TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY 11, 1915, Ily an ri- il- rd, ill ar 30 ke m ih Advantage of a 1 • Checking Account iuBank XL « k Acquaintan ce Not the least of the advantages of having a checking account at this bank is the acquaintance which it promotes between the depositor and our officers. This acquaintance enables our officers to get in touch with the interests of the depositor, and to lend all the co­ operation consistent with conservative banking. Our officers gladly welcome the opportunity to extend the facilities of the bank to new depositors. t I » RED CLOVER SEED: Grown on my own farm, 9899-100 percent puri­ ty and 85 per cent germination test. 18c. per pound in lots of too pounds or more F. O. B. Forest Grove.—M. • S. Shrock. For Sale, block i and block 6, Park Addition, consisting of 12 lots be­ tween 3rd and 5th sreets. Will some­ body make me a cash offer on these lots for immediate sale?—Rollie W. Watson, Todd Hotel Bld., Tillamook, Oregon. * The Fairview Birthday Club will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Max- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, well on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. S. Anderson and Mrs. G. Tinnerstet. Each member is expected to help with the program. Found! A line of buggies with the quality, that we can sell in competi­ tion with the mail order business and save you money. Bring your cata­ ü3EI3I3I3Eiaiäl,'3IEI3I03IEI3/3f3J3f3J3JEI3I3/3E3IHI3J3Jt logues and come in and compare prices. Every buggy fully guaranteed. —Tillamook Feed Co. * TILUMOOK JOTTINGS The ladies of the Altar Society will The parties who entered into a con­ sell home cooking at R.osenberg’s on tract to take over the moving pictu— Saturday, February, 13th. Houses to Rent, see Watson. * theatres failed to come up to ti at For sale or trade for calves—16 and the deal fell through. Probably it Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tilla­ pigs. Will deliver to buyer.—J. A. is as well, for the theatres are in good mook County Bank. * Baker, Grand Ronde, Oregon. hands with Smith and Partridge The place to eat is at the “Good Attorney C. Worrall left on Wed­ managing them with good clean Eats," Ram-ey Hotel. * nesday for Portland, having a bank shows. Take off your hat to County Judge- ruptcy case in the Federal Court. Sheriff Crenshaw took Chris Seku- Elect A. M. Hare. There will be a club dance for mem­ lich, the man who raised a check, to A heavy team, wagon and harness ber» and invited guests at the Com­ the State penitentiary on Thursday. for sale. See Shrode. * mercial Club on Friday evening. After they had left a steel saw and a file was found in the cell. It is sup­ The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying Don Ellis vs. C. F. Alexander is a * posed that some of his friends had ten cents for green hides. suit filed in the circuit court to re­ given these to him who had visited Mrs. W. B. Powell is quite sick cover $200 on promissory note. him while in jail. with an attack of jaundice. P. J. McCullan met with an accident A valentine social will be held at the Money to loan on farm mortgages. Monday at Pleasant Valley, when a next meeting of the Fairview Liter­ F. R. Beals, Tillamook, Ore. * tree fell on him and broke his leg. ary Society, Saturday evening, Feb. Try those 23c dinners at the Ram­ 13. Every one is cordially invited. A fine quality of Tillamook made shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. * sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ Ladies will bring a box containing merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * lunch for two and gentlemen will Spray your trees! 50 gallons of MILK—Delivered to any part of please bring 30c with which to buy a spray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. * the city at 6c. per quart in advance or box.