Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 28, 1915, Image 7

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    '• illnmooR
Two We I Altri y» Years
111« «day night, Jan X», will hr r*
niriiibrred by many fur ihr pleassn
Van* «aivrr, \\ a I« . luti -i • IL-*«’
mir tlicv l«.»«l al ihr “( omiiitinil
(hai throbbed with l«»V« lot rail
H’t'. giv< n I») Ih r W «»turn's I ivi
other hall a iriitury ago. but win*! I < »,.«»« at (hi < ibnitirHhl ( hib I In
»trayrd apart, today *nr rrynii*
I ragur ha* several a« livr («nnniillr«
hr rr lit marriage by RrV I* II
» a
nr ol win« It is w«»fking tn ihr inlrr
ver W 1 Powe»« 7.1. 4 wraliln m i •
of a bigg » r an«l bcllrt I'tibll* Li
<d 1 illamook, 1Ihr. and M t * '‘ata’ Liats for iill.iiiiook < Ounly C noth* >
Situili, 6j, ate ilo F.aj | » *■
.iimhtr« is w«ifklng 1 1 thr
will makr tlicll hoiiK m (.Tier
»I b*aut|fYin¡( I illamotk ( tl y
i >rrgon
I hrt« have lire »1 a tititnbrr
III l«»wa, half a « ruluty ag< 5 a couii idditUH I«» lb< I'rrshtnrti ria»» al
it » parly w 4» held al ihr 1
ihr I»* K in ion g of ihr tirw «riti* «Ir «
Mt and Mr« D M l«>lur
I Ite nani« • uf those miffing atr
Power«. • pronninrnt y«ntng
I barb « Hrwiil, Mana Loa Falli»,
Mi»» Sarah F I avl< r, hi» « w reih» >rt H a¿cl I amar, Ilauna ( itrry
were present and i«¿cihei ».
riunii Hart, Margaret I a I • > 11 r 11 r t 1 3 r • ■ r g 1 a
that th« kind lathri <1 the girl |■»«»•
1««hn«on atnl Mildred Srverific* (
tied Mr Pow*t»
■ ! »ti and Itcvrt Harr have alto
daughter whrn *1
entered the school again
( uliillHoii» < I
'•vrral tu w »ulijul» have brrn U«!
they drillr»! apaii
Powers c « h
>lc*| io the btgh • choed €«»rncuhtin
mg Wni «nd tnarryin-*
lhr> ar« commercial
married wb»-n a
• urving, a' l solai biology
while the aflrri il 1ought
rrCitaiion prrt*<d« have been chat gr«!
love, »hr made up
< sotnr sabjctl« to avoid conflict with
Io t»r Her daugl-trr. Mi»« Oliv
««citation ¡rfi*«ls tn «»(her subjects
ihr • • tt.Mirf» l4| \riihmrt)*, Mgebra
Smith, grew 10 w
lied nt Portland
I, b.tt i"t I » Efliah and • rasar class*«
hile <»n a v i » ii here !«
meet at M i«- in the morning
daughter w ho 1 a 1 becot lie ill, Mr.
Christian Church
Smith tear«! that Mi »
1 illamook 1 hr
reunion follow* 1
crtmg at (farib^bh c!t
»«»on alter the had heard ll at Mt
with jo Cun« r
Power* had <!•<•*!
Kill Karr's Annual Banquet
»■i .i H .i ^ m ., i
I he ladle» of the Kill Kate Stu«’
K tub entertained their husband« <’>*
Ian I7*h. at the Frrtbv te r mi <iuil
hall, the *M*a»i««n bring th* *r!rl«
lion id the annual banquet
I he weather was ideal and con»«
«JUCntly there w^« a toll altrndan
All the ladle» » a ;tic { rovuird with well
Idle»! hamper« and the gentle Itl<n
tainly had an cmplimr»* an ' arrived
w ith expectant bit e*
At raactli 7 I’ 9i the tablet Writ
declared ready and the hungry hu*
band* were required I«» find partner*
Each lady h. «♦ dc| «sited her la’
photo in a backet and her | .»r tn« r ha
to identify her by matching youth
and old age At la»t all w-re »rate !
