Tillamook Headlight. February 25, 1OL>. Grace Johnson vs. J. C. Johnson. ' rocked to make it permanent ciigo who has undertaken to lind out CIRCUIT COURT ON MONDAY. will let the people of Southern lilla- Sidney E. Bendery 1 Divorce. how much wheat there is in the coun­ tnook County out on a much shorter W . G. Dwight vs. John Krebs et al. Surveyor. Legal Advertisement*. try, and who owns it, is on the right Docket Consists of Actions for Mon­ 1 route than that now traveled and will Foreclosure. ey, Foreclosures and Domestic .10 track Good judges in that market be ­ John Lelanil Header, First Insertion, per line....... $ aid greatly in the development of that Sylvia Rice vs. Earl E. Rice. Di- retary Treas , a ?0"- Trouble*. Each subsequent insertion, line. ■05 lieve that we still have an exportable section. vorce. Law, Notrary Pub£W surplus of 100,000,000 bushels. The Business and professional cards Once the main road is placed in the H. Ashcroft. G. F. Chaphe vs. R. An act of the State Legislature gave one month ............................ 1.00 contention that wheat is largely held jurisdiction of the state it leaves the Tillamook Title of lien. Homestead Notices ................. 5.00 by farmers is not very well supported, this judicial district three terms of Foreclosure counties free to develop the roads Mary Winona Waley and husband Timber Claims ......................... ; 10 OO for even at the high price now­ pre- circuit court in a year, with the fol­ Abstract co. connecting with it and so make pos­ Monday in vs. Cecelia Alice Davis et al. Con- sible a more rapid progress than any Locals per line each insertion. •05 vailing the receipts at primary niar- lowing dates—the first L i v, A i itr i -ts, ,(1 k-ts are not large. If we have any March, the second Monday in June formation of sale. Display advertisement, an inch, yet attained in road construction. The Surveying, Iagllr;i Co. In ­ & Whitney Co. vs. Beall one month .............................. •5° such exportable surplus as is claimed, and the first Monday in December. impetus thus let to development and Both Pho Cf8 junction. the probability is that i long ago pas­ Judie H. H. Belt will preside, and All Resolutions of Condolence Guy O. Smith vs. Merton R. De progress will be tremendous anil it TILLAMOOK although there are a large number of sed by contract into the possession and Lodge Notices, per line . .05 will not be many years until we be­ they, for the Long et al Foreclosure. < ards of Thanks, per line........ •03 of millers, bakers, agents for foreign cases on the docket, hold the "wilderness blossom like the osoo Lamb Morrison Mills vs. Randolph most part, actions for money, fore­ governments and speculators. Natine*, Lost, Strayed or Stolen rose” and the solitary places touched and wife. Foreclosure. etc., minimum rate, not ex­ I That wheat is either actually or closures and domestic troubles where Evan J. Owens vs. Alberta Frock by the taming hand of man and made ceeding five lines................... .25 artificially less plentiful than the wedding vows have not been kept and i to minister to his needs.—Willamina T. BOAI.S, M.D., and husband. Foreclosure. statistic* seem to show is proved by marriage proved a failure as far as John Hahn vs. Gus. Mahne and wife Times. the violence of the recent advance in these cases are concerned. There are RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. PHYSICIAN] AND SlRC prices. The rise in one day of 9H two criminal cases and a new grand Foreclosure. (Strictly in Advance.) Notice to Contractors. J. Baumgartner vs. Martha Psetak One year ................................... $1.50 cents for real wheat was explained by jury will be drawn. I Surgeon S.P. c0, et al. Foreclosure. Six months ...................................... 75 a mere rumor that the Italian Gov­ i Jury List. I Sealed bids addressed to the County (I. O. O. F. Bldg) I George L. Hamlin vs. Lydia S. i Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, Three months................................... 50 ernment had purchased r,000.000 A. Arstell,Cloverdale, farmer. Tillamook - Morgan Foreclosure of lien. bushels of real wheat. On the strength I L. Lawson, Tillamook, merchant. for the proposed improvement on the G. W. Byers, jr. vs. Margaret Byrne .GARIBALDI-WHEELER COUN THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT of this report speculators dealt in 14,- F. D. Bester, Tillamook, farmer. E. REEDY, D.yv To quiet title. 