Tillamoolc Headlight, January 44. Report of the condition of T <<»• 'IILI.AMOOK GOSSIP. LEADING Now that the women folk have started out to beautify the city, they iiiip .I ni.akt good or the men folk will have the laugh at them. It they •siiccicd, w< move that the city he placed under petticoat government foi mo-i oi the men folk know that it is a pretty good government to be un • «L t Prospettive grooms had better kie¡ > .their weather eyes open when they apph for a marriage license ami not allow the county c lurk to pill one over on them by is suing a stud hoi '.u license. Bro. I rombh y can prove that Democratic tree trade is successful by the staganation in business, the large niimln r of men out of employ ■ imnt and empty houses in this city. li there were as many desertions from lhe I'm<»]><•;in armies as there are from tin Bull Moose party the w;u w i/uld soon < nd. AND FASHIONABLE OREGON, JAN. 14, year. I he timber men folk have been saying they favor good roads and good chord-, but my neighbor, 1 oin .'.iiitli, who is one of those grouchy fcllov.s, was as mad as a bear with a sore head when I told him what we women folk were going to du to get a permanent highway through the county. All the women folk in the county arc going to join the movement and we'll show those men folk, who keep shooting off their mouths about hard surfaced roads how to get them in a few years. The grouchy men folk who oppose this movement will be pickled in one of Butcher 1.each's pork barrels and sold for fertilizer, which is the best way we women folk know of getting rid of the grouchy men folk. Rivals for a Rich Buxom Widow. (By Mrs. Belinda Sourgrass.)___ I hear that Calvin Worrall has a matrimonial bee buzzing in Lis bon­ net. I hat is not exactly the right wav to put it. A buxom, rich widow is stuck on him and Calvin is ready to throw hinisilf.it the foot of cupid. \\ e hear however, that the editor of the Gossip is a rival of Mr. Worrall, ior he requires a tub widow to fi­ nance the Gossip. He ll.as already started for Texas to be first on the job. I tie chances are the editor of the Gossip will win the rich widow and bring her back to Tillamook as a trophy of matrimonial warfare "There Was Nothing Eair About : It. I his was a -------------- remark by _____ one _____ of onr 1 --------------- --------- -j leading citizens and heavy taxpayer- w ho attended lhe taxpayt rs’ meet­ ing to Inar lhe discussion on the budget. There was nothing fair in the timbcrmcri trying to fool the people by having <1 s-ction of law iea chief k citi adtnin- “Wets” and "Drys.” illy Mis IL linda Sourgrass ) I was invited to some of the social fun ciions at Fail i iew , w In 1 e lhe women folk I. v-ar I I hap- ' nr the pants. pants pined to hear a bevy of men 1 folk talking "wet" and "dry". Of . course I I1.1 1 lo tint in- bottled up feelings on this subject so I just laid down the law lo those men folk More I talked more they snikered, when one smart-Alex dnmfonnded me completely, He said: Madam, we were talking about 'wet' and 'dry' cow- I haVe been as mad as a "wet” lien ever since. ------- o------- Infant Industry. —— o—— I \\ o '-iltt.'Bs ip town had appe.tranci this week. I A Wise Suggestion. (By Mrs. Belinda Sourgrass) " • " •■•»><•»» folk arc not Roi„K to Maud for nnj more monci being fooled iwai maintaining tb the high- wax lliiough the count, with ■ •1 eruslî- u eravel, and this is to give '"K notic, that we women gome to reeommenrl a ten 1 " anothet irai H1,l that “ "" '' 6’1 hard.surfacing Illy next time the to ride in y line at iv in the NEWSPAPER. "Sav Bill, , they've started - --^ . - ...... an in- f un indu-.lix over in Tillamook." I I1.1t in. Ike \\ hat is it ?" "Why, tin' Democratic plague h ive ’made money and work so si ire,-, the. are going to have a re- < li election every month." "Well that won’t put money into 1 i' dilation, w ill it ?" 'Acs -lire, those wise Tillaniookets knows bow to figure out the amount of butter fat there is in a rccall < lection. They have it down pat in fixrwrrs at about $1.200, and 12 re- call elections in a year means ♦ 14.- p>o placed in circulation." "But they have to put up the mon- cv themselves." "That's where you're fooled, They only pay 20 per cent of it and I the other 80 per cent conics from non- residents It’s a!1 new tnonev and these recall elections open up a w iv to put that much more money tn «irculatiotl.” 