RCH. Ie Chap, •oly Eu. isong ie. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY 2S, Ji.So PER YEAR. 1915 COMMUNITY SING. \\ e have made special arrange­ ments with the Telephone Co., to connect you directly with our office, Women’s Civic League Give Great in case you wish any of our GOOD Entertainment at Club Rooms. COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W )r«8c# The Civic Improvement Club is one Mrs. Alex McNair, who has been Acquaintance under the care of the Mayo Brothers, of the greatest forces of good in the is expect' d to return home about the city. The membership is composed oi first of the month. She has greatly the best thinkers and best intelligent Not’the least of the advantages of havinjx a checking improved in health and has gained 28 ladies of Tillamook, who are unself­ ishly giving their time and ability for pounds in weight. ccount at this bank is the acquaintance which it promotes he advancement of all that tends to- »etween the depositor an«l our officers. The next play to be offered by th« vards the betterment of the mora's Dramatic Club under the auspices o .nd the education of our citizenship, This acquaintance enables our officers to get in touch the Booster’s Band will be the ver« >ur schools and our city government. vith the interests of the depositor, and to lend all the co- , funny comedy in 3 acts "Other peo ,Ve shall expect great results and our »peration consistent with conservative banking- •pie’s Money” This play is written foi citizens generally should and will Our officers gladly welcome the opportunity to extend laughing purposes only. The date lend them support. H ocse , will soon be announced. the facilities of the bank to new depositors. The officers of the club, under the Oregon, fficient leadership of Mrs. C. J. Ed­ The Mohler Mercantile Co., vs. W S. Brobst and wife is a suit filed ii wards, as president, are doing some- the circuit court to recover $236.64 hing besides talk. The Commercial CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, lub, to encourage the ladies in this for merchandise furnished the defend ants. A second suit was also file« ;ood work, have generously donated he use of their club rooms free of I aganst W. S. Brobst to recover $15« V. barge, for all meetings of the club. on a note given to the company. •Ye vouch for it, that within a year Found! A line of buggies with the hejron, >ur city and county will feel the ele­ quality, that we can sell in competi vating influence of these most excel- tion with the mail order business and ent ladies, in a most excellent county save you money. Bring your cata­ Carnagie Library, a new City Hall, a jajgj’S3iaíEEiaí3i33iaí3EiciEí3íaiaíEi3iaiEiará®r3JEíKj c logues and come in and compare liglier moral and educational stand­ prices. Every buggy fully guaranteed. —Tillamook Feed Co. ' * ard in our schools, an elevated stand- ird and better knowledge of elections There will be a club dance given by HLLAMOOK JOTTINGS The ladies of the W. R. C. gave «nd state and local politics, a better the Commercial Club on Friday even­ Berenice Dick a very- pleasant sur lygene and eugenics of home life, bet- ing, which will be by invitation. Houses to Rent, see Watson. * prise Wednesday and presented her er citizenship and a higher state of Wanted Black Minorca Rooster, with a bouquet of red carnations. The Born, on Monday, to Clem Plasker, morals with advancement in church single comb, must be blooded bird.— afternoon was spent in needlework i son. 'ife. We need their influence to refine, Inquire of Mrs. Frank Elliott. T'lla- Light refreshments were served and Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tílla­ beautify enoble all our lives. * mook. a general good time was enjoyed. The "Community Sing” given under ntook County Bank. matched For Sale — A span of well their auspices, at Commercial Club E. J. Bowers, of the Brooks Pack ­ The place to eat is at black geldings, 8 years old, weight ing Co., Pismo, Cal., has leased F. D. rooms, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 26th, ------- Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. 2250.—Eastman Wilson Co., Beaver, Small’s salmon cannery in this city was a gran«! success, some 300 citi­ A heavy team, wagon and harness Oregon. • for six months for the purpose of can zens together with most of the school for sale. See Shrode. * About $25.00 Jones-Knudson Furniture Co. vs., ning crabs, clams and small fish. This children were there. £ON The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying receipts will be utilized for the benefit will open up a new industry in this recover M. J. Gersoni is a suit to ten cents for green hides. 