A-“-- Tillamoolc Headlight, February 18, IDI.j Notice to Contractors. BONDS ARE SOLD. A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Sealed I ids addressed to the County ( Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, for the proposed improvement on the c ’UN Romances of Seme of the World's Lincoln's Birthday Fittingly Observ­ GAR1BALDI-W HEELER COUN At a meting of the City Council on TY ROAD. ed at the Star Theatre. Rarest Issues. Monday evening, bids were opened will be received by the County Court for the disposal of $40,000 worth or The members of the W Oman s Re- at its office in 1 illamook City, Ore­ city bonds. There were eleven bidders gon, on or before the 5th day ot THE "DEATH MASK” MYSTERY lief Corps spent Wednesday after- ; and the best bid was that of Geo. J. noon at the home of Mrs. Retta March, at to o'clock a.m. and at that Portland, --------- - and J. A. Macpherson, of Johnson, who has been a shut in for time opened and read. Oregon, which gave $30.00 per thou Curious Case of the Servian Stamp Is­ Each bid shall be accompanied by some time with rheumatism. The sand or 3 per cent. This bid was ac- sued After the Murder of King Alex­ Schultz, in be- a certified check made payable to Til­ president Mrs. Alma cepted by the city council and thc ander and Queen Draga—The One Mr- lamook County, for an amount equal presented money is to be used to pay off the. half of the W . R. C., Cent British Guiana Stamp of 1856. Johnson to 5 per cent of the amount of such Johnson with a book, Mrs. city'« outstanding indebtedness and Nut a little of the fascination which extending thanks for same. Light re- bid, which shall be forfeited to the for the purpose of building a bridge freshments were served and I a very County, in case award is made and the the study aud collecting of postage across Hoquarton slough, which is in pleasant afternoon was spent t by all. bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for stamps bolds for enthusiasts lies in a dangerous condition. It will be R C. a period of five days after which the the fact that the story of tlielr origin On Monday afternoon the W. ' necessary to call an election to au- also celebrated the birthday of Mrs. award is made to enter into a con­ aud subsequent history is in inauy the thorize the city council to spend Mary Foland with a p- ,ost-card shower tract and file a bornl satisfactory to cases of an exceedingly romantic char­ money for the bridge. and a book, she also being confined the Court as by law required. acter. The other bidders were: The bids are to cover the clearing of to her home by sickness. If any one The single known copy of the rarest J. N. Wright & Co., Denver Colo­ know’ of any members or comrades the right-of-way from Station, stamp in the world, valued at $10,000— rado, $1.30 premium per thousand. being ill, we would thank them if 177x00 to Station 198x31. the one cent British Guiana issued Sweet Cusey Foster Co., Denver, they would report same at our corps according to plans and specifications iu 1850—was discovered by a young Colorado, $4.01% premium per thou­ on file in the office of the Surveyor collector in the colony among some old meetings. sand. On Friday evening, I.incoin's birth­ and County Clerk, for Tillamook family papers stored away in an attic. Keeler Bros., Denver, Colorado, day was celebrated at the Star Thea­ County, Oregon. Knowing nothing of its scarcity «nd $2.55 premium per thousand. ter with a very fitting program given The County Court reserves the not being favorably impressed by its Trust Co., Denver, International by the members of the Woman s Re right to reject any and all bids, Dated appearance, be sold it to another col­ Colorado, $6.70 premium per thou- lief Corps anil friends, J’ost Comman­ this the 18th day of February, 1915- lector for a trifling sum, the purchaser sand. J. C. Holden, der Reynolds acting as master of being also ignorant of his great bar­ Lumbermans’ Trust Co., Portland, County Clerk. ceremonies. The program was as fol­ gain. Ultimately it found its way to Oregon, $7.60 premium per thou- First publication, 2-18-15. lows: Europe aud now reposes in