Tillamook Headlight. February 19, IQF*« ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per lini $ Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards one month ........................... Homestead Notice* .................... Timber Claims . .......................... 1 Locals per line each insertion. Di-plav advertisement, an inch, one month ................................. All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line . t arda of Thanks, per line......... N«tioes, Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines..................... .10 .05 Creamery 7:0 pounds. 7 he e Tillamook ......... and the Fairview Dairy Association make a close scorn.! and third, with 463.531 and 457,168 pounds respect t ivcly. These three cooperative cheese factories manufactured 1,471,- 404 pounds of dice» in 1914, which is a lirge amount for three cheese fac lories so clcse together and within a small radius of a mile or so. rite c';e*se factories in this viciiiity wi>' receive $1.54 per too poun's - f milk, which consi’leri'’;: free ti->ie and the business stagnation is a good show ing. Which de you prefer? A reptijJ PROHIBITION BILL IS CHEESE AND FACTORY IN­ simply acting as disbursing agent. PASSED BY SENATE. import tariff for revenue, Or a ' Also regarding the State Fair ac­ crat general tax for revenue’-!^ SPECTOR’S ANNUAL REPORT. count, $454-33 being the amount spent and *40305 taken in, leaving the ex­ Final Vote is eg to 1 Kellaher Voting quina Bay News. Tillamook County Creamery Associa­ pense mi that account, $51.28. I have No. so same will given the full totals, “Central Oregon,” declares the T I tion Composed Novz of 18 Large check out in full by your auditing Salem, Ore., Feb. 16.—At 2:28 p.m. egram, “is full of mail coyot J Factories. committee. ----- o------ The item of $529.18 covers all tele­ the prohibition bill passed the Senate Which recalls the story of the |j\l The annual reports of Inspector F phone calLs and telegrams sent in sell­ by 29 votes, the only vote against boy who told his father there w I \V Crhistcnsen, and Secretary Carl ing the cheese, and is not properly it being cast by Kellaher . It went million cats in the back yar(j Ilaberlach, of the Tillamook County charged against inspecting. The as­ through substantially as it came from not a million, Tommy,” said the 1 Crwncry Association, shows an in­ sociation was acting simply as a dis­ the House. The phrase “or family ent. “Well, half a million," aSSt^J bursing agent, saving the writing crease in th» amount of cheese in- out of a number of checks each month was retained in the clause limiting the lad. “Oh, surely not.” “\\i| •50 1 d and graded as well as addi from the several factories. 49 checks importations. thousands,” said Tommy. “Oh hard] I tio'ial factories affiliating with the issued by association and 60 items of W hen the Senate was called to or­ so many,” suggested father, "u- ,.J .05 association. This association of co­ deposit were made. der at 2 o'clock this afternoon, Presi­ exclaimed the boy, “there’s our J .05 I wish again to call your attention dent Thompson said that the aisle operative associations have done a and another one.” Maybe Central 0-” Bro. Wellington, of the Bay­ Cit.i great deal towards placing a superior to the matter of yield for the past few must be kept clear to the door for the gon is not really full of mad coyotj years more little Fxaminer, should show a grad? of cheese on the market and in 1909, 10.70 tbs cheese per 100 tbs milk benefit of the press correspondents. —Spectator. •25 il ii << Christian spirit toward the Fair obtaining the top price for cheese. 1910, 10.75 He warned the audience which crowd­ l< a 4< << ii Board. The Board needs words of One pleasing feature of the report oi îyr I, 10.85 ed the rear of the Senate chamber RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. <4 44 It H ii encouragement and praise in its en Mr. Christensen is the 1 decrease in 1912, 11.02 that any demonstrations would re­ p>|T. BO ALS, M.D., (Strictly in Advance.) il a a 11.to <4 One year ....................................... $1.50 deavors to bring about a successful poor quality of cheese shipped as 1913. 11.12 a a li sult in the room being cleared. comi grade. Although I some ini- 1914, Six months ........................................... 75 Fair, and we hope the Press of the Farrell announced that the bill was to hold the On account of havii PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Three months....................................... 