Tillamook Headlight, January 2f, 101 I THE EPISCOPAL CHURl H ion of the season has been planned. and a more rapid increa«; i 1 the nn at Services next Sunday at the Chap­ ooogggo & sc TIIJ AMOOKJOTTINGS At 8:15 sharp the singing will begin. 4 supply of the state. el in the Masonic Building. Holy Eu­ charist 11:00 A. M., and Evensong at The heavy freshet on 1 hursday of The grand old patriotic songs which HIGH SCHOOL NOTES last week carried away part of the filled our childish minds with awe, the Friday night, J-» 15. the n*Sht 7:50 P. AL Everybody welcome. rolicking darkic melodies of our Sun- Sunday School at io A. M. Bayocean road, and it will ..e about of the triangular debate between Rev. F. O. Jones, Vicar. $400 to replace it. Notwithstanding ny Southland, and the newer ragtime Gresham, St Johns and Tillamook, compositions which every young per­ that the dyke was built high enough, the negative teams traveling. 1 he St. son knows and loves will compose it was thought at the time, that no Johns negative team d bated Gres­ p T. BOALS. M.D., tide would go over it, The freshet on the prgram.____________ ham affimative team at Gresham los­ Thursday managed to get across the Farent-Teachers’ Association Meet­ ing to same by unanimous vote. PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON road, and not being finished, soon ing Postponed. The Gresham negative team went May Re Your Only Asset Surgeon S. P. Co. commenced washing. to Tillamook and debated the ■ IL S. (fl O. O F. Bldg ) The monthly Dime Social of the affirmative team in the Hijh sf these excellent people make the and three in St. John«, making a total AND ' ' These rates will continue until Nov­ long trip to Garibaldi every night to of 5 votes out of 9 votes cast. I illa­ COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. ember 30, 1915. attend Church. The meeting will con­ mook won I vote at home and 3 in St. T illamook B lock , Miss Florence Morgan was presid­ tinue this week and possibly next. Johns making a total of 4 votes out of Tillamook - - - - Oregon. ing hostess on Jan. 7 at the meeting ROOM NO. 261. Our services in town last Sunday 9 votes cast. This eliminates St. Johns of the Y. F. F. Club of Fairview. A were inspiring. A memorial service and Tillamook from the State League. J. CLAUSSEN, delightful afternoon made the da> was held in the morning for Rev. On Wednesday night, Jan.20, a . LAW YER, successful in every particular. A dain Morgan, first pastor of the Church in basket ball game between Bay City ty lunch was served by the hostess Tillamook, v.ho died last week. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT and the T. H. S. alumni will be play­ The Club adjourned to meet witl The fourth sermon in the Sunday- ed in the opera house. T his game 213 T illamook B lock Miss Helen Durrer at 1 o’clock Jan. evening series comes next Sunday- will be preceded by a preliminary 28. All young ladies of Fairview re night. Subject: “Truth's first martyr.” game between the Juniors and Sen­ T'Tlamook Oregon 1*1 ISE : I lie training of Teachers for pro­ quested to be present. Singer Baird, our great chorus leader, iors. The results of these games will fessional work. A Greek who had been working foi las promised us an anthem next Sun be published in next weeks issue of EACl LTV : Every member professionally Giebitch and Joplin at Garibaldi was lay night, and we are sure that all this paper. So far the Juniors have trained. paid 45 cents in check, which he rais­ lovers of music will be pleased. You won two games and the Seniors one. DEPARTMENTS : For fitting Elementary In the last game, however, two of the ed to $45.45 and George I’belps cash­ ire invited. H. A. Van Winkle. leading players on the Senior team, Teachers for city and rural schools. ed it. When sent to the First National Tillamook - Oregon' Alfred Boquist and Arthur Wallace, Bank the forgery was soon discover­ COURSES Professional, Supervisors, Rural, could not play. ed, and the matter turned over to ONE DRY ACT BOILED riiuary. C. HAWK, Thursday morning, Jan. 21, the final DOWN TO 115 WORDS Sherriff Crenshaw and District Attor­ ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS : Comple­ examinations will take place. All stu­ ney Goyne. A Greek was placed und All pending legislation intended to dents having recitation periods in the tion of twoyears’ high school work or its equivalent. er arrest, but it was discovered thai PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON make effective the prohibition amend­ morning will take their examinations the man who had raised the check GRADUATION : Completion of Elementary ment enacted by the people at the el­ in those subjects on Thursday. All Hay City had left for Poitland on Sunday. Oreg-on ) or Standard Courses leading to State Certificates ection last November is embraced in those that have afternoon recitations The annual meeting of the County i bill of precisely 115 words intro­ without examination will take their examinations on Fri­ 0ARL HABERLACH, Holstein Breeders’ Association was duced in the House by Representa- day. TERMS BEGIN: Regular, February 4 ; Short, held at the Commercial Club rooms ive Cardwell of Douglas County. ^ATTORN E Y- AT-LA W. 2 The Eighth Grade examinations April 5 ; Summer, June 21. on Monday, when W. E. Noyes was I The Cardwell bill, which, its author took place Thursday and Friday last re-elected president; Charles Kunze I says, is all that is necessary to make INFORMATION : For further information T illamook B lock week. There will be eight new entries vice-president; Ben Kuppenbcnder, I Oregon as dry as the proverbial bone, write to Registrar from the eighth grade and in addition Tillamook Oregon secretary-treasurer; and J. J. Rupp I is: to the.e several other new students director. The association decid Any person or persons who shall, will enter the Tillamook High School. Q ALVIN R. VVORRALL, 3 ed to affiliate with the Holstcin-Fie- I iftcr the first day of January, 1916, sian Association of America, and t< I nanufacture, sell or have in his, her I.AWYER, How’s This ? buy a set of blue books which will In I >r their possession for the purpose of .Ve offer O ne H undred D ollars R eward BUSINESS COUNSELOR..TITLES, kept in the office of County Agricult I sale any intoxicating liquor of any na- or any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY urist Jones. For Short Notes. I tire shall be deemed guilty cf a mis- by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. PUBLIC. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tried o. O. Carl Haberlach returned from a tri] I lemeanor and upon conviction tlicrc- Few people use a sheet of paper itt writing short We. the undersigned have known F. J. 25 years experience. Consultation outside this week. He reports busi ­ I of shall be punished by a fine of not Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe note* nownilii.vs the < orrespotulenee card is the F ree. perfectly honorable' in all business ness in most lines rather dull, there I less than $200 or more than $1000, him popular win . transactions and financially able to carry Commercial Club Bill , Tillamook. out any obligations made by his firm. being many vacant house-, and office ­ I >r by imprisonment in the County Mure popular still is the correspondence card NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. in Portland. The outlook for good I Tail for a term not exceeding six with tout initial tn the upper left corner. Toledo, O. 0R. L. L. HOY, Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, prices for cheese the coming season i- I months; provided, however, that this acting ’ directly We have a tine correspondence card, neatly ini­ upon the blood and mucous not very bright. At the beginning o' I ict shall not apply to licensed phv- surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON tialled in gold a good snappy stock which is proving Price 75 cents per bottle. Told by all the war, many of the condcnsors pin I sicians prescribing alcoholic liquor« free. vers popular, which we have marked at an attractive DriiivirL*" Take Hall's Family rills for constipation. T illamook B lock , the price paid for tiulk so high tha* I 'or medicinal purposes or the sale pi ice they closed down butter and cheesi I -hereof for scientific, sacramental or Tillamook, Oregon, plants. Now with Condensed inill I mechanical purposes. All laws and hardly moving at all, inost of th< I -»arts of laws in conflict herewith arc 24 CARDS AND 24 ENVELOPES milk is being turned into butter and I hereby repealed. EAT VIERECK’S FAR- KLMKR cheese. Butter in cubes is now sellim- Sold only by In striking contrast to this measure (Successor to Dr. Sharp), at 25 cents per pound. Needless t< I « the Committee of One Hundred's BREAD, say this has its effect upon cheese hill containing about 8000 words, and DENTIST. The Reliable Drueeist. prices. Were it not for the fact that he bill of Representative Lewis, con­ TILLAMOOK BAKERY, the Los Angeles market is taking .1 taining about 0000 words, either de- (. oiiiinercia! Building, Tillatnock certain amount of cheese, it