Tillamook Headlight, February 25, I9T5. State Press Flashlights. Kaiser will make still more of a fiz- j feel honored to be mentioned by the Notice to Creditors. zel of his diplomacy if he tries to in­ ( chief executive along with them in An exchange has an editorial on the volve the United States in the dog eat connection of being a power for the Notice is hereby given to all whom "Drift of Taxation.” The criticism dog row now going on in Europe. It | du . < lopment of their commonwealths. it may concern, that the undersigned might be made that taxation doesn’t I 1 is conceded even in Berlin that the —Umpqua Valley News. has been duly appointed by the Coun­ drift. Some of us are under the im­ Kaiser was sadly misled by the diplo­ ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore­ pression that it crunches along like a matic representatives as to the lineup gon, administrator of the estate of It Can’t be Done. jaggernaut.—Telephone Register. of the world powers, and had he Hannah J. Mowrey, deceased. known that only Turkey would join How did the world get staited, son? Now therefore all persons having Someone asks what has become of | him, he would never have started the Why, someone said, ‘It can’t be done’ claims against said estate are hereby the girl who used to wear a woolen 1 war. \\ liich shows that the Kaiser's notified lo present the same, duly That settled it. The trogodyte scarf about her neck in winter. Well, ■ hind sight is better than his foresight. verified and with proper vouchers, to Caine out of darkness into light. about now she is wearing a low neck ' We would suggest that he use his the undersigned, at the office of T. B. waist, and stopping in at the druggists ■ hind sight when dealing with the “It can’t be done!” somebody said, Handley, in Tillamook, Oregon, with And lo! the green fields give us bread. to get some cough cure, the silly United States and he will win.—News in six months from the date hereof. With that stunt ringing in his ears. creature.—Telephone Register. Times. Ben W. Neilson, Has man gone upward through the ----- o------ ------ o------ Administrator of the estate The purchasing power of the farmer years. The national tailors association met of Hanna J. Mowrey, De­ in convention at Chicago last week depends not only upon the money You should have seen the mill wheels ceased. and declared that it would cost $1005 value of what he produces, but also run Dated this 28th day of January, 1915 per annum to dress like a gentleman. I upon the money value of what he When some one said, “It can’t be 1899 to 1909 (census On that basis, how many ‘‘gentlemen’ ( buys. From done! To Whom It May Consern. are there in Tillamook County? Now years) the money value of one acre "It can’t be done!” they said before of the farmer ’ s crops increased 72.7 don’t all speak at once.—Nehalem ' A sail put out to sea from shore. The following blank Fire Insurance Times. i per cent, but in the same period the Since world ’ s remote and dismal Policies No’s:—861057, 861058, 861059, money values of the articles usually dawn 861060, 86I06I, 861062, 861063 ,861064, High as the price of wheat seems purchased by farmers had increased Those magic words have spurred us 861065, 861066, 861067, 86:068, 861067, now, the rise to which this is due is 12.1 per cent; consequently, as a re­ on. 861070, 861071, 861072, 861073, 861074, sult of the greater increase in the by no means unprecedented for war 861075, 861076, 861077, 8610 '8 times. During the American . Revolu­ price of what the farmer sold than in It drove Columbus where the sun 861079, 861080, 861081, 861082, 861083, Went redly down, "It can ’ t be done! ” the price of what he bought, the net tion wheat which was selling for 93 861084, 861085, 861086, 861087, 861088, cents at the beginning of hostilities, increase in the purchasing power of “It can’t be done!” the weaklings 861089, 861090, 861091, 861092, 861003, the produce of I acre was 54 per cent, said, went to $3.00 a bushel. During the 861094, 861095, 861096, 861097, 861098, Crimean war it went from 38 cents a that is, 1 acre of the farmer’s crop in i And lo! the Wrights flew over head. 861099, and 861100, of the New Bruns- 1909 could buy 54 per cent more of ■ bushel in 1854 to $185. in 1855. I” the “It can’t be done!” was what they wick Fire Insurance Company, of ■ Civil war wheat which was 62 cents the articles usually bought by farm­ cried New Brunswick, New Jersey, have Hat the beginning in 1861 climbed to ers than in 1899. Upon the basis of When Fulton offered them a ride. been lost, stolen or destroyed, while the purchasing power of the value of ■ $2.85 in 1867.—Astorian. They said it, and Marconi sent in the Agency of S. B. Whitehouse, 1 acre of produce, the year 1909 His message through the firament. of Tillamook City’, Oregon. You are Recent newspaper dispatches indi- stands as the most prosperous for That is why it happened, son. hereby notified that the New Bruns­ farmers of the past 50 years for which Hcate the food and mouth disease has Praise God for this, “It can’t be wick Fire Insurance Company of New ■ not been stamped out as yet in the there are records.—Itemizer. done!” Brunswick, New Jersey, hereby as­ ■United States. In twenty-four widely St. Louis Post-Dispatch. sume no liability under the above One of the well known hog raisers ^separated localities the foot and enumerated polices. Any information jggrnouth disease still exists. It is be- of the Pacific Northwest declares that of the return of the above blank The Good Bishop Knows. lieved by the government authortics, any farmer who disposes of his hogs at the present time because of the policies, will confer a favor on W. W. ' however that the situation is well in Bishop Quayle in an address at Alverson, the Western Manager, Mhand. There is now money available high price of wheat is acting foolish­ Hao combat the inroads of the disease ly and will regret such unbusinesslike Sioux City pleaded for an old time 374 Pine Street, San Francisco, Cal. By. A. M. Lovelace, i’>and to hold it in check. It was the methods. He is right—and to prove it 1 practice. The bishop is a. man of he says there is no connection be ­ Special Agent. prominence as an advisor as are all «absence of funds which lead to fear that it would be impossible to eradcate tween the high price of wheat and the bishops ami to be listened to respect­ Summons. hog industry for the simple reason fully and with attention. His remarks nthe disease.