Tillamook Headlight, Februar} ADVERTISING RATES Legal Adver isements. First Insertion, per line Each subsequent insertion, line Ba .mess and profeKioaal cards one month ...................... ......... Homest'»*! Notices Timber Claims ............................ Locals per line each insertion. Di-play advertisement, in inch, one month ................................... All R solutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line . Cards of Thanks, per line N*- ice», I >ct, Strayed or Stolen etc, minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines ..................... ly familiar with the ner ds of the coun- | ty and the value > f timber and farm land*, and the ne. «1 of gocxl roads, we believe he will take hold of the office with a determination to push the good road movement along a. rapi dly as posvibh. We ilo not venture too much when we say we expect to see most 01 11.e ;..,i , tr.orojg.’tTre ll.r-...gh the county hard surfaced during Mr. Hare's terai of office. 1 his is some­ thing the people want, and as the maintenaue» charges on m icadam roads are getting bigger »very year, it is economy to build hard surfaced roads in the future Mr. Hari steps into the office of county judge respec­ ted by the citizens of tbe county, and we are convinced he will do about the right thing > I Interesting Scraps. ■ '•fL ' -—u------ Senator Burton is one fli th* few Senators who can filibuster withoot having to read irrelevant matter from dictionaries and encyclopedias to kill time. The future of the Federal Commi sion on Industrial Relations is assured, since Samuel Untermcyer has become the guide philosopher and friend. Postal savings deposits have in- creased $3,000,000 a month since th- outbreak of the war, which is prob- able about the same amount that for- eign money order business has de- creased. duction in < vtry dcpartmi nt. require little more evidence of this rural opulence to swell the back-to the-land” cry to a grand chorus and move many a city dweller to seek an independence on the farm that he has not her n able to find in urban life. In the resultant farm expansion the dis­ tribution uf population should be spread on mor*' equitable lines and the present congestion of labor in the citi- :» will be reliese»l to some degree, one will b< grudge the farmer his w< il earned prosperity. His labor t> exhausting and too often ill rewarded and while the increa •d price of his products will levy some toll against the dinner table, the net result will be to help 'he business of the whole co'intry enormously.—Seattle Post- PERSIAN GULF PEARLS. Ths Ovar» Acs Practically Slavaa •f the Boat Masters. Buumnj. noted «or l>«’url markets. Is not a I*»rl producer, though the geuw urr lu.ught there fur vbipiueht 10 ¡ill purl» of il.e worM The pearls cold in BuUiU.y cuuie Irum liie Bahrein Manila, a email nr* id|*lago 00 the we-ieni »Me '*« the i’endan gulf, w hi* li. altbougti adjacent to territory nml.r Hie cntrul of Turkey, is gov- ernisl by “h independent sheik under H|>er into the state per - Oregon Epon the stage there is no money­ Tillamook month to two quarts of liquor or 24 makers’ opportunity in a coldly scien­ of the astrologers, human experience effort. There have been some resolu­ the rear round, and consequently they take advances from their masters year teaches that the Sayre youngster will tions of rensuie adopted by organiza­ quarts of beer. The House broke faith rp H. GOYNE, tific discussion of the ill < ffects of the not amount to much until he over­ tions in Ohio, but he regards these after year to such no extent that they with the people, for Ihe constitution­ marriage of the merely physical unfit. i can never repay their debt When a al amendment did not say one word There is, of course, a rich profit in comes the handicap of being called lightly. When informed that one in­ ATTORNEY.AT LAW. diver elects to engage himself to an- the White House baby. dividual had called b.is speech the about limiting the importation of o’ner boat the owner ot the latter has discussing the ranks as a villain and liquor. "foulest heard in congress during his to |my up the debt due to tbe former Office- O pposite C ourt H ouse , the innocent bride as a victim. A more I In Mexico, the merchant , profes­ memory. Mr. Bowdle merely smiled master should he engage him.—Argo­ scientific, and even a more dramatic, ♦ Jurigr Belt did not have much faith sional man, business man or circus and remarked that copies of his re­ . Oregon. Tillamook naut _____ play than the Brirux masterpiece in the affidavit filed by Attorney Oik proprietor is compelled to m-ke good marks was greater than he could sup­ v ------------------------ I Nolan in the Hadley case, for he de­ might be written with tuberculosis as on his advertisements, but the Mexi­ ply. He intimated that he had been JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, SCRAPS AND A DINNER. nied the motion to have the case re­ the theme. But it would not be pop­ can president or general is not ex- deluged with letters of congratula- opened. If newspapers published such ular. The public grows sentimental pected to live up to any advance no- ATTORNEY , tion. This may be no