Tillamook Headlight, January l91>' l4> r The lesson hour was devoted to a 4.20 T. W. Lyster .............. study of Act. I, of Richard HI, which 42 27 A. F. Coats I.br. Co. .. proved so interesting that we exceed­ •95 Court convened on the 6th day of E. D. Hoag ................... ed our time limit. We adjourned to 312.05 January with the following members A. F. Coats Lbr. Co. the dining room where our hostess present: The Hon. Homer Mason, Total ........................................ $956.45 served a dainty luncheon. Judge; Commissioners, frank Owens, The next meeting of the club will be Road District No. 3. Geo, R. McKimcns; J. C. Holden, at the home of Mrs. C. I. Clough in 2.50 A. E. Myers ........... clerk; II. Crenshaw, shetiff. 2.50 February. In lhe matter of the J. Y. Bradley I*. Myers ................. 1 10.30 H. G. Kennan ........ road the same is continued. COMMERCIAL CLUB NOTES 3'0 In the matter of the Alex Anderson J. Lewallen ............ 1.25 Claud Lane ............ road, the same was continued. Some Important Changes in Rules. 2.70 hi the matter of claims against G. M. Kostic.......... ■S I.2O L. Jensen ................. the county of Nelson K Co. for $8.25, The club rooms are always warm, 7.92 Nehalem Livery for $5.00, and Beaver Lbr. Co., . evenings, Sundays and week days, the W heiler Lumber Co., for $115.52 for reading room contains the following 70 Total ............................. lumber, same are continued. publications; come and enjoy them' General Fund. In the matter of the appointment 4 Scientific American, Literary Digest, 2.50 Particularly in such lines as Shoes, Oilclothing-, of deputies lor the various county D. C. Collier ...................... .... Out of the Rut, Saturday Evening offices the following appointments R. T. Boals ........................ .... 7700 Men's Work Boots. Staples and Ladies’ K’eadv-to-Wear Post, Oregon Country, Life, Puck, ■ ¡L arc approved: Kathleen Mills, Villa Plaskcr Bros....................... .... 25.10 will yon find opportunities for making worth while sav ­ Leslie, McClures, Sunset, Hearsts, .... too A. Millis, deputy county clerks, II. B. J. C. Bewley ...................... American, Cosmopolitan, American ings such as are seldom if ever presented in a Sale of 1.65 Millis, deputy assessor; W. C. Camp­ H. Crenshaw .................... .... Cultivator, Hoard's Dairyman, Car ­ this kind. Everything in the store is reduced in price .... 30.00 bell, deputy sheriff; O. G. Swenson, J. E. Reedy ......................... toons, All county news papers, Mc­ A. H. Gaylord .................. .... 31350 and everything is marked in plain figures with a spe­ deputy treasurer. Minnville paper, Sundey San Francis­ In tin- matter of the appointment of Tillamook Feed Co., .... .... 14.90 cially prepared Sale Ticket attached near to the regu­ 8.35 co Examiner, Sunday Union San county veterinarian, Dr. J. E. Reedy Nelson & Co., .................... .... lar price to enable you to compare the sale price with .... 30 25 Diego, Daily Oregonian, Journal. All Mrs. A. E. McKune was appointed to that position. publications of Oregon and its Col- the previous price. Walter M. Severance presented Mrs. S. A. Clark................ .... 20.00 3-80 legs. These papers embrace alt that’s claim of $12.50 as indemnity for cattle E. W. Knight .................... .... 3.IO best in American current news, pic­ slaughtered undec the direction of Dr. W. D. Gladwell ................ .... Reg. $4.(X) “Alligator” Brand Long Ot wanted staples 3 93 tures and literature, “Cartoons” cop­ Reedy. Court ordered that Thursday F. . L. Robertson ............... .... Coats for Men for................................... «p«J.