500,000 bushels of imaginary wheat. S. W. Elliott, Bay City, farmer. I TY ROAD. *•> i Viola Mills vs. C. E. McAlpin et al. J. H. Dunstan, Tillamook, farmer. If a reported sale of export of 1,000,- Editorial Snap Shots will be received by the County Court I Toset aside conveyance. VETERINARY, 000 bushels of wheat, not confirmed, Joseph Hester, Hemlock, farmer. at its office in Tillamook City, Ore­ I Dennison Billings and wife vs. adds nearly 10 cents a bushel to the G. B. Lamb, Tillamook, farmer. Certainly times are changing for the gon, on or before the 5th day of Both Phones. better. It is only a few years since value of real wheat and nearly 9 Clifford Hiner, Tillamook, mechanic. Frank J. Dye. Foreclosure. March, at 10 o'clock a.m. and at that Charles Kunze vs. Mary J. Dun tan Tillamook cents a bushel to wheat delivered in Sophus Larsen, Nehalem, farmer. one term of the circuit court a year time opened and read. et al. Foreclosure. F. C. Robison, Barview, merchant. was necessary. It was slow business May, what would be the b I Each bid sha’.i be accompanied by Jeff D. Matney vs. Lizzie Matney of the market if it were fou Wm. Lawrence, Cloverdale, farmer. H. GOYNE, for litigants and criminal cases. Next a certified check made payable to Til­ Divorce. John Morgan, Tillamook, farmer. week the court will start in with three Great Britian and France had lamook County, for an amount equal ly bought 25,000,000 bushels I rank Lundberg, Nehalem, farmer. I E.C. Lockwood vs. P. D. Hance and to 5 per cent of the amount of such terms —March, lune tend December. ATTORNEY wheat and that it was on its J. N. Whitman, Cloverdale, farmer. wife. Foreclosure. bid, which shall be forfeited to the One bill that passed the legislature the seaboard? Charles Kunze vs. Mary J. Dunstan A. W. Phelps, Tillamook, farmer. County, in case award is made and the Officer O pposite C ourt e was to reduce the scalp bounty on i Unless wheat is cornered, it should A. J. Johnson, Tillamook, farmer. et al. Foreclosure. bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for .Tillamook - gophers and moles in this county respond to present prices, Farmers A. J. Huston, Beaver, farmer. Charles R. Frazer and Ellis McLean a period of five days after which the I___________ from 25c to 5c. per head. I he county as a rule are in no position to hold Frank Long, Tillamook, millman vs. Karl Granman. Replevin. award is made to enter into a con­ court made no provision in the bud­ out for $2. Even speculators who Fred Blum, Hemlock, farmer. Law- Gertrude A. E. Sanders vs. ’ TOHN LELAND HENDE get to pay bounty on these pests, but have no wheat do not hesitate to com C. W. Hogan, Tillamook, farmer. I tract and file a bond satisfactory to rence Sanders. Divorce. the Court as by law required. I we think that the dairymen will agree mit themselves against such a price. Wm. Maxwell, Tillamook, farmer. Nehalem Valley Bank vs. James R. ATTORNEY The bids are to cover the clearing of with us that a determined effort The crop was the largest ever grown N. McMillan, Garibaldi, farmer. Lamb. Foreclosure. AND the right-of-way from Station, should be made to exterminate goph­ in this country. Yet the real wheat is I. C. Tomlinson, Tillamook, farmer. M. Abplanalp, administrator of the 177x00 to Station 198x31. COUNSELLOR. AT-LAE er* and moles. Even at the small sum not forthcoming and the visible sup­ E. G. Lantz, Bay City, photographer. estate of B. Irndorf vs. W. R. Lusby. 'T illamook B lock , according to plans and specifications of sc. a head we hope the county ply does not increase. Famine prices D. E. Goodspecd, Tillamook, farmer. Foreclosure. . . . on file in the office of the Surveyor Tillamook - court will find some way to pa> for bread mean trouble for many peo­ Adolph Schild, Tillamook, farmer. A. G. Beals et al vs. Standard Milk ROOM NO. 261 and County Clerk, for Tillamook this amount and not wait another ple. Unless they are justified by dire John Erickson, Tillamook, farmer. Sugar Co. Action for money. County, Oregon. year before this money can be obtain' necessity, they ought to mean trouble W. W. Conder, Tillamook, farmer. Ella Hilton vs. James Hilton. J. CLAUSSEN, The County Court reserves the cd through the budget. for those who are responsible for J. H. Rosenberg, Tillamook merchant Divorce. . LAWYER, right to reject any and all bids, Dated ----- o—— them. James Fallen, Hemlock, farmer. Petitions for citizenship, Victor this the 18th day of February, 1915. If the Wheeler Reporter is correct DEUTSCHER ADV0KA1 How much wheat in the T. W'. Lystcr, Tillamook, farmer. Leander Johnson, A. A. J. Zimtner- J. C. Holden, stating that District Attorney United States? Where is it? Who Following are the cases on the man. 213 T illamook B lock Goyne discriminates against Nehalem owns it? If there is a corner, is it en- docket: County Clerk. Ella Sherwood vs. George Shcr- and Wheeler in enforcing the law gineersd by Americans or by for- First publication, 2-18-15. Warren Construction Co. vs. Tilla­ wood. Divorce. Tillamook - against card playing and dice shaking eigners?—New York World. Last publication, 3-4-15. I mook City. Damages. Sarah E. Blazer vs. Charles H. in favor of I illamook, there is good D. I.. Shrode et al, vs. R. H. Ash­ Blazer. Divorce. T-)R. JACK OLSEN, reason for complaint. The law makes Notice to Contractors. croft. Action for money. Edith Long vs. Roy C. Long. The Wolf in the War. a distinction betwen localilv s It's Eilers Music House vs. W illiam G. Divorce. i Sealed bids addressed to the County DENTIST. up to Mr. Goyne to “dean tip” his Iwo announcements made to the Dwight. Replevin. W. G. Dwight vs. J. A. Ross et al. Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, home town. —Nehalem l int's, (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) A. G. Beals vs. F. H. Wilkins and Foreclosure. ( British House of Commons can fairly I he snap shot man would III. for the proposed improvement on the be coin id< red together in reaching Burton Rice. Action for money. E. H. Gary vs. John Bosh and wife. Tillamook - Oregon inform the Reporter and the I SAND LAKE COUNTY ROAD. i T. B. Potter Realty Co. vs. F. D. Foreclosure. conclusions I lie chancellor of the ex- that there is no law that proh will be received by the County Court I cheques, I lord -George, said that Mitchell, Action for money. W. G. Dwight vs. B. J. Stephens. at its office in Tillamook City, Ore­ persons from card playing and C. IIAVVK, Ira C. Smith vs. O. J. Painter Nolan the allies have as vet thrown only Action for money. shaking It is a violation of law, I gon, on or before the 5th day of Action for money. I one-third of their military strength Ada Wilson vs. James Wilson. March, at 10 o'clock a.m. and at that ever, when it is done for nio John W. Boyer and M. O. Boyer vs. Divorce. into the field against Germany, and drinks, etc. Some persons arc so PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO 1 F. R. Beals vs. Minnie A. Meade time opened and read. that to maintain this force, and to J. M. Burton. Action for money. row in this respect that they wan Each bid shall be accompanied by M I. Gersoni vs. Frank A. Rowe et ami husband. Foreclosure. prohibit small prizes given at private bring the other two thirds into action a certified check made payable to Til­ Bay City card parties, but will trade at stores will cost $ 10,000,000,000 during the al. Action for money. lamook County, for an amount equal I C. R. Cater vs.. Andrew Zucrcher. where they give trailing stamps and cut rent year. Great Britian, said the C. F. Alexander Arrested. to 5 per cent of the amount of such QARL HABERLACH, Action for money. I chancellor, can finance the war for other like devices in vogue to obtain bid, which shall be forfeited to the T B. Potter Realty Co. vs. Axel five years from her investments business. C. F. Alexander, late postmaster of ‘ County, in case award is made and the ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Anderson. Action for money. abroad, and France can do the like ----- o----- Ella Himpcl vs. Emmery Wagnor Garibaldi, was arrested on Monday 1 bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for We are somewhat disappointed that for three years. First Lord of the Ad- T illamook B eock night by Sheriff Crenshaw. It seems I a period of five days after which the the State Legislature did not wipe out mirality < hurchill announces that the and Rosco Barker. Replevin. Tillamook ’. that when Alexander relinquished the ' award is made to enter into a con ­ more of the commissions, which came plan of shutting out food stuffs from • James Bihby vs. Josef Blaser. Ac­ office about a month ago his accounts tract and file a bond satisfactory to tion for money. into existence under the West admin Germany would be strengthened. Q ALVIN R. WORRAI.L, istration, ami put a stop to the waste­ Churchill declared, that “Great Brit- I F. D. Small and D. C. Urie vs. R. B. both with the government and the ex­ the Court as by law required. The bids are to cover the clearing of press company were short to the , ain had decided tn Hamp on every ful manner in which the taxpayers* Hays. Action for money . LAWYER, money is used to maintain a little ounce of sea pressure to choke off J. C. Perry vs. Louis U. Albert. amount of about $1,300, and Alexan- the right-of-way from Station, der left for California with the idea of 42x87 to Station 149x06.1 and from BUSINESS COUNSELOR, Tin army of taxeater* in office. If it is Germany's food supply, in retaliation Action for money. necessary