cXt Gem Theatre. 9 CHAPTER X’-lll uibltant v hlspc- for her cars, and his face in the c rlfght scented io glow with the reflection of that Inferno which smoldt red in his evil bosom. . . . But one was silenced, the other .quenched, all in a twinkling. His -laughter turned on him in a flash of j imperial ra' -ide the bulkhead, the wa- rending, some j*l ■ 'e tin- ti:un. Is have ti r mounted t! e 1 « ad of a sit .ht rise perhuy ti n ft -I !■ hind them, and two ends If thu s tni”. th end pound down in ev- • deeier volume of this ought to b" ub ut the safest to back up a ; linst the barrier. place wl i n that expl. sien happens— it was wa -t deep, however, before if it ever does.” th«y n treated to the head ot that “Scnictlihii in t'n”” rise. "Got any match-"” Bircus In­ Half tin hour later it was waist quired, as Alan la.r.billy helped Ruso deep there, on the highest spot in the to h« r fe't tu.'nel. "Never one." In fifteen minutes more It had "Nor I. We'll have to fe 1 our way rea< hed th« ir chins. Ami they stood ninng. Let me lead. If I step over the v. i h lo ad a;..¡inst the roof ot the tuu- brink cf a pit er anything. I'll try to nel. yell and warn y -u in time.” Holding Ros«* close to him. “Alan Alan causlit his friend's hand In kissed her lips, that were ns cold as passing and pres'-e l it warmly—a ca­ death. * ress eloquent of hl.i gratitude to Bar­ Then, fumbling under wa’er. he ci’s for taking the! - p ril lightly, or found the haml of the man at his side. pretending to. for the sake of R sc. I The water lapped his lips like a A ticklish business, that—groping blind hand . . . their way through blackness so *•••••« opaoue that it seemed as palpable as In the tunnel that branched off from a pool of ink. And haste was indi­ the main shaft, beyond the bulkhead, | cated; they stumbled on with what some thirty minutes before this junc­ ’ caution was lom ille atainst pitfalls—• . ture, a candle had guttereil in its stick. a gingerly scramble. Ti en an elbow I In the tunnel —sersed rather than felt or seen—cut them off from direct communication with the bulkhead, and at the same t'me opened up a shaft of davllght, strik’ng down through that pitchy darkness like a column of fine gold Cries of joy, amazement. Incredulity choking In their throa’s, th-y stu n- bled forward, gained the spot immedi­ ately below the shaft, leaked upward, dazzled, to see blue sky liko a coin of heaven's minting far above them, at tho end of a Ion'- and almost perpendi­ I cular tunnel, wide enough to permit I the passage of a ninn's body, and lined I with wooden ladders. I The end of the lowermost ladder hung within easy reach from the floor of the tunnel. But even as Alan lifted his hands to grasp the bottom rung the opening at the top of the shaft was temporarily obscured. Thrilled with apprehension, he hesi­ tated: Marrophat was up there, he lit­ tle doubted; hardly like that one to overlook the ladder-shaft In preparing Alan Negotiates for the Burros, the tunnel to bo a living tomb. "What is it?" Rose demanded at his left carelessly thrust into the wall by elbow, in a shaken whisper. Marrophat’s lieutenant, and guttering, “Nothing,” he lied instantly, and bad dropped a flaming wick into a llt- seizing the bottom rung, swung him­ tle heap of bone-dry ilebriB. This last self up. “But wait for me till 1 signal [ flamed, licked hungrily at the timber­ the coast’s clear." ho warned hcLuo ing that upheld th«’ falls of the tunnel. committing him If finally to the as­ Tho timbering caught fire without de­ lay. In a space of timo incredibly cent. Marrophat or no Marrophat at tho brief tho flames were spreading right top, there was nothing for him to d > and left, tho tunnel was a vault of but to gra p the nettle «¡anger with a blistering fury. steady hand unflinching Even though As Alan said his Inst mute farewell he wore shot d ad on emerging from tq I! a ■■ nd Barcus, the firo spread the shaft it were bitter than to dio out In tho bottom of tho shaft and in­ down there, like a rat In a trap. . . . vaded the-powder room. Ho h id climbed npt more than half Alan hod guessed aright at Mnrro- a doz'-n rnng3 when a voice hailed , i hat's de i n; tho keg of blasting pow- from above: ' der was less than an t'lghlh full; Its “Law—Oh. Mis‘cr I aw. I say—don’t explosion «quid not possibly have ef- come up—here's a present for you.” ficted the cave-in Alan had at first Tausing without answer, he looked I f •'tired. tip. A f< w droits Cf water splattered But what Marrophat had overlooked his face, like heavy rain. Almost im­ was tho proximity to the keg of some mediately the blue sky was per­ several sticks of dynamite, masked by manently eclipsed: a heavy cascade of ii film of earth that had fallen from water, almost a solid column, shot the crumbling walls. down tho shaft with terrific force ' When tho blazing fuse dropped I’alf-drowrc 1 and wholly dazed, ho sparks into the blasting powder this felt himself picked up and dragged last exploded right willingly and the away from the waterfall. dynamite took its cuo without the in Impot-snt Rage. Then, as his senses ch ar« 1. Im com- i least delay. wedging and blocking it with timbers. prehen led the fact that the tunnel The resultant detonation was ter­ ! These ceased and the silence was was a'ready filling; tlrit where they rific. Tin' bulkhead was crushed In i broken by Alan’s voice. stood it was already ankle deep; while like an eggshell barrier. Part of the | “Barcus!” the watT continued to fall without va'.ls fell in tint the tunnels end shaft The latter grunted soulfully by way bint of letup. remained intact. The released flood of answer: he could do I. > more. ; streamed out and spread swiftly to the "I’ve worked my gag loos •,' Alan CHAPTER XLVI. ' furthist recesses of the burning tun­ ■ pursued in a hurried whit per, "but my nel I>« use clouds of sti .ini filled that ' hands are tied behind my back. Are F'ocd and Fire. place of terror as the ill«. j wire extin­ ■ yours? Grunt once for ‘yes’.” Scrcnn l::': to t ake himself heard guished. I Dutifully Braeus grunted a solitary above the roar of tne deluge, Barcus Swept with tho stream ns it poured 1 grunt. yammered ,:i Alan's ear: out cf the tunn 1, Alan contrived "Then roll over rn yo”r face and "That «! 'I' I s f work them fre e voir- opened the sluicegates—turned tile Whist of Ros« Barcus shot past that way. given I! ne . . .” it into that shaft! We're done for!” film tn ; ■ en in the darkness. It was "Time!” was tb > mlr hleas thought Alan had no argument with which to rot until Alan h ul contrived to catch of Barcus. “Haven’t we got e. 11 eter­ gainsay hi > Silently getting on his i or i. .-.'"I tin h r and stay himself nity?” fe« t, si!' ntly he rr<.p««l ft r R< e in tho and hi almost witless burden beneath For all that, ho wv’el no ttmo oirknrr« n:m ntarl!; bi omlncmo'e tie- ci" .th of the shaft that he dlscoV' whn ver In < b- vi g Al Ts r'ccsHnn den e as th • fall of watqr shut out ered Lurcus alive, If almost unrecog- •—then lav for up-, .rd of ten mlui.t-s tho Hi ht, ami drew her awav with him, i ¡/.able In his mask of mold and soot, v fth his fnon fn ' e mold of ’h< tunre 1 v;> the slight In !in ■ that I d back to battling back toward the shaft ugalnst v hi'» Alan (' ew« I and spat and the bulkhead. . the kneedaep tide. chewed end >'-