TflTamook Headlight, February n, 191 ' Company, is now pending in Circuit judge off, and in that case, it app> ars ______ _ r in which to f< nd int given to day the judge holds over, which would ludge Gatins' court, anil is scheduled THE HADLEY CASE AGAIN. do that as I wasn’t i llcrcstcd, nor did have been the case in this county had for hearing this week. Numerous Ghe Wanted Her Money Before She not represent any of them and thought answer. Salem Hospital vs. Louis Albert. Sang, and She Got It. purchasers of lots in Bayocean Park Attorney Nolan Makes Serious Al­ it should come from Hadley’s attor­ Action for money. Default and judg not some oi ‘he ballots been printed. One of Adelina rattl's peculiarities hive joined together in asking for a neys, as I didn ’ t like to intermeddle Mr. Hare will not ask for bis cer ­ legations Which he Failed to Prove. was that «lie never sang a note until tificate of election until the first of recever for the company. in it as he asked me as a favor to do ment. Robert Osborn vs. U ■ I-. Riefen- S. B. Vncent, of the State Corpor­ she bad her salary either paid or so The case of Mrs. Hadley vs. C. E. it for him, so I finally told him I fully assured that there was no doubt berg Ct pl. Quiet title. Default and ation Department, was called to the Hadley was again dragged into court would communicate it to Oak. I re­ as to her getting it. When she sung stand and testified that the pavement at the Academy of Music, in New upon a sensational affidavit filed by turned to my office at noon one day decree. Dennison Billings vs. Frank Dye et Bayocean Buyer Recovers in Full. laid in some parts of Bayocean was of Attorney Oak Nolan, which accused and Nolan was in my office locking York, ut one time the manager was al. Foreclosure. Demurrer overruled. the flimsiest sort and would not sorely put about to find money to pay Judge Webster Holmes of unprofes­ at some books. He frequently cam* Dan A. Alley vs. Mildred Alley. Gentlemen,, there isn t an honest stand heavy traffic. The conracts for her. hut she always stoutly refused to sional conduct, which Nolan failed to into our office when he was here, and Divorce. This case caused some in­ thing in this case excepting the hard lots called for 28 miles of pavement, slug until she had her salary. whatever books prove when placed on the stand. helped himself to terest and the judge cleared the court Oue night at a quarter past 8 her The affidavit is as follows: Handley and I had, and I then told I of spectators, and after hearing the dollars the engineer boy earned in whereas only three and one half miles representative weqt to him and said: working for the O. \V. R. & N. Co. had been laid he said. I, Oak Nolan, being first duly h’m in substance as near as I could "Madam Is all dressed except her 1 evidence the judge granted th* di­ and that these people stole from him. sworn say that I am plaintiff’s utter repeat it,what Judge Galloway said to In deciding the case, Judge McGinn shoes. She will put those on when vorce and gave the custody of the That is the plain English of it.” nev herein, and make this affidavit. me with the excepton I didn't tell she gets tbe money.” 1 said: 1 in support of plaintiff's objection of him the amount Judge Galloway child to the defendant. This was the stinging rebuke deliv­ “Photographs and pictures of Bay­ The manager, half districted, rushed The case of \ iola Mills vs. C. E. Judge Holmes, and to the wrongful mentioned he might be able to have ered by Circuit Judge McGinn in de­ ocean were turned over to this boy about the house and succeeded in rais­ conduct of said judge in making the paid. Nolan looked at me in a pecu­ McAlpin is set for trial on Saturday, ciding the suit of I rank C. McNurlen for one purpose and that was to catch ing one-half the amount due the prima order of December 28, 1914, wherein liar way a« though he was suspicious the judge having denied the motion against the T. B. Potter Realty Co., the unwary, those who were not post­ donna, which he hastily sent to her. of defendant to strike out parts of the said judge undertook to dismiss of me and immediately asked me if I who had sold McNurlen a lot in Bay­ ed, those who were not informed. It But another quarter of an hour passed, and. though the audience showed great the suit. represented C. E. Hadley in this ap­ complaints. ocean Park on alleged false repre­ was done to fool him. It w-as done to impatience, there was no Patti, where- Robert Carlson, of Nehalem, was Sometime during the month of May proach to him with