Villamook V ' X . AMONG INSANITARY MEN THAN WOMEN c:i* Report Issued bv th? ri iector c f Census • In Notice ol Shenlt’s Sale I hold thin I rep i ongie»»m a » i It hM picked out one ol the hoi n* Henri l T CM .1 s mat k .<» the f w lu'tr «Idi Hrnri the ot dislrcN* a conviction sitting on esetx it the w and that lhe peo were passing the -.e : Weme ■ tallir-» Cauttic Untie» mere ar? n - - ’ cultivated lam ’?*k ’ ture ha I leitet I ikl K Nome in hrirbv given, I h. t virtue ot an execution and older ’ »ale i»Mied out ot the Ciituil I ourt I the »tate ot i Hcgoii, lor I illanio Counts, upon a judgment and degivc ot toreclosuie duh entered in said I Court on December ¿4th, 1914 4 a *e w herein 1 illamook ( omit\ Bank a < orporation, is plai ititf. and Mai imt I rhe is defendant, which execution was i»*urd bv th? letk ot »an! under the » eal thereof, bearing dale of the XHh of December, p have levied upon, and will, on day the 1st dav of Februarv. IQI to o'clock am at me 1 ourt House door m I illamook Citv, 1 illamook 1 . ‘lints. lQeg4»n, dillv st 11 at public auction to th? highest bid • let tor cash in hand the following • real piopertv situate 111 »ICgo »'lint \, l th eg 011, 11 • wit OUth hall ol lot 5, in Bio isei » \d«lilivn 1». the t< on 100k (now within the «orpoiat« limit * of I illamook I it\ ) Said sab to convey all o t the interc»! ot th« de ( tendant as of t he date of February 11 i ¡Qi i. or subsequently owned bv him, I and the proceeds will be applied 1« thvsatisfaction ot the ludgme ».u>! k.iu'i. which i> tor $i(uoo, interest thereon at the rate of cent per annum, from October IQtj. the further Mini ot $5O.ou ti rncy ’* fees, the cost» and dtsbui l s < ■top i the cost* and expense» of »ale Na­ Dated this December .•O’l. 1QI | her H Crenshaw, I < n»i 1er how er. the street y are we on the tret!« huropean tra S ' ' i n k • Notice .:>« Sheriff* Sale I SCIENC1 X HIS b’.sv Notice 1» hereby given, th ' .1. < suant to an execution and order < lhe human voice, with »ale duly it sued by the Clerk ol th Circuit C ourt 01 the Mate ol t'ren' indications of prrs • lor I illamook Count), ami under $ he continent tjnxtn seal thereof, bearing date D tourist money w Tâlkmg bv telephone ¿Oth, 1914. upon a judgment me and hotel keepers crce dated December 24th, now an acct the case in the court win. rein mg up Man Kunze 1» plaintiff and of tl W ill the scientist who announced »tan, Henrv lhinstan, 1' B C that butter can be made directly tr m Alme«ia Luca«, Fred Bal it ami ar .ill, in t?' g tai • t ift going tucca \ alley Bank, a corporation defendant*, to me duly up, «ireadfulh oc plan« roquirr«! 1 hey say something of a pork bar­ have levied upon and will, »H Mot the 8th day of 1 ebruarv, I qi rel f r the state institutions has de­ court hou»e door, in 1 illamc I ' too veloped at Jefferson Cite Well. Tillamook County Oregon, the ci hour of to o'clock a m sell at publi Washington sets the exampk In the eastern theatre of war the auction to the highest bidder 1« r cash in hand, the following described con ’iti. ns at rekzemltvek are said real propertv to It is .1 splend.d s> « r One Reason Why | to be unspeakable Lot* 3 and 4 of Block very highest character, inn \A oh Thayer's ? Addition to Tillamoo T R. has to emerge from the re the human voice out over within the corporate limits of of Oyster Bay, now ami again, t< ex­ ^rei.ter than that of a I claim “Thais' another ite,” and, con mook k’ltv, Oregon), the f same bcm* • v ‘ ktulf nf ÖV situate in 1 illamoc •k C01 anty, < )rc have been provided by .«during the tales that arc told, he’s For the purpose of sa atisfying nchiding form ustified * judgment in sai«l cause, imaginary impulse, nvad .A doctor is urging cheerful h *» M i •- n * the >um ot with interest at parate vibrations a ae< cent per annum iron he kitchen a* well as in th? parlor I the rate of 7 Jchcate instrument, con December 24th, 1914. the further »um *w at the insane i 1 b”t th? great?*! *train <>t $i2> 10 4» attorney ’s fees, the rusts of 3 4'0 m.Ies, and rrprod»ic.-d t per cent ot the col«l bedroom at 7 a m to th an«! disbursements of the suit taxed al • were reported as suffer- | Once the hack yard e | $20 00 an«i the cost and expense «»I tlv? sab- le oth*r of the«? the barn a proper distance from has been made to travel an fast .is • » : r » 1 of trofie > I All uf the interest of deferd.i’it* a» number of fernal?s house. since than sound unaidr«! by tr ho .ii 1 • the Tarn ha» become I of the date ot the mortgage«! for* . but then«* ses was only 2.