—Rural Spirit. that it is unnecessary to feed the pork . were addressed to parents and those In the Circuit Court of the State of ■ “We never could see why a school producing animals any wheat as it is who have charge of children and the Oregon for Tillamook County. not really essential to their mainten ­ bishop said: Jeff. D. Matney, plaintiff, ,teacher should be entitled to a pen­ vs. “Spanking is a great help in rearing sion after they have become feeble ance, if plenty of vegetables, alfalfa, Lizzie Matney, defendant. rape, and peas are raised. This par ­ children. There is a great deal of and old and grey, any more than an To Lizzie Matney, the above named editor who plugs along from seven ticular farmer grew 12 tons of carrots nonsense going around about how to defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, o’clock in the morning until eleven on an acre of his ground last year and raise children. Mothers should teach o’ctock at night every day in the fed most of them to his hogs and this i obedience first and last. No parents you are hereby repuired to appear and answer the complaint filed again­ three hundred and sixty-five without one vegetable helped to make the have a right to rear their children so st you in the above entitled court and hog dress from 150 to 200 pounds that they will become nuisances to the a vacation once in five, ten, fifteen, cause on or before the last day of the yes, twenty years”, says an exchange. each, which is a satisfactory size for neighbors. A child who is not obedi- time prescribed in the order for the 1 ent is an anarchist. Parents who neg ­ marketing. Acres and acres of such service of summons by publication Bliss your heart friend, both are en­ titled to a pension, as both give more foodstuffs can be raised on farm land lect to teach this fundamental thing herein, and if you fail to so answer, to the public and get less compensa­ that is not even utilized at present must not complain when police have the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said tion for it than in any other profes­ and thousands of hogs fattened there­ to teach them after they have grown complaint, namely, for a decree dis­ from, all of which would help keep up up.” sion.—News Times. solving the bonds of matrimony ex­ the meat supply.—Pacific Homestead. Having grown old the bishop speaks isting between you and said plaintiff, from both observation and experience Jeff D. Matney, for the recovery by Six years ago the first of the mov­ In these piping times of peace, tariff When he was in the stage where the plaintiff of his costs and disburse­ ing picture went to Los Angeles, Cal. ments in said suit, and for such other Now it is the motion picture capital reforms and war tax the government bending of the twig inclines the tree and further relief as to the court may of the world and there are fifty large finds itself on the verge of a treas­ spanking was not a lost art. The seem meet, right and equitable. This summons is served upon you film companies with headquarters in ury deficit that only a wholesale - cut probabilities are that the bishop ting­ its vicinity. It is estimated that these in the necessary appropriations or an led with recollection upon that por- by publication thereof by order of the Honorable Homer Mason, County companies bring between $5,000,000 additional war tax can avert. With tion of his mortal body which was Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, to $6,000,000 to Los Angeles annually. both Germany and England calling then as now the approved and con- in the absence of the Honorable H. Los Angeles has 120 motion picture the hand of Mr. Wilson on his note venient place of attack by hand and H. Belt, Judge of the Circuit Court theatres and most of them are doing of diplomacy and" Mr. Bryan, the slipper, for a bishop, is merely flesh above named, which said order is a splendid business. The motion pic­ statesman, orator, editor, soldier and and blood and early impressions hold dated the 12th day of January, 19*S and the date of the first publication ture industry gives support to over all around man of valor, complacent­ with bishops as with laymen, With- hereof is the 21st day of Jan., 1915, 10,000 people in the different lines of ly relying upon his ability to assem­ out any manner of doubt he was anfl the date of the last publication activity near Los Angeles. Of course ble an army of a million men within spanked early and often. And see hereof, and the last date on or before which you are required to answer the fine scenery, the fair weather and twenty-four hours after the call is what it did for him! But in all seriousness, the bishop is this summons, is the 4th day of other conditions ideal to photography issued, what need is there for the make the section near Los Angeles common mortal of these glorious giving good advice. A little spanking March, 1915. ideal for this kind of business.—News states to worry. The professor and at the right time administered in the Dated this 12th day of January, 1915. Geo. 1*. V\ inslow. the colonel are at the head of affairs proper spirit is a good thing and a re­ Reporter. Attorney for Plaintiff. an sure to be dis­ appointed. I'otne to our store, and see the (¿rail A/.i*’»'/c — have its many exclusivo features ex­ plained find out why the Majestic in 8*)0# stnmger than all oth< r range i where most ranges are weakest. It h the best lunge ut any price und II shvuhl be in your luUhvn, Lined I with L Pure Asbestos Board Made of Charcoal ¡ron, adding 310% to life cf Rango FOR SALE BY ALEX. MeNAIR & CO. 15 GALLON ALL ro.’PU Rf-LRVOIH WILL BOILING GIVE VOU WATL« Entire Top Doors and Frames made of Malleable ■non. Can't break uuu* Printing Point D oes Not BobUj, and Down In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter the point on the paper which is to receive the type impression is stationary at the instant the type hits. The carriage does not bob up and down when the shift is made to write capitals. Why? Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. The only movement of the carriage is back and forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— and this does not take place while the print is being made. There is no lifting of the carriage. This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type­ writing is free from blurs and every letter in the right place. Ask for flemonstration L. C. Smith & B ros. Typewriter Co. OtfÍM »4 tWct.ry: SYRACUSÏ. N Y. 306 0 k st., Portland, Ore IE