i I *» i I •i HEARTS * THE •' ad from th»' booth memorising drvs* of the alleged officiatine clergy man “I d< u‘t b I ve it, it’s t too sud C*' 9 Févi't evt Gem Tliectti'e. . e\ rhauling Me lh km of i«*i»ip<\(h V 1 V ■ ' It b to t P A . Atxl I’ * •» ’ suiti«' hours h «flit day tight, whrti iliey «•ni t » a I ■ i. n * i n a I » h « of timi Huai (he stain* Bp« « alati' ri r must somehow v* might sol* e t aud guarded d ( it % • k vt ¡tot i• tu (or doiibt Ih« lutili ih«-» sought Hpa- i ». i >• • ■. M» t «•«»*ci Alan itili ««»nabli rable t|lffl u the guard Ite m An hid p and r< 'ogni*«« then a tint caught him on f his Jaw and he returned that d w ax iator he » a * a as ' X.i 4 re a a Birdman. bout eight o’clock.In the « veiling of name dnx i motorcar deposited a Hotel M> nolith a » ntlem.m who ther beaten and oil stained niotoi cap and duster cox-er rd little cloth more than shirt an •4k : t had Id burr W V V 4 rs . hat I *> « r«- * Ith a *•’«>» ing Ih* Id r. (hai la. « oat, Alan AS- •id*« I* Bar« im rom i(«»rt*M| him hri* hla »AF > struck th«« m“(t»f dumb • ' • I« • k «»f < sh««**k A ni -I n (ho »«»r«l« th rote Io receive (ha ; tn t lulrf ( 'oaat a an Il »rilled down al the presence *».• cried » th a « ■! »apt «Untad ‘ Making you « a * • « \\ H!) In* ard k with the rath« r ted out guest known d by alni • iiught a (ligi!Iva now for qualms of r i account i»f (he sa* as«' i < f (tint blow no rch the follow for a k« iH»r alr«*Ady the maid fairs tn full flight and ' d a I - a | ilk«» a w afli CHAPTER X \X. the csr vid truly I 3 Alan a im patirti ild hardly wait tu rumini' it 1 am n<>( ■arrasHc. th such sincerity that * st twnr<1 m», 1 Rose 1 Ft sp» m«»«( • J r (he bl •r«*. 1 am locked up, by W ay ol g had vHh the g he migh bat K '•«•* Otfl.fl By sp «clal train La o dk»n t kno ■ wh^r^ ertd cab. » gru» r : a> utsklrta ol rr learnsd rely at • i« it and fo«l hat afT«*<•{■ mao - < his »ay a* «nagwr I a Ira in yard Im i • ' ¡ t » bars m« nts "f money woo igg n st < ff.« gl protest* I white fa< king Roser w hat he * fnsn '.- I was Ah ltnjM>A I ln told nutra. Ira* (y W ith n^ V, whn when and a« woman choked upon her anger lr,g (boast to era- ulrkly mastered It he might Alsh Ahd Judith wer« m< b by tbt IS SSIlever lh open »try In lh< g up a tight. «Ith man of ur father* 1 whih hlim 0" thing only Clear tra k t « : • ■ « Then* r. r less -han your »tiniity/‘ Alan Sl*c- was someone d her civilly “Hut StH1ew, It Th *• tk at • h*uen Alan of And so. Pan us argued, mer OV er« he acrupl«» of the an not b> Rose Trine, suffering n l one word, uttered with All th« giner r and hr« persecution at the hands of h< r unnat -inc«* that this woman kn« • W so An other mit. uutr, and I «• th AD fifty ural father's creatures? »«II h how to Infuso Into her tone fret se parat»« (ha special He was too far away to checker *d him suspiciously on train and the light rngl both bur* and attempt any Interferen old tllng through lop • peed ' I ve sus- pointed White Face out to ••Wh] > > es " With » wor fairy-tale all i feur as the V’ reached a t ’ • «• r urx»r Alan i wouldn ! rare for a ompAnlon rcql if the side of (ha boiler, on the edge of the mob and th»* worn i|u t yay*-* -h- »u(g.«ted w Ith only a gfrasy I handrail and a nar redulity per- was lifted in (unresisting ami appar­ "Oh really!” he proteated row foot ho l«1 b«’twr«n hlmscdf and mrlcxlon of ently in a des«l faint», and when the Sh« held up »n xrrr-atlnic hand ”1.1» ab.kt tn«*af»t death, or "irthing close some touring car swung r Mind and picked len!" she t>. iited ly rrarmblina It, «houhi ba ba shaken up its heels, the taxicab of Mr. Barcos t roni th« atrect b»-l >w came the un off by th» tearing wind at d the sway- X trailed it as unost» utaUously as if rn.Hiak ible rattle of a |<>lln-man » lie Ing of the I oc OIDC Shock Out » Trey ot He irti. was a pertinacious .liare he worked Ten minutes later, from the re rc mmunii atii.n quit ot That damm-d mid. Alan divined him«*4f up to th runialiher now i ! - • d in a deck of a ferryboat In mi«lstream­ thoughtfully within four fed <■' boat bearing back to New York not •* rear platform • arn« «l at I« i 1 The first proved ch The aaine.” Judith agreed » Ith of the ap»»ciAl only the touring car of White Face, latlc communlcutio having b« « n fi lOH tu 'i. calni Hun II »truck y<-'l that but the cab of Mr. Bare »’.s—the latter <>n thi !