the collec­ sand. Selection. Jenkins orchestra. L: st publication, 3-4-15. tion of M. Philippe de la Renotiere of Western Bond & Mortgage Co., Moving picture reel. Paris, who purchased it many years Portland, Oregon, $1.0154 premium Song, Mrs. Trombley. per thousand. ago. Notice to Contractors. Recitation, Miss Flora Chapman. The value of $7,250 is placed upon Morris Brothers Inc., Portland Ore­ Solo, Mrs. Nettie Page. gon, $6.it premium per thousand. Sealed bids addressed to the County the famous “Postofflce Mauritius" Reading, J. H. Johnson. Hanchet Bond Co., Chicago, Illinois Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, stamp, which was crudely engraved Remarks, Comrade, Harry Lamar. $10.00 premium per thousand for the proposed improvement on the on a small copper plate by a local Duett, Mrs. Minich and Miss Bew­ watchmaker of Port Louis and Issued Chase National Bank, New York SAND LAKE COUNTY ROAD, PURPOSE : The training of Teachers for pro­ City, N. Y., $17.50 premium per thou ley. will be received by the County Court on Sept. 21, 1847. A total of only 500 Recitation, Miss Vera Rogers. fessional work. sand. at its office in Tillamook City, Ore­ copies of each of these stamps were Gettysburg Address, Attorney S. S. Spitzer Rorick & Co., Toledo, Ohio, tediously printed off one at a time FACULTY : Every member professionally gon, on or before the 5th day of fohnson. $10.00 flat on lump sum. March, at 10 o'clock a.m. and at that from the plate, and the majority of trained. “Star Spangled Banned", Audience. these were used on invitations to a Life of Abraham Lincoln, Comman­ time opened and read. DEPARTMENTS : For fitting Elementary ball sent out by Lady Gomm, wife of Each bid shall be accompanied by Christian Church. der C. E. Reynolds. Teachers for city and rural schools. the governor of the colony. a certified check made payable to Til­ Song, Mrs. Williams. it was not until nearly twenty years lamook County, for an amount equal COURSES : Professional, Supervisors, Rural, W'e set our aim for last Sunday's Song, By the Darkies. 1 after tbelr issue that the first two cop­ to 5 per cent of the amount of such attendance at 400 in Sunday School Pri mary. ies of these rarities were brought to “America” Audience. but when the classes were counted T he W oman’s Relii f Corps wish to bid, which shall be forfeited to the light by a young stamp collector of ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS : Comple­ there proved to be 422 present, 120 thank all who so kindly helped in County, in case award is made and the Bordeaux. The most perfect used tion of twoyears’high school work or its equivalent. bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for men and women. copy of the 2d. Postofflce Mauritius any way to make our celebration .1 I During the day there were seven success. Also thank our president, I a period of five days after which the was sold by auction in 1904. and Is GRADUATION : Completion of Elementary is made to enter into a con- now Included in King George's codec baptisims, two confessions and two Mrs. Alma Schultz, for the very effi | award J or Standard Courses leading to State Certificates received into fellowship. It was nee cient manner in preparing and con­ tract and file a bond satisfactory to tion. without examination the story of the watchmaker who To the Court as by law required. essary to us«' the gallery at the morn ducting the services. The bids arc to cover the clearing of designed this stamp may be added that TERMS BEGIN: Regular, February 4 ; Short, ing service to seat the crowd. — of the baker's boy who engraved a the right-of-way from Station, Next Sunday following our great April 5 ; Summer, June 21. stamp of the republic of Corrientes, Y. F. F. Club. 42x87 to Station 149x06 I and from now forming part of the Argentine school session, the third sermon in a INFORMATION : For further information Station 149x06.1 to Station 239x92. series on ‘‘New Testament Conver federation. Miss Priska Ncigcr was hostess on sions” will be preach«'«,. These arc Friday afternoon, February 12. She according to plans and specifications In 1855 it was decided by