5107.45 for goods sold and delivered city and will give employment te of the educational loan fund of the state Federation of Women’s Clubs. clam diggers and others. regon Money to loan on farm mortgages to the defendant. The central committee in charge was ------ F. R. Beals, Tillamook, Ore. Prof. Baird wishes to meet the Married on Monday in this city, by Mesdames Oscar Schultz, Wm. J. Hill A fine quality of Tillamook mad« Rev. E. Gittins, pastor of the M. Fl. choirs of the different churches at the A. N. Erskine, and S. W. Conover, shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. * church. Howard Harris and Miss Christian Church this (Thursday) each of whom was also chairman of evening for- the purpose of making A marriage license was issued tc Mabel Lance. »ther special committees, Mrs. Hill, preparations for the County Sunday Refreshments; Mrs. Conover, Music; Ray Tyson and Emma Bauer. J. H. Dunstan who is president of School Convention, which will b regen ■Vlrs. Erskine, Invitations; Mrs. D. E. he Fair Board, will leave for Cor- --- 1 F. R. Beals has resigned as presi vallis where he will attend a county held in this city on FebFuary 5, 6, an«’ Mackenzie was in charge of the musi­ dent of the Port of Tillamook. 7- cal program, ably assisted by Mrs. air conference. Spray'your trees! 50 gallons o W. S. Raker, of the Northwestcri P.'S. Whitehouse; Doorkeepers, Mrs. Mrs. N. W. Phelps and children spray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. * Mutual Life, is in the city, and cam« W. G. McGee, Tom Coates and Mrs. ifter a visit with her parents Mr. and Tf.K We are in a position to make som« Mrs. I. C. Rowe, returned to her in with the check to pay the $100« f. Stranahan; Mrs. E. E. Koch assist­ policy of Chris Zwcifel had in th« ’d by other ladies, presided at the IY long time farm loans. First Nations lome on W ednesday. company. The deceased took the pol piano. Bank. Choice seashore lot, Brighton icy on August 22 and four month The program was: "America” by fptror. Dry fir wood $5.00; Hemlock $4 50. Beach at a bargain. It’s worth $700. later on the 22nd of December h^ entire audience. delivered any where in town.—Rosen­ now only $450 cash. Write to Peter died. Round, “Three Blind Mice,”—sung niook berg’s Store. Damis, St. Helens, Ore. in sections. E. Sekulich, a native of Montenegr. W. G. Dwight vs. J. A. Ross et al, "Annie Laurie”, audience. One ton of coal equals two cords of was arrested in Portland last Thurs is a suit to recover $500 on a promis­ wood and you don’t have to sow and “Old Folks at Home”, audience Jay night charged with forgery. Hi E0\ sory note. Round, “Bray goes the Donkey, split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello was given a preliminary hearing oi * Attorney H. T. Botts left on Mon­ Central Gi’me 28W. Tuesday, charged with raising a checl In which the gents were expected tc '»ray but being too timid the ladies did day on a business trip to Portland All persons owing me are requested from 45c to $45.45, which was cashei he braying to the great delight of al! and Salem. by George Phelps at Garibaldi. Scku to call and pay the same before Jan­ >ne man saying "we can moo like a We will soon have several cars of uary 31st, 1915, otherwise credit will lich claims that he did not raise th« :ow, but don’t know how a donkcj check and that another party did 3« * hay for sale from the car. See Shrode cease.—W. A. Williams. but he does not deny he cashed th« '»rays, for we can't milk them”, which for prîtes. A. F. Coats Lumber Co. was award­ check. The justice bound him over u brought out a great laugh, Guy Bunn and Arch Myers have ed the contract for lumber to plank ¡he grand jury, placing his bond at Violin solo, “Träumerei”,-by Dr. E rented a large farm and cheese fac- the first part of the Bayocean road, $2,000. E. Koch, received a hearty encore. it $8.60 per thousand delivered. tary near Otis. The High School en Mass, sang i.’ockl Ole Lane was tried before a jury in "Tis a long long way to Tipperary” Would like to purchase 15 or 20 Wanted, to trade a bungolow in Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanley’s choice milch cows. Write or call 1. B. Portland for a bungalow in Tillamook court on Friday, on a charge of as­ .he entire audience joining in th« chorus, even Carl Habcrlach. Mead, Garibaldi, Ore. Apply to Attorney John Leland Hen­ sault and battery upon Vcrnie Kel- "Listen to the Mocking Bird”, gent? * low at the Hebo school house on Sat For Sale—Range and household derson, Tillamook, Oergon. whistling the chorus, Judge Talmage goods. Call at the Burr Beals resi- There arc 502 persons of school urday, Jan. 16th, which appeared t- and Col. Worrall, both got off the :jsl dence, Stillwell Ave. * age in school district No. 9, 250 being have been a free for all fight in a tune, but both made a hand at the nales and 252 females. This is an in- neighborhood quarrel. The case was table. Chas F. Pankow has bought Ed’ hotly contested, District Attorney T. rrease of about 60 over last year. Reading by Mrs. Stranahan was Garage, and will in the near futur« H. Goync prosecuting and Attorney erect a fire proof building. Land plaster will help you to clean C. R. Woriall defending Lane. A« heartily enjoyed by all. "Old Black Joe” by gents, ladi For Sale— A number of good mill rut the Yellow Weed and at the same there appeared to be about the sanu joining in the chorus. and ime fertilize your Oat, Clover amount of evidence that the defend­ cows also one yearling Holstein Bub "Valley of the Moon,” by the Hig! Co., ant did and did not strike Kellow, th« jrass crops. Lamb-Schrader pure bred.