to have a commission form for Germany ’s submarine policy." | Carl A. Patzlaff vs. Janies W Myer raising the money, but failed to do so. Station 149x06.1 to Station 239x92. ACCOUNTANT, NOTAR In the mean time the Federal Grand according to plans and specifications of government for State affairs, then Both of these announcements were and A. M Myer. Action for monev. PUBLIC. let the governor, secretary of state, almost coincident with the decision, George I.. Hamlin vs. Charles E. Jury indicted him, and on Alexander's on file in the office of the Surveyor 25 years experience. Consul return to the county he was placed and County Clerk, for Tillamook treasurer and attorney general con­ at a cabinet meeting, to continue the Haas. Action for money. Free. stitute that body, for it is too expen­ policy of “starving out" which Great Adjustment Bureau of the Portland under arrest and was taken to Port­ County, Oregon. Commercial Club Bld , Tills land. Alexander admits the shortage 1 he County Court reserves the sive to have a commission for every Britian has adopted. Association of credit men, vs. James little thing. We feel certain that it the I here are men and money with W. Myer and A. M. Mver. I but claims that he did not but some­ right to reject any and all bids, Dated QR. L. L. HOY, matter was - referred to the people which to continue the war. The al­ First National Bank of Tillamook, one else did get away with a big wad , this the 18th day of February, .1915. every commission at Salem would be lies, says the British chancellor, have vs. C. E McAlpin. Action for monev. • of money. Mrs. Alexander had charge ' J. C. Holden, PHYSICIAN AND SURG knocked out, and the taxeaters would not nearly begun exhausting their re­ County Clerk. Fred Foster vs. W. O. Chase and of the postoffice most of the time. ' be looking for other jobs h is safe to source* in either. What they arc pro­ Otis Chase. Action for money. His bondsmen are J. J. McCormick First publication, 2-18-15. T illamook B lock , sav that public sen iment will be posing, however, is the carry ing of Louis Albert vs Jeff Fleck and Ben and Mrs. Geo. Phelps. Alexander Last publication, 3-4-15. aroused the next two years against deprivation and destitution to the Y ia. Action for money. Tillamook, thinks he will be able to straighten 1 commissions that tin next legi-flature homes of an emeny country. The Notice to Contractors. I he Buffalo Fertilizer Co vs the matter out, but whether the gov- i will not scruple in wiping them oqt. wolf the door must now lie counted James F Bradley Action for money.' ernment officials will allow him to go ELMER ALLEN This much can be said for the legi* as one of the allies in a quadruple Dan Nicklas vs. S. L. Rathburn. free after he has done so there is^ Sealed bids addressed to the County lature just adjourned, that it made a entente, surpassingly rich in men and Action for money. some doubt. Alexander was < engc.gcd _ Court of 1 illamook County, Oregon, (Successor to Dr. Sharp), start in the direi ticn and no new com means, fully equipped to carry the in fishing and worked hard to make a ,or t,lc Proposed improvement on the State of Oregon vs. Edgar WilH- missions were formed, which is some war to some legitimate conclusion, Indictment, Selling Liquor to .. jams living. |..BAYOCEAN | BAYOCEAN COUNTY ROAD ROAD. . DENTIST. minors. » satisfaction. but bent upon carry ing it to noncom­ will be received by the County Court 1 l,as R’y rt al, vs. George W. Ba- 1 Connecting Links. batant*, as a means, we must presume kcr. Action for money. at its office in Tillamook City, Ore- Commercial Building', Till*®:o:l 1 he snap shot man believes it was to bringing it to a speedier end Cer­ gon, on or before the 5th day of Olympia Beer Agency vs. E. F. wrong for the state legislature to tainly no other place of justification I aughlin. Action for money. With the State Highway to the J March, at 10 o'clock a.m. and at that p)R- E. K, DANIELS, create a judicial district of Washing can be offered for such a com sc, and _______ next time opened and __ read. C oats Driving and Boom Co. vs. ) coast an accomplished fact the ___ ton and I illamook counties, and that this one, it may be said in adv thing er. of importance will be the build- 1 F ' bid ------ CHIROPRACTOR. is Alma S. Johnson. Condemnation. Each ’ --- shall vs» be «VWilipUIUUU accompanied DV by it was an unnecessary expense upon one which will make no ap to I > R Beals vs. J. W. Haskins et mg of feeders or connecting links of a certified check made payable to Til- Lrocal Office in the Commerciti al. I roads to the various settlements that I lamook County, for the taxpayers. In fact, as