—Program committee. We are in a position to make some 7c. on time. Tillamook Dairy, Both There is some speculation where long time farm loans. First National phones. the postoffice will be located in fu­ Bank. » ture. The Commercial and Masonic F. R. Beals vs, Minnie A Mcafle Mrs. M. Foland had a slight attack Buildings have submitted proposals, of paralysis on the right side on Mon­ and T. B. Meade is a suit filed in the as well as two new buildings, one on circuit court on motion for appoint ­ day. the corned where Heaston’s barber ment of receiver. Wood I Wood!! Wood!!! of all shop is located and the other on the Hugo "Effenberger was in the city kinds, and fence posts, for sale. See vacant property owend by the First Wednesday and was a witness in a di ­ Shrode. ♦ vorce suit, where he cleared himself National Bank. For sale five months’ old pigs, H. in a. satisfactory manner. Don’t miss seeing the funny com­ W. Wright on the Miami. Phone 30F2 edy at the opera house Friday and There will be a meeting of those Bay City. ♦ Saturday, February 12th and 13th. interested in the Episcopal Church This play “Other People’s Money” is For sale new rag carpet at 45c. per next Wednesday evening, at the chap­ in 3 acts and a picked cast is used »o yard. Apply to Mrs. A. Billings. Till­ el in the Masonic building. bring the fun out of it. Never before amook. Choice seashore lot, Brighton has the dramatic club offered so fun­ The Tillamook Meat £o, lost a Beach at a bargain. It’s worth $700, ny a play as this one, so if you fail to horse on Wednesday which was now only $450 cash. Write to Peter see this one you will miss a good worth $300 Damis, St. Helens, Ore. * laugh. One ton of coal equals two cords of We wil' soon haVe several cars of A telegram was received on Mon­ hay fof »ale from the car. See Shrode wood and you don't have to sow and day morning stating that Earl I ear­ for prices. i • split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello son, son of C. E. Pearson, of Pleas­ * ant Valley, was drowned at Gardner, Attorney T. H. Govne and Editor Central Gi’me 28W. All persons owing me are requested Ore., on Sunday. It seems that Pear­ C. E. Trombley left for Portland on Wednekd iy morning. to call and pay the same before Jan­ son owned a boat that went adrift, and attempted to swim to it. While White Plymouth Rock eggs $2.00 uary 31st, 1915, otherwise credit will doing so he became cramped 2nd cease. — W. A. Williams. * and $1.00 per setting of 15 eggs. W. S. drowned. The body was recovered Land plaster will help you to clean and taken to Salem where it was Coates, Tillamook. * Would like to purchase 15 or 20 out the Yellow Weed and at the same buried on Wednesday. Mr. Pearson and choice milch, cows. Write or call T. B. time fertilize your Oat, Clover Co., left here on Tuesday. Grass crops. Lamb-Schrader Mead, Ore. The quarterly bulletin of the Ore­ * z Hello 28W. gon State Board of Health gives the Sale—Range and household Protect your valuable papers from 8r.ods. Call at the Burr Beals resi- the unexpected fire by renting une of births and deaths in Tillamook Coun­ ♦ ty for the past three months: Births— dence, Stillwell Ave. our safe deposit boxes. Only one October, 3 males and 4 females; Nov­ Attorneys R. R. Duniway and Ook dollar per year. Tillamook County ember, 5 males and 5 females; Decem­ Nolan were in from Portland this Bank. * ber, 3 males and 1 female. Deaths— week attending court. Mrs. Carl Haberlach returned from October, I male and I female; No­ with her vember, 2 males and no females; De­ White Leghorns and Plymouth Portland on Saturday youngest daughter, the child, having cember, 3 males and no females. Rock Cockrals for sale. Apply to Mrs. There were 21 births in the three | been under the care of a specialists A. Billings, Tillamook. months, 11 males and 10 females, and . treating her eyes. there were 7 deaths, 6 males and only | For Sale—A number of good milk We have made special arrange- 1 female in three months cows also one yearling Holstein Bull, ments with thc Telephone Co., to pure bred.—John Schild. County Judge Homer Mason and connect you directly with our office, County Commissioners F. L. Owens, I will sell 35 acres on the South in case you t wish any of ---------- _ our _ GOOD __ side of my ranch in Owens.—Write COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W and Geo. R. McKimen» and County Clerk J. C. Holden took a trip to to C. Lutmon, Lookinglass, Ore. * Anyone having the leather calander Bayocean on Saturday to look over For Sale—A span of well matched stands given away by this Agency in the road situation. This was the first black geldings, 8 years old, weight I 1914, can have calander pads for ¡915, time that the two county commission­ 32;o.