—John Schild. School, led by the deep rich voice o * Tello 28W. jury brought in a verdict for the de A. F. Coats, of Aberdeen, W ash. ^rof. Onthank, which made up it t8 V Protect your valuablc papers from fendant. It sc. ms that the jury ob •loiie what it lacked in culture. andt connected with the A. F. Coat: he unexpected fire by renting one of jectcd to that kind of a case beine Lumber Co., is in on a visit. On call from the audience, “Yanke g® jur safe deposit boxes. Only one brought into court, causing expens« Doodle" and “Dixie” raised the rooi I will sell 35 acres on the South lollar per year. Tillamook County to the taxpayet s. ill ending with "Auld Lang Syne” side of my ranch in Owens.—\\ nt« Bank. • lE.'j which brought tears of joy and mem to C. Lutmon, Lookinglass, Orc. * A Fair Warning. ory of other days to many of us olde Anyone having the leather ealander ----- o------ « Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ itands given away by this Agency in Then Mrs. C. J. Edward» Those who have not taken the ad­ ones. sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for 914, can have ealander pads for 1915. vantage of the rare opportunity of president of the club, gave an enjoy * merly of the Spanish Kitchen. by calling at this office.—Rolle W. having their sore corns and other foot ible talk on “What Civic Clubs Do,' Watson the Fire Insurance .Man. * rouble cured up by Dr. Hanna, the full of thought and information. BR W. Robbins, formerly of thi Then the best of all, goo«l coffe« Expert Foot Doctor, will have tc punty, was in the city on business A divorce suit was filed by Edytli like mother used to make, rich cake Long against her husband, Roy C. hurry for next Monday will positively -^ Oregon’s School for Oregon Teachers. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Oregon. PURPOSE : The training of Teachers for pro­ fessional work. FACULTY : Every member professionally trained. DEPARTMENTS: For fitting Elementary Teachers for city and rural schools. COURSES : Professional, Supervisors, Rural, Primary. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS : Comple­ tion of twoyears’high school work or its ctpiivalent. GRADUATION : Completion of Elementary or Standard Courses leading to State Certilieates without examinât ion TERMS BEGIN: Regular, February 4 ; Short, April 5 ; Summer, June 21. INFORMATION : For further information write to Registrar. '■! g —I I bfllWBR’S VARIETY STORE, TIhUnmOOK, i OREGON. “ Drop in and book Around ” Û cnship and better Christianity. based on actual figures for the y« ar, ycir, Wc echo the sentiment of all by while whi! e in former years, the month of aying, all honor and praise *o the December ami and frequently »November November ivic Club, come again. were estimated. . Twenty new lady members were nrolled and 29 gentlemen, the lat Swastika Club. er being honorary members. Red Clover Creamery. At the annual meeting of lift stock olders of the Red Clover Creamery, innary 19th, the stockholders ex ressed their satisfaction of the mail­ er in which the business of ibc actory was conducted during the past rear, by reelecting the former Board of Directors and voting to remain in- ' 'ependent for the present. All of his factories output for 1914 has been old and the patrons paid for the D ember milk. The total amount ot heese manufactured was 280,687 ¡ounds, the patrons receiving $1.52 ■ed too pounds of milk. Average /early test 409; the yield was II.IO ounds cheese to each 100 pounds of tilk delivered. Owing to all the 1914 output being old and reported, these averages are The Swastika Club met on Friday, January 22nd, at the home of Mrs. B. D. Lamar. The hostess served an laborate dinner winch was enjoy« d by all. The invited guests were Mes- dames Whitehouse, ( lough Campbell and Crenshaw. The club will ¡licet with Mrs Koch in February. How's This ? A’e offer O n K H indkkd D ollar « H awaii » or nny ch . m - of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall** Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY * CO.. Telcdo. O We, the undersigned have known F. J. < heney for the Innt I.*» years, find believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL IIV-K OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucotta surfaces of the system Testimonials wrrt free, ¡’rice 75 cents per bottle. told by all Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation