W. C. Hawk, Lots 12, and 13, Jul.a M. i\ >y:.t, Lois 33 and 34, Block 1, Bay Vitw Addition Block L, ami Lot i 35 and 36, to Bay City............................... Block U, Nehalem Bay City I.and Co., Lots zo, 21 Park. ..................................... 12.00 Bay ami 22, Block I, Bay Vitw llechill Brothers, Lots 25 and Addilion lo Bay City............ 26, Block F, and Lots 27 and Bay City Land Co., Lots 12, 28, Block S, Nehalem Bay and 13, Block 4, Bay View Park.......................................... 12.00 Addition to Bay City.............. Marion Ed . Lol 9, Block J, 3 00 R. J. Hendricks, Lots 14, 15, Nehalem Bay Park................. and 16, Block 4, Bay V iew T. H. Johnson, '/» Interest, H. Addition to Bay City.............. J. Adams u Interest, Lol 7, Block K, Nehalem Bay Park. . . 1.50 Bay City Land Co, Lots 1 and 2, Rlock 5, Bay View Addi­ Nehalem Bay Park 1. and Co. tion to Bay City..................... Lot 6, Block N, Nehalem 3 00 Bay City Land Co., Lots 7, 8, Bay Park.................................. and 9, Block 5, Bay View Ad­ H A. Bell AV / Lot 11, Block dition to Bay City.................. O, Nehalem Bay Park.......... Bay City Land Co., Lots 10, Marion Edee, E /1 Lot 11, and 11, Block 5, Bay View Block O, Nehalem Bay Park. Addition to Bay City.............. 1.50 Bay City Land Co.,, Lots 14, W. A. Lovett, Lot 29? Block T, 1.00 and 15, Block 5, Bay View Nehalem Bay Park.......... . . . Addition to Bay City.............. Henry Izard, Lot 37. Block V, 300 Bay City Land Co., Lots 16, 17, Nehalem Bay Park................ 18, 19, zc, 21, and 22, Block C. M. Hunter, Lots 8 and 9. 5, Bay View Addition to Block X, Nehalem Bay 1.20 Bay City.................................. Park................................. .. Bay City Land Co., Lots I, 2, Clyde Lester, l ots 39 4°. 3> 4> 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 8, 1.44 Block 5, Brighton................ ■ liar View Addition to Bay Frank Blucliet, Lot 11, Block 1.08 City........................................... 7, Brighton............................. Bay City Land Co., Lots 9, and Agnes Thompson, Lots I and 2.16 10 Bl^ck 9, Bay View Addi­ 2, Block 8, Brighton............. • tion to R iy City..................... Frank Bluchet, Lot 27, Block 8, I.08 Ray Ci'-' I Co., Lot II, Brighton. .•.................• ■ ■ ■ • ■ Block 7, B iy A iew Addition Frank Bluchet and C. M. to Bay City................ Sharpstein, Lot 36, Block 8, 1.08 Bay City Land Co., Lots i, and Brighton................. ■ ■■ • 2, Block 10, Bay View Addi­ Frank Bluchet and C . M. tion to Bay City........... Sharpstein, Lots 39 "',‘l 4°. 2.16 R»y ( if y nd •'■>., Lots 3, and Block 8, Brighton.................. 4, Block 10, Bay Vitw Addi­ Frank Bluchet. Lots 3' an*l 32. tion to Bay City..................... Block 9. Brighton.......... ■ • I Bay ('itv I and Co., Lots 5, 6, 7, Brighton Development Co. and 8, Block to, Bay View ¿.->ts 19. 20, 21, and 22, Addition to Bay City.............. Block 37, Brighton Beach. .. 432 Bay City Land Co., Lot 15, Brighton Development Co. Block 10, Bay View Addition •Lots 3 and 4. Block 39. I.08 to Ray City............................. Brighton Beach....................... Bay City Lami Co., Lot 9, I.. B. Lejunc, Lots 33. 34. 35. Block 11, Bay View Addi­ 36, 37, and 38, Block 51, I.08 tion to Bay City..................... Brighton Beach...................... Bay City I.and Co., Lots 10, Vlasios Vlahosotiros, I.ots 47, and ti, Block 11, Bay View and 48, Block 82, Brighton I.44 Addition to Bay City............ Beach...................................... . Bay City Land Co., Lots 7, John AV B -rr<‘tt, Lots 47 and and 8, Block 12, Bay View 48, Block 83. Hilgbton Beach. I.08 Addition to Bay City.............. Arch Bishop of Oregon, Bay City l and Co., Lots I, 2, Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 3, and 4, Block 13, Bay View and 28, Block 92, Rrighton •Addition to Bay City............ '•44 B< acli. .................. . • Bav City 1 and Co., Lots s. 6, Lydia Ireton, Lot 20, Block 1.08 7, and 8, Block 13, Bay View 96, Brighton Beach................ Addition to Bay City............ Brighton Developments Co., Emma !.. Williams, Lots 9, Lot 18, Block <>7. Brighton 1.08 and 10. Block 13, Bay View 11. ach........................................ Addition to Bay City............ Wilhelm Seidel. I.ot 31. Block t.08 Bay City Land Co., Lots 13, 97, Rrighton Reach. ............... 14, 15, and 16, Block 13, and Rrighton Development Co.. Lots 5, 6, 7, 8. o, 10. 11, 12, 13, Lots 6, anil 7, Block 98, and 14, Block 14, Bay View I 44 Brighton Reach....................... R. T. Manchester. 1 ols 20. 30, Addition to Bay City.............. Bay City Land C., Lots 3, 4, 5, 31 and 32, Block 08, Brighton 2.88 6, 7, 8, 0, 10, it, and 12, Block Beach........................................ Manhattan Realty Co., Lot T, 15, and Lot 14, Block 16, Bay View Addition to Bay Block 6, Manhattan. Manhattan Realty Co., Lots Clt>................... 5, 6, 7, and 0, Block 9, Man­ Bay City Land Co., Lots hattan........................................ M ‘Brittan R-filly Co., Lot 31, Block to, Manhattan.............. Aggie Thornton, Lot to Rlock Bay City. .. 1.07 Bay City Land 11, Manhattan......................... R. A. Crawford. Lots 5, and 6, Block 20, Hay View Addition 403 Block 6, Manhattan.............. to Bay City............................... Fri-d I’ Hnmkc. Lots 1, and 4, Bay City Land Co., Lots 10, 3.10 Rlock O, Nehalem ("itv. ... and 16, Block 20, and Lots W. 1 Mayer Lots 7. ami 8, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 21. Bay Block 14. Nehalem City........ 16.74 View Addition to Bay City.. John P. Mtmsinger, Lot I, Bay City Land Co.. Lois 9, to, Rlock 1. Tohl's First Addition ". 12, 13, 1 1, and 15, Block I 20 to Nehalem City..................... 22, Bav \ iew Addition to W. I Mayer. Lots t. 2. 3. 4, 5. Bay City................................... and 6. Block tt, Tohl’s First V. S. Grout. Lots 13, and 14, 10.00 Addition to Nehalem City. .. Rlock 6, Bar \ iew Additian Frank A. Rowe, Lots 7. 8. 9, »0 Ray City.............................. and to, Block 11, Tobi'*. First Ole Dromnes, Lot 2, Block 7, 16 00 Addition to Nehalem Citv. Rar View Addition to Ray A. C. Anderson, Lot it. Block City............................................ 12, A Tobi's Annex to Neha­ M iry C. Wade, I.ot 4,Block 7, lem Citv.................................... 60 00 Bar View Addition to Bay Henry Tolil Lots 14, and 15, City............................. ........... Block ,n, Tobi's Second Ad­ D. E. and M. J. Goodspeed, dition to Nehalem City. . t. Lots 12 and 13, Rlock 7, Bar Cloie Hill. Fractional Lots I, \ iew Addition to Bay City. . and 2, Rlock 3, Garibaldi . . . VV D. \\ ood, I .ots 2, and 3, Unknown Owner, Lot 3. Block Block 8, Bar \ iew Addition 3, (iaribaldi................... ........... Io Bay Citv.............................. Cl.11 I Thayer, Lot 4, Block 3, D. I*., and Al. J. Goodspeed, (,b > id« .... Lots 1, 5, and 6, Block 8, Mattie F Smith. I'raction.al Bar \ iew Addition to Bav I.ot 3, Block 1, Garibaldi. . . . Citv........................................... I. I. Hfoulley, Lot 1, Block 7. VV ■ D. Wood, Lots 7, 8, o, to, Giirib.aMi. ...................... ■'. '2, 13, 14, 15, and t6. Iola 1 Handley. 