Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 25, 1915, Image 1

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No. 36.
Ivantaqe of a
Lost a fountain
pen. Finder will
leave same at Headlight office.
I p to the time of going to press it
was not known who would be appoint
ed Circuit Judge of the new judicial
district, comprised of Washington
and Tillamook Counties. It was re­
ported that Attorney Geo. Bagley, of
Hillsboro, had been slated-for the job.
Acquaintan ce
Leckmg Account iuBank
»t the least of the advantages of having a checking
^ftit at tins bank is the acquaintance which it promotes
in the depositor ami our officers.
lis acquaintance enables our officers to get in touch
lie interests of the depositor, and to lend all the co-
ioti consistent with conservative banking.
lr officers gladly welcome the opportunity to extend
•ilities of the bank to new depositors.
lamook County Bank
to Rent, see Watson.
Born, on Friday to the wife of C.
retcr, a daughter.
See the childrens’ entertainment at
fe »posit boxes for rent. Tilla- the school Friday.
inty Bank.
The public school is giving an en­
Bn Saturday to the wife of F. tertainment Friday night to buy some-
wood wall pictures.
riin, a son.
M. A. Hamilton, of the Nehalem
place to eat is at the “Good
Valley Reporter, has been awarded
Jmirnsey Hotel.
the contract by the Fair Board for
A heavy team, wagon and harness ‘ i printing the-premium list at $1.96 a
>r sale. See Shrode.
* ' page.
The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying I Protect your valuable papers from
cents for green hides.
the unexpected fire by renting one of
A fine- quality of Tillamook made | I our safe deposit boxes. Only one
Tillamook County
les at the Tillamook Feed Co. ♦ dollar per year.
rt, Spray your trees! 50 gallons of Bank.
Dr. Reedy killed one of Mr. Max­
ray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. *
well’s Jersey cows that he recently-
on A. M. Hare will succeed Homer
bought from Ben Kuppenbender, the
as County Judge on Monday. animal suffering with tuburculosis. It
Hgg / caccine
Etectric irons, special
$3.50 irons, was valued at $125.
— this week, only $3.
$3.00. Electric Store.*
We are in a position to make some
long tinta farm loans. First National
Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! of all
kinds, and fence posts, for sale. See
my own farm, 9899-100 percent puri­
ty and 85 per cent germination test.
18c. per pound in lots of 100 pounds
or more F. O. B. Forest Grove.- .—M.
S. Shrock.
F. C. Fcldschatt, who has the con­
for the cement work for tile
Nearly 300 children will appear
cement dry kiln for the A. F.
the school entertainment
Lumber co., commenced work
with a large crew of men the first of
Born,*at Corvall’s, to the wife of the week.
J C. J. Crook, formerly of Hemlock, a
For Sale, block 1 and block 6, Park
I son.
Addition, consisting of 12 lots be­
We will soon have several cars of I tween 3rd and 5th sreets. Will some­
’ for sal- !
1 i , • r. > < .
body make me a cash offer on these
1 for prices.
lots for immediate sale?—Rollie W.
irons at Thc Electric Watson, Todd Hotel Bld., Tillamook,
t Store, next to Gera Theatre, all this Oregon.
week, $3.00,
Two young men tough looking
were arrested and placed
White Plymouth Rock eggs $2.00
and $1.00 per setting of 15 eggs. W. S. in the county jail charged with in­
ducing two young girls about 15 years
Coates, Tillamook.
of age to a house in this city. 1 he
Would like to purchase 15 or 20 names of the young men are Louis
choice milch cows. Write or call T. B, Estey and Herman Renner.
Mead, G ibaldi, Ore.
President Dwight of the Commer­
Rev. E. Gittins, pastor of the M. F. cial Club, has sent out a circular let­
Church, left on Monday
for the ter to the property owners of the city
calling attention to the lack of mem­
Willamette 'alley.
bers in the Hose Company and ask­
Elmer Hoag’s baby was taken ser-
ing their assistance in increasing the
iously ill on Sunday night, and
Hoy was called to attend it.
