the House, but the Sen­ Senator Vinton, of Yamhill county, away, or assist or abet another in hereinbefore set forth, or to any other Shall the city (or town or municipal resirable standard in efficiency so ate offered more amendments that said this was no reason why this bartering, selling or giving away any person known by the agent of said corporation) surrender its charter and that nobody will carry them off. the House refused to accept. As it county should be made a part of a intoxicating liquors so received or common carrier to be an habitual be disincorporated, (the electors de- "What South Carolina needs is a now stands the bill gives considerable new district. Senator Hawley, of the drunkard, or to any person in an in­ . siring to vote affirmatively on the man with -epose”; still, one histor­ relief over the present law. It fixes Twelfth Judicial District, said the kept. Section 11. It shall be unlawful for toxicated condition; and it shall be above question .shall place an “X” ically recollects few since the day of April 5 and October 5 as the taxpaj judge was not overworked and it was any person to carry intoxicating unlawful for any common carrier or ' mark in the space before the word Calhoun. ing dates, and enables the taxpayer to absured to talk about taking Tilla­ liquor to any dance or dance-hall or any officer, agent or employe of any Yes”. If he desires to vote negative­ We believe Alexander Dowic was withhold half his paymints until the mook from it. Mr. Keliaher declared other public gathering or to have in­ common carrier to knowingly deliver ly, he shall place an “X” mark in the the last evangelist who tried to save Fall date without a penalty if one-half it was a . "crying shame” and suggest- toxicating liquor in his possession at intoxicating liquor to any other per­ space before the word “No”.) ed that the bill be referred to the New York. He also offered some is paid in the Spring. such dance hall or other public gath­ son than the original consignee whose -------- Yes. Mr. Selling also pointed out that people. I It was passed by a vote of ¡7 spectacular methods. ering, and any p-rson who shall thus name is marked on the package con­ -------- No. There’s a mystery unillumined. If the House saved the naval militia. to to. carry intoxicating liquor to, or have taining the same » * » » and it I It shall be the duty of the said city, veal is to be forbidden, what becomes After the Senate had voted to abolish I he same in his possession at such shall be unlawful for any person to town or municipal corporation to pro­ of most of the chicken salad? the organization the 1 $100 Reward $100. dance or dance-hall or other public haul transport or carry on or through vide a sufficient number of ballots to | Secretary Bryan's new volume ol bill providing for its c The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least one tire.tiled gathering shall be deemed guilty of a any street, road or other public high­ be used at the election. disease that science has been able to cure in lectures is published at 30 cents; but appropriated $15,000 ft all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hill's misdemeanor and upon conviction way within this state, for the purpose The votes cast shall be counted and he hasn’t been in the literary business ure got through the Si Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh shall be punished by a fine of not of delivery to any other person, any returned in the same manner as other so long as Col. Roosevelt. single vote to spare. being a constitutional disease, requirts a containing intoxicating votes cast at the election, except that more than $200, or by imprisonment package "The bill to abolish the Conserva- constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Much more compulsory legislature, l ure is taken internally, acting directly upon ____ in the county jail not more than 100 liquor, unless such package shall be the returns shall be made to the offi­ and sorely oppressed people may take tion commission—an organization the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, marked. • f days. cer having charge and custody of the to reading again the Declaration of that has done much good for the thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by Section 12. It shall be deemed un­ records of such incorporated city, or Independence again. state—was defeated in the House atxl building up the constitution and assisting nature in Going it;« work. The proprietors Taking an Offensive. it lawful for any common carrier, or town or municipal corporation. As contin- have so much faith in its curative powers Let's see; how many years is it the Commission was saved, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any U any officer, agent or employe of any soon as the returns from all precincts since bacon went out of fashion? ued Mr. Selling. case that it fails to cure. Send for list of The airship raid on the German or voting places are in, such officer |HKI common carrier, to deliver intoxicat- Iiiioiiial'i "The House also passed an appro­ lot Diminutive muffs are coming into Address II. H. CHBX’BY Ar CO , Teledo. ! ing liquor to any such person until bases in Belgium must have been un­ shall call to his assistance the county fashion. The time is passing when .1 priation bill for the girls’ industrial Ohio. by Druggists, 75c. such person shall, before delivery, dertaken for the single purpose of clerk of the county in which said city, young woman can spread her muff on school and refused to yield to the Sold Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation S make an affidavit setting forth the striking a blow at the submarine town or municipal corporation is lo­ Senate’s plans to cut down the fund the floor for a mattress. ft. name of the carrier making such de- menace to Great Britian. It was made cated and a justice of the peace resi­ It appears the rumor squad is again so much that the institution would ■ livery, the point of delivery, the in greater force that has been reached dent in said county and they three have been crippled. as busy as the sob squad. amount and kind of liquor at such by any previous expedition of the shall canvass said relumes. Mineral Lease Cited. I Dismal Pasha says: “The farther kind since the biginning of the war. time to ^’received, the total amounts A written statement of the canvass “The bill for ratification of the Sum­ better south the Russians come the ■ h and kind of