«•» !.«• > i.l«l • e a woman s »■••r in a hydr "Dear I'ljHS' <—Thanks for you may lave »onm trouble gettlnx gentleman formed one of a small but delivery. I got in thia flgur»’ Indi fincily ilho'iettcd against that wTapi * «1 just in a - .i> without my |«-i nn.ao n ’ ' interested audience witnessing an in­ t rue to motor over to the light through the do« r. and beside adjacent t**rrli “I'm not no atupld ax not to have cident of uncommon character. »brood. • t. cl >Jng f'>r of teeing your finl: h th« ught of that/ h»» countered He saw a young mail, hntless, coat­ i inatead. I waa favored I Nor had ibi. Thm be advised—an «1 take tn« 4« ar Ilf»- to the knob « f the door— less, almcFt thirties«, tear down to an involuntary wltn>-y ! ? >* It . .« f . f■ t efforts of ir rpec- all thaï hail I. < with you.” the edge of one of the Jersey wharves, tacular a-< mt, folio a Motiie persons inshle to t«*ar It opan alrm> t <*oa« t the fort **ln whn t rapacity, ph .1 • ■ his heel? mapped at by a ravening ; equally spectacular hl aeroplane for Another b r of • i*|«na«* drsgged enemy or allyt rabble, jump eboard a squate-r! fgod out »or ■ u h ' o* th* t while the "But to butiini 1» lini- pl«c<- on the h "As ally- you’re r.ght *n ran t vessel which lay moored there, and 1 ited; in half an lour South bay; a i light vnglh»« wl’h Intel r .iMe alow news fri*nds until we r r.v^rt«. «»• iron wp- v»r«.x ’ ur scant feat. A 1. r t hat, by your lea . . «i'mbing up the ri ■ in;’ io a hopeless of the author of l'.< tnolodr • y Alan and th* i av ial< r to the main- 1 II shift for mys<*lf At lei .th ' • • fe. >lbl«- Io attempt attempt to escape hi3 persecutors, I farce which y<.j, ro doubt < ¡.Il thn utor run of several hours Rone ill«» could sea her "It's not su< h a bud newton/' ho r<* th«« tiling I hey were too many for him. and what history of vour grande pa • n, If . I . ’. • ■ • < . ing <'«. «’ t > Hr« t< d with you und«T ipy «♦>•*«, yoi I htriiin«-. tea I han uth and Alan on "I mean to : . • — i half «•*« • il. rail •»( the car ahead, Ii m in t< | in N* .v » ork Wien I raw y- i ■ ifili.-d i r< ady to jump ' If I promise she suggest«^ b< nt on comparsing the destruction of of the North river 1 was engaged in Alioth« r man would hav»* m «*d« I Ilia Io rt failed him It was too ‘Til takn your word,” bo i»gr« « rn you probably r,mf,«*n.‘ at«* for hu « h a «la . Mr Law ply (nke It after him without a moniv nt’s hesita­ know- far m r»? than I; ho i n hla | < rt awekem d in a lamb like 1« mp«*r wh« n » hip, I'm afraid T Im on*' way to catch Hoiiif thln • V'-rv I • •» n shot sounded up with your father I* Irv a« r<»plan« tion. ,iib «1 ill el«*\ ' :i ! h.i!} was busy bein’1; n b from th«- train and • ■ rm thing very Ilka and I've gm on« waiting.” Hotly pressed, the fugitive climbed Rose vs in >■ - | < « r : v «• • -nv i At. n.Klfilri t h<* « < rnmil’«*«l an a« t of Hh» nodded Intently. “Don't con- n bulh-t uhlatled i »t bis cheek, and higher and still higher, until at bngth [ such cai; •. H; < hit« : ’ Jri.-. Iv ■ « \ r burglary, calmly and with d« tormina proved th" rlgnal for »o’v«-ral more le gained the topmost yard; with : were nothing r.r»re bl irn< •'•« »> i. th • i ;on lu« ihi.ig bin a/ into the hoii’m »-Id« r in«* i h a woman when it comes S’r . h Ih H I v|« |g«' ntrndled three policemen not half a. doz« n f»*'t to return I < r t«> th«- . rr c f h- r «i ’in - «»f S< ?i«« .i I rim* through the ar« a win- to hardship/' she hint«*«! obliquely hla n»rv«"« Htralnlng forward and ’ Tve no rruwon to, going on what 1 below him 8« 4 popping awiay for d« ar I par«*nt. 1 kno , b •• . «• I bl ii«-1 «Iowa and ba«« m«-nt. know of you.” holding on to a bur so hot that it lif<», if happily with th«* notoriously 1 after ’em, evi n : ) t iniu: ■ of /-*n «! opp«»‘ I him But and The H/droae.r.piar.e l/l hat Ital ” to U m - girl on the rail erally. following a furtiv« vo in ' man froi.i f it a : Ingl«' Ii lit. <1 window in the up- Land. 11« r hand fell confidently Into It flhe I" h - h thnn that time Hh.. W(IM h|. None the lens, there wa?