and did ample jutlice to the feast
I D Small especially distinguish'd
himself, but wr will never tell how
much chicken went hl* was <>r h w
many dorrn biscuits w>rc consumed
at that end of the table
However. Mr
I alt even t arried
I iinr home in his pocket
After dinner
was «»ver a short
musical program was rendered, J a me«
Hiner singing in his u ..al charming
Games followed and it |«r«>vr«l ver-
exciting to see Fred < hnstrnsen Irv­
ing t<> climb the walls tn bursuit of an
elusive feather However, he won ont
and carried off the pri/«- I mine'
Hales and Albert Plank w
disappointed as they clirned in vain
I hr whistling contest wa« nothing
if not exciting lohn Olson am! John
Lamar whistled
laughing But would you believe it th*
ladies won out tn the- end
W in Tell Pennington proved t b
(lie • »pert
: . ¡1
|Ve have always wonder»-! l>v M
Pennington w.»« ooh a dint, but hay«
lately been told that he w.. 1 g«-nuin«
frontiersman and w a - at one Him
scalped tn a c<»nflict with the Indian«
Mt Small and Mt I ait played has«
ball with an apple-
R< Mill, pocket
emptier than when th« y came “V\*
won't tell"
When at last it cam«- time to sav
goodnight all voted that they wished
the annual dinners came oftnrr
l adies, have* you heard it rumored
that good things are < -mirn ntir w iv
Wonder when Mrs I amar thought
tn take her husband home this time
’’Pass another biscuit."
High School Notes
l ast Friday flight, Ian 22, the I H
S basket ball tram plavcd the Bay
( ity tram at Hay (. 1!v, «b leating the m
by a score of 33 to 22 I hi* tnak* s a
total *>£ three victories by I illamook
over Bay City against <» ii < by Bay
( ity over I illamook.
On Wednesday night, Ian o, two
games were
I lie- Seniors
were tie«! I»y the Juniors ami an extra
tight minutes were allow« «I after th«
last half to play off tin lie I he- Sei.
iort threw’ mi extra basket, making
n score of 28 to 26 in favor of th«
Seniors. 'I hr second game was a I
H. S. Alumni vs Bay ( ity contest, in
which the T. II S Alumni team de
f ated Bay City by a score of iK Io 17
A week from next I ridav night,
Feb. 5, the I II S team will haw
the pleasure of contesting with tin
Jcffcrson High School basket ball
team of Portland. I liis will be- a big
per event in the athletic field than
has ever taken plat «• before in I ilia
niook. The members of the I II S
team arc looking forward to this
I real event with hope of victory, or
< l least an honorable defeat, whil< the
student body stands ready to give
the home team its rallying support.
I he game will take* place in the opera
I I end f ight, January
.May He > our Only Asset
m G oh * of l ire
J id’, // v
Next Policy
Promise Yourself that this Year nil I
and the/i muke it ,ro.
" I he In Míram e Man
t Iinnrf Hill hr wrrvrd al the
mi a M^rm uclc< me cxtemîrd
largest crowd wr have had during the
»cric», there bring more than 300 pres
\ ou arc eordiallv invited
A preliminary injunction against
ihr < «*unty < ourt and officials of
Klamath < ounty «topping them from
paving out S*.non on old warrants
w,»* granted by Federal Judgr
verton in thr »ml <»( three
hravirsl n«>n retident taxpayers of
county, who accused thr officers
gross rxtrav agancr with public fund*
Klamath < «»untv is enjoined from
paying thr old debt« until a final
«ision i« made in the case The
was brought by the
land ( .n¡»any, thr Western Pacific
Land X Timber Company, ami the
• >»hk«)»h I and A I imbrr < '« >mpan v,
which own nearly 17 per cent <>! »he
total asseswrd property valuation of
the county
Mlrgmg a violali«m of thr consii
tutional provision which prohibit* any
countv from incurring indcbtedncs*
in ever«« *»t $^,000. thr complaint
charge« that the official* made *«*
many expenditure* during thr priiod
<»l two year* that the county was set
bac k seven year* in thr |»a> iiirtit ot
its warrants.