1 ots 7. and 8, Block 8. Rar View Addition Block D, Fast Garibaldi to Ray City.............................. VV. G. Dwight. Lot 5, Block Fred G. Ostrander. Lots 1. and Garibal 'i 2. Rlock o Bar V iew Addition Gej, A. Brinn, lots 5, 6, to Bay City............................. at|d 8, Rlock A., East Gari Fred G Ostrander, lots ti, balili and t.t Rlock 0. Bar View Ad­ W. G Dwight. 1 .ots 4, 6. 7, and dition to Bay City................... 8, Rlock B. Fast Garibaldi . bred G Ostrander, Lots 15, loll I Handlcv. I ots I, and 2, and th. Block 14, Bar View Block D Fast Garibaldi. Addition to Bay City. C. R. II inillcv. Lots 1, 2, 3, and C. F. Evans, l ot 1, Rlock 4, Block IL, Fist Garibaldi. Beu ley’s First Addition C. B. Handley. Lots 3, 6, 7, and Bay City........................... 8. Block 11 . Fast Garibaldi. Bay City Land Co., I ols J. S Blidgeford, Lot t, Block 3. I.,6, 8, o, io.an.1 11, Block 3, Ray Citv .is. ( entral Addition to Bav interrst and W C llawk. City.................. W H Moon, '> interest in Rav Citv I and Co, Lots 14, Izits I. and c. Block 5. Rav i >, and 16, Rlock 35, and Lots (itv 9. and to, Block 16, and Lots J. S. Bridgeford Lots 8, 0. and '. 2. 3. I. 5. 6. 7. 8 .9, and to. to Block 3, Ray City.............. Block .tt Central Addition to Ba/ City Land Co., Lot 6, Rav City . . . ..................... Rlock to, Rav City. . Bay ( itv I.aml Co., Lot 13, Ijlb' Citv I and Co, N '4 of Rlock it, and Lots t, 2, 3. I At 5, Rlock IT, Bay City. .. 4. A. and 6, Rlock so. Central D. M Smith, Lot 2, Block t«, Addition to Rav Citv.............. Rtp Cilv.................................. Bav ( itv 1 and Co., I ots 13, Bay Citv 1 and Co.. Lots c, 6, and 1«, Rlock 50, and Lots t, 7. ami 8„ Rlock 14. Bay Citv.. '. A 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, to, tt, 12, Ra/’ <’ ity Land Co., Lot 6, M. 11. I c, and 16, Rlock 60 Rlnck 13, Rav Citv.................. ( entr.il Addition to Rav Citv Ra* City Land Co, Lot 3, Rav ( itv I and Co, Lots 5, 6 Block 13, Rav City.................. 8. to. 14, amt 13. Rloek 65, Bay’City land Co., Lot 8, Central Addition to Rav City RL'i k 13, Rnv Citv................ I M Rozorth, Lots 13, 14 E. X Nelson, Lot 3. Rlock 16, is. and 16 Rlock 66, Central R_j> <'itv......... ■_............... Addition to Rav Citv. Ba 'it V Land Co, T ot 7, Bav Citv I and Co, I ots t and b V> c I. 17, Rav Citv. ... 3, Rlock 77. Central Addition VV.T Hawk Blocks to. to Rav (’itv If f ('itv......................... I S Rrideroford. Lot 1, Block \A olnorth, I ot a. Rlock M 1, Cone .A Co.’s, Addition to 21, Rav City...................... Ray Citv. I F Goinr, I ots 3, and S Rndgeford, Lots s, and Rlock .>1. Rav Citv............ 6. Block 1. Cone * Co ’s Ad- R '«A itv » and Co., Lot , dition to Rav Citv R20. Rav Citv .......... The Ti’ltmook Rav Co T ot. BajfMtv I and Co., Lot t, Rm, k 20. Rav Citv ............. ( ... , ' l.lo.m t., Plv r|. Bav^hr I and Co. Lot <; Rlock Flmo 8 W Kite. I ot j Block aa Ray City............................. A Cone 5- Co's Addition to Bay* Chy Land Co., Lot 8, Rav Citv . . Bl<*c1i 28, Rav City. . Ray Citv land T ot 4, 5-10 7-65 2.04 3-0Ó 2.04 3- o 6 2.04 2.04 7'4 8.16 2.O4 1.02 2.04 2.04 4.08 1.02 1.02 2.O4 2.O4 4.08 4.08 3.06 14.28 10.20 Bay City.................................. 6.j8 Bay City Land Co. N. % of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 44, Pacific Addition To Bay City 6.38 Harriett K. McArthur, Lots 5, and 0, Block 46, Pacific Ad­ dition To Bay City................ 10.20 Harriett K. McArthur, Lots it, and 12, Block 46, Pacific Adelition To Bay City.......... 7-65 John Barrett Estate, Lots 9, 10, ¡1, and ¡2, Block 54, Pac­ ific Addition To Bay City. ... 