£«J 9.00 ies all the best pictures and cartoons February 4, 1915, at toa.ni, at the Grant Mills ......................... .... Just glance through these Staple items, 3.00 from all nations now at war, and is a county court room be the time and Court House ....................... .... Reg $3.50 “Alligator” Brand, QC County Jail ......................... .... 21.50 whole world of pictures in itself. there is surelv something you need, and if place for hearing same. three quarter length Coats for ........ Comfortable chairs are ready, it is • .... 55-00 In tlx matter of the claim of E. J. T. E. F.pplett .............. bought now you make a saving that is Reg. to $1.50 values in Oil Pants, Q[ “ 300 insisted that members and their fam­ Claussen, trustee in bankruptcy for Mutual Tel. Co., .............. .... with and without Bibs for.................... JzuC. really worth while. M. M. Mead ft I'ayne on contract for Coast Power Co., ............ .... 74-53 ilies and visitors in our city, should MUSLINS. 6.00 make use of this reading room. the construction of the J M. Harrison Tillamook Water Co., .. . .... There will be a “smoker” of all club 2.60 road. Total amount of contract $1020, E. T. Haltom .................... 4^c, Reg. 5|c. House Lining • ... 103.62 members on Monday evening Jan.25. amount already paid $765.00, balance Glass K Prudhomme 7%c. R ’ eg. 10c. Unbleached for The committee on Port enlargement due and ordered paid $235.00 except P. W. Todd ......................... ... 4 25 R’eg. $3.00 Values in Heavy Rip Bluchers 9c. R’eg. 121c. Lonsdale- for. $2ocx> retained by court pending final W. S. Buell ......................... ... 175-33 will report and arrangements perfect­ with half bellows tongues and in £9 ¡ill sizes for............................................ «p£«3D 208.33 ed to vote on this important matter, shaping of surface of road. B. I.. Beals ......................... 9c. R’eg. 12]c. Cabot \V. for . In the matter of appointment of H. Crenshaw ....................... ... 25.00 and it will be pushed to a success. Reg $8.50 values in 12, 11 and 16 inch 15c. R’eg. 20c, Indian Head for. . ■ The matter of taking in the entire 20R.33 road supervisors: Road district No. 1, H. Crenshaw ....................... . top Loggers in such brands ¡is “Original SHEETINGS )■ A. Worthington; Road district No. P. W. Todd ................ .. 170.14 county band as honorary members of Chippewa,” “Stilson Kellogg,” “Napa I. C. Holden ........................ . 258.33 the club, will be taken up at the 3. J. M. Baker. Tan” and “Dayton,” in all sizes 24c. Reg. 33c. Unbleached for . . Ill the matter of designating county F. W. Stanley ..................... ... 33 -6o band's request and turning over al! for per pair.......................................... for ... R ’ eg. 35c, Unbleached 26c. 6.30 club dances and entertainments to the official paper The Tillamook Head E. W. Stanley .................... Reg. $3.50 values in Men's plain rtjq 1A 29c. R’eg. 38c. Unbleached for . •.. 5.00 band, the club and band each taking light aud Tillamook Herald, each are ( Earl Ford ............................. short Gum Boots for per pair......... ijlJ.lJ one half of the profits. Bleached for ................ R’eg. 35c. 26c. designated official county papers for ; Circuit Court ...................... ... 170.80 Reg. to $5.00 values in Men's short Guin The matter of free sites for factor­ 1.80 the to receive joint : | Alex McNair Co.................... .... year 1915 and arc .v 29c. R ’ eg. 38c. Bleached for .............. Boots in such well known brands as “Vac,” ly the sum of $300 for publication of | W. B Alderman ................ ... 76.00 ies will be discussed, as two plants PILLOW TUBINGS. “ Camels” and “ Bull’s Eye,” in M aa ... 54 00 are ready to come with their pay rolls all county notices, calls for bids and F. P. Hobson . . . all sizes for per pair ................... Jv if free sites are given them, A com ­ 42.00 R’eg. 25c. 42-incltes wide for. . . . 19c. proceeding, of commissioner's court. . W. F. Cain ........ Reg $7.50 values in Men’s Long Gum ... i4861 mittee of Messrs Leach, Miller and < >11 application of Kathleen Mills, I 1 ra Diamond . . . . R’eg. 27c. 45-inches wide for . . . 21c. Boots in “ Walrus,” “ Vac” the double assessment of I'. I.. M- - li-n Wilson . .. 19.25 Dr. Olson arc investigating and will HEMMED SHEETS Bull’s Eye” Brands for per 5-60 report. Cowell for year 1913, is ordered can- ( Frank A. Rowe Yukon ” and The trustees are arranging for a lot 4.00 Reg. $9.00 values in Men's Reg. 85c. values for each.......... celled. 57c. Clyde Webb “Stouts Patent,” long Gum I Bond of R. I.. Shreve, surveyor of i Deputy Sheriff ............ ... 56.75 of new advertising embracing our R’eg. $1.00 values for.................. 79c. in all sizes for per pair.............. $5,000.00 approved. , Tohn & Anderson .... 7-9* county’s leading industries, cheese, PILLOW CASES. ... 8.1x1 trees and beach resorts, lands, etc and Bond of H. Crenshaw, sheriff, of Citv Transfer Co.......... plans are being laid to get such in ... -to. 41 R’eg. 15c. values, 42x36 for $10,000.00, approved. j Tillamook Hearld 9c. ... 79 40 formation before the people from Bond of II. 1 . Reals, county treasur- Tillamook Headlight Reg. 20c. values, 45x36 for 15c. .. 11.05 other states that will come west to cr of $ 40,000.00, approved. J. C. Hidden ...................... TOWELS. Undoubtedly some of the most remarkable in California this 1.50 the world’s fair Bond of B. L. Beals, tax collector, • F. R. Wilson ..................... footwear Bargains are offered you in this year. Secretary Worrall is devoting ... 65.00 of $5,000.00, approved. R’eg. 7c. values for.............. ‘ Winters & Hill .......... 5c. great January Clearance Sale. Bond of I. ('. Holden of $10,000.00, Tillamook Feed Co............ ... 575 his entire time without pay, to the R’eg. 12] c. values for .......... 8c. 7.00 business matters, and the officers and approved. Francis Van Clarenbcck R ’ eg. 121c. Huck-a-Backs for 8c. 1.50 directors are giving freely their time, Bond of C. A. Johnson, county as­ School Dist. No. 38 R’eg. 35c. Bleached Baths for . 24c. sessor, of $;,000.00, approved. H. Crenshaw ....................... ... 35 00 and from now on more time will be Reg. $1.CO values for per pair. ■ I ... 8.00 devoted to business and advertising Bond of II. Crenshaw, collector of Frank Taylor .................... TABLE LINENS, delinquent taxes, of $5,000.00, approv­ I- W . Stanley ..................... ... 320 and less to social amusements. R’eg.$1.50 and $5.00 values for.. . . R’eg. 65c. values, 66in. wide for 46c. The directors feel that the club ed. C. I. Clough Co................... ... 10.3.3 Reg. 90c. values, 72in. wide for 69c. All Florsbeim Shoes at substantially Re ­ In the matter of the appointment of Deputy Sheriffs ................. ... 81.00 should have support from many of Reg. $1.25 anil $1.39 values for duced Prices member of county fair board, J. H. Judges and clerks ............ 97c. .. 594-70 our citizens that do not contribute to I hmstati is re-appointed. Reg. $1.85 values, 72iu. wide for . . . $1.58 Pae. Tel. & Tel. Co.,( .... ... 25.11 the support of the club by joining Road District No. 1. Barthold Barge Co............ ... 14.65 and urgently insist that many should NAPKINS. John Paquet .......... ... 12.00 join the chib and help push and not $32.25 U. G. Jackson .................... Reg. $2.75 values per pair .. Reg. < >tto Shearer . values for.......... $1.63 . 360.98 stay out of the club anil help pay ex ­ 5.00 U. G. Jackson ..................... Mark Hobson ... 100.00 penses, but reap the benefit of the Reg IJ 75 Homer Mason .................. ♦ • 1.98 Reg. $1.00 values per pair . John Krumlauf . .. 250.00 club’s work, it costs $125 tt month to 2.50 Assessor’s office .............. Reg. 2.89 t » ( lias. Morgan pay current club expenses and no sal­ 30.00 Reg. $5.00 values perpair Reg. » » 4.79 » » Francis Buckles .... $4, 200.4 s aries are paid to no one. Total Mart Ripley 27 so The directors have ordered that Henry Knighton ........ ........ Red Men Lodge Reorganized. only club members shall hereafter be 1 1 37 John Langley ............ . . . . . . 65.00 invited to club danevs and "Smokers” ------ o------ Geo. Benson Under the efficient management of on the theory that those who pay to Fred Paquet...................... 57-50 I. H. Trcgilgas representing the keep up the club shall alone enjoy its C. \ Stoker ... . 45 on Great Sachem, aided by our Commer­ privileges, and that the club is not run Hiram Crane . . 23.75 cial Club, the local Tribe of Red Men for a frce-for-adl to furnish amuse- ’ 1 B Mead ........ 6.15 No. 6.5, has been reorganized, the lo­ tnents to those who won’t help sup ( . V. Stoker .................. 65 cal membership increased to so of our port it, they have also ordered that Every item mentioned here represents a saving to you Andrew Ztierchir ........ .8-, best citizens. Its officers arc Drs. the club rooms shall not he rented to of such magnitude that you owe it to yourself to investi­ Frank Crane I *’C5 Daniels and Hewitt; Attorney Calla­ nor used by any but club members, gate immediately. P E. Alley .................. Q.Ui han; S A. Brodhead; Dr. Peterson, of course strangers and visitors arc S. G. Rccd .................... 40.00 t ¡co. Mdirman and others. The Gram! always welcome and those from < I'. t ranr .............. l-’.fO lodge of I. O. R M. will meet here country towns and all farmers. The .»■Ison & Co., .. 1.25 the first week in August and the loca' club will throw its doors open to ail The entire stock of our Actual values to $35 00 \\ m. Bragg li; tiibe and our citizens generally wi'l such and entertain, all conventions Ladies' Suits, in values to iu Ladies’ Hart Schaffner J F. Richer 10.00 welcome them. Genuine Tillamook that come to our city, they feel that $27.50, and in such popu­ and Marx Tweed Coats hospitality, no subscription or dona the club’s hospitality has been impos­ lar weaves as Poplins, Ser­ and Total $ 461.02 'ions will be asked front our citizens ed upon by many cilizens who though Fashionable Fur Road District No ges,Cheviots,etc., (f,. . n- is the Grand I cxlge pays all its own il-i to do so, refusi to help support Cloths in all sizes a,«« cr S. Rastnnsscn ..................... for only - - «pl4.95 .W.J7 eipcnces, they will come in two spec the club, club members who dance for - - - «pl 3« 03 11 B Johnson .... 1837 id trains 1000 strong and will tnal. always pay the same gis outsiders who Lad Quick 7.50 things lively for us as Red Min do come to dances, as wwll as pay $1.50 < W Hinkle Our well known ” Mas­ 10.00 thing - right. Our commercial club will a month dues to keep- up the club, as The famous ‘‘Brilland” Roy Funk 20.62 ’hrow open their club rooms and en- no dances or entertai tments arc paid cot” Brand of guaranteed Brand of Gloves for Russ lohnson ... S 13 '< rtain right royally all visitors. Its for out of the club's tseasurv, so if Gloves for Ladies are Ladies which retail regu­ C. O. Pilgram .... 6.87 11 ran ;ements w ill be in charge of Si < you want to enjoy the club's social now being sold at Cl Q7 John Mix . . .... 6.87 Worrall, which is a guarantee of sue functions you will ha ze to join the larly at $2.00 arc il 7Q per pair - II R. Johnson R 12 cess A number of our leading busi­ club, the house rules will Re strictly now only - Hull Johnson 518.00 CQ 1 TS, 57,48, 15.65 ness men were initiated Wednesday enforced, club tnenibi cs, tlrt ir ladies $7.00 DRESSES S4.97. A. Darby A5.00 MILLINERY, $1.69 '375 night after which speeches were d - ami children under id years of age, Actuul 12.50 to 18.