would bi -igni-d to carry into effect the prohi­ hard to move more than a small per I bition amendment. The Cardwell bill B. E, DANIELS. cent of our cheese. Business picked is proclaimed by its author as con­ At All Grocers. up for a lew days after the election taining more real legislation than the CHIROPRACTOR. and again after the first of the year. I two others combined. Local Office in the Commercial but in a short time was in worse con- I “My bill will do the work.” said Building. dition than before Representative Cardwell. "You don't j® V 1C IK iS IS 'H IS II 111 51 Jl TILLAMOOK need another word to drive every sa- | Who Wouldn’t loon, brewery and distillery out of i « Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., W LJ T. BUI 1 Have their corns and all other t rou­ Surveyor. B A A . the state.” ble of their feet cured up when it is John Leland Henderson, Sec- | ATTORNEY-AT LAW. done so easy and so reasonable by a BECOMING SELF-SUPPORTING retary Treaa., Attomey-at- I Complete Set of Abstract Books in ■ practical Foot Doctor of over 35 Law, Notrary Public Office. à years' practical experience, such a* Livestock Industry in Oregon Shows Taxes Paid for Non Residents. Dr. Hanna, who is now stopping at Tillamook Title and Remarkable Gains. ■ T illamook B lock , the Hotel Ramsey, with office in the ¡ ----- o----- s Abstract co. parlor, where he can be consulted 1 That the livestock industry in Ore­ TillainooK - - . . Oregon Law. Abstracts, Real Estate. t free until next Monday. Botli Phones. gon has been developed to a point Surveying, Insurance. I which makes the state in.lepen lent of Both Phones. ■ £)R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN Womens' Clubs. I outside sources is indi ted by the ei TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. I annual report of the Pou a: <1 inion DENTIST, About seven years ago the Oregon stockyards for lpta Ih.« re,: on V. ■ ■ i «Bins Federation of Women’s Clubs adop shows that 597 iSn bead of livestock Successor to Dr. Perkins. ed the following resolution: of all classes w is re -civet! -hiring Hi.- TILLAMOOK, OREGON iH " I hat the Oregon Federation of past year, divide ' up as follows: 28., •♦*3 Women's Clubs adopt the last Wed­ 300 sheep; 237,2« hot-; 4,»60 cal­ t? EORGE WILI ETT nesday in January as Scholarship tie; 2,506 calvis and '.‘¿o horses anti ■¡gr ''I Loan Fund Day, when every Club in I mules. Oregon's contribution to this coogocooooooooooooooo the State is asked to do something to impressive total -vas .18789 cattle: ATI'ORNE ï AT I AW increase the fund which is being loan­ 2.149 calves; 1 14,on i hogs inn -00,4.5 I AMOOK ' <>M-Il ki I.IL BUIL i ed young women to assist in their «1- sheep, leaving only 3»; 'inimportant Tillamook Orei-oo ucation." balance to be ciedi't d I y s-irr jiind ng The Club women have responded slates. loyally to this resolution, and at the One not'h ; fe.xtu Eugene Convention last Octobi r the is the remark-.».-le ; Loan Fund trustee« reported $7005.00 number of ■«'*«; received, on* • ?,y<>o having been received for lh;s work, having been tecci«e.i in ’r,i. as com­ and that sixty girls had been aided in pared with 4.600 in 9,3; in »nú their education through this medium. b.8t8 in iQtt an] 8,29; n torch can be lit fund, and for this purpose they will are generally recognising the impor­ ■ pialities, the most thorough and every night until midnight conduct a Community Sing in the tance of retaining all young meet ani­ conscientious workmanship and be and register not over charged the most reasonable prices fifty cents per month Commercial Club parlors on Tuesday mals cither as future breeders or to We can supply single or double in the meter. CONPA n J evening, the joth of January An ad­ be shipped as adult animals, .» ".ove- >ets or any single article that you COAST POWER mission of ten cents will be charged, ment which can only result *11 increas­ may lie in need of. aud th. d.lightlU >oci. : IUnCi- ed buancial returns to the tarm.-rs W.A, Williams^ C< .1 A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY J Let us Write Your Next Policy. R OLLIE W. CCOllI et we T itli pern C te fr WA TSON, J Oregon’s School for Oregon Teachers E OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Oregon. Correspi uidcnce Cards 40c. per Box, C. I. CLOUGH F C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in tl Cement and Building Line I i I ■ I I EMPIRE MILKING h 15 Watt Mazda Lamp MACHINES See me and I Will prove it arpenter, Agent i Safi mook Tht Eats,’ A 1 for s. Th- ten c M. F. R ” A shiti A Ray