far as Till* the conscience of the civilized Action for money. T an amount equal ntook county was concerned, there will give them access to the main ! ' J? •’ ' Brcnhi cm .......... cent ’ the amount of such (Building'. Distilling Co. vs. E. F. was no demand or need of this change To Poultry Rreeders. thoroughfare and by that, with the ' bid, which shall be forfeited Laughlin Action for money. , ------- --1 to the TILLAMOOK - ORE A tew years ago two judges did the . I ~ 0 A. Parks, vs. P. J. Sharp. Action out side world. County, . in case award is made and the Several of the business of Marion, 1 inn. YatnhiH, umili rv for money. One of the rich sections that will be bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for I oik and 1 illamook counties, and iir this county T. Bona that a opened up for settlement will be the a period of five days after which the A. C. Everson v*. County Poultry W. L. Powers. Salmon River country. Just where the they had plenty of leisure time. At Action for money. award is made to enter into a c on - ATTORNEY-AT LAW. the general election last year H. H. formed, and wit J C. Howard vs. C. G. Briscoe et al. road will connect must be determined tract and file a bond satisfactory tn Complete Set of Abstract Bodrti»B Belt was elected circuit judge of meeting of all interested is called for >y men more familiar with the topo- the Court as by law required Yamhill, Polk and Tillamook conn next Saturday, February 27th. at 1 30 Yction for money. graphy of the country than we are, I 1 he btds are to cover the clearing of Office. E. T. Haltom vs. 1 J. Sharp. Action but it should be on an < lie* by the people, and regardless of P m at the Commercial Club rooms Taxea Paitl for Non Resident* ("7 for money. easy water , ‘ he right of way. First Section from this, a lull is railroaded through the 1 illamook. T illamook B lock . Oregon Motor Car Co. vs. L. M. grade with a view of a permanent ' Station 48.00 to 128.00 Srction Sec. legislature to join Tillamook with nrvm Station 155.00 Dennis. Replevin. 155.00 io to 200.00. Washington counts for a new judicial •he worlds rer-,,1 hytr. a| .he Ore. I ighway^ may go it will bring the according to plans and ........ . Botb Pltone8. district. If there had been any demand ---------1 specifications >^>l--l College, is expected ' Jones Knudson Furniture Co. vs. good roads nearer to this section, and 3 on file in the office of the Surveyor _____ ___________ ____________ or necessity for such a move from •“be here at that ume and will take I M _ , I. Gcrsoni. .... Action ----- f money, so make possible the building of bet ­ he Mohler Mercantile Co. v « W and County Clerk, for Tillamook this county it would have been differ •P not only the breeding of fancy ' QR GEORGE J. PY;TERSE-V > ter roads to intersect the main thor­ County, Oregon. ent but there was not. This will re Poultrj but the development of the! ThJ US'l.indlTiii AC‘iOn ,Or oughfare. 1 h< Mohler Mercantile Co vs W S. The County Court reserves the beve ledge fielt of part of the work egg habit m our farm flocks The 1 DENTIS*-, Another important link in the chain right to reject any and a'l bids, Dated Î he was elected to perform We hope »object of co-operative marketing will! Brobst. Action for money of development will be the construc ­ lhe A (fJuMnirnl Boreau ofpor{ this the 18th day of February, ipr 5 . *>»o be dt, cussed Everyone interest J Successor to D-r. Perkins- the lull Will be referred to the people, ■•»<1 Assocatton of Credit Men vs. tion of a road down the Little Nes- who, we are sure are opposed to the Md to'?" “"d UrKed J. C. Holden, TILLAMOOK, OREGON be tucca from Baxters to Meda. This creation of so many new offices anil to bring a neighbor. Pt. trfa t,r' At,,On for m»ney. F. , ... . County Clerk, road is not a difficult one to build so new tax eaters hillip Fischer vs L R \t • first publication, 2-18-15. Kem. mber the time, Saturday p m Action for money. M”ni- it can give an outlet to Southern Till­ Last publication, 3-4-15. Till ‘ ‘ "I' Club rooms I» There a Comer? illamook. and the subject, chickens t Don Ellis vs. C. F Alexander. Ac- amook for part of the year. By cut- Q.KORGH W illett , -■ o hng down a few of the worse trades • ion for money. One ton of coal equals two cords of Eov l Jones, i I he I nited State* attorney and rebmldtng a couple of bridges County Agricuilunst. I I Mate of Oregon vs. Frank A lx •ht» road will make a good summer wood and you don't have to sow and ATTORN EY-AT I AW Flamboy. Indictment. Til.LAMOOK Co> IMKRCIAL BUILPiF" ¿^MW.rad't C°- road, but it will eventually, have to be I | Irllaniook . Oren* a ADVERTISING RATES. J I i E 1* e h i h il