•rlc. » h evv Tillamook 2-n DEHNQUENT TAX LIST. 8, 'A ■ \ il w Park. ■ ____Is, 1 ruste , I »4 Ra«'- & 1 rust Co.. Lots its a- 14, 01 3*> I a I, 331 34 30, 371 and j B> *■* - 351 42, 43. 44- -*- 45, «.«»zi .4 '*• 1.22 k 36, Rockawaj Beach 5-19 k & Trust t o , Lots 5, t. 7, 8, 9. to, tt, 12, ¡3, .. I 2? jjaa s. -,. h ■' 13,24, |5 and 26, Block 37. :s xockav Bea ockau u ey v Beach, ................ "■32 ‘X rst Ban.c & Trust Co., Lots '•22 I, 6, 7,te, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, s 5, ¡6, ■18, 19, and .0 Block k ja, Rolii. • way oe;.cti........... 5.19 '■«3 jjt Baak & Trust Co.. Lots », Î9. 30,31, and 32, Block 38. KOctMTig. Beach....................... 1.22 ‘42 rst Baak 17, 48, 49, and 50, Block 38, Kockawa. Beach. 1.22 rst Bank & Trust Co., Lots ¡22 II, 13, 13. and 14, Block 39, Rockaw.' . Beach. 1.22 rst Bank & Trust Co., Lots 1.22 18, 19, 20, 2., 22, 23, . 24, and 25, Block 29, Rockaway Beach.; . 244 lius Kal lieh, Lots 26, 27, 28, •29, 30, >1, 32, and ¿3, Block r way Beach............... 2.44 1.22 39, B o G .rst Bank & Trust Co., .. . Lots _ 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42, Block 39, Rockaway Beach............... 1-53 1.22 irst Bank & Trust Co., Lots 49, and 50, Block 39, and Lots !, 2,and 3, Block 40, Rocka­ 1.22 way Bear li .................... 2.44 irst Bank & Trust Co., Lots 1.22 20 and 21, Block 40, Rocka­ way Beat >................................. 1.22 122 irst Bank & Trust Co., Lots 30, and 31, Blocx .40, Kocka- 122 1.22 Beach. .. fora McGJnnis, Lots 32, and 33, Block 40, Rockaw-ay 1.22 Beach. .1.................................... Ka M. Taylor, Lots 3, and 4, 1.22 Block 4l|Rockaway Beach... Vill Keller, Lots 8, and 9, 97« Block 411 Rockaway Beach. . 1.22 'irst Bank & Trust Co., Lots 22, 23,24, and 25, Block 41, 3-6« Rockaway Beach............ .... 2.44 I. B. Ferris, Lots 26, and 27. i .8 j 1.22 Block 41I Rockaway Beach. . rir»t Bank & Trust Co , Lots 35, and 36, Block 41, Rocka­ 1.22 way Beach................. O.O7 ?irst Bank i Trust Co., Lots 43^ and 44 Block 41, Rocka­ 1.22 way Bear 1.................................. ♦ 50 U. M. Coo! Lots 45, and 46, 1.22 Block 411 Rockaway Beach . l 8 j First Bank & Trust Co., Lots 12, and 13, Block 42, Rocka­ .83 1.22 w-ay Ba h................................. C. B. Olmsted, Lots 20, 21, 22, and 33J Block 42, Rockaway ■8j Beach. |........................................ 2.44 •8j First Balti: & Trust Co., Lots .’8 and 39, Block 34, 35, )6, 3.66 42 Rock away Beach................. 8j A. T. Hl ■ison, Lots 1, and 2, 1.22 Block ; h Rockaway Beach... 22 E B. Sal Isbure Lots 41, and 42 1.22 Block . I3, Rockaway Beach. . Layton ’ Wisdom, Lots 1, 2, 3, 22 and 4, Block 44, Rockaway Beach. 2.44 Isador Schiel, I.ots 16, and 17, Í3 1.22 Block 44, Rockaway Beach. . First Bank & Trust Co., Lots 12 18, 19, BO, and 21, Block 44, Rockaway Beach..................... 244 3 Jessie Pa, Rockaway Beach. 1.83 First Bank & Trust Co., Lots 23, 24 , and 25, Block 47, Rockaw ay Beach. .................. 2.74 Fred A. I’.iulson, Lots 40. and 50, Block 46 Rockaway Ba.'ch. First Bank & Trust Co., Lots L J, a, 8 1 1. '2, 1 p and 14, 8.22 Block. 48 I’oikawav Beach. . First Bank & Trust Cr Lots 42. 43 ■ ‘ I 44, Bl' k l8, Rock- 2.74 -¿.way Beach............................... Ludwig S'' Lot 2, Bl k 1.22 B'ach .......... J' i ' ockawiy Beach, 1.22 EK'>i!K 1 ta, Block 51, 1.22 a ch...................... rust Co.. Lots First 1 'I ;t, Rockaway 2,1,«F' <- c 1.22 Bcarl First B nk 8, Trust Co.. Lot , k Rockaway 1.22 ilvacl- .................................... First B nk & Trust t'o , Lots * k 52, Rock ■ y i. átM’ 3-°’ Bere & First I 35, t' lock 304 Bear A First 1 37, R >ckaw v Bead 1.52 3’, P ock FiritpT’iik & Trust C , l.-’t ^^^Jl ,1.1.’, 11 i 53 tt. First pink 7. Ttust Co. Lot# x», fnd 23, Block 53, Rocka- 3’5 Hiacli................................... Gert>V att, l ot 4, Block 55, 3.05 Riirktwav Beach..................... Firs| Bank & I rust Co.. T ots EjB|i'>l I'. Block 55. IE ■ k.i- 6.10 W»' Bench......................... H. I. Wilkins, l ots 22, and 23, »«, R'ckawav l each. . 