Rev. F. O. Jones, of the Episcopal
Mrs. W. B. Powell was successfully Church will hold services Sunday
operated upon on Thursday by Dr. morning and afternoon, the latter at
Rockey, of Portland, and Dr. Boals. 4:30, after which a meeting of those
ALE —Team, harness and interested in the new mission will be
wagoK fpr $150.00. Team weighs 1950. held. Mr. Jones will leave for Port­
Mutual phone. L. S. Johnson, Tilla- land on Monday morning, with a rc-
! quest to Bishop Sumner to start a
nn’ssion in Tillamook.
MILK— Delivered to any part of
jn thc case of W. S. Cone, George
the city at 6c. per quart in advance or
Williams and Henry Jordan vs. W.
7c. on time. Tillamook Dairy, Both
H. Gilmore, Robert Watt, J. T. Nev­
ins J. M. Bo 410. W. L. Provoost,
Mtl Coulson was kicked on thc leg David Rhodes, T- G. Lantz, Bay City
by a h orse last week, which was -quite a municipal corp oration, and XV.
painfu and Dr. Hoy attended to the Proctor, Jr., is a case appealed from
injured limb.
the circuit court to the .--upreme court,
Dr. Hewitt and wife, accompanied upon a judgment by Judge XX ebstcr
by Jd rs. Anderson, of California, Holmes in which the plaintiffs were
mothi of Mrs. Hewitt, returned to to recover $450.00. Attorney M
thej^itr on Monday. Dr. Hewitt had
ed the Osteopa thic Convention mage and E. J. Claussen represent
the defendants.
variety store
TiüimmooK» O regon
and book Around
FEBRUARY 25, 1915,
lr.50 PER YEAR.
When Trying to Make Improper
Proposals to a Married Woman.
Quite an excitement was caused on
Thursday when it became known that
George Coffman, proprietor of the
Silver Dollar Saloon, had been shot
the previous night by a young mar­
Bran, per ton ................................. $33.00 ried woman after making improper
Shorts, per ton ............................ 36.00 proposals to her. The young woman
Ground Barley and oats per ton 33.00 is Mrs. Bell, wife of Rhodes Bell, and
Process rolled barley................ 41.00 she had recently came from Hoquiam,
Alfalfa meal, per ton ................ 24.00 Wash., and started house keeping,
Good oat hay................................. 15-50 having rented a small house west of
Wheat, per too pounds.............
2.7c Dr. McGee’s apartment house, her
Corn, per too pounds .$2.10 and $2.20 husband working for the Coats Log­
Middlings, per sack .....................
2.00 ging and Driving Co. She is about 19
At G. H. Poland’s place Ji mile north years of age, with one child. She was
alone in the house, her husband being
of Tillamook City,
at the logging camp Wednesday night
Professor Griffin to Give Illustrated
Dr. McGee said: About half past
eleven Mr. Leonard called him on the
phone and said there was a lady at
Prof. Griffin, Extension worker for his house that needed assistance bad­
the Oregon Agricultural College, will ly. Before Dr. McGee was through
give an illustrated lecture at the High dressing she came to the door. It was
School Auditorium, Tuesday evening, Mrs. Bell, who lives on the opposite
March 2, under the auspices of the corner to Dr. McGee’s. She was in a
Parent-Teachers’ Association.
nervous condition and crying. She
The business meeting will begin said she had shot a man in her house.
promptly at 7:30, and Prof Griffin’s She had shot at him three times and
lecture at 8 o’clock.
missed twice. The man was George
Coffman. Her husband had introduc­
Married at Cloverdale.
ed her to him when she was at the
hotel and she had asked Coffman and
Married on Friday afternoon, at the
his wife to visit them. Coffman pres­
home of the bride’s parents, Mr.' and
sed against her and tried to pass out
Mrs. Compton at Cloverdale, Ore.,
and she pressed the revolver against
Mr. Ernest Kirby and Miss Blanche
his abdomen and fired. Coffman then
Compton. The ceremony was per­
left the house and ran across the
formed by Rev. F. S. Ford, pastor of
street and started down town. She
the Nestucca Valley Presbyterain
saw that he had staggered after lie-
church, the parlor being tastefully
had passed the house. She went on to
decorated for the occasion. After the
say that she had been to the show
happy couple had received the con­
with the baby, and after arriving
gratulations of their friends a sub­
home she was about to undress and
stantial wedding dinner was served
put the baby to bed, when there was
by Mrs. Compton, assisted by Mrs.