reference to the sentations. The Judge awarded Mc­ catch him. at the manager ran to her room. 1913, and after it had been reported subject, and 1 told him I did not, that indicted on a charge of selling liquor Nurlen the full amount he had paid, “The testimony of the last witness “My dear madam, why do you not and generally known that Webster I had never spoken to Clark Hadley to a minor and pleaded guilty to the expenses incurred in looking over the on the stand w-as enough, and nothing go on? I have sent you half the mon­ charge. He was fined $150.00 or 30 Holmes had been appointed judge of about it. (I mean by Clark, C. E. Had­ lot after he had paid for it, and told else is needed to show the character ey. and the rest will reach you before the court, the said Holmes came to ley.) I was simply doing this at the days in jail. 1 he fine was paid. I he the engineer's attorney that had he of this transaction from beginning to the end of the first act.” Judge in passing sentence, said that Puttl smiled dolefully, exhibited the me in the city of Tillamook, Oregon, request of Judge Galloway and if he he end. This boy was a long way from asked for $250 exemplary charges appeared tips of her feet and said: “You see, I and represented to me that the de had any reply to make to it I would while Carlson in this case would have granted it. the property and he had a right to re­ ha ve only c ne shoe on. I cannot go on fendant C. E. Hadley would pay the communicate it to Judge Galloway, to be honestly mistaken in the age of According to the allegations in the ly upon the representations of those tbe stage without the other. It would the minor, he wished it to be known sum of $10,000 if I would drop the or he could direct. It was a matter of complaint McNurlen purchased the who had peculiar knowledge of it. be quite impossible.” said suit. He said I could have $7,500 indifference to me. I could tell from that violators of the liquor laws would lot with the understanding that it was Almost crazed, the manager rushed They fooled him and they fooled him and that he wanted to have the other his manner that he seemed to think have little sympathy in his court. in the center of the growing business to the top of his bent. He is entitled out and discovered that the other half F. A. Flamboy, of Nehalem, indict ­ $2,500 for himself. I suggested to I was representing Hadley. Finally section of Bayocean, that it was close to every dollar he sued for, and the of the money could be raised.—New him that the case might come before he told me he wouldn’t consider any­ ed on a like charge pleaded not guil­ to a new dock, and that the streets return of the expenses he incurred in York Tribune. him as judge of said court in case we thing of the kind, that if Hadley ty, and his case will be tried at the were paved on all sides. When he going to view the property at Bay- failed to agree and Tor that reason I wanted to compromise the case with next regular session of the circuit looked at the lot he found it situated ocean. He is entitled to it all. did not feel at liberty to go into the him that he would have to come di­ court. His bail was placed at $250. in a stretch of sand dumes and brush, matter with him. Then he informed rect to him and mentioned the fact When They Don’t Agree There Is Sure far from the nearest habitation, and me that he was representing the de­ that they had had some altercation, JUDGES VOTED ON GET BUT to Be Poor Time. almost inaccessible. He sued for $525 ■yy^yEBSTER holmes , FOUR YEARS. fendant C. E Hadley and that he trouble of some kind, that he had no One of the troubles of watchmakers anil for $60 expenses incurred in go­ would have nothing whatever to do ill-feeling toward Clark personally on is the man who gets on his watch’s ATTORNEY-AT LAW, ing to look over the lot with the case as judge of said court, account of that, but that he had proof Supreme Court Says Initiative Meas­ nerves. There are lots of customers Especial significance is attached to on whom a good watch Is wasted. A because he knew too much about the there was something, some vast sum ure only Effective After Proclamation COMMERCIAL BUILDING, Judge McGinn's decision in view of good second band watch that has kept Salem, Or. Feb. 9. — The Supreme case, and that he would call on some over a hundred thousand dollars, and perfect time for other people will with FIRST STREET. other judge for that purpose. There­ I think something like two hundred Court held that the initiative law the fact that a petition for receiver­ certain other