13.73 Th« Til’.. ' k M i) < I 37 and 40, Block 58, Rock- ts a- « away Beach................................ 457 First Hank & Trust Co., l.ols 3, Block 59, Rockaway Beach. 1.22 E. M McGloin, Lot 12, Block 59, Rockaway Beach............... 1.22 First Bank & Trust Co., Lots 13, Block 59, Rockaway Beach............................................ 1.22 Sarah O’Malley, Lot 14, Block 59,Rockaway Beach................... 1.22 First Bank & T rust Co., Lots 23, Block 59, Rockaway Beach........................................... 1.22 First Bank & Trust Co., Lots 33, Block 59, Rockaway- Beach........................................... 1.22 B. F. Doddridge, Lots 47, and 48, Block 61, Rockaway Beach............................................ 1.83 W. A. Green, Lots 1, and 2, Slock 62,Rockaway Beach. .. 1.22 A. F. Green. Lots 7, and 8, Bieck 62, Rockaway Beach. 1.22 Jack Keats. Lots J,7 and 18, B'cck 63, Rockaway Beach. . First Bank & Trust Co., Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26, Block 63, Rockaway Beach....................... 2.44 First Bank K Trust Co.. Lots 44, and 45, Block 63, Rocka­ way Beach................................... 1.22 E and'.l. Fab. ey. Lots 8, and 9, Block 64, Rockaway Beach. . 1.22 V . H. Daly, Lots 12, and 13, Block 64, Rockaway Beach. . 1.22 First Ear.k & Trust Co., Lots 13, and 14, Block 65 Rocka­ way Beach................................... 1.22 First All persons interested are hereby notified to be present in writing their objections to said report if any they have, and said objections, if any there b., U tether with said report w ill be heard and determined by said Com­ mon Council at the t ine specified herein ar.d above mentioned, or at such other time as the hearing there­ I of may be adjourned to. Dated this December 24th, 1914. John Aschim, Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore. NEWSPAPERS ARE THEME SERMON. Dr Frank L. Loveland Pleads fo.’ "White” Journalism and Educa­ tional Columns. at k & Trust Co., Lots« Notice of Assessed Damages. Notice is hereby given, that the Viewers appointed by the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, under the provisions of Ordinance No 283 to assess damages and benefits for the proposed widening of First Street tn Tillamook City, Oregon from Second Avenue East, Easterly, have fib 1 their report in said matter, and the Common Council of Tilla­ mook City, Origon, has appointed Monday. January lp h, 1915. at the council net r ■ m in the City Hall in Till- at the hour of 8 o’clock p.m. as th time and place considered when i 1 r port -. ill b by the Common Council, By said re­ port da mages have been ass. ssed to Lillian A. Goodspeed for the sum of of the follow’- $200.00, f t the tai itig tract of land to-wit: Co: -:-rrir-.- at a f i”t 409 feet Sc:. . d <’0 f. < t F t of the North­ east corner of the E. Thomas D.I..C. 1 South, in Section 30, Township of Range 9 Wist of W.M., and run- nitig thence south 77 degrees, East 207 fi t:; thence North 1255 feet thence North 77 degree» 10 minutes West 207 f< < t, thcnci South 11.96 feet to the place of begin ling. And the Methodist Episcopal Church has be been n a««essti'h the newspapers. We should f l tii .nki'iil that the yellow journals v! ich hunt the sewers and swill I trrels of human life arc becoming fewer and t wcr in this country, as statistics show clearly." Dr. Loveland complimented the Portland papers on their strong, cul­ tural editorials, some of which li e said, smacked as much of righteous- God and lh< Bible as any writ­ ings that could be found anywhere. "Many a man has coffee, potatoes and tin Oregonian for breakfast and nothing else," he added. “Ariel The Orere) >ian must be as clear as 1 his cou'ce and as strengthening as his I otatoes or the poor chap doien’t get the proper nourishment." Who Knows