—Eastman Wilson Co., Beaver, | by calling at this office.—Rolle VV ers had seen Bayocean and they were | Watson the Fire Insurance Man. • surprised at the amount of permanent Oregon. improvements made there and the large amount of concrete roads and * 1 pretty bungalows. They were taken over the natatorium and the hotel anf saw the improvements that have been made there. To connect with the pro- posed county road, the Bayocean peo­ ple have one piece of road to finish. Willamina Times: “A vigorous pro­ test is being made for the abolition of the present Grande Ronde road and the establishment of a state highway via Bcntly. Four petitions bearing Tillamook County Bank I Dr. L. E. Hewitt will att nd the an­ nual meeting of the Oregon Osteo­ pathic Association in Portland next week. The National Osteopathic As- sociation will meet in that city next year. LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, | TILiUAfDOOK? OREGON- Drop in and book Around I1.50 PER YEAR. many names, and addressed to the Yamhill county court, are being cir­ culated. Delegations of citizens inter­ ested in this road went to McMinn­ ville, Dallas and Tillamook to present their side of the argument to lay the case before the courts for their care­ ful consideration. They emphasized the fact that the road will serve more people, that it can be built much cheaper, that it will be no farther and that the grade via Sour Grass to the 1 Ask any of our customers Nestucca will be lighter than the other proposed route.” about First National service. The Executive Board of the Tilla­ mook Commercial Club met on Tues­ They are all Pleased with day evening, and owing to the attack made on Secretary Worrall by the it and can tell you why. Herald this matter was taken up. The Board thought the attack uncalled for and will ask Mr. Trombley to retract what he said about the secretary. Mr. Worrall wanted to resign from committees he is on, but the Board would not accept his resignation. Mr. Worrall has done a great deal of hard and successful work for the club, placing it in good financial condition, and a large number of he cdub mem­ bers have signified their intention to stand back of Mr. Worrall and the club on account of this unjust attack >9OOeCOOOOGOeoC<9OOOQO&SOQOGO0OO9OCOOOOOOGOOOQOOOOOOi upon him. A little while before Roberts died he Next Sunday night there will be a FATAL ACCIDENT. said he was feeling better. special anthem by the orchestra and Roberts came to Tillamook from chorus and the sermon subject will J. A. Roberts Struck By Line and Grays Harbor about six weeks ago, be: “The wages of sin is death but the Hurled Twenty Feet. and he leaves a wife and one child. free gift of God is Eternal Life.” A fatal accident happened on Thurs­ Baptismal services will immediately day at the logging camp of the Coast Great Rally Day. follow the discourse. Driving and Boom Company, on Sut­ ton Creek, when J. A. Roberts was Do you want to see a SundaySchool Farmer-France. fatally injured. The large donkey en­ with 400 in attendance? That's the gine, just installed at the camp, was high water mark set at the Christian A quiet wedding took place Wed­ being moved and Roberts was stand­ Church for next Sunday. If the ing in a dangerous position between weather is fair we are sure of success. nesday, February loth at the Mor­ the bite of the steel cable. As he wire Some are coming a distance of 15 rison confectionary, Pastor A. H. Van rope jerked back it struck Roberts in miles. Thirty or forty Garibaldi peo­ Winkle of the Christian Church of­ the stomach and hurled him twenty ple are coming on the Henrietta. Our ficiating. The contracting parties were or thirty feet. The body struck a log State Superintendent will be with us Clarence Henry Farmer and Hazel and injured the man’s head, rendering and a short program will be given. France both of Beaver, Oregon. The groom is a son of Herman Far­ him unconscious. He was brought to Come at 10 a.m. sharp. the city and placed in the hospital, We appreciate the splendid response mer, late commissioner and the bride where Dr. Boals did everything pos­ the public is making to our efforts is the daughter of Mary France. The young