50 county will not say anything but provement can be made in this re- cheese considerable longer than dur­ up for consideration in the form in Surgeon S. P. Co. words of praise in the future, for it spect, only 42 Y.A.'s and 2,046 trip- ing 1913, I believe that the increase is which it came from the House. He (I. O. O F. Bldg ) of the needs the help and assistance lets were of second grade, which is a satisfactory. It would seem that the said he hoped no attempt would be THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. newspapers in ’his laudable under­ small proportion out of a total of maximum yield had about been reach­ made to go into committee of the Filbiti100k . . . . ()reKci taking. We think Bro. Wellington 33x18,843 pounds of cheese manufac­ ed, unless considerable more care is whole, as he had heard rumors that Editorial Snap Shots. will take the kindly hint and become tured by 17 cheese factories. This is taken of the milk. It must be jcmcm- E. REEDY, D.V M., bered that the majority of these fac­ an attempt was to be made to amend a booster of the Tillamook County less than last year by 7 Y.A.’s and tories operated only part of the sea­ the bill and make it so drastic as to It's only about ten months more be­ Fair. The Fair Board is giving a 1031 triplets. son. VETERINARY. fore the state goes "dry”, and it's a defeat the purpose. He pointed out It has several times been suggested whole lot of valuable time and thought Inspector ’ s Report. long, long way to California to get a that it is now the most drastic meas­ lately that we ought to try out the Both Phones to the fair and let everybody help F. W. Christensen's report vs as matter of making cheese from milk ure of its kind in the United States. drink. them in every possible way, all pull Tillamook follows: President Thompson said nothing that is cooled directly after milking, Oreaos ing together with one object in viciv, I submit the following report of as well as from milk that has been yet was before the Senate and the bill There may, and there may not be the success of the fair. As it is going cheese inspected and graded for the pasturized. Also that the association any gambling in Tillamook City, but was read a third time. Kellaher tried rp II. GOYNE, to be a bigger and better fair, with year 1914: lends its influence to have the matter it wouldn’t be a bad idea to closely Triplets Ya of high testing and low testing milk to get a bill of his own draft prohibit­ all parts of the county taking a lively watch several places. ATTORNEY-AT LAW. 23095 1263 tried out with the determination to ing the manufacture, sale or importa­ Maple Leaf Dry. Asso. interest in it, the Fair Board needs ----- o----- 900 ascertain which is best for this county tion of liquor, substituted and was de­ I he Tillamook Cry. . . '945' all the encouragement it can get from The State Legislature has decided Fairview Dairy Asso. . ■ 18743 2753 1 If a suitable farm could be rented, it clared out of order. Thompson said Oflice: O pposite C ourt Horsi that it is costing the taxpayers too the fieople of the county and espec­ South Prairie Cry......... . 11926 1008 would probably be a good idea to try uninomous consent was necessary for Tillamook Oregot. Three Rivers Cry........... . .10062 3 out the merits of the Jersey and the much money for county treasurers to ially from the county newspapers. 612 Holstein breeds for the purpose of substitution, and Farrell objected. Clover Leaf Cry ............. 8757 collect taxes, and turned the job over I. S. Smith asked if the phrase "or We do not agree with the State Mohler Cry. Co............... ■ 8376 1727 ascertaining which is best for this to the sheriffs again 183 ' county. This could be done by keep­ family” had been retained and was JOHN LELAND HENDERSON Legislature in butting in and specify- Central Cry. Co............... ■ 8654 Long Prairie Co............. 7973 '5 ! ing accurate records of feed used, answered in the affirmative. ATTORNEY The city can’t delay much longer in ing how much or how little intoxieat- Elwood Cry..................... . 7^87 431, pasture, etc. It would be necessary to “This bill is the same as it came replacing the bridge across Hoquar- ing liquors a person can ship in when (.'old Spiings Cry........... . 5764 376 place same in charge of a competent AND 4602 281 disinterested man. The idea would from the House, with a few excep- ton Slough, for we are inclined to the state goes "dry" next year. That Oretown Cry. Co............. COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. where typographical errors were I 53 not be to see which is the best cow, Itions think that the present bridge is none was not an issue at the general elec­ Beaver Cry. Co................ ■ 4375 T illamook B lock , but which breed would be the best corrected, ” said Farrell, "the phrase l8 Neskowin Cry ................. 