During 1911. 1912 and part of 1913
it is alleged that Klamath ( ouniv in­
curred a voluntary indebtedness ui
$371,000. I hr warrant* drawing inte r
« »1 at the rate of 6 per cent, increased
tin* amount to $155,000. Brsidr* this,
there is said to be- .in indrbtrdncs'i of
$I2OI(XX> lor 111 volunlary e xpenditure «,
such a* sal.eri* s and regular mainit-n
.line. Io this amount the three tax
paving companies offered no protest
A large part oi the voluntary in
del»tc«ln<*s wa* incurrrd in thr con
slnictioH <»i a new court house, which
i* not yet completed. Affairs of the
county reached such a state, it is de­
clared, that warrants were- discounted
at 75 per cent of the face value, Vn
aide to do business through tlleir ow 11
warrants, it is charged that the coan
tv court discounted some of Ihem, de
posited thr proceeds in a batik and
issued cheek books to their road «U-
pervisors to pay labor bills.
Gr,ange Program.
Program for I'airview Grange for
I chrtiary It, 1915:
Song ................................... By (iraiiRe
Roll Call, retponded bv each member
giving a sentiment or fail relating
in some way to a cow.
Recitation ............ . . .. Grace Bester
Reading ................ . .
Si<l Anderson
How many cows warrant a man in
building a silo
Win Maxwell
Maud Ackley
Myrtle ll.dden
I'antomine "A wife wanted", by five
Hcl n Hurrcr, Oscar Title
Does it require more brains tn earn a
dollar than to save it?............ tills
(tners and Dolph Tinnerstet.
Recent progress in farm matters:
I tin our farm, Ed Donaldson.
In our county Morrison Mills
3 In our state I. Dunstan.
I In our nation—L. Johnson.
T wat it is prctty WARD
V/E V/ a NT to
Grocery Specials This Week
Coin«' in ami see our ilisjil.iv ot new pack
ami 1'oinatoes at $2 <hl per case.
Old I'utvli Cleanser 3 can- tor 2.’c.
Kcx Bluing 3 bottles for 25c.
k’l'y.il l ltili Sccilcil k‘.ii-in-. 1 H>. package lOc.
k’ay «V Comp.in\Special Collce 27c per lb.
Rex A.nonia 3 bottle- for 25c
Riilgw a\- Capital H'.iu-chohl l'ea 5t)c per lb.
Cie-cut Baking l’owiler 1 11». can- 20c, 3 lb. cans
55c, .• ll>. cans Sue while tliev last.
> i
At All Grocers
1 * 41 »•«'»«• III A « i
w it It the |»r<>bletn of buy tig II .1 rue»»
«I Sidney E. Ilrn lers .ii, I’re».,
ion will fiml it ili»linctly iiilviintH
g11» to i ome nml ilo lune »elect
mg here. Yoti will get tl e I e«l
John I i -T iik I llenilet son, Sec-
retnry I re.is , Attorney-at * <|iuilitie-*, the lu.’Kt tlu'ia.tigli and
* . onncifiiiioii« winki”.i.iHlii|> und be
Law, Notrnry I'ublie
charged the ni.mt reanonulile prii-en.
We can mipply «ingle or double
SetHornay eingle article that you
i may l>c in need of.
Tillamook Title and
Abstract co.
W. A. Williams & Cc.
Law. Abati let». Real Kalate,
Surveying, Inaurante.
Hot It I’liottea.
Wood! Wood?!
Wood!!! of all
kinds, and fence posts, foi sale. See
•ni.i. \'i<> h
owl <a'\.
• i Shrode.