exaggeration. A French Chef’s Feat With Food That libelous matter and argued that a about the tubercular hero or heroine, tices. Had Been Discarded. . The extreme utterances are those AND pack of lies were gospel truth, the but would not accept a sufferer from A year or two ago 1 was chef in a which elicit the greatest amount of —7°—7 tuberculosis, or some other wholly COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. newspaper men would be sued for An American miner is reporte to commendation. Every man in public country gentleman's household in Eng­ T illamook B lock , damage s, and we contend that where "moral" disease, as a villain. There is have been killed because he she lund. The morning after my arrival I life should bear this fact in mind. One - - * Oregon. looked around the kitchen garden, and Tillamook - attorneys make false accusations in nothing, we believe, in the Wisconsin a viva for the wrong Mexican : cannot measure the sentiment of the in tile dust bin that stood in the back ROOM NO. 261 complaints and affidavits they should law that prohil its the marriage of a dents of Mexico should s-:u country by the letters he receives. yard 1 saw n mixture of food that be liable for damage suits. Attorneys woman who is suffering from a com­ I morning papers before giving J. CLAUSSEN, could bare been turned into a first who swear to falvhood» should be municable disease, yet in the individ­ vivas. In fact, people everywhere . LAWYER. class dinner. ual with tuberculosis is as unfit for Tillamcok High School Notes. disbarred, and we understand that an find it to their advantage to read that about four quarts of milk In parenthood as anyone could be. Na­ DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT effort is to be made to disbar Nolan. - morning papers. ture takes no account The Tillamook High School basket­ bad turned sour were swimming stale causes and 2’3 T illamook B lock loaves, drumsticks of fowls, old ball team met defeat at the hands of tin If ft will not be long before the makes no distinction between the in- 1 An interesting effort to stimulate hum liones. cold boiled potatoes, trim- Jefferson High School of Portland last whole county will become interested dividual who unfit to marry without Oregon tilings of dougli made for piecrusts, Tillamook trade is the "buy it nor," campaign. Friday evening. The score was 35 to cracked eggs, some old codfish and in and demand a hard surfaced high­ being in any way responsible for that , started by the Agricultural Publishers JACK OLSEN. 16. The home team played a good some sjioili'd macaroni. way through the county, to hecom, condition and the one whose unfit-' | Association. It is particularly an ap- geme, but was not as able at throwing part of the griat Columbia Highway, n< ss may be considered discreditable Next day 1 found a second consign­ I peal to the farmers to buy early the DENTIST. which will become one of the most as well as unfortunate. baskets. ment, very similar, about to lie carried implements and materials that they In order to proceed with promise of the away and tlirowu out. 1 stopped this picturesque highway in the Unitsd Saturday Jefferson defeated (I. O. O. F Bldg.) I would in any case buy in the spring. lot. sorted It out and. with the help of states. A ” I illamook Highway” being useful legislators interested in Alumni by a score of 36 to 11. I The Southern farmers may feel poor, Tillamook - Oregon’ would add to the picturesque of the eugenics must get away from senti­ Jefferson has not suffered a single a little stock. half a dozen eggs and though with the enormous cotton Columbia Highway, for there is no ment and consider such scientific i defeat this season. The high school a time Hint hud been shot on the es­ crop they arc not so badly off as they ’ tate. served a seven course dinner for team made the largest score which grander scenery to be found any­ facts as may ba useful. And they must C. HAWK, a family of ten that night, and the imagine. But the Northern farmers face th» fact that while the thev have allowed their opponent*. where that can be seen in Tillamook objects of I master <>f the household cnlled me up have more money than they ever had After’Friday's game the Alunrrd County. Corning into the county by euge nic laws arc excellent it will be before, and in the wheat belt, espec­ gave a dance in the C’ommeicial Club and comijimcnted me before the whole PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON way of Nccarncy Mountain, through difficult, if indeed it proves possible, - family on the Ircst dinner they bad Nehalem, down the South side of to restrain by laws persons who ially, there is the highest degree of rooms in honor of the visiting team.. bud for a year. Oregon the Nehalem bay and thence along should not marry, but insist upon do prosperity, for an unprecedcnt wheat Saturday the High School gave them Afterward his wife sent for me and Bay City crop is attended by almost unpreced­ I a trip to Bayocean where the Natator- the beach to Garibaldi, through Bay ing so. told me tli.