of a Crippled Child? ved of « n- k Jk$- ac- à County Superintendent Bucl has re­ ceived an appeal from the Oregon i State Federation of Women's Clubs, asking him to tell their hospital tom- mittce about any crippled children in this co lunty who cmild be aided by a state-v ide orga iz-tion to furnish free m edieal treatment of the mo»t roviic ri 11 scientific kind in all calcs vrturc th, family income is not suf- iicicnt for expensive consultation I School Notes. Through the kindness of Senator Harr) Lane the library has recently received nearly one hundred and fifty volumes of government publications. Some of these are of great value in the debate, and agricultural work, and all will undoubtedly prove very useful All of these books are being catalogu­ ed and put in the library the same way as purchased volumes. This work is being done entirely by the’ students. A new library table', built by the Manual Training department is now in use* in the library room. The maga­ zines received regularly by the library are kept upon this for the use of the students. The library will be glad to receive files of magazines. Many back num­ bers of current magazines contain articles of great use to debating teams or in class work. The library especial­ ly desires to secure files of the "In­ dependent," and “Outlook,” the "Re­ view of Reviews,” "World’s Work,” and magazines of that type. If these can be secured complete, they will be bound and put in permanent form for It will be the use of the students. greatly appreciated if those who are discarding old magazines will give the school an opportunity to go through them and select any that may be of value in the library. No. 8574. Report of the conditions of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Till- aniook, Oregon, in the state of Ore- gon, at the close of business, Dec. 31, 19'4- RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .......... $118,346.93 ! Overdrafts, unsecured .... 594.81 U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation, (par value) .................................. 25,000.00 Other bonds to secure postal savings .................................. 1,015.00 Bonds, securities, etc., on hand (other than stocks) including premium on same ................... $16,366.10 Bonds, securities, etc., pledg- edas collateral for state or other deposits, (U. S. 1,366.10 savings excluded.) $5,000. Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve bank .............................. $1,800.00 300.00 Less amount unpaid $1,500. Furniture and fixtures .... 7,213 30 Other real estate owned . . 5,826.64 Due from Federal Reserve 2,990.00 bank .................................... Due from approved reserve agents in central reserve cities . . $',551-50 Due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities. . ............... $17,752.48 19,30398 Due from banks and bank- ers (other than above) . . . 1,886.28 Outside checks and other cash items $486.50; frac­ tional currency $104.01 . . . 590.51 Checks on banks in the same city or town as reporting 467.OO bank .................................... Notes of other National 280.OO Banks.................................... Lawful tnoncy reserve in bank. Specie....................................... 15,910.45 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than 5 per cent on circu­ lation) ................................ 1,250.00 events in the high school life for the year. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Servi es m.-.t Sunday at the Chap­ el in the Masonic Building. Holy Fu­ charist ll :oo A. M„ and Evensong at 7:30 P. M. Everybody welcome. Rev. F. O. Jones, Vicar. T. BOA1.S, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O F. Bklg ) Tillamook .... Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M., J V ET ER! NARY.