4014 tion, and it should not be now, unless too safe and it would not surprise ns - - - Oregon 198 for a certain number of acres and for ‘ethyl alcohol’ has been retained, be­ Tillamook - 2865 I- ist Heaver Cheese Co. in the least (o see a serious accident the radical element in the prohibition Pleasant Valley Cr......... ROOM NO. 261 2438 231 1 the care and feed given her. It is cause that means more than does the party with the radic il element in the happen which would involve the city Aldervale Cry................... . 1882 673, needless to say that this knowledge J. CLAUSSEN. would be worth thousands of dollars phrase ‘pure grain alcohol.’ Objectons in a damage suit and cost the city "wet” camp, want to force anolhet to it is based on a misunderstanding.” 150,246 10,758' election. The people knew what th. Totals ................ L,, .... to Tillamook County. LAWYER, more than a steel Iwidge. Of the above amount 42 YAs and I "If there are no objections we will voted for when 'hey voted to make DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT vote on the bill now,” said President The question as to w/hich is the best the state "dry”, for the constitutional ¿046 triplets were poor quality and ' To the Public Schools of Tillamook shipped as seconds. This is 17 YAs Thompson. He waited a moment and 213 T illamook B lock and most profitable milk to be used amendment was brief and to the anil 1031 triplets less than were re­ County. several cried “question.” Thereupon for cheese making is again referred point—to prohibit the manufacture ported for the previous year. Tillamook Oregot to by ( arl H.iberlach in bis report to and sal» of intoxicating liquor. U 1 the clerk called the roll. One new factory was added to the The Fair Board desires a good the Tillamook County ( r»anterv As­ d. r a dual system of legislation in Association, the Alder Vale Cream­ Senator Butler explained his affir­ R. JACK OLSEN, sociation. It »»ems to us that this is a t'.i Bate it is not surprising that ery, located on the North Fork of the showing of school exhibits at the 1915 mative vote, saying he was convinced Fair, August 24, 25, 26, and 27. The proposition that should be put up to ev^n the sover ign will of the pcoph Nehalem river, which made seventeen that the bill very truly expressed the DENTIST. Superintendent is the faculty of the Oregon Agriculture < '11 be pushed to th< lv ck ground t. factories for 1914. This, with the in­ County School crease <>f the other factories, make a working on the school prize list to be opinion of the people. (I. O. O. F Bldg-.) College and worked out at the dem­ «-itiVv the v-t'i is of tho ■ * who are rain over the vear 1913 of 9500 trip­ Day said he did not like the bill, , published in our County Fair Prem- onstration farm of that institution. f oiatical <11 the li ' >r qiirst'on. Tie lets. though he was opposed to the liquor Tillamook - Oregon ----- o----- The Cloverdale dairymen have or­ ' iuis list some time in March. proper thi o- for the Comir.i'.t-c of traffic. ' We expect, however to publish a ganized and built a modern factory The Germans are objecting to En­ tine Hundred to do is to prepat' “It will throw communities into tur­ md commenced operating the first of circular list for the use of the schools, glish vessels flying the Stars and another con.'itniional amendment t c- HAWK. lie vear. This makes 18 factories for very soon, probably next week; at moil,” he said. “It is too circumscrib­ Stripes when in the dangerous zones. prohibit the importation of liquor in ed and interferes with public liberty. I 1915. ' this time would state that school dis­ It seems to that it was not many to the state and submit it tothe people. Since the Association was organ­ If the bill had been drawn with less PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON moons sime that German cruisers I hat's the proper way to settle this ized there has been a gain equal tip tricts arc requested to make display 1 regard to the sentiments of radical of a booth on the following condi­ 54516 triplets or 57 per cent. steamed into a foreign port flying a sexed question. I tions: School work displayed 331-3 i prohibitionists it would have been Bay City Oregni Secretary’s Report. foreign flag and bombarded the ship­ satisfactory. I think the liquor inter­ Secretary Habcrlach’s report is in- per cent; articles in industrial list ests have caused it to be so drastic ping there. It must be a case of whose An Exhortation of Women. ARL HABERLACH, tercsting, for it goes into details quite 33 1-3 per cent; general decorations, that it will end in trouble. ox is being gored, but then, it seems, that everything is fair in love and | and display 33 1-3 per cent. In a recent issue of the Philadelphia fully. It is as follows. "No liquor will come into my family ATTORNEY-AT-LAW war. Record Harry C. ( ope, of Bethlehem, The association inspected a total of I Any articles in a booth may be en­ under its provision. I vote aye be­ ------o----- 43108.843 lbs of cheese, being all of | tered in any individual exhibit for Pa, says: T illamook B eock cause I do not think my protest will | 1 he proof of the pudding is in the "Your correspondent from Cham­ the cheese sold by me except 85,209 prizes. Booth to be classed as follows. make any difference.” lbs. made at the Blaine Creamery Tillamook . Oreffcn Class A, schools of one room; Class eating, Bro. Hamilton. The North bersburg wonders what has become Kellaher declared the people would and Sand Lake Creamery. This is a * B, schools of two rooms; Class C, end of the county appears to be the of Harry C. ( ope, 1'. B. Belknap, and gain of 186, 712 lbs. cheese inspected J be badly fooled by the operation of Q ALVIN R. WORRALL, schools of more than two rooms. greatest sinners in violation of the other joshers and jolliers that used to over the previous year. the bill. He said that if the constitu- liquor law, that is if circuit court liven up the ‘Mail Bag.' 'Brother' I be following Rives in detail the Owing to the fact that only schools in I LAWYER, tional amendment had said every per­ j the county, is provided with manual proceedings are any criterion to go In ' ope begs to assure all inquiring factories and amounts: son or every family should have two BUSINESS COUNSELOR,'TITLES. Maple Leaf Creamery. . .. . 550,710 tbs. The mayor editor of \\ heeler had friends that he has not become con training instruction, this branch will better straighten out that part of the verted, or discouraged, or gone back,’ Tillamook Creamery .... 463,53' tbs' be barred in the booth competition, quarts of whisky or two dozen bottles ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY Fairview Dairy Asso. .. . 457,168 tbs. I of beer, the amendment would never county before he attempts to Imrl in­ but that he still feels like exclaiming, South Prairie Creamery.. they may be in booth however, and PUBLIC. 283,855 tbs. I have passed. sinuations at District Attorney Goyne in the words of Puck, ‘Lord what Three Rivers Creamery.. 232,146 tbs. I may be entered in individual exhibits. 25 years experience. Consultation “ It was said the money for the dry and any alleged violation oí law in fools these mortals’ (female suffra­ Clover Leaf Creamery... 210 4I9 tbs. Please get busy and prepare for ex­ Free. campaign came from the outside,” he this city. gists anil feminists) be1’ You sillv Mohler Creamery ............ 206,453 lbs. ' hibits in the three classes. Commercial Club Bld , Tillamook. asserted. “I think there must have Central Creamery ............ ------6----- Yours for better schools, woman! Ami can no more change Long Prairie Creamery .. 204,730 tbs. tbs. been a scheme in the minds of the '92,845 That wasn't a nice wav to treat a that yearning of vonr nature to be the Tillamook Fair Board, Elwood Creamery .......... >74.723 lbs. Committee of One Hundred, and I P)R- L. L. HOY, neighbor, when the election board of wife of a good, true man and to have Cold Springs Factory . . By J. H. Dunstan. 130.7'9 lbs. am going on record as vot­ Maple Leaf tried lo count out A. M. children of your own than poor old Orctown Cheese Co......... " 1.634 tbs. ing against it, because it will lead to PHYSICTAN AND SURGEON Hare We always thought Portland Mrs Partington could sweep back the Beaver Creamery ............ 104.691 tbs. Treatment of Potato Scab. bootlegging on a big scale. The Com­ was the place where they endeavored waters of the Atlantic Ocean with her Neskowin Dairy Assn. ... 97.034 tbs. T illamook B lock , East Beaver Factory .... 69.364 tbs. mittee of One Hundred is merely to con’ll 1 m.li'IOi s out, but Maple broom! Back of all this votes for Pleasant Vall*v Factory. 58.477 tbs. Potato scab is a very common dis- giving the people the twilight sleep." Tillamook, Oregoti. 1 eaf takes the cake, for u f>ib-d 4,-1 women movement there is onlv th. Mder Vale Factory ........ 51.335 tbs. case and one which is easily over­ ceunl one vote east f >1 th, v indid Ovs crack-brain/d striving of a eompara- I lie association charged 1-10 cents come with little care and treatment. Uncle Sam Opens Farmhand Agency. for county judge it the g'mral elec­ i livclv f> v. abnormal women, scattered er 11> tor cheese made at the several R. ELMER ALLEN ictorics during the months of April In the first place do not place your tion. M e want to know how the board here and there throughout the conn- May, June, July and August. This potatoes this year in the same ground Uncle Sam has opened his employ ­ ' i* going to square themselves with 'rv. to ape man. You may 1 (Successor to Dr. Sharp!, deny it amounted to $2,479.54. tint produced rough, scabby potatoes ment agency for farmhands and is ths ir respected n