a knock at the door. She answered it
Allen. The happy couple are well and
and had a light in her hand. She was
favorably known in the south part of
surprised to find that it was Coffman,
the county, and their friends join us
who pushed his way into the house.
in wishing them a happy journey
He had two small bottles of beer and
through life.
he induced her to drink some. After a
short time he made improper pro­
School Gives Entertainment.
poses to her and she refused, when
------ o------
The public school is giving an en­ he caught her and threw her on the
tertainment Friday night, at the high bed. She succeeded in getting away
school building for the purpose of from him and obtained a revolver.
Coffman said "what he was after he
raising money to buy wall pictures.
A splendid program is promised. was going to have, and if he didn’t
Some of the features of the program get it tonight, he would get it tomor­
are, a series of historical tableaus by row night.” Mrs. Bell said “you 11 not
the eighth grade, a little play built be able to come to-morrow night.”
around Lincoln’s early life by the He offered her five dollars, then ten
seventh grade, a colonial play by the dollars, and then twenty dollars. Mrs.
children of the fourth grade, and Bell fired the first shot in the bed-
drills of various sorts by the primary room, which struck the wall just ■»ver
children. The orchestra will play where the baby was on the b d. Cof­
fman ran to the kitchen and commen­
several selections.
The program will be given in the ced putting on his coat, telling Mrs.
High School auditorium Friday even­ Bell not to make so much noise. She
ing at 7:45. Admission io cents and fired the second time. When Coff­
man crowded her to get past her
25 cents.
she fired the third shot, pressing the
To Organize Industrial Clubs.
revolver against the body.
After Mrs. Bell had told Dr. McGee
Field Industrial Worker and Clu» what had happened she said she was
Organizer, Prof. F. L. Griffin will afraid she had shot her baby, and the
spend the week from March 1 to 5 in doctor went over and got the baby.
the schools of the county.
He. will Dr. McGee phoned ti> the marshal
bring with him his lantern and slides and in about five minutes Dr. Boals
and give illustrated talks where prac­ and A. L. McCarty arrived and they
ticable. Agriculturist, R. C. Jones and left to hunt for the man. A few min­
County Superintendent Buel, will ac­ utes after Dr. Boals and Attorney C.
company Mr. Griffin and assist him E. Claussen returned and Mrs. McGee
in his work. It is the intention to having found out who the mat was
make as many schools as possible. told them.
A search was made for Coffman
Since it is quite impossible to make
every school in the county in one and he was found near the Hotel
week and that being all the time al­ Tillamook and taken to the saloon,
loted to us by Mr. Griffin, we have afterwards to his home, where Drs.
planned the following schedule and it Boals and Wendt attended to his in­
is hoped that the parents and every juries, which arc not
one interested in the movement will serious. The second shot fired did not
attend these meetings. It is also sug­ lodge in the body, but the third did,
gested that schools not included in w-hich was removed by Dr. Wendt
this schedule but sufficiently near to this morning.
District Attorney T. H. Goyne and
attend the meeting at one school on
the schedule, dismiss and both teacher Sheriff Crenshaw questioned Coffman
and pupils attend in a unit. Every one quite closely this morning and also
within reach is especially requested obtained Mrs. Beil's account of the
to attend the evening sessions, and shooting, which docs not vary in
get some good lesions along the lines many particulars. At first Coffman
which Mr. Griffin represents and see denied taking liquor to the house but
afterwards admitted doing so. He
his pictures at the same time.
said he met Mrs. Bell on Wednesday
Monday, March 1, A.M., Wheeler, at the hotel and she invited him and
Mohler; P.M., Manzanita, Nehalem, his wife to visit her and he agreed to
Union High School; Evening session, do so at half past nine that nght,
Coffman alleging that Mrs. Bell said
Nehalem City.