- ' solei?, belter put the ba«.k yard n deed, it rival« THOUGHT ?•. • : , i dosed in said suit, to-wit lhe fir it >oiit 8 per cent of front. | day ■ t October, ¡<¿09. « r sub>cquentl> nf its flight admitted If from Does a pecan grove in Texa always I acquired will be sold. • Dated thi» January 7th ¡915. • ’.missions the . pay, or is there sometimes such an Th«* unaginat.on can ' t feebly grar leducted, the di* . cracked and fed to the turkeys’ But cane? of such a tremendous accomplishm.'!.1 > • 1 0 telrphorr sexes practically , the turkey* pay. so y ou can’t lose Sheriff» Sale One hurnlr. i! tn.11: .n pisiple will hav.' (. r th. : thi i (bout «he arc left of the total , When you’re half through lanuary, dai'y use a system of communication that kr< a s In the Circuit < ourt of th St ’.“08 males as compared you're two thirds through th? winter ’ ( Ircgon tor the County of lillamoo no East, no W<-st, no North, no South. I> .. males, a slight excess °'. Somebody must A meri make some new Kathleen Mill», Plainurf. > greater than naturally weather adages, sometime. pri vii 1.1I.sms. sectional prejudices, must < und A VS. from the fact that there tually y ..14 to the closer union, the belt -r i.- t|. t I .sn St George was rather v ictorious Mary Jane Martin (Fonm rly Mary Jane Harris) and !es than females in the with the dragon, but he never standing, the more intimate comr deshi.i tl it undet - Caleb M Martin, her hus­ P<’< 1 took to put a steam roller to flight band, Defendants C mparison by Age Periods By virtue of an execution, judgm« it Tapan went to war with China in c statistics give the number of 1894, with Russia in 1904, with Ger | order, decree and order of sale issued of th? above entitled cc « of each sex admitted to hospit- many in ¡914 Are we ready for *92p| out t the above entitle«! cause , each «ge period per 100.000 per- How can they use the phra.«e, “lc-*e directed, and dated the 16th < • th«- same age and sex in the * majeMe ' «0 persistently in (ifrmany* .September, ¡914, upon a judgment ' and decree rendered ami enter« d in P ; nlation The ratio of admix-; It’s French said court on tHe 16th «lay of Septem­ with advancing year«, ' A dictionary of American slang i ber, ¡914, in favor of Kathleen Mill- maximum in extreme old useful, but it always panting to ke'p plaintiff ami against Mary lane dementia markes th? up. Now-, did anybody ever hear | tm rni«.rly Mar . Jam Harris Caleb M Martin, h r husband, ic mental faculties | “heaven* to Betsy” before? • Cendant*, t r the uni of five hun*lrrd mean that a majority For thirty years most people will f tw enty-five (525) dollars, together nc to institutions for know where th? River Aisne is, but with interest ! thereon at the rate of people. On the con- when thi* generation passes a away, it ten per cent per annum from the loth 12 per cent of the will b? forgotten again. play of April, IQIJ, until paid, am-ejiit A Missouri Farmer on Farm Credits Summon* to hospitals were Anyone who ha* been in a corru- ng to the surn of six hundrt«! eight ten an«l 90-100 (61K90) dollars, cal- about 57 gat* d iron shack ♦ . the p Iains in a . culated to the 23rd day of January, Ì here much 1 d -O years hail«»orm m y Wonder what is Mik < ouniy 19*5; together with the further sum through I ti I» Math of age but in proportion to the total audible effect of such a downpour I intiff. on ()i eight and 55-100 (8.55) dollars, t«» at I cannot ^2» per cent of tin p« t gather with interest thereon al the numb r of prop!- in th? same period an army in sh*?e* iron helmets i fendant rate of six per cent per annum from I r« strain mjsclf any longer r To rca«l huinr I» ss I tit« rest 1 of lif lumber of admissions i< I r.cle Jo? ( annon doesn’t sa. < August 12, 1914 until paid, al-<> the ugg« »lion* from great minds l.iltl «v. (I k .ibc « inml mcr i* beginning to about I ar'? ’han in middle life, where h? p -t* those long slim cigars • further surn of seventy-five (75 their $135,000,000 cotton l«»an is tire ginning to look on a in middle life than in *0 charaij ristic of him. there’s a for­ lars Attorney’s fees, together w ith Irrgon, appear and s«>m?. Ami now comes Mr. Burl on which fore« s him to In fact, very few young peo­ tune for, an ad man who w ill get busy. Ith? further sum of $23.00 costs ___ rimeritai lo his w* ll bring H« the costs of and upon this writ, com 1 McGinnis of Real I'.statc R«»w ple are included in th? admissions, manding me to make sale of the fol ever that is), with a suggestion that ing awake at nii lit» pomlering «pi and practically no children. Notice of Hearing of Final Account lowing described real estate, , situate caps them all. 