| no telling the bou«e of Trine ’o th«* oili««* of Hi" I« r ii« r (but » ot, he not« «1. th»* wlnd«>w ride In the hnllwey jump« «1 Ilia arm wound round her as bath, a shave and a lia.»« i* an o f th«- ' ' .v Y«.r'.< ('<•» to Roh« 's b* «1 I. «mb« r> hi <1 on«* or turn 'I ho police entere of clothing orgina'ly tafl' i*d h>r a gen­ let into the young man, and ft wan tral, wh« i«- h< made aTang« . r nt < for lights which h«- found burning dim in front rislon that unmistakably not Ro: e is to j artkipal»* in this formed it all ‘ ‘ •’• Io ■ Hi, u|i|>i-r Htory bls attention to Itarcue. topp« «l off i | jp b< ginning «»f his rr*st in identified him as Alan Law to Mr. Bar- begirt, but I know I « h ill ( < )n the ofl Via Air Line. Hut he was not to be K.iiialh-d with jail did Bar* us come down to earth. ♦ us, an«l forthwith dropp«il to Hie wa chance of b« ing us« ful. I h;i ave bribed ■ ucll n< gatíve evíd» ti< <• Not once In the coiitho of the next To I i I n di may he found flint the en- nnit explored Iln demonstrated bis return to rom- tor, feet foremost. the train ere w to let rne imp« rsonat** I ho dwe Hing minutely, rconi by room. rlxteen hour» but a thouaand time» glne was losing ground, I ho apnea Alan later took the wati-r n«-atly, the porter. Ho, should you be moved mun*Ben; «‘ by making a round br* ak- aa Bareuu ro- lory by »tory, pnn lirg wltli little In- Alan qui-HtloiK'd (and, it will readily was wideilng _ rapidly — r« ’ "i’ uninjured an« ckmrl be allowed, with nil i-xcuae») hla »un ­ li-iiHi d thi' knob and throw hlmaelf to follow and su< cei ed hi rutchhig up tr-renf tho.1 li Iip.irtnieiil-I by , ... K„,„ll>IinK rn/.iael «•v.-ry ity In permitting hl/.melf to h" In- over l ho rail tooklnx up thn r»- Idpnrp of liiKby lu "l,hou' "" •’'•’ant * in lull». v ith uh and observe anybody anybod who vii ih ilic.it. il io tlo- ii-h
  • < oble.t I -- The information he gathered from Hudson. don't shoot the tiid party _ will be , ___ me ottly • " nini Ho..- Trino, , that ..... ........... one and make her it |r irty to thle wild mtn a< i onipll ili. I that Incredible f«at Aa thia happened tho polki.e ran to the voice that answered the name of iml gnlnerl the platform “Yours for th«* quiet Ilf«*, mali whom tu loved, or el»e niaku aerial croH«-c<»'intry dnnh -.,«0». she __ wan not - ** M Digby over the telephone shook the »tern of the «qu ,r>-i igger. un­ Between while» the plane flew fn«t An in lant |nll.r f„„( ,,.|M|ra|Bd mire th« re. ’ TOM BARCUS.” c.i iy momentarily I’arcuH' innate con­ moored a dory that wlta ridoix th'-re, The second not«* yl«-ld< «1 a rommunl Ih* h i ;ih d that last flight of and high, cutting n direct line, n» the the engine from the special, aa the on- viction that intimate acquaintance and threw Uieim-e|< >-»>into it cation uHH' ii on not« paper of tb<* :4m r.leps v‘-*-u I' ................ l"1 «° ««»»• toprnoHl floor crow filo«, athwart the enatern and Klneer upplicd the briikea. with butHn, murder and audd« n death During the tto Da-x-ua, at leuatl fo- t ebganc«- In a woman’s hand a with « xtraoidmary wenlern »title». And thia ho did •tono too noon ___ for H,‘ •'•Uh, ndvlMi d Was the inevitable reward of aKRoeia- brealhleer ntrp<-nK- of that, r-liaa, the hurrl« «1 ra wl Chicago they ralRi'd an n smudge on nt the suino time Miirrophet and att­ tli3 It tin Jost of In the descents • h; • r r/-’ i « I l«j s« o th t ' I . 'll th< ii i 0 d, i ■ ■ Ibl tain time the was Identity . __ _ to nscer * (, Idcnlng ,, distance, , ,,f apodal in- the rr -etuni tvini. Hl ...o (Il’S many j »«» tire rt train IlMib breathed skeptically he emerged a< <-r/i<-d, th - p-,hce lutlm dor; * u leul- *u~ ,J r ........................................ — railroad 'I h engine *”• »V i ____________________ - ......... ................................. ’ .. ............................................................... lowly to a halt HliUl- Hi.... «: • — • A a ^B¡ J .V* <‘pt from sight round a