thq au­ æ write to Registrar. on file in the office of the Surveyor thorities to issue stamps, but they ral expository sermons on the book of íI3I3EI3/EIEf2J3JB®BÍBJSÍBI2í3J®3Ié|.'2/Sj3EÍÉJSJ3IEIEIEÍ3ÍEIS'2IEI3IEEHE®EJEIEI3EÍSI3EIBI8l8 ntertained the Y. F. F. Club at her and County Clerk, for Tillamook could find no engraver to cut the die Acts. home in Fairview During the after­ or prepare the plates. White one of Our evening service begins at 7:30 noon a dainty lunch was served. Miss County, Oregon. The County Court reserves the the officials was discussing the situa­ p.m. Don't fail to hear singer Baird Florence Morgan contribute«! to the tion with the head of the state print­ and his 20 voice chorus and ten piec« pleasure of the club with a select right to reject any and all bids, Dated ing office on his veranda one morning orchestra, its a rare treat for music reading. All responded with appro­ this the 18th day of February, 1915. a baker's boy arrived with the daily J. C. Holden, lovers, special anthem just before tin- priate quotations. T lie club adjourned supply of bread and, overbearing the County Clerk. discourse. conversation, volunteered to undertake to meet with Miss Neva Hydorn, First publication, 2-18-15. Sermon subject: “A troubled sea Thursday, February 25. the work, stating that before euiigrat- Last publication, 3-4-15. 1 Ing to South America he bad been up- and a troubled Soul.” from fourth and I prentlced to an engraver in Italy. fifth chapters of Mark. Buttermilk as Summer Drink. Ultimately the boy was given the Public cordially invited. Notice to Contractors. work to do. and he turned out a stamp The health value of buttermilk, which, although crude, served for all Shakespeare Club Entertains The which has been put on the list of Sealed bids addressed to the County the postage stamps issued in Corrieu Swastika Club. ight refreshments at the House of Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, tes from 1855 to 1880. Commons at the request of two mem­ for the proposed imnrovcmcnt on the Probably few people are aware of A very - 8e staln P s fur the Dominion. bid, which shall be forfeited to the pecially attractive, with red hearts ■nable one to make a most satisfying County, in case award is made and the Inter * 'lnce at once t°l,k the keenest festooned front the ceiling to the meal off a glass of buttermilk plus a est in the work, designed the bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for table corners, and scarlet Salvia and very small amount of meat and pota- amp In conjunction with ft member a perio.l of five days after which the cupi.ls ami darts pointing the way. A ocs. award is made to enter into i 3 rVn- of the Royal Philatelic society and sn most delicious luncheon was served perlntemled the preparation of the "It also tract and file a bond satisfac* ory to "master die" in England. The Edward Games of a merry and laughabh the Court as by law require«* fan stamps of Canada can Chert-fore nature filled all the spare moments, The bids are to cover tbe clearing of Iny claim to rhe distinction of being and the Swastika ladies succeeded in the right-of-way from Station, desigued by 11 king carrying off most of the prizes. 48x00 to Station 1-3x95.5 A stamp around which centers one At a late hour they hurled away according to plans a‘nd specifications of the foulest political crimes of mod­ voting it an afternoon, long to be re on file in the office of the Surveyor ern history is the so called “death membered, m the history of both and Comity Clerk, fQr Tillamook mask stamp" of Servin, issued in 1904 clubs. to commemorate the accession of King County, Oregon. Peter I. The dastardly assassination of lhe County Court r— - Another Appeal in Hadley Case. reserves the . , RExSOLVED hä right to reject any and all bids’,'Dated Klug Alexander mid Ills queen. Draga. by military oftfeprs on .June IL 1903. e haye arkhttöwear this the i8th day of February, 19iS. wiped out the Obrenovitcb dynasty Attorney Oak Nolan has filed a A FE ÄTHER IN OUR, CAP from the throne of Servin and paved J. C. Holden, motion to appeal the desicion of the way for the present