5'0 Bay City Land Co. Lots 9, 10, ti, and 12, Block 55, Pacific Addition To Bay City.......... 8.93 J. S. Bridgeford, Lots 14, 15, and ¡0, Block 55, Pacific Add­ ition To Bay City.................. Bay City Land Co. Lots 11, and 12, Block 56, Pacific Addition To Bay City........................... 8.40 Bay City Land Co. Lots I, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 57, Pacific Addition To Bay City Bloclt 2, Cone & Co.’s Addi­ tion to Bay City...................... M. E. Rhodes, Lot 8, Block 2, Cone & Co.’s Addition to Bay City................................... Bay City Land Co., Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, an<. 6, Block 4, Cone de Co.’s Addition to Bay City. J. S. Bridgeford, Lot I, and J4 .., Block 6, interest in Lot 2, Cone & Co.'s Addition to Bay City................ Co., Lot 6, Bay City Land Co., & C- Co.’s Addi- Block 6, Cone t tion to Bay City. .. . J. R. Harter Lot 5, Block 6, Cone & McCoy’s Addition to .. ■ Bay City . ................................... - - -s _ 18, , y W. S. Cone, Lots 15, 16, . 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39. 40, 4L 42, 43. and 44, Block 8, Cone’s Subdivis­ ion to Bay City....................... VA . S. Cone, Lots 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 49. 5». 52, Block 8, and Lota 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, J. S. Bridgeford, Lots 13, »4, 12, 13, 14, '4. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 15, and 16, Block 57, Pacific 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, Block Addition To Bay City............ 12, Cone’s Subdivision to Bay 3.78 Bay City Land Co. Lots 4, 5, City............................................ 6, 7, and 8, Block 58, Pacfiic VV. S. Cone, Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, Addition To Bay City........... 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Christi.m Les.mil, Lots 12, and and 16, Block 13, Cone’s Sub­ 13, Block 58, Pacific Addition 1.12 division to Bay City................ To Bay City............................. VV. S. Cone, Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, Bay City Land Co. Lot 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, Block 58, Pacific Addition To 30, 3L 321, 33, 34. 35, 36, 37, 38, Bay City.................................. 38, 39, io, 4', 42, 43. 41.45. Bay City Land Co. Lots I, 2, and 46, Block 13, Cone’s Sub­ 2.10 3, 4, 6, Block 64, Pacific Add­ division to Bay City.............. ition To Bay City.................. VV. S. Cone, I.ots 47, 48, 49, 50, Bay City Land Co. Lots 4, and 51, and 52, Block 13, and Lots 6, Block 67, Pacific Addition ', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ¡0, It, to Bay City................ ......... 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Bay City Land Co. Lot I, 21, 22, 23, and 24, Block 14, Block 69, Pacific Addition Cone’s Subdivision to Bay 2.10 To Bay City............................. City............................................ Emma L. Williams, Lot 7, VV. S. Cone, Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, Block 70, Pacific Addition To 29. 30, 3', 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Bay City.................................. 37, 38, and 39, Block 14, Emma L. Williams, Lots I, 2, Cone’s Subdivision to Bay I.05 4, 5, and 9, Block 71, Pacific City........................................... Addition To Bay City........... VV. S. Cone Lots N. % of Lot Emma L. Williams, Lots 10, 5, Block 1, Fuller’s Addition ti, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, 2.55 to Bay City.............................. Block 71, Pacific Addition 1 j. Lomax, Lots 3, and 4, Block To Bay City.................. 6........ 3, Fuller’s Addition to Bay 4.08 S. F. St Johns, Lots 14, 15. and City........................................... 16, Block 72, Pacific Addition VV. S. anil Mary J. Cone, Lots 3, and 4, Block 4, Fuller’s Ad­ To Bay City............................ I.40 Ray City Land Co. Lots I and dition to Bay City................... 2 Block 75, Pacific Addition Josephine D. Parker, Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 7, Fuller’« Addi­ To Bay City............................ 8.4-’ R. J. Hendricks, Lots 3, 4, 5, tion to Bay City..................... 6, 7, 8, 9 10, II, 12, 13, and 14, VV. S. Cone, Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block 75, Pacific Addition To Block 9, Fuller’s Addition To 1.26 Bay City.................................. Bay City................................... George H. Briggs, Lots 14, 15, VV. S. Cone, Lots I, 3, and 4, and AV % of Lot 16, J. J. Mc­ Block 10, Fuller’s Addition 4-59 Coy’s Addition To Bay City To Bay City........................... W. S. Cone, Lots I, 3, and 4, VV. D. Woods, Lots 42, and 43, Block 12, Fuller’s Addition 2.10 J. J. McCoy’s Addition To To Bay City............................. VV. S. Cone, Lot 2, Block 12, Bay City.................................. W. S. Cone, Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Lot I, Block 13, Fuller's 4.08 and 6, Block I, and Lots I, 2, Addition To Bay City............ VV. S. Cone, Lots 5, 6, and 8, 3. 4. 5. 6, and 7, Block 2 Sun­ Block 13, Fuller’s Addition nyside Addition To Bay City 1.26 To Bay City........................... W. S. Cone. Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, It, VV. I.. Reifenberg, Fractional 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block I Lots 4, and 5, and Lots 16, Sunnyside Addition To Bay 17, 18, 19, 20 21, and 22, Frac­ tional Lot 23, and Lots 24, City........................................... 25, 26, and 27, Block 20, Full­ J. C. Bewley, Lots 8 and 9, er’s Addition To Bay City. .. 1403 Block 2, Sunnyside Addition Bay City Land Co. Lots I, 2, To Bay City........................... 3. I, anil 5, Block 3, First VV. S. Cone, Lots 15 and 16, > iter Front Addition To Block 2, and Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 2.29 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, Bay City.................................... Block 3, and Lots I, 2, 3, 4, Bay I'ity (.and Co. Lots 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block 4, and 8. 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block t, First Water Front Lots 2 and 3, Block 5, Sunny­ 1.86 Addition To Ray City............ side Addition To Bay City Bay City Land Co. Lots 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, , 8. 