* Both Phones. Tillamook ... Oregon '"J“’ H. GO Y NE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ortìce: O pposite Tillamook H ouse . court - ( >regon. ,JOI1N LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. T illamook B lock . Tillamook - - . - Oregon. ROOM NO. 261 J. CLAUSSEN, LAW YER. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT 2’3 T illamook B lock Tillamook Oregon R. JACK OI.SEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook • Oregon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Day City Oregon QARI. HABERLACH, VTTORNEY-AT-I.AW. T illamook B eock Tillamook Oregon Q ALVIN R. WORRALL, LAWYER, BUSINESS COUNSELOR, TITLES, A CC O U N T A N T, N (> T A R Y PUBLIC. 25 years expierieiice. Consultation Free. Coinniercitil Club Bld , Tillamook. Total............................... $222,331.00 j QR. L. L. HOY, LIABILITIES Capital stack paid in.......... $ 25,000 00 Surplus fund ........................ 5,000.00 PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON Undivided profits $868 91 T illamook B lock , Reserve el for taxes. . $84.78 Circulating notes ................ Tillamook, Oregon Due to banks and bankets (other than above) ........ 9&E79 Dividends unpaid ................ 1,500.00 R. ELMER ALLEN Demand deposits. Individual deposits subject (SueceHHor to Dr. Sharp), to check.............$95,810.63 Certificates of deposit due- in less than 30 days Commercial Building, Till.imock C HIROIRAC TOR. 116.291.22 Loi al Office in the Commercial Biiililing. TILLAMOOK 29.848,03 Total............... $22’.331 00 State of Oregon, County of T ill. Tuesday night Jan. 7 the tryout for monk, ««: the St.Johns, Gresham, 1 illamook de I, W . J. Riechers, casbiir of the bate was held. The judges, Rev Van­ above named bank, do sol nnlv Winkle and Mr. Botts selected the fol­ swear that thcabovi statimcnl i true lowing teams. Affirmative—Erwin the best of my knowledge ami I" lief. W. J. Ricchers, < 1 hi. r. Schnuelle and I.cc Doty. Negative— Subscribed and sworn to b< fore me Thomas Coates and Arcta Everson. this 9th day of lanti.irv. 191 The teams have been working veri- Rollic W. Watson, Notary Public. hard. Correct attest: The negative team of the Tillamook B. C. I a nib, high school will go to St. Johns, St. I. C. Holden, Johns' negative team will go to Wm. G Tait. Gresham and Gresham’s negative Directors. team will meet the Tillamook affir- The Triangle Debate. mative team in the high school audi torium next Friday night. A triangle debate will be next The Freshmen were victorious over the Sophomores in a game of basket Friday evening, Jan. 15th, between ball on Wednesday night Jan 6, de- St.Johns, Gresham and 'I illamook feating them by a score of ¡6 to 14. high school, the- negative teams trav­ On this night the Seniors also suffer- eling The Tillamook negative tiam ed a defeat at the hands of the Jun- represented by T homas Coates and iors. On Friday night Jan., 8 two Areta Everson, will go to St. John«. more games were played by the above The negative team of St. Johns will teams, the Sophomore» taking re­ go to Gresham. The Gresham nega­ venge on the Freshmen to the tune of tive team will meet the Tillamook 14 to 6 while the Seniors were again affirmative team, represented by defeated by a score of 27 to 19 in Erwin Schnuelle and Lee Doty, in the favor of the Juniors. Tillamook High School Auditorium. The school library has had several The subject is: "Resolved, that the additions lately. Mr. H T Botts has Federal government should own ar.d donated a splendid set of tlie “His­ operate all interstate rail r< «»!:.• 1 A ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in ’ tfflee. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B loc k , Tillamook £)R. - Both Pilones. GEORGE: J. Oregon PETERSEN DI X ITsT, OREGON. ( ' KORfiE W ILI ETT ATTORNEY AT I AW T illamook C ommei « ial Btii.uivo 'i illamook < trevon A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp On your fr >nt por< h can lie 1ft every night until ini-lnfght and regiatrr not over fifty crntH per month e 11 the meter COAbT POWER COMPANY