Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 18, 1915, Image 4

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    TilTamook Headlight, February IS,
Notice to Creditors.
PRO-FARMER act is passed .
cd by the people who passed the law
There is probably no other line
Notice is hereby given to all whom
for Bill Aimed to Uphold Co­
promotion work in the country !!
If the bill for joint county construc­
it may concern, that the undersigned
operative Concerns.
tion of highways passes the legisla­
has been duly appointed by the Coun­
ture a road to Tillamook is assured, in the disposition of mining stock—
to ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore­
A state
and the Portland automobile club will
j event li; dairy and creamery cor gon, administrator of the estate of
help to the amount of at least $10,000. ' mines “salted" but they are “faked
porati jns from freezing out the small Hannah J. Mowrey, deceased.
—Telephone Register.
Now therefore all persons having
other wavs. The stock is sobl to the co-operative concerns of the farmers
—■ -o------
This newspaper is always glail to people who trust entirely to the went t’ rough the House with a claims against said estate arc hereby
assist local enterprises by giving pub­ printed prospectus, an oily promoter, w1 oep and a harrah. All the repre­ notified to present the same, duly
licity in its columns and by speaking . or to chance, it makes little difference sentatives from the rural districts verified and with proper vouchers, to
commendably of those endcavers— which. It is admitted that every dol vo* 4 for it anti most of the urban the undersigned, at the office of 1 B.
Handley, in Tillamook, Oregon, with­
social,, club doings, meetings etc. lar taken out of mining has cost at ' legislator 1 also voted for it.
I he bill was introduced by Repre- in six months from the date hereof.
\\ hen this is done, how ever, it is ex­ I least a dollar. Mining consists essen­
Ben W. Neilson,
pected in the case of exhibitions, en­ tially of two i rocesses. Digging a ' sentative Hunt, of Clackamas County.
Administrator of the estate
tertainments wh< re an admission is bole into the ground into which un- I It requires creamery companies and
of Hanna J. Mowrey, De­
charged, that a brief write-up of the suspecting people dump their money, ! others, who purchase dairy products
event will be furnished the paper. | and collecting this money and turn- I from farmers, to file a schedule of
Such c lurtesy is the least that may be | ing a good proportion of it over to I their rates with the state authorities Dated this 28th day of January, 1915.
asked. Unless it is forthcoming it will the promoters as their “velvet” on ' and prohibits them from paying more
be necessary to curtail a great deal cf the nerve they have put into it. The for the same commodity in one com­
To Whom It May Conserti.
they pay in others,
I miners have reason to be hard hit munity than
this publicity.—News Reporter.
I and it won't hurt anyone if they do freight rates and other costs being
The following blank Fire Insurance
The American farmer is enjoying squirm around some.
No’s:—861057, 861058, 861059,
the fruits of prosperity brought about
frequently, in various parts of the 861060, 86I06I, 861064, 861063 ,861064,
Be Kind to the Children.
by the exigencies of the great war.
state farmers have attempted to pro­ 861065, 861066, 861067, 861068, 861067,
Wheat is at an unpreccdent price.
Scientists who have been studying mote the dairy industry by organizing 861070, 861071, 861072, 861073, 861074,
George Drumheller, of near Walla
Walla, received a check for $200,262- the question declare that a lot of sul­ small co-operative concerns to man­ 861075,
46 for his w heat crop at $1 per bushel. len, suspicious dispositions are devel­ ufacture butter, cheese and other 861079, 861080, 861081, 861082, 861083,
861084, 861085, 861086, 861087, 861088,
To move the bumper crop of the op« d as a result of unreasonable dis- dairy products.
“Everything goes well,” he said, 861089, 861090, 861091, 861092, 861093,
Drumheller ranch required 180 cars cipling of children. If you are severe
or four solid Northern Pacific trains. in the matter of punishing your child, “and along comes the agent for a big 861094, 861095, 861096, 861097, 861098,
city corporation, who starts to boost 861099, and 861 100, of the New Bruns-
Remember the adage of Horace Gree- you should have a care.
ly? "If you would prosper, young man
It is pointed out that a little child the prices, paying the farmers about wick Fire Insurance Company, of
go West!” Is it any wonder that the knows nothing of right and wrong, twice what they are getting at the co­ New Brunswick, New Jersey, have
farmer sitting by the fireside asks his and that early training is designed to operation plant. The natural result is been lost, stolen or destroyed, while
wife to bring out the automobile cat­ help it tell the good from the bad. that the farmers sell their milk to the in the Agency of S. B. Whitehouse,
alogues?—News Reporter.