( ' ' <f¡ ’ mu* d )
M - r ? i,. I
H¡ ,<
i K
i . »
.¡’’ i • • • -
it attuti
1 hey »rr K
th« Hrnrtrlla and all attend
it I illamook nr«l Sunday at
Khnulh I njoinrd From Paying Cavh
\r... « ’.I
//<* >'our licit
«î. • ■ , I • i ,
'. I r ,
'o.l ' »
I 22
. i‘.‘ t< i
J. 4* 5. tf. 7. 8. 9. «O. il, 12, ij,
<4. >5« 10, 17, 1^. ¡y, ¿U' 21, 22,
and Z j , Block 37,
R •>< ka way Beach,
First Bank «Nr I ru*t Co., Lott
5. 6, 7, 8, 9, ¡0, 11, 12, 1 -
j, 'V
•5» IO, 17, IM, ly/af.«! 29 Block
38, k«xkaway Beach.
F irst Bank Ä I ru»t Co., Lot»
391 jo.ji, . and 32, Block 38,
Ruckaway Beach
First Bank A Trust (.0., Lots
47. 48. 49, and 50, Block
Rockaway Beach.
First Bank & I ru»t « o, Lot»
11. 12, 13. and 14. Block 39,
Rockaway Beach.
Firs! Bank & 1 rust Co, Lois
18, 19, ao. 21, 22, 23. 24. and
Block 29,
Julius Kallich, Lot» X>, a", aH,
29. 30. 31. 32. and 33, Bloik
39, Bockaway Beach
First Bank 4k Trust Co, Lott
38. 39, 40, 41, and 42, Block
39, Rockaway Brach.
First Bank 4k Trust ( o, Lots
k J9, and L< ts
49, and 50. F
1, 2,and 3. Block 40, Rocka-
way Brach
First Bank 4k 'I rust
20 and 21. Block
way Beach.
First Bank 4k ¡rust
30. and JI, Block
\ -ra McGinnis, Lots 32, and
33, Block 40. Rockaway
F.va M Taylor. Lot* 3, and 4,
Block 41. Rockaway Beach
1 ill Keller, Lots 8, and 9»
Block 41, Rockaway Beach. .
away Beach
First Hank A I run to. Lota
3, Bl .< k 9, Rorkaw.-y Bead
E M McGIom, Lot u. Block
59. K'jCkawii/ Bea« h
F ir si Bank Ar J ru»t Co , I ots
ij. Block
59, Rockaway
Sarah O'Malley, Lot 14, Block
' 9.K «/C a . a a y Beach
First Bank 4k I ru»t • O, 1.01»
-x block
i*irst Bunk & 1 rutt < o, I ots
J 3. Block
■9. R* »i kaway
4 57
I 22
H 1
»ddridg , 1.0’^ 47, and
48. Bluck
61, Rockaway
I «J
: 19
A Lrrcn, Lots I, and 2,
Block 62,Rockaway Beach.
A F. Gre^n. Lot» 7, and 3,
Block O2. P'/tkaway Beach. .
1 22
Jack Keats. Lot» 1,7 and 18,
First Bank \ I rust < 0, Lots
23, 24, 2-, and 26, Block 63,
Rockaway Beach
First Bank & I rus Co. Lots
44. and 45, Block 63, E' ka-
way Peach
i 22
L and.M Falv<
2 44
I 22
Block 64, Ro
W. H Dah. 1 *,!»
Block 6 L Rockawi
f 22
* 44 First Bank 4k Inni
13, and 14, Block
way Beach,
I 2 2
I 53
F irst Bank &
26, and 27, 1
ua> Beach.
I 22
Vincenic .Matrandrea, 1 :s Î.
i 44
and 2. Block 66, Rockaway
First Bank &i Trust Co, Lots
I 22
3, a rd 4, Block 66, Rocka­
way Beach.
! 22 First Bank 4k Trust Co, Lots
35. and 36, Block 66, Rocka­
I 22
way Beach..........
Lot* 47.
I 22 Sabatino Mastratid a.
and 48. Block 66. Rockaway
Tillamook Beach Realty Co..
Lots 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23,
24, 25. 26. 27. 28, 29. and 30.
2 M
Block i. Tillamook Brach_ .
Tillamook Beach Realty Co..
