I ILLAMOOK, OREGON. , long Um Hank. A< >|uaintan ce It asi "I llie advmitllgva of tlu Noi uniti •! t!.' I I wrai Ho Thi hu.I at III!« («»!' 111 m I - th, hi hl« haling u < Illi k ll>|> will Ii i< J » I I I» It « 4 « •» pi iiiil.ni>, I ai I "tit lit t|!|.lint 111« «• Hi tl) . is III Would like to purchase 15 or jo I choice milch l|M I «»It* nt XX 11. «'•flM'IX it I VC billlklKg tin « • I ' I •« » 11111111 x tn mh'tid ! • tr x let .111(1 .aid I es at th l I' 1! >ul Spray your lornr,. «pray for jju . SERVICE lot, Brighton Choice seashore One ton of coal equals two cords of wood and you don't have to sow and split it, I anib-Schrader Co., Hello • Central Gi'tne jfcW Il 23 drp«Mi 2 IÎ County place I f.CC» K*"w >C«0OO(XXXZ»»X><>«»^ Beach at a bargain It's worth $700 now only $4’0 «ash Write to I'»-ter D biiiis , St Haiti * Anyone hixmg the leather calender stands given away by this Agency in 1914. ran have cibnder pads for 191 5, by calling at this office Rolle Mai • LAMOOK JOTTINGS nt I . Sale A .pan <4 well m.-.hed I lack geldings, M years old. w>it( ht 2250—Eastman Wilson Co, Beaver. < h eg«Jii Ask any of our customers about First National service. They are all Pleased with it and can tell you why. All persona owing me »re requested l"f Sale X number <>f good mi‘k cut* alvi our yearling lloltirin Bull. io »-all and pay the »arne before Jan- I vary 31»!, 191s, otherwise credit will pure bred John. Schild ■ ■ ’ • I will xr|| yx acres on the South Land platter will help you to clean *i'lr «4 my ranch in Owens -Wri’e • ut the Yellow Weed and at the UfTif tune fertilize your < >at. Clover and Lamb Schrader Co , ( ircuit Brit vxill hold court Grass crops '♦t M* t lav tir«t, taking up what Hello ./AW *a-«* there ir< »n the docket Protect your valuable papers from H H Haywar«! an«l wife returned the unexpected fire by renting >jn, nl Only one «»n 1 Ittirxday. from ! afavrtte, f >rr , our safe deposit boxes, Tillamook County uherr they had gone to vi»it rrlativr« dollar per year. Bank. Wanted Bl rlom koriffrl, F. H Gary vs John Bath and wife '»ingle («itnU. r:t blooded bird - a suit filed in the circuit court In«]tiirr <4 \lo Elliott Ti'U. to recover $(94000 growing out <>f the rtjook. purchase of the gasoline «chooncr Alvina, of Nehalem «I« I " .M11 « «I, .Hid |«i I'lid ill Our Iti* • » - . I i«||x \x • b •inc fmi ihr* «I (hr I i . i . i U I«» in-xv I ir.t National We will »mm have », »• I <1 ■ 41 • <>( hay for sale from the •ar Str Shiode I lor j-?•<«*». Yd vantage of a Miecking Accounts 4 J , ,..kc ........ ,'n (arlli loans I y> PEW YEAR. | | H<( ARÏ I. LiAlVmR’S VARIETY STORE. galhm TILiLmmOOK, I • at the Rani A Olton for 11 1 I r ■ 1 • OREGON- Drop in and book Around ” 1 First National llank, Tillamook, Ore The Sitter» announce a patriotic We have made special arrange- program to be given by th- student» the Telephone Co, to ment* with connect you directly with our office, of the Academy on Tuesday even­ in caie you wi*h any of our GOOD ing, February 16. The public is cor­ COAL, Lamb Schrader Co , Call ¿8\\ dially invited and an enjoyable time is promised to all. Jcffeoon Hitfh School batkrf bat! Mrs Wagy*» class in the Presby­ team will play (wo Rame» in (hi, city terian Sunday School gave her a sur­ on Friday and Saturday toning, at the Optra hou»c with thr litlam'" k prise party at her home on Saturday High School basket ball team The afternoon, and the young folks had a teacher. preliminary game by the girl,' team pleasant time with their Doris Jefferaon team lead, the fact Portland Those who attended were High Sch ool League with two vic- Hubbard, Bernice Dickey, Cordelia torie» and no defeat* The two game*» Oatfield. \ era Rogers. Donald Mac­ in this city will be highly interesting kenzie, Valerie Rochon and Margaret Wilber. I to banket ball players and other*. h I M ll- ttj C°nclus’ve Days of the Great CLOSING s voir. OUT SALE at the Stillwell Store. H tj \ h Y » net new rib- hilf I it nd ■ing -cBer’ Deeper,will the Prices he Cut on Thousands of Dollars of High Grade Merchandise which must be Disposed . REMEMBER, this is not a Creative Sale— It is Compulsory—had to be No catch penny idea and “kike” Mer- andisc to allure, but Good, Dependable, Fresh, Crisp Stocks. I 19 1 » j 39 ITRF.SIS XX I r 11 X O1 it) SAXE MONEY, wln'lu-i l.itgt or small purchases tr, tra«!