people go irregularly ship in the T. B. Potter Realty Co, which was adopted by the people at upon 1 consented to talk and we fully thousand dollars involved in the par­ OREGON. wheu it Is not standlug still. It is TILLAMOOK, formerly the Potter-Chapin Realty j discussed proposition of compromise tnership estate between ( lark Hadley the general election in 1910 did not common knowledge in the trade that and every detail of the case. No com and his father and that lie had the take effect till it was proclaimed by watches are greatly Influenced by their promise was cvpr accepted, ami after­ goods on him and he had to come the Governor on December 3, 1910, . owners. wards Judge Campbell was called in through, and he wouldn’t compromise and that it was not retoractive but ap­ Nobody knows the reason, but two explanations have been offered. One and prbcceded with the trial thereof with him nor consider anything less plies only to officers elected subse­ is that watches are sensitive to per­ I make this affidavit with the greatest than $25,000, that is what he told me. quent to its adoption, and that the sonal magnetism, the natural electrici­ reluctance and with every respect for So I told him I wouldn’t have any- County Judges who were elected to ty that human beings contain in vary­ the Court, but I do feel that plaintiff thing further to do with it, i and didn't office at the 1910 election do not hold ing quantities. is entitled to know wherein Judge have. So he told me if I could get office for six years, as provided in the The other is that a watch may be Holmes was qualified to make the Clark to compromise or pay on some initiative measure. | disturbed by the vibrations set up by said order, or being disqualified at such basis that he would be willing to This is the opinion given in the case a footstep which Is heavier than the one stage of the case, what took place do it, that is as 1 understood from of J. F. Phy vs. Ed Wright, County ordinary. The man who puts his heels to remove the cause of disqualifies- ( twenty live thousand dollars up, and Clerk of Union County, in which the down heavily usually needs to set the regulator toward slow to keep It from tion. I told him inasmuch as I did not rep­ applicant is granted a writ of man­ gaining. Attorney Nolan was placed on the resent C. E. Hadley nor any of the damus for a certificate of election. One of the mysterious sides of tbe stand and gave evidence similar to other parties in the litigation, if he This will operate to oust County subject is that watches seldom keep that contained in the affidavit. On w ished to employ council to conduct Judge J. C. Henry from office, who good time on people of nervous, excita­ cross examination he said his negotiations that wav, lie would was holding over under the conten- ble temperaments.—Pearson’s Weekly. "I want to slate publicly Io the court have to talk business with me; that I tion that his term was extended to to this bar and to everyone within didn't represent any of those people, six years by the 1910 law, which Gestures Part of Talk. sound of my voiic that nothing in wasn't coming from them, wasn’t would entitle him to hold to January There is a man who from a very that record was intended to cast re­ authorized; and that was all that was 1917- early age has lived in countries where flection upon lodge Holmes. It was ever said and ever discussed and 1 Spanish is the almost universal tongue. Judge Cleeton Not Touched. not intended as a personal reflection dissmissed it from my mind. From force of this training he speaks The decision affects all counties Spanish perfectly. He has not the upon his honesty or integrity and I I took oath of office, (it is a matter where an election for County Judge slightest trace of an English accent, have every respect for Judge Holmes of record, but in order to make this was held last November. In all of and persons who do not know that he and believe that the orders which he record complete,) I will state I took these the candidates who received is or American parentage are willing made were made in the best of faith, oath of office the 3rd day of June the highest vote is the County Judge to believe he is a Spaniard merely but 1 do think that any order he did 1913, some time after this conversa­ for the next six year term. If in any from hearing him talk. He is so per­ make was made while he was dis- tion with Oak Nolan, and the only county where the term of the County fectly bilingual that it shows even In qualified and that if he had not been reason 1 