k* ”•» a . <•’ H 3? .e¡J u» > I le.nd I iuht. Tillamook «• .T- > ih i.-li X £X 1O1.Í. Ä. . * T / - l I -4 01 ‘ 4 AN ANN! AL EVENT OFFERING UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS IN STAPLES AND THE NEWEST AND LOVELIEST UNDERMUSLINS PROCURABLE. à .___ _ CORSET DAINTY COVERS At I’t ices Offering Savings on Every Quality. The daintie-t and [ icttieM ct styh- .lie included in tlx .-e dcsirabk“ Got-, t < > ver-, a- well as a -pl end id -t lection of utditx garment- Flit x are -how n in plain white muslins, tine nain-ooks. the m x\ t rept - and nain­ sook-de luxe Ahno-t everx -tyleof trimming is rrprt-eiiteil including genuine hand embroidery 50c. CORSET COVERS 39c. Av tn d values to '«»c in plain mu.-lin and nainsookCorsit Cover-, with prvttx trimming- of laces, insertion- and headings w ith ribbons draw u through 75c. CORSET COVERS 63c. Genuine hand embroidered Corset <’t>vcrs of tine nainsooks with trim­ tiling- of* headings ami shoulder -traps ot torchon lace am! insert ions. with ribbon- drawn through >• Reg .'rOc ,. 73c .. $1 11» \ alm - for 39c .. 03c .» -»'c Keg G9c Value- for -*7c ttsc 79c ., $ I 25 ‘»“c. A Splendid Selection of Ladies’ Drawers at Greatly Reduced Prices. > rm di criminating I >111 ilia -i t i >t dai nt X le otti t - nid i tn 11< d op I ndermuslins till- portunities tor ttiaki ig choice -elections 111 ex er x cl.is- of garment \\ hen w i inform x ou 11.. t to secure the famous 1 ‘>>\ < xoii will readilx uiuk'tst.uid the it a-t>n for tin* thu-ia-m the -ales people ait putting into showing of the-e lovi lx g.irment- To sax that when opi ned up tlx-c good- ex ceeded our expectations i- putting it verx mildly indeed, those who have alrcadx -etn the \ arii ¡ll­ lines have simply g >ne into rapture over the daintiness of design and beauty of work ma Usiti p represented in every quality file Siik‘ will I'omnit i;> >u Mon 1st. ami \iill positivi ly last foi otx We hope to ~ce x oil during tlx though you do not purcha-e now delighted to show the good- to x on I The Daintiest <>l UNDERMUSLINS at Prices Worth Noting. Evrrv garment is genuine!» roliiud m price 1 order to encourage buying while our stocks ate cm plete It i- no cxaggcr.it mil t - sax that prett i> t -t x b At this price there are several styles of garments to choose tiotn ami they arc shown in -uch fabrics as fine plain white Mu.-lins. fine Nainsooks ami desi rable cre|M?s The trimmings are both pretty and of good wearing qualities, some being finished with colored draw ribbons. 98c. SI.19 DRAWERS for Of the finest and damtie- t Nainsooks, these gar- ment- comi- witli t ucked knees ami with deep They a re flounces of verx- tine Swi ss embroidery in both finish and fabric. ally pretty exception Kleg H»c values for 32c. K< g 3*c values for 2Í le fS9c. Vidius for 53c. .. 5>c. valuc-b for he. .. 93c. \ allies for 1 »C. .. 75c. values for • ».Je $1(81 values for 79c. ,, $1 19 values for 9sc. Keg $13 3 value:- for $1 Os. Kt-y S.”c .. $1 ’*» .. 1 25 1 II ., 1.89 v allies vahíos values value­ values for • ’¿♦e for s7c. for Osi­ for li 19 for 1 59 K’l-g Take advantage of these price- on Staph this wi ek The value- .ire < x>'''| timiallv good ami the pri< <• s rep resent saving- that only careful ami int< I'igent buv- ing on our part could make possible. DIM1TYS. Reg 3SC- *■> inch wide for R*g Reg 38c. 90 inch wide fo- Reg 3oc. values for Reg 42c. 8" inc hwide for Reg Reg 25c. 43 inch Cotton Reg 37c. 43 inch Cotton 23c. 5t oo 43 inch Linen 89c. Reg 3IC. MUSLINS. nt ,tp Reg 13' ,c. 36 in Hope for Reg 14c. 36 in wide for tic. 12‘, iC. Reg 30c 37 in. Twill for «TC- HC. Reg »oc. 33 in. Indian head LONGCLOTHS. Isini 7 Reg. 15c. Values for ta'/ic. 16c. aie. 35c. values for INDIAN 29c. LINONS. Reg, u'/jC values for Reg. 15c. " " Reg. aoc. ” ” Reg. »jc. ” ” Reg 33C roc. .... ia'/ic Reg. 20c values for Rig i|c.jalue» for . . .. 