<- Inn It’s to Y’our Interest. Don’t Pass It By. LOSING-OUT OF ALL SHOES, it’ll tin '.in-. iil>- hit l\ tin •< .1 < .it. -1 111 M 11 . S.ivinc I ar. Stand.nd of rit I,e*t her. Sm.irt and C > mi m<*11 Sense Lu-t I > >ui \ I \ <‘nl .iii. Militarv, C< mil*. 1 hi >1 11 ■ 1 |< . I \\ < It and hand tin ri d . < < mi< cm I v, w hilc ■ks nr» .it thi n I -t I'his w ill attract crowds di ■*m. 11 Imv ers iota fot' Infants, l.ittle Cent, 's Shoes, )- toes for Young I adies. Sturdy Shoes t r Hoys. rong Shoes f1 I9c. pr. 75c. pr. well Soles $1 48 pr. ' p itcnt > . Il I Ide !i -inc ■ ul ptice in \\ i I «*0119 k*« «l ( hviilllt SIlOCH, < |(»*|l|o H||t Won 1 »• 11* k 11« \ ildt*, \x « It lull t< »11 > 11« H‘f*, « lohtllg out r> 1 i . i .I h t I.■. I $2 58 pr. Ä $2.48 pr. $ I < h 1 High m ,n I«* (rivet siloes for young ’hidtcn mid xxotiien, rl.ihin^ out 1 price.. ........................................ $2.68 pr. $5.00 Stylinh p.it<*ut mid gtiti culf ( rdiocn for M I Women $3.18 iiih Space Will not Permit Mention of 47 Other Bargains ere a Dollar Earns a Dollar If x on appreciate Sensational X'.dues, the Biggest Bargain Event of the It’s a Rare Occasion that Affords You Such an Extraordinary Opportunity. Absolute Closing Out All SUITS, CLOAKS Come Early. S27.50 It will Amaze and Bewilder You. MAN TAILORED SUITS nC. S9.50. The actual cost of making these suits were $13.5«». not counting the materials, lining, etc The) were maur stock of \\ bite Goods ni-ver offered such daintv fabrics. >fri ’ at XX holesale Prices and Less. The drastic price cutting is your own gain. Sect lie store display. >a for Bh-. iched Satin Table Damask, ex VH It*'. > ant liiif Slied I'ano I letnstitched I.awn, reduced from 20c. hea\ ) goods, title i Hi i («• " 11 *'• .'aiil I.M ills Woven Imported lmlia l.inon, tine I5e. ipmlity. for 7 1 I howii 25c Sheeting, Ai th-, yard S.dt I' iiii -I i l.iogere Lonsdale Muslin, I2ie. grade. for 7-1 bl cached 27c Sheet mg. \l I'-’r yard I am x Stripe Voile Sheer Intricate Weave, 20c. seller. At IS-, \;ird High l.u-tic .l.ipi-line, Soft Drapery Finish, 35c. grade. for Galatea Cloth, 20c. seller, '• ' a i d 11 ii'.iii I i I ii I I. ir hroidered I’renih Novelty Swiss, former pt ice 45c L for Flcishei s 15c. yarns. At _’.’i' x ard Merceriz.ed I extile Poplin, high lustrous weaves, 35c. quality . for 27 i n Mcssalines, $1 00 quality, \t l.tc. yard Irish ( ostiime l.inen, 40 ipclies wide, reipilar tide, seller. for Black and Colored $1 50 velvets, \t I'.tc. y ard < n pe I'elsse, dainty seed weave t«ffects, splendid 30e. seller. ;it for Mcssalines 15c. ribbons. At 12je. Yard Mellow Finish English Lingerie Cambric, 18c. Seller. t it id 35c. w asli goods. If» for I ( for Trimmed Hats selling up to $5 00. If 10 for Scotch Ciinghiims 32iii. wide. « lor Fane) 20c Kimono \ ch ins, for Nicii.ii<1 on'- 5c Embroidery silk. 5« ic v 3HO w ool Suit mgs. Al ,)<•. •A------------------------------ and COATS Stillwell’s i I <9c. for Egyptian fancy good luck crypt beads, former price 1.00. 39c. for odd shirt waists, dress and tailored stvles that were LOO to 1.50. 18c. tor Men's I lose supports. Paris iliake regular price 25c. 7c. for Men's Silk Knit Arm Bands, regular 10c. seller. 1 98 for Men’s and Women's Rubber Gapes that always seil at 5,(M> 10c. for Men's, Nelson heavy work soxs that are 15c. sellers. 15c. lor Children's Underw ear were 25c.