talked with him and the only Judge expired in January, 1915, there his gestures. When talking with Eng< disqualified those order, never would I thing that prompted me was a matter was no election, the incumbent will lish speaking persons he sits quietly have been made, and it is upon the I of courtesy and does his conversing with his to Judge Galloway, hold over, as this is in line with the mouth alone. Only in case of making ground of his disqualification alone 1 nothing else. opinion of the Supreme Court today. a point most emphatically does he use that this attack lias been made. No Q - Did you communicate to Judge In Multnomah County there was no *s®OOÖOO<5eOOO©CO&SC a gesture. But the moment he drops personal reflection was intended Galloway the result of the talk you notice of election for County Judge, into Spanish his every word Is accom­ against him whatsoever." 1 had w ith M r Nolan 1 but about 19 votes were written in for panied by a movement of the hands or Attorney Webster Holmes went on A.—Yes the result of it, I told him 1.. C. Garrigus. There may be a ques­ arms. It Is Interesting to watch the the witness stand and denied the al- change from the English to the Span­ Nolan wouldn’t consider any rom­ tion arise as to whether this could be legations in the affidavit. His evi- promise less than $25,000 ish side of him, because it comes so and I dis- held as constituting an election. But dence placed a totally different light suddenly. He really can’t speak Span­ , remember what Judge Galloway said, unless it is held as ¡ hi election Judge ish without gesturing.—New York Sun. on th» matter, for it was at the re- ' something to the effect that he Cleeton would hold over. quest of Judge Galloway that he ap- ' wouldn't get anything." The opinion was written by Justice Training a Dog. proached Attorney Nolan. Part of his 1 lodge Belt promptly denied the Eakin. Chief Justice Moore and Jus- It may surprise some people to be evidence is as follows: I motion of Attorney Nolan and clis- lice Burnett dissented from the ma- told that dogs have a strong sense of I will first state that I read the af- ' missed the case. jority opinion. justice, so, unless you want your pup fidavit, and that the statements made * , I he whole of the papers filed in the In another opinion today the Su- gain a poor opiniou of you. be care­ bv Oak Nelin under oath and in tbe PURPOSE : The training of Teachers for pro­ to case by Attorney Nolan arc couched preme Court holds that the Legisla- ful when you punish him. Never pun­ aftida.i', ire absolutely false, with fessional work. ish unless the pup can associate the in accusations, which he ftiled to lure has no authority to legislate a with reference to this proposition, punishment with the offense. The dr­ prove at the trial or in this instance. constitutional officer out of office and .FACULTY : Every member professionally that be claims I made to him, claim­ eumstantlnl evidence may be very Attorney Holmes, we understand will held that F. S. Ivanhoe, who was the trained. ing to have been representing C E. atror.g. but yon had better wait and refer the matter to the State Bar As­ District Attorney of Union Count) Hadley I hat no such conversation catch lilnj in the act Common sense 1» DEPARTMENTS: For fitting Elementary sociation with a view of having Nol- when the 1913 law wvnt into effect, ever took place between Ook Nolan about all that is required to rear a pup­ an disbarred. 1 eacners tor city and rural schools. providing for appointment of County py into a dog which will be a faithful, and myself, and furthermore 1 will Attorneys, was wrongfully deprived COl RSES : Professional, Supervisors, Rural, a r> useful, steadfast companion—common state that we never had any conver­ CIRCUIT COURT. of his office by the appointment of sense and consideration. Whenever I Prim try. sation at the head < f the stairs in the r' r> John S. Hodgin, by ex-Goverucr And one of those “anything will do for court house at any time about that af­ r ] fudge H H. Bilt who was clceb'd West. By this Mr. Ivanhoe is en­ E N T R A NCR KEQUIREMENTS : Comple­ t’ the pup" kind of people I can see In fair. During the time Judge Galloway < irrnit judge for this judicial disi riet, my mind's eye what the humans In tion ol t wo voarsTiigh school work or its equivalent. was holding court in this county, per­ presided at a session of the circuit titled to the office. that family look like.