1915. “Say, Ike, these Tillamook people are pretty wise folk when they can start up an infantry industry like that.” “You bet they are.” ------- o------- Pull I Pull!! Pull!!! There’s going to be a scramble to get on the next advisory coin- mittee. For this reason: The “pul!" of the Fairview delegate obtained more hard surface pavement than was at first planned, the “pull" of the W liecler-Garibaldi road booster obtained a good big wad,the “pull for a bridge across the river at Woods succeeded in its "puli’; the "pull" for the Loerpabel and the Dean’s point roads, etc., all cut a figure, Bayocean didn’t get a chance to “pull” because it had no represen­ tation on the advisory committee to “pull" for it. Fashionable Gowns. (By Mrs. Belinda Sourgrass.) As I have been appointed critic on the staff of the Gossip, it was natur­ al that I should have becoming duds to fill that important position with due dignity, so I hiked off to Hal- tom's January Clearance Sale. \\ ell I bought several of the lovliest gowns in the store, and when I showed them to my neighbor, Mrs. Smith, she said as soon as I wrapped myself up in them they would have to L ive a government stamp on them to prove that they were the latest fashioned gowns, and tint 1 had bet­ ter look out for the war tax collector. If any of those fellows cante around when I’m lucked away between the sheets in my new gowns to ascer­ tain whether the government stamps are attached there is going to be trouble. full of roses; with eyes that would dim the lustre of a Colorado sky and with a voice that would make lhe song of an angel seem discordant, and she says, as she comes to the door. ., “I can’t go for a few minutes, I ve got to help mother with the dishes. Don't give her up. Stick to her like a burr to a mule's tail. Just sit dow.i on the doorstep and wait. It she joins vou in two or three minutes, so much'the better; but if you have to stay there on the door step for a hall hour, you just wait for her. It you don't somebody else will and in time you’ll be sorry. For you’ll realize I I M ■ V, lost. . ■> - • ■ , what you » have Wait tor for her boy. She s w worth orth it. —Ex. Wait for Her. Boys! I he girl w ho is unkind to her mother isn’t worth a tinker’s dog- gone 1 his isn't written in anv part of the Bilde. but it’s written in the history of thousands and thousands ol misfit homes. If one of you bovs ever run across a girl with her face Bethmann Hollwig '”’stry in the manner of his finding Great Btitian responsible (of the present war in Europe It Russia hail not hern fortifie,1 with the iiitsii alliance, lie said to the corre«- cndcnl uf tllv Associaied Press, she onld not bave committed the overt ts uhhh forred thr kaiser <* And tu dut lare war. 1 hi* is probubly an a vcu rah* estimau oi th< fortes at work in Fu- îo | d »n dq.lutnarv durinç some weeks prccediiig the opening „( hostilities. ■ t is not ittdilu l\ • hat. without the ritiah allianee, the czar would have burn nuich less ht llicosi The Rus sians hâve I h ' vii seeking an opportu nity f* »or _ wiping out the Japan« se e bonds of matrimonv whatever new names diplomacy may invent for such things in future. I i kuntitf of his coita anil T Musical Announcement Ç 4 ' To the Lovers of Music of Tillamook Conn I beg to annomice that I have opened up with a con'.plete line of Musical In­ strumental and Sheet Music and Ac- cesories ir, Mt irrison’s Confectionary, near Po8toff\ce Summons. '»cm meet, nght »nd equitable. 1 his summons is served upon ’ you Inn! >Cr" u th,reof bv °rd'r of'the ' Honorable Homer r- . .'oilgc of lillatnook County’ Orcgo!' Beh T T' °r ,f;e Honorable H ‘ ' Hilt. Judge of the Circuit c ’bote named, which said -ourt latcd the 12th day of J»- order is ' an>' the date of the r ouarv, iqi ; hereof is the 14«*- ->rat publication ' and the dat' . ' day of Ian., tore 1 hy'‘ci. and th” t'aJ J’** Publication " ich voU ar, ‘ dale on or before this summon« i« ti?U,re . <• riy ny one class, cla-sS, for some of our idy, gooc !y, folk need a lot of cur In loit tin v can break away from tin k i l, un-Christian habit of speak­ ing ill and saying .all manner of bad things about other people. ------ o------- SOCIETY The Tillamook County Bank, » I Attorney for Plaintiff I 1 CA \ l in and get acquainted . 1 expect to make Tillamook my future home. Expert Pi ano Tuning and Instrument Repair Work, etc. R. P. WHITAKER, The Musical Man At MorrAson’s Confectionary. Agent for Slterm an de Clay & Co.’s Pianos. * $