March 2, A.M., Balm, "Come anyway.” This Mrs. Bell em­
Barnesdale, Crane School, Miami; P. phatically denies, but admits that she
M., Garibaldi, Bay City; Evening invited Coffman and his wife to visit
session, Tillamook High School Aud- them. Mrs. Bell also explained hoe
| Coffman came to be in the bedroom
Wednesday, Marsh 3, A.M., South ___
She was taking the baby from the
Prairie, Faucet Creek, Pleasant X al " room into the bedroom, when Coff-
ley; Noon hour, Yellow Fir Mill; P. man followed her,
M.. Hemlock, Beaver, Hebo; Even­ j Coffman does not want Mrs. Bell
ing session, Beaver Hall, 8 o clock.
1 prosecuted, but in all probability the
Thursday, March 4. A.M., Meda, grand jury will investigate thc shoot­
Union; P.M.. Cloverdale, Cloverdale ing and indict Coffman.
session, Grange
The sympathy of the citizens is with
Grange; Evening
Mrs. Bell, who think she was quite
Hall, Fairview.
Friday, March 5, A.M. Tillamook, justified in doing what she did in
Wilson River, Fairview; P.M., Red shooting' Coffman when he made im­
Clover,' Long Prairie, Hunt School; proper proposals to her, for he had
evidently gone there for that purpose.
Evening -session, Bay City.
Ask any of our customers
about First National service.
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why
First National Bank
Tillamook, Ore
Notice to Royal Arch Masons
All companions are invited to attend a special com­
munication of Johnson Chapter No. 24 R. A. M. to be held
at Masonic Hall in Tillamook, commencing March 1st at
7:30 I’. M. and continuing through the week, The Royal
Arch Degree will be conferred on several teams.
And the work will be under the direction and supervi­
sion of Most Excellent Grand High Priest CLYDE EVANS
and corps of able assistants.
High School Notes.
The High School library is con­
stantly being increased. Rev. D. A.
McKenzie has given it a large set of
Gibbon’s “Nations of the World.”
This gift is appreciated very much.
Representative W. C. Hawley has
also sent a number of government
bulletins. The library now has quite a
collection of these.
The Webster Club is having a series
of debates to decide the winner of the
beautiful silver cup offered by the I
Shakespeare Club. The first debate of
this series was held a week ago last
Tuesday. The question discussed was:
Resolved that capital
punishment |
should be abolished The affirmative
represented by Thomas Coates, Helen
Slam, and Herbert Stam won unani­
mously from those of the negative,
Lee Doty, Broox Lucas and Trevor
Hare. The next debate will be held at
high school next Monday evening,
March I. The public is always wel­
come to these debates.
Last Wednesday evening the T.H.S.
basket ball team was victorious over
the Cloverdale team at Cloverdale
with a score of 48 to II. It is expect­
ed that a week from Friday there will
be another big game here with a team
from the outside.
The Tennis Club has begun work,
and planning to have a good court
this Spring. A large number of stu-
dents have shown interest in tennis
and have joined the club.
The sixth, seventh, and eighth
grades are working industriously in
school and home gardens. The ground
is receiving the best attention, and
good results arc expected.
Tuesday, February 23, Loud Sock
Day was observed at the high school.
The more inconsistent the color
scheme, the. better it served the pur­
pose. It was all quite absurd, but we
should remember that “even the
wisest men relish a little nonsense
now and then.”
Thursday noon the Freshmen girls
served a delightful luncheon to a
large number of eager patrons.
Next Tuesday evening, at the high
school, Dr. Griffin of the Oregon Ag­
ricultural College gives an illustrated
lecture on industrial education.
Just by way of reminder, don’t for­
get to come to “picture” program
given by the grades at the high school
Friday evening.
Christian Church.
Seven more responded to the go-pel
invitation last Friday at the Miami
school house and Garibaldi, making
a total of 48 thus fai in that commun­
Next Sunday morning the sermon
will be the fourth in a scries on
New Testament conversions.
The evening program will be as
1. —Congregational singing.
2. —Special by to piece orchestra.
3. —Questions answered by pa-tor.
4. — Prayer and scripture.
5. —Special anthem by chorus.
6. —Sermon subject: “The Tower of
Babel and Jacob’s Ladder.”
A cordial invitation is extended to
the public.