Lots 1 ’, l8. IQ. 20, 2!. 22. 23.
24. 25, 26. 27. and 28. Block 3
I 22
! *3
T illamook Beach.............
R M. Shafer. Lots 1. 2. 3. and
I 22
4, Block 3. Tillamook Beach.
! 22
R. H. Shafer, Lots 29, jo, 31,
and 32, Block 3, Tillamook
I 22
. ...
I 22
Inez Olson.
Lot< 8. and 9,
X 22
B’ock c, Tillamook Beach.
Dan Retd. Lot* 12, !J. 14. and
15, Bb ck
Tillamook Beach. 2 44
1.22 W. R Walling. Lots l. 2. 3. 4.
5, 6. 7, 8. q . and 10, Block 6,
6 to
Tillamook Beach
Stella Thompson, Lots 11, and
i 22
i 12. Block 6, Tillamook Beach.
R Kruger. Lots 14. and tc.
Block 6. Tillamook Beach. ..
Tillamook Beach Realty Co.,
I Lots 4. and 5, Block 7» Tilla­
i 22
I mook Beach............
i 22 R Kruger. Lots 17. and 18,
i 22
i Block 7. Tillamook Beach. . .
F. Laycock. Lot 2, Block 19,
I Tillamook Beach........................ I 53
2 44
C F. W illis, Lots 14. 1 ?. and
i and 16, Block 23. Tillamook
1 22
6 «7
C. F. W illis. Lots 15. and 16,
Block 24» Tillam k Ik *ch
4 58
2 44
Edith Aiderman. Lot 8, Block
2. Mid wav Beach.
Dated at Tillamook. Oregon this 5th
dav cf lanuarv iqi 5.
I 22
H CRENSH \ W. Sheriff.
And Tax Collector of De­
linquent Taxes, of Tilla­
mook County. Oregon.
I 22
<2, 23. 24, and 25, Block 41,
Rockaway Brach.
B Ferris, Lots 26. and 27,
Block 41, Rockaway Beach. .
First Bank A Trust Co., Lots
35, and 36. Block 41, Rocka­
way Beach.
First Bank 4k T his Co. Lots
43. and 44, Block 41, Rocka-
way Beach.
N. M. Cook, Lots 4'. and 46,
Block 41, Rockaway Beach. .
First Bank 4k Trust Co, Lots
12, and 13. Block 42. Rocka-
w ay Beach. •.. ■ ....
C. B Olmsted, Lots 20. 21, 22
ami 23, Block 4-’,
First Bank Jk Trust Co.. Lots
34. 3 C 3*», 37, jM and 39, Block
42 Ro kaway Beach..................
A T Hanson. Lot* I, and 2,
Block 43. Ro. kaway Beach.
F B. Salisbury Lots 41, and 42
Block 43. Ro kaway Beach. .
Layton \\ isdom. Lots 1, 2, 3.
and 4, Block 44. Rockaway
Isador Schiel, Lots 16, an«! 17,
Block 44, Rockaway Beach. .
First Bank 4t Trust Co . Lots
18, IQ. 20, and 21, Block 44,
Rockaway Beach..................... ..
Jes«ie Paddock, Lots 30. and 3*
Block 44, Rockaway Beach*
Ovo Marrs, Lots 32. and 33,
Block 44, Rockaway Beach. .
H. M Hayworth, Lots 1 and 2,
Block 45, Rockaway Beach. .
Henry Jordan, Lots 3. and 4,
Block 45, Rockaway Beach...
<wi* Irish, Lots 11, and 12,
Block 45. Rockaway Beach.
Eneas McIntosh, Lots 13. and
14 Block 45. Rockaway Beach
F F Story, Lots 43, and 44,
Notice is hereby given, that the
1.22 County Court of Tillamook Conty,
Block 4^, Rockaway Beach. .
I H Bell, Lots 12, and 13.
Oregon, will receive sealed bids Ice
Block 46, Rockaway Brach. .
the moving of four houses belonging
First Bank & Trust Co . I.ots
to Rufus I. Sampson, m Ocean Lak*
23, 24, and 25, Block 47.