king. ,,. County Clerk, Judges Webster Holmes and H H After the trixgedy one of the most etrst publication, 2-18-15. Belt in the H.idlei case. The Supreme WENDT, Last publication, 3-4-15, famous of French stamp engravers Eve Specialist, < <»urt decided that Nolan would have was commissioned to prepare a s tamp to pay $7,000 into court before the Fit Glasses at from a design by a Servian artist, case could be tried, and having failcil Reasonable Prices. Guaranteed showing on n single plaque the twin WE BP.OVdHT THEAA to do this, Judge Holmes entered a profiles of Kara Georj/e, the founler of MER.E fOR- AND V/E The Chicago clothier who listed his the dynasty which bAflrs his name mandate of the Supreme Court and and King Peter, bis descendant dismissed the case, and Judge Belt entire stock in his petition in bank­ HAVE MA DK- he PR ICE A FEATHEK IN The stamps were issue«/ at the time confirmed this in a decision rendered ruptcy as his personal wardrobe had HIS CAP RICHT of King Peter’s coronati« tn. tn 1904, last week. The notice of appeal is as some difficulty shout explaining the and hardly bad they got 1 sto circula­ Mies. follows: tion wisen |t was dJ#C0Terp a that the The country is being flooded with You and each of you will take notice "«lentil mask” of the late K Tug Alex- literature advising young men of the and you are hereby notified that the "nder had been skillfully ni ul subtly plaintiff Otelia Hadley, appeals to the agricultural opportunities awaiting Introduced Into the design an« L on the Supreme Court of the state of Oregon them in South America. The Ameri­ ■tamp being- Inverted, could be ^plainly from certain judgments, orders or can citizen who understands the farm­ trn'ed in the reversed features» of the t*!«-o beads. decrees made and entered in this ing business can do better at home cai>»< by »aid circuit court on De than any where else on earth. This discovery at once caused • n ont- Mr I lark doubtless appreciates the cry. the stratagem being aserfs d to cemher, *-8, 1014, and of February 8, Nathalie, mother of the, mur­ 1915, which orders, judgments or <|e 'or of •' unanimous renomination wu’ H-rnet.s dered king, and her supporters. It t all 'Oil Will find Uiiistimtlv advnnr. crees purport to dismiss this suit and for speaker, but he often thinks about geoua tocome ami ,|u yiUr w&t* deny plaintiff's motion to file a sup the good times he used to have on the mg here You will g¿t the bJ. roniilvnnce In the plot was Indlgns ntly the «Iiial.ttee, tl.e thorough \nJ repudiated by the engraver, and pigmental complaint in this cause, floor. mystery of this extraordinsry bapp «n- and which order or judgment denies One ton of coal equals two cords of .. .............. .............. 5...ÄX7 fng has never been satisfactorily c!« st* plaintiff's motion to vacate ami ,,.t wood and you don't have to sow and «d up.—London Strand. aside the orders or judgments made »Pin it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello or nm «mirle artirk- •> .1 GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG Attached to the notice of appeal is Central Ui'uic 2,W\ . may be in need of ' ’h“' >ou No good bonk or good thin* of air ’ ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. *2 ,h0” few M «m-Ä City Disposes oí $40,000 Worth of Bonds at 3 Per Cent. WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. May Be Your Only Asset in Case of Fire. Let us Write Your Next Policy Promise Yourself that this Year will be Your Best and then make it so. ROLLIE W. WA TSON, rhb peri < he f “The Insurance Man.” Oregon’s School for Oregon Teachers, OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Oregon. F. C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line T W nigh T VlS’VE 6OT GOOD GR0CEKIES T Cut Prices 'n Gallon Goods This Week Monopole Solid Pack Gallon Peaches 40c can Monopole Solid Pack Gallon Pears 40c can Monopole Solid Pack Gallon Pumpkin 30c Monopole Solid Pack Gallon Blackberries 50c can Monopole Solid Pack Gallon Loganberries 50c can Monopole Solid Pack Gallon Tomatoes 30c can Monopole Fancy Blackberries No. 3 can 15c. RAY & CO. W.A, Wi Hi a ms 4c Cc TILLAMOOK OREGON i I >.