Punishment, it is declared, is the city chap and the co-operative estab­ of Tillamook City, Oregon. \ ou are
poorest and the most effective means lishment is forced to close up. Then hereby notified that the New' Bruns­
Peculiar things happen in this world. to this end. Example counts for much. as soon as it is closed, down go the wick Fire Insurance Company of New
A man back east is suing the owners The parent who keeps his temper prices. It has been ruination to the Brunswick. New Jersey, hereby as­
of a restaurant where chorus girls with his child will find the child dis­ small creamery and has brought dis- sume no liability under the above
were in the habit of dancing and be­ posed to imitate him. Kindness and pair to the heart of many a farmer.”
enumerated polices. Any information
Representative Forbes, of Bend,
guiling the patrons with their stunts, patience in the father or mother is
of the return of the above blank
because one of them sat down in his likely to encourage like traits in the said they have had the same exper­ policies, will confer a favor on \\ .
lap and kissed him. He says that his chihl. Flashes of temper in the parent ience in that part of the country and Alverson, the Western Manager, at
feelings were hurt to the extent of often kindle rebellion in the little one. other members gave similar testi­
374 Pine Street, San Francisco, Cal.
several thousand dollars. The report
are warned
especially mony.
By. A. M. Lovelace,
states that he was accompanied by his against scolding and “nagging”. It is
Special Agent.
What Yo’ Gwine to Do?
wife, which fact may account some­ necessary to be firm, at times, and in
what for the extent to which his order to retain the respect of the chilli
feelings were lacerated. To avoid get­ the parent must avoid being “fussy" The preacher man say when de great
day come,
ting mixed up in such painful suits, a and giving to finding fault over trif­
In the Circuit Court of the State of
What yo’ gwine to do? What yo’ Oregon for Tillamook County.
man should be careful to leave his les. The old New England blue law
Jeff. D. Matney, plaintiff,
gwine to do?
wife at home when taking a bite at which made scolding an offense pun­
such places.— Umpqua \ alley News.
ishable by ducking, was based on Yo’ poor sinnah, yo’ got to hurry
Lizzie Matney, defendant.
common sense. It was a bit severe,
To Lizzie Matney, the above named
What yo’ gwine to do?
The eight-hour corporation law and but it was designed to suppress a
the minimum wage law are proving hurtful nuisance.—Telephone Regis­ If you get cotchcd out and am too
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby repuired to appear
themselves boomerangs that strike at ter.
and answer the complaint filed again­
the very people they have been pass­
What yo’ gwine to do? What yo' st you in the above entitled court and
ed to aid The purpoie of the latter
gwine to do?
cause on or before the last day of the
was to protect the wage earning girl
And find no latch on de golden gate, time prescribed in the order for the
The prohibition laws proposed by
from the 1 ower of the employer. Now
service of summons by publication
What yo’ gwine to do?
comes the story that the law is pro­ our legislators do not prohibit. Prob­
herein, and if you fail to so answer,
De debbil am loose and 'round and
the plaintiff will apply to the court
tecting the girls out of their jobs. ably it is not the intention of their
for the relief demanded in the said
Fifty-three per cent of the Oregon framers that they shall stop the sale
What yo’ gwine to do? What yo’ complaint, namely, for a decree dis­
farmers employ laborers paying $11,- ami consumption of liquor in Oregon;
solving the bonds of matrimony ex­
gwine to do?
160,000 a year wages. A law is pro­ but that was the purpose of the citi­
1 sure can hear him big wings a-hum- isting between you and said plaintiff,
Jeff D. Matney, for the recovery by
posed to bring them under the I abor zens when they voted for prohibition.
plaintiff of his costs and disburse­
I he prohibition bills permit the im­
Bureau. \ cry much better to abolish
What yo’ gwine to do?
ments in said suit, and for such other
the Bureau, than having it interfer­ portation and consumption of whisky
and further relief as to the court may
ing with farm labor. The people ex­ ami beer, but forbid the manufacture
seem meet, right and equitable.
right soon;
pressed their disapproval of the 8- and sale of these beverages in Oregon
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof by order of the
hour law at the last election because What sort of prohibition is that? We
Honorable Homer Mason, County
gwine to do?
it included farm labor, and they do close the Oregon breweries, but not
Judge cf Tillamook County, Oregon,
not want any substitute along these only leave the people with the appe­ Or sure him take yo’ right down to in the absence of the Honorable H.
yo’ doom;
tites the breweries satisfied, blit per­
lines.—Condon Ore., Times.