couple will make their sible to save the man’s life, but he by filling our large auditorium each permanent home at Beaver, Oregon. died at three o’clock Friday morning. Sunday evening. SERVICE First National Bank; Tillamook, Ore BETWEEN SEASON’S-TRUE, BUT NOT AT HALTOM’S. AFTER-INVENTORY Bargains in Men’s and Boy’s Raincoats. Kenyon Slip-on color only, made collars and shown from 36 to 46 and 4 to 16 years. Raincoats in Drab with convertablc in sizes for men for boys in sizes Reg. $5.00 Values Reg. 7.50 Values Reg. 9.00 Values Reg. 15.00 Values for for for fflr $2.18 5.95 6.25 9.95 AFTER INVENTORY Bargains in Ladies’ Suits and Coats. Every suit and coat in the house about 26 of the former and 30 of the latter, is on Sale at a price that will ensure us an .absolute clean up be­ fore the end of the month. There are no two styles alike, and there are all sizes from 34 to 46 in th-' selection. Every garment has a spec­ ially priced ticket attached, and to those who would secute a smart stylish and valuable garment at a fractional price this opportunity is unexcelled. OU can shop to greater Here’s the School Shoe advantage today than yon can any time dur­ You have been Looking ing the coming year. We make it worth your while for So Long, and at a to buy' now and can give you Special Introductory even better service than at any Price. other time. We can give you more per­ We have just received a complete sonal attention just now, and consignment of the famous ‘Kreider’ for this reason alone would suggest that you do as much Shoes for Boys’ and Girls' School shopping this month as pos­ wear. Made absolutely of solid leath­ sible. Y SHOP NOW BETTER SERVICE, BETTER BARGAINS. AFTER-INVENTORY Bargains in Laces, Insertions and Swiss Embroideries. The whole of our stocks of I.aces and Embroideries arc purchasable at remarkably reduced prices. The val­ ues are exceptional and every qual­ ity is just now on display in the Dry Goods Department. Laces and Insertions. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. to to to to 10c. 15c. 20c. 36c. values values values values for 3jc for 5c. for 10c. for 18c, Embroideries. er and in the most comfortable lasts we have ever seen, these shoes were bought because of their exceptional­ ly desirable features for wear in this County. Special prices are quoted be­ low simply to introduce this line, and we have no hesitation whatever in saying that these shoes are the most remarkable values and most comfortable fitting lasts on the mar­ ket at the present time. Boys’ “Kreider Kicker” Shoes. Button and Blucher Styles. Reg. $2.00 2.25 3.50 3.00 Sizes. . . .0 to 13J .. ..1 to 2 .. 2i to 54 .. 24 to 54 Special. for ... $1.79 for-.. 2.05 for ... 2.23 for ... 2.69 Reg. to 15c. Values for 6c. Reg. to 30c. values for 14c. aq only for Ladies’ Reg. to 45c. values for 19c. for 49c. • zO Shoes that sold Reg. to 1.44 a values Girls ’ Kreider School /\lso the re arc large num lier of for $3,50 and $4 00. Bargains available in Short Ends Shoes. Here's a Sale of Women's Shoes and Remnants of Laces, Insertions Shown in Gunmetal Calf and Vici that will create such interest in our and Embroideries at prices that arc Kid with commonscntc heel». worth noting. Footwear Department as has never Sizes. Special Reg. been known. Just think of it, actual New Arrivals in Wash . 5 to 8 for .. .$1.37 $1.50 .. Goods $3.50 and $4.00 values in Smart up- . 8j to 114 for ... 1.69 1 85 to-date, good fitting and good look­ AMOSKEAG DRESS GING­ .12 to 2 for . .. 2.05 HAMS, plain ami fancy. 2.25 . ing Shoes for the saving price quot­ Per yard .................. 124<’. 24 to 6 for... 2.23 2.50 . ed aboveThere are shoes with pat­ ROSE CAMBRICS, 36 inches ent vamps and cloth tops, patent New Arrivals in wide. Per ynrd 124c. vamps with Mat Tops, gunmetal and “RED SEAL’’ ZEPHYRS, Embroidered Pillow plain and fancy. Peryd. 15c vici kid leathers, the heels being Cases and Shams. shown in both the Cuban and com­ Specially priced for this week only monsense styles. Their are widths B Now being shown in the Drygoods C D and E and the styles are exclu­ department. sively Batons. Every size from 2'/, to 7 being shown in each finish. I’rices Each, 45c., 59c., 63c,, 97c. Prices tier pair $1.13 and $1.19. $3.50 and 4.00 values for $2.98 2