9, to, ti, 12, 13, ¿4, VV. S. Cone, I.ots 5, 6, 8, and 10, Block 6, Sunnyside Add­ 15, and 16, Block 7, and I, 2, ition To Bay City.................. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7,8, 0, to, 11, 12, 13, VV. S. Cone, Lots 5 and 6, 14, and 15, Block 8, First Block 8, Sunnyside Addition Water Front To Bay City. .. 3.83 Bav City Land Co. Lot 16, To Bay City........................... Block 8, anil Lots 0, 10, 11, J. C. Bewley, Lots 8 and o Block 9. Sunnyside Addition '2. '3. '4. 15, and 16, Rlock 9. and Lots o, to, tt, ta, and To Ray City........................... 11. Block to. First Water VV. S. Cone, Lot 16, Block 0, Front To Bay City.................. 2.43 and Lots 1. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, tt, Bay ( itv Land Co. Lots 14, 15, 12. and 13. Block io. Sunny­ and 16, Block 10. and Lots' side Addition To Bay City. .. '. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, tt. W. S. Cone. Lots 14. 15, and 16, »2, 13. it. tc, and 16, Block Block 10, and Lots I, 2, 3, 11. hirst Water Front To Rav 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block City.......................................... 7 8.03 ti. and I.ots I, 2,3, and 4, I Bay City Land Co. Lot to, Block 12, Sunnyside Add­ Block 13. First Water Front ition To Bay City.................. To Bav City............................ 1.02 D. E. Goodspeed, Lots 5 and 6, Ammst Thomas, I nt t. Rlock Block 12. Sunnyside Add­ is. First Water Front To Ray ition To Ray City.................. City..................................... 1.02 VV. S. Cone, Lots 8, 9, to, and Ray City Land Co. Lot t2. 12, 12, Block 12. and I.ots 2, 3. 4, Block 1«, and Lots 1, 2, and and 5, Block 13, Sunnyside l. Block t6, First Water Addition To Ray Citv.......... F, out !’o Rav Citv. 2.3» VV. S. Cone, Lot 11, Block 13, Bav ('itv Land Co. Lot 8, and Sunnyside Addition To Bay Fr-Ct OT, -1 Lots o. IO, tt, 12 City.......................................... and n. Block 20, First Water VV. S. Cone, I.ots 6. 7, 8, 9, and Front To Rav City................ to. Block 13. and Lots 3, 4, »30 I. A. Brant. I ots 1, 2, 3, and 4. 5, and 8, Block 14, Sunnyside Block Theodore Tacobv’s Addition To Ray Citv.......... Addition T, R3y fitv ......... 3.06 VV. S Cone. I ots 2. 3, 6, 7, and Emma Finlayson, I nts t, 2. ; 8 Rlock tc , Sunnvside Add­ t. s. 6. 7. and 8. Rlnck- 8 The­ ition Tn Rav City. odore fncnbv’s Addition Tn VV. S. Cone, Lot 3, Rlock 16, Rav Citv................................ 8.16 and I.ot t. Rlock 17, Sunny­ VA C. Hawk. Lot t. Rlock 3 side Addition To Ray City. .. Marta Jacoby’s Addition Tii VV. S. Cone, Lot 15, Rlock 17, Rav City.............................. 20.40 Lots 4 and 5, Block t8, Sun­ Rav Citv l and Co. Lots 5, 6 7 nyside Addition To Bay City. 16. Block t. Pacific Addition To Rav Citv. ... Rav Citv I anil Co j.'ot’s 3. 4,' 5- 6. '< ’’ nn<’ ,0‘ Rloek 6 Pacific I actfic Addition To Ray Citv. .. ....................... Riv Citv Land Co. 1 ots tt, 12, 13 ’ t. »3. and t6. Rlock 6, Pacific Addition To Ray City Rav Citv I and Co. I.ots t, 2, 3, 1 I I. 3. 6, 7. 8 0, to, tt. 12, 13, 11. is. and t6 Rlock i' Pac- ifii Ad 'ition To R.’ v Citv Rtv Cîtv I and Co I ot« It and t6, Rlock to and I ots a, and to, HI ck 2t Pacific Addition To B. v Citv........................... G. W Kiger, T ots t and 2, 'll -ck 2t Tacific A idition To Riv Citv ............. Rav Citv I and Co. I ots q . to, t t. a"d 14 Block 40 an ! I ot« t. ?. s. 6. ■* and 8 B|ofk 43, Pacific Addition To Rav Citv R. I Hendricks Trustee Tots o. to and tt. Block 43. Bacili« Ad F’ion To Ba» Citv Rav Citv land Co. Tot IS, R'nrk 41 rnd T ots t «nd 1, Block 44 Pacific Addition Te W. S. Cone, Lot 7, Block t8, Sunnyside Addition To Bay City........................................... VV. S. Cone, Lot 9, Block 10, Sunnyside Addition To Bay Citv........................................... W. S. Cone, Lots 8, it, and 12, Rlock to, and Lots T, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8. to. ti 12, 13. 