'Think of .1 system b} tiofts tlnit a f« w years ago In r< v-ird Throughout th? entire life period . ! And Objections Thereto. of mu* presiribc«! 111 the I in the county of 'I illamook, State I for the Oregon, within the corporate limits which you could borrow money from cd with inditi« rene * 11« is « ducatin" the ratio of admissions for males is rv i< of MtimtmuiM bv public | at loll I the farmers and then loan it back of the ( ity of 1 illamook, to wit himself along lines wholi a few \e.n » tn I he b rg«r than that for th? other sex j In the County ('ourt of the State of' • answer, north f ast quart« r of Block Fi fit cn ! them Is this bunk ‘ < >r is the For I illamo«>k < ount ago hr 1« ft to hj balli.' 1 I hr?« htl 1 th« plaintiff will apply to th«* court I’pon eliminating tlr- case of alcoh-»|| •Jregon, In Ih (15) in Claude Thayer’s Addition to ... *.ie matter of the estate of «Irrd farm« rs ami wage «arm i» stayed l all whom rrncy fraud in Missouri almo’. Il left D Matney, for the recovery by 30 an ! above th? ag< f but is low­ I it maa that the undersigned, The best system that ever was, or there is not soni« thing «lone in good plaintiff «»f In*, cost» .»ml «lisbur « er I” the inte rvening year» This in has Fled concern, the commands of said writ, I will «»11 in the Gountv Court of the mi nis in nd stiii, and for Mich other dicates, in other words, that when I State of i')r> ^ont for Tillamook ( oun and after the 30th «lay of January, ever will be invented by which money faith f«>r th« ir b< neh! ilo \ w ill r< i i> and liiilh« i f« lo f as to the court mav tqr , at 10 o’clock am, of said «lay, can be loaned to the farmer, after it t< 1 th« 11 disgust in ballot» of plot« »t '.•<111 in<u't < onnty, Oregon, sell at public auction present banking svstem which skins wake up some fin«’ morning ami find l»v publication llo rrof bv onlrr of the I lloiiorabh lloimr 1 of insanity am«'»>g w< men than among February, 1915, at 10 o'clock a tn of (subject to redemption) to the high them goin and coming just call on certain business men have Itidgi of I illamook < Xprcss themselves men in the period o I I k ganized f«>r control of the governi ai«l «lay, nt th«- court r«xnri «4 ar! est bidder for cash in hand all the them to in the absence of the I Court, in 'I illamook < ity, l illamooi right, title and interest which the banking system of this years of age up to abou II Ih h, Judge of the I country I» .1 and that the jokes which they hav County. Slate of Oregon, as th« tim« within named defendants or cither of farce and since M r \\ ilsoti applied tlicir sleeve s will be g« nuim abo\ « 11a med, W Illi Il in early life and old age. I thmi had on tlx 10th «lay of April, an«! place for th? hearing of said a« - d.ihd the I2tll div ?ar at sai«l lirn I Ian , lois ants hav? sine«- acquired or now have, be fooled much longer. and and the date of public .itioii Louis Republic ' • 1IQ place and make their objections, if 01 cither of them has acquired or I he postal savings bank I hereof, and the is a farce, on or before raise «I a louder baa than ■tn y nt hr hi v the\ hat«. to sai«l act out '. '4 a now has, in the above describe«! and was m v« r intended which y«»n are a »pc property or any part thereof, to satis to answer d to do «liv­ sheep in the “buy-a-bale” baa of n settlement of «aid estate this Niininions, fy *aid cxecutmn, judgment, ord« r thing rx<< pt fof inter« ’ »!, ami the post - strong in (lie matter of diplomacy. John I.» land Henderson, Attorney of Oregon. visit th? ridicule which falls ujw.n it for said Estate. master walking light «mt ami ptilfinv I here is hardly any violation of tin since the cotton planter* have Dated, D«««rnber 28th. 1914 , .. failed Th? first poblica’ion L January 7th, Date of first publication December it into a privat« bank, and the bank« r co called comity of mitions that borrow funds, offered st 1 rates iqi 5. binning it back t«» my m iglibor f«»r not be < vaded or explained bv Nome Democrats, if Mr McCormick's state­ r. ipl1 and rea««>nable valuations, t«» /nah!«- The last publication is February /tb D t? of last publication, January 28, fr«jm 8 to 12 per cent Do the banker » technical provision ot international *9’5- . ment ill it ’ .ill«»» d I' 'ml Il ls join« I think the farmers will fall fur a fraud them may hr given full credence. : : hr •• bo m< M» M IM <•» Mr c. • tat •h. TF Hr wh « *