(M> values N. J. Dye 61 00 livered by many, and a lunch follow­ can come. Only such other ladies as 126 styles of absolutely new Ladies' Navy Blue and in practical coats for present Q. I'ongborn 62. so ed. the address of Judge Worrall is are invited by chib’s entertainment ami up-to-date models up to or spring wear. There are Frank Dvc J9.00 especially praised as being up to his committee, no male residents of city Brown Corduroy Dresses in 5.00 to sell at this remarkable Beavers’, Bolides, Diagonals, ........ Dan Rillinßs 23 71 high standing as an orator and a wise except members and their sons Under up-to-date styles, splendid sav ¡1141 price, January Clear- Caracoles Serges, Tweed Mix­ Henry Nelson 30 00 counselor on all questions that lead to 18 years, can come; club met.ibers . $1.69 tures. Janttarv Clearance 7.48 Jas. Woodward wearing dre-ses for tnose who 22.50 morality and a higher standard of up­ can bring visitors and strangers and SKIRTS Frank I've £3.50 Millinery Shapes, 98c. need a garment to withstand K. 8.75 . . ... — DRESS —----- ----------- --- - $5.98. 39.00 right living. Col. Trcgilgas from Port­ can procure card for such from lhe l ory Haugan 15.00 land deserves the thanks of our city The balance of our stock of 'Hie entire stock of millinery rough usage. January Clenr- secretary. Citizens not members C — 1 II.II . ... 22 50 for his time and effort«, all without neither come nor send nor bring visi n ­ Fail Dress Skirts in values shapes up to 5.00 in value is Sid Travis .... s.oo charge, to place the Tribe on a firm 4.97 from 7.25 to 8.75 now offered ottered ¡it this exceptional­ ance . tors. Sec the secretary for further in- Ed l .i l,’rancis .................. .... 3JS footing, paving his own expenses and formalioty'. I ly low price. January C lear- 7.50and 8.50 Dresses for 5.93 at a price to secure ar. abso­ come on now and join the 1 ( ha«. \\ tilg 10.00 leaving all fees in ou' local Tribe's I club and help boost our city an I lute clean up before the sale unce................................... 98c. Ike Wills .... 1000 treasury. Wings, feathers and mounts 9 75 to 12.27 Dresses for 7.85 ends, Al) sizes in the selec­ I county and don't be a “hang-on" or R. Masiik .... 2.50 of even kind now selling at 14.00 to 16.75 Dresses for 10.87 tion and a choice well worthy drone J>ut do your share. II Fowler ........ 2. w Shakespeare Club. the “ Home Store's” reputa­ JUST BALI- PRICE. On motion of Pres. D’wight a vote 15.00 to 19.95 Dresses for 13.93 tion, January Clearance $5.98 W 1. Veatch of th-.mks and appreciation was order­ Thore Haugen to 00 The sh.ikcspeare Club spent a very ed by the directors of the commercial Will IX .'ghty .. 2 w pleasant and profitable afternoon on everything in dull to Sec. W orrall for the grami (tco. Wiiks 2.50 Friday, January Sth, at the home of success of the Holiday Festivities. Amos X’aughn ... 3.00 Mrs H. T Botts. Every member Tillamook Iron Works ... 5«. 75 was pre nt and tef cried at roil s.i ’■ ami the high moral plane on which tJ ey were conducted, free. ___ front ob- H. B. Johnson .................... . . . 22.00 aith a Shakespearean quotation. jeettonai «.uaracters and -iccy's. County Court Proceedings. • !' / / T( ) N L L WII ( ) BUY NOW TUI / JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OFFERS SAVING OPPORTUNITIES. MEN’S OIL CLOTHING. SAVING VALUES IN . MEN’S WORK SHOES, LOGGERS AND GUM BOOTS. * I i $6.20 $7.70 LADIES’ AND MEN’S DRESS SHOES. I MEN’S DRESS SHOES. $3.30 $3.85 LADIES’ DRESS SHOES. ♦ . $2.19 . $2.88 ... $3.77 LADIES’ COATS, SUITS DRESSES and MILLINERY at Wonderful Savings. 527.50 SUITS, 514.95. a 1.50 . « I * it THE STORE IS RE­ DUCED IN PRICE. I L___________ I $35.00 COATS, $13.65. Kid _Glovesh_ $ 1.3 T__ 2.00 Kid Gloves, $1.79 GOLD BOND TRAD­ ING STAMPS ARE GIVEN WITH EVER Y PURCHASE