14, TJ, and 16, Block 20, and Lots 1 and 1, Rlock 2t. Sunnyside Addition To Bay City........... VV. S. Cone, Lots 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 0, TO, IT, 12. and t,3. Rlork 2T cnnnvside Addition To Bay City................................... F.mma L. Williams, I ots t, a, 3, 4. 6. 7, and 8 Rlock 80, William's Addition To Bay Citv Hans I easund. Let ’8. Block So. William's Addition To Bav City................................... Emma I Williams, T.ot 3, Rlock 8t. William's Addition To Bav City............................. H E. Warren. I ots », 8, 0, to , tt. and ta Ro’ck 6, Wood­ lawn Addition To Rav City. . I R Lir’ 8 15 of I ot t, and I Inti Rlork i, Tillamook .. | First Reformed Congregation- 42, Blyock 17, Sea View Park. al Church of Tillamook, Lots F. ».. ucuts, Trustee, Lots 1,' *?5 6 and 7, Block I, Goodspeed and 2, Block 20, Sea \ iew 21.00 Addition To Tillamook......... P;.rk........................................... H. H. Rosenberg, Lot 5, Block Etta Drieter, Lots 7, and 8, 3.06 I, Hay’s Audition lo lill- Block 1, Rockaway Beach. .. 10.50 amook...................................... Carrie Breiter, Lots 11, and 12, '» 1 Lewis K. Abercromie, Lot 4. Block 1, Rockaway Beach. . Block 24, Thayer’s Addition ». First Bank Trust Co., Lots 3-5° To lillamook.......................... 29, and 30, Block I, Rocka- Lizzie Hadley, Lots 6, 7. and 8, away Beach.............................. ■•22 Block 28, Thayer’s Addition M. G. Kelley, Lots 33, and 34, 11.9° To Tillamook......................... Block 1, Rockawey Beach. '•22 '. G. Dwight, South 15 feet First Bank & Trust Co., Lots of Lots I, 2, 3, and 4, Block . 4 41, and 42, Block 1, Rocka­ 38, Thayer’s Addition To way Beach .............................. '22 Tillamook. .............................. Arcangolo Mastramerea Lots D. \A'. Ijams, Lots 5 and 6, 47 and 48, Block I, Rockaway Block 40, Thayer’s Addition Beach......................................... 1.22 To Tillamook......................... First Bank & Trust Co., Lots Mrs. P. AV. Clark, Lots 5, 6, 43, 44. 45. 46, 47 and 48, Block 7, and 8, Block .¡8. Thayer’s 7-00 I 2, Rockawey Beach................ Addition To Tillamook......... Josephine Brandberg, Lots 16, Mrs. T. AV. Clark, Lots 6, 7, 17, 18 and 19, Block 12, Rock­ and 8, Block 49, Thayer’s away Beach.............................. '42 Addition To Tillamook. _..... 5-25 J. R. Nutbrown, Lots 4, and 5, Dwight and Curtis, Lot I, Block 14, Rockaway Beach. . 1.22 Block 3, Maple Grove Add­ 7.00 M. E. Crane, Lots 42, and 43, ition To Tillamook................ Block 15, Rockaway Beach. . 1.22 AV. G. Dwight, Lot 2, Block 7, Frank Nutbrown, Lots 12, and Maple Grove Addition To 14, Block 16, Rockaway 2.10 Tillamook................................ Beach......................................... 1.22 Charles P. Nelson, Interest, First Bank & Trust Co., Lots and Nannie M. Nelson J4 23, and 24, Block 16, Rocka­ Interest, in South 70 Feet of way Beach................................. 