33c. values for n’/ic. LINENS. wide for v.dm - for s.'k.-. '.l-l' 79r II I'l 1 33 III 1 'l! 2. ài 1 Reg. $3.25 7a in. wide for l»%c. DRESS arc. X alite* 1 I- 2 âo 2 23 V ¡llllea riliir» fur « ¡llura for for for D.iint v X* Pr.icii .il Princess Slip- at Reduced Pricc5 •a'Zc. Peg. 30c Madras Waisting for Reg 33C- »5 i 1 P'T»« »or >6c. Reg. 33c. Lenox Poplin for Reg. 33c Mercerized Poplin for »1C. 2QÇ. ali v.ibie* »•” X lllle* •» Ht •> •W 2!». .............. 52 .... X l'lll'M Vil I III-a T a i.r i m I’OWDER. 15c. S pecial , 2 C ans 5 c . Bi:Rhi i i y CAMHRK S, »7C. 29c. a;c. I I Pl "ill SI 23 ribbon beading on tlx* tups with pretty ctnboidery worked on the fronts. 79< . .. n fab - Suiting for ravj li to il.n procurable ami the ir- I I« So -txlc« i thoM I •<><>d F I of tb« 1 « I At tin- economical price vi ii arc offered a clioict of practiv.il and d.iintx Princess slips m the new crepes finished with HcallotH'd edge i aixl draw rib- verv pi i 11 x -txle t x l> hi plain w hitf bon top- and a verx preltv insertion trimming and hand muslin, with lace 1 ami .............. euiliroiderx worked in b« t \\ « <11. the tops being hni-hcd w ith draw ril»b>>r •4 il I Hi » 1 ' 11 IS arising for Tin up ilute garments . ire made . ... se up lo » r.. K Nainsooks ’ ’ to o.ue garments of â firn- and have drawn 68c. Reg. 25c. 28 in Fey I,awn for -..I.,. $1.48 CHEMISE for $1 23 35c. 63c. RICS AND WzMSTINGS. 35c. 3tc. Si.79 Linen for IM $1 2" valut­ Mad> in the tiew 1 envelope styles and of the popular and easily laimd< r< d Crepes, I hose garment s come prettily trimmed with good scrv iet uible lace. TOWELINGS. Reg 35c. 30 in. Turk for Reg 29c- 33 in- Turk for Reg 7$c. 16 in Linen for Reg 75c. 33 in. Linen ............ for Weg- R’» r Rt’liuLir It n> kb-Kiil.ir k'.g-ul ir and • i I- < I .» * .’2# »I .13 1 — 2 U- There's liardlv a week goes bv without the need I hese new .. garments are atlraeling considerable attention on the port of ladi< - who desire to secure the table ; linens . arc. 28c. I • <’> \ 11li«*» for >1 I > I vu him for I «>!» P ILLOW CASES, SHEETS. BED- SPREADS and Hundreds of Otherrongl ever Household Needs Underpriced. The NEW ENVELOPE CHEMISE AND DRAWERS. 79c. $1.09 Reg 59c. 66 in. Union for SUITINGS, hfrglilur h’i'l¿t||nr S.U $1 ' • » \ .ihlrw for icll I rit Lv Com •ks gr »OCJ /( with prettv colored draw ribbons. 79c 791 Reg. Ji.00 46 in wide fcr Reg ti 39 46 in wide for Reg 98c 3t in Regiilur Regni ir Rrgulur i» Muslins. N-iinsook- Crepe- and Nainsooks de luxe are the fabrics represented in these desirable gar incuts I n addition to the manv |irettx trimmings there are genuine hand 57' Reg. 95c. 36 in. wide for Reg 981 42 in. wide for 17c. ENGLISH NAINSOOKS Reg 15c. Snowite for Peg !7’/ic. Snowite for 13'aC. i6r. Reg $ 1.88 72 in. wide for Reg. 20c. values r I Reg 25c. values for Reg 15c. values for ART ' PRETTY COMBINATIONS. and Other Yard Goods, which if Bought Now will Save You Many Dollars. Reg 69c. 36 in price we -how ver) fine with prêt t X 111 ill inings of laces mnl insertions finished xx dh pretty c oli irei I ilk bow - At thi- N. 1111 .. •*! I'-' value­ for 9sc .. 1 39 values f i > r $I 13 FRi .:ni lr fl . II' values f<>r 1 23 I Ri'U 11I1 r I .. 1 '.»3 values for 1 fi.3 I Resillar 2 98c. COMBINATIONS for 79c. SHEETINGS. PILLOW TUBINGS TUBINGS. 31.4S PETTICOATS for 31.23. $1 44 Princess Slips for $1 ¿9. two stxles of trimmings in Muslin Com bi nat ion-. < ach style being lini-h< d PILLOW I In -e I 'ett no.lt arc shown 111 the new crepe fabric1 .uni arc tini -lied at tlx- edges w ith - talk¡ping I or it|>.to date a- w«dl as i a-iIx 1.1 unde t cd gar mi nt- the-c are i uc pt e mal I >a i raí n * 85c. NIGHTGOWNS for 69c. At this price we offer a choice of Peg 51.25 90 inch linen for 83c. < tnbroi'U i cd fini.-ht - 7jW--.cE 'Cty.t,::, SHEETINGS. ( it |„ Allthi mii-lin-, N.nti-oi k- de luxe ami 4'biin fiiuex ami ti^uretl eri p> - art- repri-enti >1 in « ur -election- of new i nightgow ns NIGHTGOWNS. ■ t fa i. Nainsook nightgowns in tin- slip over style with very -hort Kimona sleeve- scalloped at the edge- The neck- are finished with prt tty beading, with daintv colon i! ribbon drawn throuch 63c. for PETTICOATS for 31.00 I >ct t II . lilt , III IX X5 'II':' I ot h -t X h . ' 1 «J offered at tlx -i ■ .1 \ ' c I ' I < ' art do wn ill Mil-lia- Nam-ook- .¡tul nt dit x The V I > w i ■ - e tu b t o i > I’ r X l iti Crepes with t r 11111 n t n ¡. . ’ ■ • I . \ al I.H > and draw id¡l>on- m v.rioiis pi'ttjt lopi'd edges -hades LADIES’ DRAWERS for 29c. DRAWERS BUYING PROFITABLE NOW bxx is- Embroidery ami luce Itimiiitil mu-lii's and Nam sook- a- Well a-thr with scalloped eilge- are tloW lu'lllg j -IlnXXII 111 -Ivies suitable for wealing w ith tin ix XX < >ow lis \\ e should lx- glad to -how them to vou ■ •I le undcrwi.ir These economically priced I ink rg.irtm nt-are made of fine !• Ki presented in the .selections of the various ipiali ties of Ladies’ 1 »rawer- there are -uch up to date fa­ brics as muslins, nainsooks, crepes and nainsook- de luxe, with trimming- on the daintier style- <>f ex ceptioiial beauty, the plainer styles being nicely tim-hed with tuck-and Swi-- t uibroidt rit- 38e. LADIES’ PETTICOATS PRICED 12ic- new sliet ts., pillow cases, bedspread*, 1111C1« I lx- rithi ¡¡tiren' towel-, napkins, etc , atid if xoii would -ave on such ■nie, « purchases, buy during this < >r« .it White S.ile ildreti' PILLOW CASES. mnl tn ni ns pri ins. Reg 15c Size 43x36 for Reg. aoc. Size 45x36 for Re« 5175 full «ize for 5i.l» ling lai Re« 5i 88 Full «ir* for 5l 4» Reg 53 35 value* for 5» 13 value« for ti <• ■oc. Reg 53 50 value* for Reg »1 7< value« for 5» w 3JC. Re« 5z 98 valu«« for 13’4»-. . IJC. /OH / /.S. Reg Re g 13' .c. 18*36 Huck« IOC. Re« >»' ,c 16x33 Huck« Reg 33c 31M46 Tuik« SHEETS. T A IH I Reg 83c. Torn Size 73x90 med ready for uae for Reg g$c. Torn Site 81x90 med ready for use Reg 5> 00 Torn Size 81x90 Hand drawn Hemstitched for 79c. Reg 5t no "Fruit of the f.oorv" >ti Stun per de «en Reg !■ 5l 7S per floren Re« ¡. 51 98 per doren »1« 5« »9f. fl eg 5a.oo Vent« «ml Pant« Reg 4jc.>Ve«t« anti_____ .or F¡¡ Pant« Si *1 Re,’. Sa 50 Ve«t« ami Pant« 81x90 Hem«titched Sheet« 79c Reg ¡. 5s s" per doren Women's White Knitted UNDER­ WEAR at Rett arkablc Savings. ’ Reg <;oc. Ve«t* and Pant« Reg 63c. Ve»la and____ _ Pant« Reg. 5t.oo Veat« and Pant« 35c. , 39c Reg. 75c. Union 4SC. , Reg. S1.00 Union Suit» 6oe. 50C. i Reg ^t.?c ('• n S~. » 87«. 7,1 ou I I ion Suita Si 91 Rec Suita 40C.