H. Relt, Judge of the Circuit Court
What yo' gwine to do?
mit the people to slake their thirst
above named, which said order is
The press comments from over the with beer bought outside the state. Sin am milk, but religion am de dated the I2th day of January, 1915,
and the date of the first publication
state arc very favorable to the in­ W hat sort of justice is that? W hy put
hereof is the 21st day of Jan., 1915,
surance bill introduced by Represen­ out of business our own breweries to
What yo' gwine to do? What yo’
and the date of the last publication
tative Cardwell of this county. 11 is make business for the breweries of
gwine to do?
hereof, and the last date on or before
praised not only for its brevity and other states? What sort of business is It am dead sure easy floatin’ down' which you are required to answer
conciseness and effectiven« ss, but that?
this summons, is the qth day of
de stream;
The bill permit the man who has
March, 1915.
also for the tendency it would un-
What yo' goin to do?
doubtedly have
on lessening the 1 the good fortune to live at home to De hard work come when you turn Dated this 12th day of January, 191
Geo. P. Winslow,
danger of illegitimate or incendiary import liquor for the reasonable re­
right about;
Attorney for Plaintiff
fires. If it is possible to determine qiiirements of himself and family, but
What yo’ gwine to do? What yo'
that a building or personal property I deny to the unfortunate person w It o
gwine to do?
is over insured after the fire has de­ . lives at club or hotel a similar privi­ Lay hold on de rope and pull yo’setf
Call for Warrants.
stroyed it, how much easier it woubl lege. Why this discrimination? Of
be to ascertain this before the fire. If course, the hardened club man who
All outstanding county warrants
What yo’ gwine to do?
the bill, or one similar to this should must have his nip may be willing to
will be paid upon presentation. Inter­
become a law, it is morally certain , drink it from the hymeneal alter; but Bettah leave Satan and de old black est ceases February 2, 1015.
that insurance underwriters will be what of the lass who is wedded
B. I.. Beals,
yo' gwine to do? What yo'
more careful in placing risks on prop i merely as an excuse for the glass?
gwine to do?
erty far in excess of its value, merely And why should the hotel guest who
for the sake of premium. Such a meas­ has not been here long enough to be
But what yo’ gwine to do?
ure will protect the honest insurer examined according to our hygenic
ami curtain the attempt of the dis­ marriage laws ami procure a wedding
That Sinful Printer.
honest ones. Umpqua \ alley New s. license be allowed to perish of thirst
-- o------
while the resident house-holder is
Unobserved and unannounced the
The appropriation of Yamhill coun­ swimming in imported booze?
ty tax payers’ money to build a road
I he proposed laws will answer the president of a church society entered
for automobiles, in I'olk county, dot s question: "Docs prohibition prohibit? the composing room just in time
not go down in old Yamhill. News with an emphatic n - The way to pro­ hear these words issue from
Reporter. Why not I lie above stat« hibit is to prohibit; you can't stop mouth of the boss printer:
"Billy, go to the devil and tell
ment is another way of saying that bootlegging ami shebeening if you
the people of Yamhill county would, permit the importation of liquors in to finish that ‘murder’ he began
prefer to build a modern road within I sufficient iiianiities to make it prof- morning. Then 'kill William J. Bry-
their own boundaries a distance of to' itable tor tin man who docs not drink an’s Youngest Grandchild,’ and dump
miles at a total cost of at least $50,000 to ««Il them to the men who do. The the ’Sweet Angel of Mercy’ into the
rather than cooperate with Polk and people voted to close the breweries hellbox. Then make up that 'Naughty with the problem of buy ng Harness
Tillamook counties and the state high ami destroy the saloons; our lcgis’a- Parisian Actress’ and lock up 'The you will find it distinctly udvnnta
geoue to come and do vour select
way commission at an expenditure of t« rs would vole to raise a great crop Lady in Her Boudoir.”
ing here. You will get t'e best
Horrified the good woman fled qualities, the moat tlior ugh nr.d
$15,000 for each county, in consctruct- j of blind pigs for the sale of liquor
lag a road on nature's easy grade a ma«!,' « utsidc the state.
her conscientious workmanship and be
trifle less in distance, ami which for
1 lie majority of the citizens of Ore­ children wonder why they are not al­ charged the moat ream noble prices
all time would be maintained by our gon voted for prohibition that woubl lowed to play with the printer's chil- We can supply single or doul le
Set« or any .«ingle article that von
neighbor county, and which for all prohibit. Let them have it; and if at dren.— A Floater.
may be in need of
time woubl be a saving of cither gas,, the end of two or three years they
line or horse flesh for every Jehu that find they «Io not want it any longer,
5100 ReW9 rd »100.
traveled it. The appropriation ought they can reconsider their vote.