intoxicating liquors rc- Thirty-four air machines took part in shall be made and signed by the can­ mer and Abert lake lease also came they fight.” four wecks the action, and all of these, being well vassers, or a majority of them, and ceived by him during the I from the House, as did the bills to Undoubtedly the peach buds arc in ¡1 last past, that affiant is over the agc armed with high explosives, must filed with the officer having charge dulging in their usual foolish precipi­ abolish the continuing appropriations I have inflicted heavy damage. Detailed and custody of the records of such of twenty-one years, and is not an and to create a general fund for the reports are to come. The one thing it city, town or municipal corporation; tancy. You can fool all of the peach habitual drunkard. state's finance*. k-- buds all of the time. Said affidavit shall be substantially is possible to see clearly now is that and such writing shall contain a "The amendment to the banking over A cast-off horseshoe is nailed Great Britian is aroused to a sense of statement of the whole number of in the following form: the door for luck; but we cannot sec law to make it conform with the Fed­ I...................... being first duly sworn her danger, and her responsibility to votes cast on said question, the num­ why a discarded automobile tire eral reserve law and the pawnbrok­ despose and say that mz name is .... defend herself, without expectation ber of affirmative and negative votes wouldn’t do as well. Why be so par­ er’s bill making all pawnshops and ........ ; that I am the consignee of that of having-neutrals share her respon­ cast on said question and also a state­ loan agencies subject to inspection by tial and prejudiced? sibilities and dangers with her. certain parcel or package containing ment of the total number of electors the State Bank Examiner were among • There ’ s no such thing in Iceland as the That is the outstanding fact in with the problem of buy.'ng Harnes» intoxicating liquors which is now in in said city, town or municipal cor­ hay fever. Trying to cheer up after the other House bills which add to you will find it distinctly advantn- the new phase of the situation which poration, said numi er to be deter­ the possession of the following nam­ the credit of the Legislature. g.-ous to come unii do yo'tr «elect. I having gone dry. has mined as hereinaftei provided. ed common carrier, to wit:.................. air raid presents. Great Britian “We passed a number of good ing here. You will get the I icti A dumdum bullet is oh, so wicked, at last commenced acting aggressive ­ qualifica, the most thorough am! It shall be the duty of said officer, at ........ r.......... ¡that said package con­ ly in a war, during which she has I as soon as said writing is completed, but of course a blast of sharpncl isn't school bills in which the House and conscientious workmanship and tie tains ................ quarts of......................... ; Senate can take about equal credit. charged the ill ist reasonable prices. seemed, up to this time, to be ohly a to file certified copy thereof with the that rends the victim worse than any that I have not received any ship­ cachcrs equal We can supply single nr double ' The bill to give women tc_ ’ co-operating force. The menace of I said county clerk in his office. The dumdum. ments of intoxicating liquor from any 1. . — rein 1 icnlnfmH G fMlt Prosperity is just over the hill, but pay with men teachers was a Senate Sets or any single article that you her own commercial isolation ll'l has put I number of electors in said city, town common carrier at any time within I creation. The House supported it may be in need of. the hill keeps rising. new energy into her campaigning. or municipal corporation shall be de­ the four weeks last past excepting W.A, Williams & Cc . When the Lusitania ra nup the stars ; gladly, Delay in making this raid may have termined by the total number of votes ...; that I am over tlje age of twenty grown out of imperfect equipment. cast at the election in said city, town and stripes we guess that commander j “A bill of much interest to Mult- one years, and that I am not an hab­ Great Britian had lagged far behind or municipal corporation. If a major­ was glad of what happened in 1776 1 nomah County was that to place itual drunkard. That said ...................is I control of the interstate bridge in the all the other great powers of Europe ity of said number of electors vote and after. to be used for sacramental purposes . hands of the county cornmissoners in aerial equipment until the begin­ affirmatively on aid questions it shall only. Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ 1 and the Governor.. Members of the ning of this war. No doubt she has be deemed carried and the surrender sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ ' House and Senate co-operated in its worked fast in developing the new and disorganization authorized. Consignee. merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * j preparation. It originated in the On your front porch can be lit arm. __________ Section 3. Within 30 days after the Subscribed and sworn to before me every night until midnight We have made special arrange- ' House. authorization of the surrender of the and register not over this ........ day of....................... «9 There was much additional legisla­ ments with the Telephone Co., to fifty c ents per month .—\ u-“ X nR’ WENDT charter and disorganization, said city, connect you directly with our office, tion of credit to the session, some of < n the meter. Eye Specialist, town or municipal corporation shall Agent or Carrier. it originating in the Senate ami some in case you wish any of our GOOD convey, grant, assign and deliver ail '^*'^Fit Glasse* at Received from....................... common COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28 W . in the House. COAST POWER COMPANY. carrier...................... quarts of................ Reasonable Ptice*. Guaranteed ■ its property real and personal and I THE LIQUOR LAW. Date : How Municipal Corporation Disincorporate. ¡ ip, ii rrivai (cited than their o th» tanda taintt i, «u down land, udith, a seo I camp, arcui Alaa, iastic them eated .ciati :a ■a b* t? ? the iread as In melt- • ton. peed, no* 1 the niaM ml» mad* i ri* r the this ay- no* i th» auch ly 1« ?ould n dl* back ovtf bo* .ip«* ce» that m *t HARNESS A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp f ......