Rockaway Beach......................
74 Park, F. I. Sappington. Geo. H.
Fred A I’, u’- »n, I ots 40. and
Sampson and Mary D. Sampson, ii
50, Bloek jh Rockaway Beach. 1 8j
Rose City Beach. Tillamook Count.',
First Bank & I rust Co., 1 ots
Oregon, also
for the clearing 01
I. 2. 3. 4. 8. II. I J. IJ. and 14,
822 ground sufficient for moving houses
Block 48. R ockawav Beach. .
First Bank \ Trust Co. Lots
and cutting necessary trees, accord­
42. 43 and 41. Block 48, Rock­
away Beach.
. . .
2-74 ing to the specifications on file with
the County Clerk, and F I.. Sapping­
I udvvig Schalin, l.ot 2, Block
51, Rockawav Brach................
1.22 ton, at Rcsc City Beach.
First Bank »\ Trust Co, l ots
Said bids to be filed with the Coun­
I 22
8. Block 51. Rockawav Brach.
ty Clerk, on or before February 4th.
I. King. I nt 14. Block 5!,
1.22 1915, at 10 o'clock a.in., and at that
Rockawav Beach......................
First Bank X Trust Co. I ots
time opened andread.
21. Block
Each bid shall be accompanied by v
certified check made payable to Tilla­
First Bank \ Trust Co. l ot
mook County, for an amount equal co
44, Block
1.22 5 per cent of the amount of such bid,
First Bank »\ Trust Co. I ots
which «hall be forfeited to the County
1, and 2, Block 52, Rockaway
in case an award is made and the bid­
der shall fail, neglect or refuse for a
First Bank X 'Prust Co., Lot
period of 5 days after which the
3;, Block
304 award is made to enter into a con­
First Bank & Trust Co.. Lot
tract and file a bond satisfactory to
37. Block M Rockaway Beach 1.C2 the Court as by law required.
First Bank X Trust Co., Lot
The County Court reserves the right
11. Block 53. Rockaway Beach I.53
to reject any and all bids, By order of
First Bank X Trust Co . I ots
33, and 3, Block 5J, Rocka-
the County Court.
wav Bi-arh.............
305 Dated this the 15th day of Jan., 191«.
Geo. Watt, l ot 4, Block 55,
J. C. Holden,
Rockaway Beach.
County Clerk.
First Bank X Trust Co . I ot »
10, and it, Block 55. Rocka-
way Beach............
Notice to Créditer«.
and J J,
H I W ilkins, Lots
Block 55. Rockaway Beach. . « 3-7.1
The Tillama.ik Bay Co., l.ot
Notice is hereby given to all whom
11, Block
it may concern, that the undersigned
Beach................................ ............
.110 has been duly appointed by the Coun­
First Bank X Trust Co . I ot
ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore­
j. and N '> of l ot 3, Block
57, Rockaway Beach. .
2 II gon, administrator of the estate of
First Bank X Trust Co , I ots
Hannah J. Mowrev. deceased.
33. and 34. Block 57, Rocka­
Now therefore .ill persons having
way Beach..................................
claims against said estate are hereby
W’ C. Hawk. Lots 46. and 47,
Block 57, Rockaway Beach .
6.10 notified to present the same, duly
First Bank X Trust Co., Lot
verified and with proper vouchers, to
1 1. Block
58, Rockaway
1.50 the undersigned, at the office of T. B.
Po ach
Handley, in Tillamook, Oregon, with­
Middleton Reid, l.ot 25, Block
58, Rockawav Beach.
! .5.1 in six months from the date hereof.
Donald Reid. I ot 2«, Block 58,
Ben W. Neilson,
Donald Reid. I ot -V>, Block 58,
Administrator of the estate
First Bank X 'Trust Co. lots
of Hanna J. Mowrey, De­
33, and 3 I.Block 58. Rocka­
way Beach....................................
First Bank X Trust Co, T ots
I Dated this -’8th day of January, 1915.
36, J7 and 40, Block 58, Rock-