,‘h ,hl.* r-'*r «
•» I»«»
to “go down" in Yamhill county, if
To close our home breweries and ,t?¿.¿ «h ,. L!.h
»he know» her own financial interest, shut up our saloons, and permit the
J tb Ht ’• CutArrh. Hill»
and if »he knows the difference it will importation of about 600.000 quarts of kn.'wnht\ Vs '* 'h1'Cn,v P"»itive cure now
make in speedy construction and low­ whisky »nd 5,000.000 of beer a month
> onstitutionnl tre«< nirnt
llall a
er tax rate. It is a ratio of 2 2-3«!» to to be sold in shebeens is sufficiently heTuií“".'"'"'’
1 1 hink it over brother.—Telephone rediculous to recommend itself very ,hí-,L n t ’i I,n* ,hr f<>un«tation of ihe
m» m
lh' Pa‘k«‘ «trength b»
highly to our lawmakers;
lawmakers, but it is not buU<
1 uihlimr ui> the eonstitutlon and aMiatlaá
On your front porch can be lit
every night until mi ln ght
The miners of the state complain
1 register not over
that their business
has suffered
Diaz risiti«! a tight lui on Mexico
tv cent* pe- month
Akun of the "Him Sky in his d
Ohlod"“ " * CHBSBY & CO._ Telele
<• tt the meter
the Mexicans ntay
. enjoy just being themselves.
S'’kl?o.i,r«xx)ns. tac
State Press Flashlights.
W.A. Williams ¿c Cc.
A 15 Watt Mazda
Takc Hall » Family
zxre best yet. Sec me and I Will prove it,
A. J. Carpenter, Agent.
¿ome of the Reasons Why
A .-er.e
.’er.'«- f Baker —absolutely dependable, every day, year in,
out. Euilt on honor, cf the best materials.
S__ _r _____
Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges
T1- nr.’v rrn-a ma ?« «1 tirely of charcoal and malleable iron,
hlalli b.c ir~n e n t brerk—charcoal iron won t rust like steel.
Economical In fuel
The seams of the Majestic are riveted (not put together with
. nd : a putty)—they will always remain air tight,
b -, ulo :."i' ■■••r heat nor cold affects them. The Majestic
<.,n l - uoi-J throughout with pure asbestos board,
Y 1 n ph.ee by an open iron grating —you can see it —and
c, < hc-o always. Air tight jointc and pure asbestos
11. .• :
- an <v..r. baling hat, saving ono-haif the fuel.
A 11 rfoorr drop to form rigid shelves. Na springs,
h'v.: a
-o>> open racks t>LJ«s out autuamtisally. hold­
ing whatever they contain.
Hfe Great
Charcoal and Malleable Iron
—’1 in at. copper reservoir which l-ats like a tea kettle, through a
copper poc ket t tamped from ono piece of copper, setting against
J it 1. :nl Enins of fire box. It boils 15 gallons of water in a very
f‘. v in nut's ana by turning a lover the frame and reservoir moves
away iro/a firi. An exclusive patented ATa/enic feature. Open end
ash pan docs away with shoveling ashes— ventilated ash
pit prt verts door from catching fire— ash cup catches ashes.
Ask us to show you the greatest improvement
ever hut in a ranee.
Don’t buy the range you expect to last P. life
time “unsight, unseen,” or you 11 be sure to be dis-
a »pointed. Come to our store, and see the Great
Majestic - have its many exclusive features ex-
-find out why the Afttfeffic is 3001 stronger
than a!I other range« where most ranges are weakest.
It is the best i ange at any price and it should
ba eu your luteben,
Mad« of
3C0% to
life of
Ran ire
it ID
L «-■
' ’ ALL
A. L W»««
Entire Top
Doors ana
made of
toff crac*
j ó □>.■ if. c*
-.-r ■ a .