-it. though pleased with the ented prices. They certainly ought to lum had been opened for the day. dinner, she feared i had l»een too ex­ * tiy, 1 illamook. Hemlock, Braver, Q ARL HABERLACH, In- willing to spend money, that they travagant mid said that her rule was The lineup of the teams were. Cloverdale and out by way of Lit Collier's Caustic Critics. are going to spend in any case, before Jefferson T. H. S. not to allow more Hinn 7 shillings per tie Nestucca, this will make the pret- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Erickson 6 head In housekeeping. It was a se­ Shandeling 14 F Only satisfactory law from Jcffer-1 the very la>t minute. licst driveway in Oregon, and we T illamook B eock F Buikc 6 Maddux 4 vere shock to her to hear I had fed don’t male any exceptions. Get the son ( ity will be the hand made one*; I h»- Southern cotton grower may the family ou the sins of the cook that Capt. Bonney 15 0 Capt. 6 Wallace "Tillamook Highway” spirit and machine made laws never suit. Tillamook . Oregon had tert the day before, the cost being not fi l l likr joining in the general ag­ G Mason 1.0» Aug, |. Everett boost for this improvement. not over nine|ience tier head. — From an ricultural jubilation over the best Maurice G Boquest Interview With a French Chef In Na­ QALVIN R WORRALL, self built where »lie couldn't be shot ------ o —. - '■ ir ever, but he is not nearly so bad Referees: Rhodes and Jamison tional Food Magazine. Bro. Trombley showed a grouchy, up by battleship» I '-li is I - imagines. If the price of cot- LAWYER, Score. iefferson35: Tillamook If. S. I Brand Whitlock is having the lime knocking disposition when hr jumped i- !"w, the amount of cotton is 16. of In» In, 1 1 I:. ! 1 t’t lx The Market In Cauls. onto the trossip, with the impression i BUSINESS COUNSELOR. TITLES. i ■ ii -I the value is $510.000, • ' Jeffermn .16 Alumni 11 We believe licit there Is still some that Calvin W urrall was editing it, said he is enjoying it. ACCOUNTANT. NOTARY 00 It has only been delayed in its Shandeling 4 F Stanley market for cauls among sailors, who Violet rays can <1 so much, »hr and hi> uncalled for attack I on that "'a ird movement; it is now leaving P.urke 8 PUBLIC. F Ebinger 3 retain tlieir belief in the efficacy of the nut substitute them for »ingle guns ’ gentleman on Friday showed that he the country frcyly. .In spite of a loss I Capt. Bonney °2 membrnues ns a protection against 25 years experience Consultation < ’ Crenshaw 4 Earthquake" is a word that is cut 1 itcnded to rub it into Worrall. \\t shipwreck mid drowning. Notices of ' $300.000,000 in the farm value of ( Everett 2 Free. G Hare 2 are sorry to see Bro. 1 roinbley make out of ban Francisco’s vocabulary "Until» l or Sale Within” were to be Commercial Club Bld . Tillamook. the cotton crop, tbc aggregate value Maurice G Starti 2 himself so ridiculous, but he is de- Remember this: I: is always "Before seen recently In windows in the vicin­ ■ >f farm products is not much below Referees: Rhodes and Jamison. ity of tlie docks of both London and serving of tome censure, Brcausc a tile fire, when you arc talking to 1 $10,000,000.000, and runs $83,000,000 P)R- L. L. HOY, Liverpool, but It is suuie time since visitor Io the club abused the priv- San Franciscan Hereafter, any shake above the unprecedcnt figures for last Stock For Sale. we have noticed an advertisement of a ileget granted to him, it was unfair to will be merely a "seismic tremor.” n ar. Corn is worth $10,000,000 more caul for sale in the dally press. It may PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ceir.us Bureau says the population single out the secretary for abuse and than last year; wheat is worth $268.- be remarked that tbe sale of cauls, so 1 am leaving this ranch the first of T illamook B lock , accuse him of things that were not of ( livrhrid next April will he -01 . I far from being a very ancient custom, ooo.ooo more; oats $60,000,000 more March, I have for sale. true. Several members of the Club, it N03. The is a compare lively modern innovation. and ail animal products were much Tillamook, Oregon. 2 fine 2 year old heifers freshen in appears, asked the corn doctor to exhibited Tlie witchcraft of the middle ages de­ higher in value, with very slight in­ March. 2 yearling heifers, i sow and clared against tbe caul retaining any t provije a little entertainment, but we any flung crease in production during the year, six nice pigs, six weeks old. 1st of virtue whatever if parted with by gift do not believe that any of them, not, census. R. ELMER ALLEN except in the case of sheep and swine. March. 1 breed sow, find pigs middle even Attorney Talmagr who intro or sale to any but a member of tbe Dismal i’asha announces that the War may delay, but it can't prevent of May, 1 saddle mare 7 years old child's kindred.-London Lancet duced the visitur with complimentary Italian flag will l>< »aluted. Dismal is (Successor to Dr. Sharp), the general prosperity that so good partly broke to drive single or double. remarks, thuught that he would r< uur composite of several of them. an agricultural repurt promises. The Struggle. DENTIST. I two seated light hack in good con­ sort to smutty poetry. It was becaux We all know how to save the gov- The road to eminence and power dition. 