—Outing. ------ o—- ■ haps in the latter part of April or the court for the first time m this county GRADUATION : Completion of Elementary A. M. Hare is County Judge. early part of May, I disrcmeinber on Monday, which will continue the or Standard Courses leading to State Certificates A Unique Cross. which, there were some motions or remainder of the week. By the decision of the Supreme without exam ¡nation in the heart of the Rocky mountains something with reference to the Had The grand jury was also in session, t ourt this makes A. M. Hare county may be seen the Mountain of the Holy 1 ERMS BEGIN: Regular, February 4 ; Short, ley case being heard or presented to judge for the next six years. He ob­ Cross, which is 14,000 feet in height and returned several indictments. ri I C?-. - - I Judge Galloway at that time, but 1 April 5 . ; Summer, June 21. tained the nomination at the primary It derives its name from a glga"'. I Inis Sckiilich was indicted for for was not interested in the case as at­ election and was the Republican can­ cross on one side, near the — INFORMATION : For further information gery, having raised a check lor 45c. summit torney or otherwise and do not know didate at the general election in No­ formed by fissures In tb<» write to Registrar. ,7- rock. It can the nature of it, and did not at that Iu $15 45. "huh Geo Phelps cashed vember, receiving 1984 votes. be seen for many m In Mr ..«íes with great dis- time. Judge Galloway, however, call at Garibaldi. He pleaded guilty ami Hare's home precinct, tinctness and •* Maplr Leaf, was sentenced to two years in the •a looked upon with su­ cd me into his chambers one day and perstitlou* - the judges and clerks of election fail­ fear by the natives.—Ex- told me that he wished 1 would see penitentiary. ooooocecoc^ chan* ¿e. ed to count the vote cast for the can­ Oak Nolan and see if he wouldn't1 i A "no bill" was returned against didates for county judge, where al'. drop the case, as a personal favor to Frank Pearson charged 1 "Illi larceny Hare received about too votes. • All Right. His Judge Galloway, as he didn't think of a suit case at the Mohl dvr railroad “That girl ’s *••• all ‘ right. said IUW the . 1 , ------- ‘feUk-s ” oaiu opponent was G. W. Proctor, Socialist he stood any show in his litigation station He has been in the countv ,ondu girl in the dressing room after who received 293 votes in th c county as Ills client had settled with C. E. jail since November. •he had looked everywhere for her Mr Hare's name came near hdng Hadley but that Nolan had been the1 Rudolph Zwvifel vs J H Turner '’’■^hoes. "The one who has just left oft the ballot on ’necount of the . ert. she s gone off with both the right means of getting her anything out of was an injunction suit to 1. restrain the decision of the lower conrt M „,ng overshoes and left me the left ones. "- it amhapigly l<> be paid a little Some­ defendant from moving hav from the that county judgr, wouW hoM OVff New York Times. thing, and if he would drop the mat plaintiffs Plaintiff's farm, which the defendant for another tvyti years. A few days be­ ter he was prosecuting ^before 'this rented Judge Helt I Belt denied the i- injunc- fore this decision was given, some of His Mistake. court presided over by Judge Gallo­ tion and gave judgment for the de- the ballots'were printed and a ques 1 cannot live without yon!” ws* at that time, he would try and fendant. Yon bare evidently got me confus* arrange it so that Nolan could get I oast Driving and Room Co. \ - tion arose whether it was legal to M with my cousin. It is she who 1» iave Mr. Hare’s name on the ballot, •omejhmg like $500 for what he had Alma S. John •on. Permission to and whether to reprint them with the We*'thy.”—Houston Post. thought he ought to be amend complaint bv intertineation name left off As it was thought no i wia - k.. f ••rr Some Traveler. harm would be done by leaving the S and see srr if he f . R Btgls j w Has be traveled much?” Jtraffe Galloway Action for mo-ey, motion to mike name on, all the ballots were printed ha'e- 1 understand he'» *dp 1 o»«1“ to »nJ certain overruled and de- tint way. Some counties, however, 1 did leave the nominee for county i PATTI STOOD PAT. -• NERVES AND WATCHES. A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY May Be Your Only Asset in Case of Fire. Let us Write y our Next Policy. Promise Y ourse If th a t this Year zvil I be Your Best anti then make it so. ROLLIE W. WA TSON, “The Insurance Man.“ Oregon’s School for Oregon Teachers.! i i OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Oregon. iil F C. FELDSCHAU is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line.