1 set single harness. Reason ­ of this that the visitor was not asked eminent $i,oc sx> a day, but hanged Many portions of President Wilton’s able prices D B. Marshall, Hemlock. front mi obscure condition ought not Commercial Building, Tillatr.ork to speak at the banquet, if anybody seems smart enough to to be made too easy uor a thing too speech to the convention of the Amer Orc. Alex Watts' ranch. Y'ellow master thought that silent cut down his own iverage daily ex­ Fir much of course. If rare merit be Uie E- E, DANIELS, ican Electric Railway Ass» Station are Mill. was the best way to treat penditure by as much as 50 cents. it! rarest of nil things ft ought to pass I subject to criticism but his statement dividual« They ran .»rile all the stories lhs*y through some sort of probation. The CHIROPRACTOR. ithat he has tnct many men whose temple of honor ought to be seated on I1'»»- >b il ’ . it .1 luxury in the trenches, horns dropped away the xnoment he Local Office in the Commercial We are quite aware that an eminence. If It be "open through of but »11 never be convinced that the was permitted to examine their char- virtue let It be remembered, too, that the timber men have made a < rs sleep in lavandcr silk pajamas Building. virtue Is never tried but by some diffi­ tent fight against County Judge M i even it that should be the next yarn. ' acter is filled with truth .Most of the I prejudices of the world are based on TILLAMOOK culty and some struggle. — Burke. tun, and no doubt thry are in high misunderstanding. Knowledge is the glee that the aupreme court has de U T. Borts Tangled Up in Boaton. Senator McBride, Speaker Selling • greatest dehonier extant. During the tided that his trim uf office espired L a . Hnnk-Ever In Boston. Bill? Bill— th» first of th» year In th» mattrr * of • nd Representatives Grier, Cobb an.I week Mother Jones, who has been re­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Yep. Hank—Get tangled np anyT Stewart can boast of having intro ­ garded as a professional trouble-mak ­ road and bridg» improv »merits, ludg, Bill —A little. 1 stole a pup from a Complete Set of Abstract Books in duced no bills during the session. er by many excellent people, had a Mason can point to some very great front porch, run two miles with bltn Office. \\ hether the temptation to become personal conference with John D improvements that have taken and stopped to rest right on de same place Rockefeller, Jr. At its conclusion she Taxes raid for Non ResidenU- the author of some measure will during his administration, work that front porch I stole him from.-Phila- T illamook B lock , is permanent and of • substantial prove too strong for each of the men declared that the young millionaire dclpbla Bulletin. Tillamook - • • . Oregon character, and he had the grit to »tart before the session 1« over, remains to had been "terribly misrepresented.” Both Phones. hard ‘ »U»t .< < .1 , : „ |h<, be seen. All of them have kept an She confessed that, she had partici- A Spanking Team. Mr. "Now. Tommy, this little story says. must cconoMlical and satisfactory eagle eye on bills introduced, how- iat*d in the misrepresentation. Sidney E. Henderson, Preu..® The rich man had a spanking team.’ £)R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN road to construct for the main high- ever, and have signified their inten- Rockefeller has not given the public Surveyor. Now. what's a spanking team?’” way through this county There is lion of continuing u> do statement as to his imprvsstVms >f John Leland Henderson. Sec "1 know. .My pa and ma's one.”— Mother Joins, but it is alt< gethcr something very characteristic about DENTIST, retary Trent., Attomey-at Baltimore American. 'fl likely that hip views of this e trncst eotne of the people | THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. of Tillamook Law, Notrary Public Successor to Dr. Perkins. old woman «.»ere likewise greater al­ County. They ar e l >o prone to jump — o ■ Astronomy Vaesus Art. tered by the» conference. TILLAMOOK, • ito and knock those who bring OREGON. Services next Sunday at the Chap­ Professor-Has anything ever been fl about or advocate i improvements m el in the Masonic Building Hol ------ o------ r discovered on Venus? Student—No, y Eu- stead of «oniphmrnting th» progrrv Christ lt.00 A M. »„.I Evensong air. there has not-if the pictures are I here is evidence that the finger is at (J.RORGE WILLETT aive citiaens and county officials for 7 JO P. M Everybody welcome. correct—Judge. A »tracts. R.,,1 Estate not at all «lazed by his goo«l fortune. hard work done along those lines As Surveying, ‘Insurance. Instead. Iv is working a longer day, Sunday School r.t to A. M That settori 1« not warrantable which County Judge-elect H i« thoto* gh- Both Phones ATTORNEY AT I AW f’cicasi.ig the acreage of his wheat Rev. F. O. Jones, Vicar. either blushes tu beg a blessing ur. 1 lLLAMOUK - . lan.l, aiy, sire >tjjth.:iing h:s rami pro- bar lug succeeded, dues Out present A T illamook C ommercial B uildino Editorial Snap Shots. E EAT VIERECKS BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY, At All Grocers. |9 ■ • • « « ■ « « Tillamook Title and Abstract co. ■ ■ 1 illamook .... a *