1.22 of Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, VV. H. Woodward, Lots 44, and Miller’s Addition To Tilla­ 45, Block 16, Rockaway mook........................................ II.38 Be:.ch......................................... 1.22 Iola I. Handley, North 35 Feet First Bank & 1 rust Co., Lots . of Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, 44, and 46, Block 17, Rocka­ Millers Addition To Tilla­ way Beach. .. 1.22 5-25 mook. ...’............................... A. L. Snider, S. '/ Lot 4. and A. L. Wiley, Lots 18 and 19, Lot 5, Block 18, Rockaway Block 7, Miller’s Addition Beach............. I.at 3-50 To Tillamook........................... Jas. B. Moore, Lots 8, and 9, L. J. Lamb, Lots r, 2, 3, 4, 5 Block 18, Rockaway Beach... 1.22 and 6, Block 9, Miller’s Add­ Matt Uerile. Lots 12, and 13, to. 50 ition To Tillamook.................. Block 18, Rockawey Beach. . 1.22 George B. Lamb, Lots 7 and 8, C. M. Hulbert, Lots 42, and 43, Block 9, Miller’s Addition Block 18, Rockawey Beach. . 1.22 350 To Tillamook......................... C. H. Hammond, Lots 14, and Henry Diehl, Lots 1 and 2, 15, Block 19, Rockaway Block 10, Miller’s Addition Beach......................................... 1.22 To Tillamook......................... I4OO W. C. Hawk, Lots 24, 25, 26, W. G. Dwight, Lots 4, 5, 6. ?. 8 27, 28, 29, 30, 3', 32, 33, 34. 34, 9, 10, and 11, Block 13, Mill­ 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39. Block er’s Addition To Tillamook. 19, Rockaway Beach............... 9-76 W. C. Hawk, Lots 40, 4», 42, D. W. Ijams Estate, Lots I, 2, 43. -t4, and 45, Block 19, 3, 4, 5> 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, it, 12, Rockaway Beach..................... 3-66 13,' 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Marie Gardam, Lots I, and 2, 21, and 22, Block 15, Miller’s Block 20, Rockaway Beach... I.83 Addition To Tillamook......... VV. C. Hawk, Lots 26, 27, 28, T. E. Fitzgerald, Lots 3 20. 3°, 3', 32, 33, 34, 35, and 4, Block 1, Norton's Add­ 36, Block 20, Rockaway ition To Tillamook................ Beach......................................... 10.07 F. E. Norton, Lots 1 and 2, W. C. Hawk. Lots 41. 42, 43, 44, less 28 Feet of East side, and 45, Block 20, Rockaway Block 3, Norton’s Addition Beach........................................ 4.50 To Tillamook. ... E. C. Golden, Lots 3, and 4, A. G. Beals, East % of Lot 4, 1.83 Block 21, Rockaway Beach. . Block 4, Norton’s Addition E. P. Maple, Lots 20 and 21, To Tillamook. .. . 1.83 Block 21, Rockaway Beach. . George L. Dick, Lots 7 and 8, A. VV. Giesy, I.ots 33, and 34, Block 8, Norton’s Add­ Block 21, Rockaway Beach... 1.83 ition To Tillamook................ VV. A. Spensc, Lots 40, ami 41 Charles W. Odell, Lots I, 2, 3, Block 21, Rockaway Beach... 1.83 and 4. Block 5' Park Add­ Fred A. Paulson, Lots 45, and ition T q Tillamook................ 46, Rlock 21, Rockaway Lizzie Hadley, Lot 1, Block Beach......................................... 8, Park Addition To Tilla­ Lilli ” ‘ ‘erson. Lots 1, and 2, mook......................................... Block 22, Rockaway Beach. . D. W. Ijams, Lot 4, Block to, . I. Foster, Lots 4, and 5, Stillwell’s Addition To Tilla­ Layto Block 22, Rockaway Beach. . mook. . . ;................................. and Agnes A. Lane, Lots 33, 34, A. J. Burdick, Lot 8, Block 3, Beai and if, Block 22, Rockaway Sunnymcade Addition To Isador Beacli......................................... Tillamook................................. Bloc J. J. Summer, Lots 5, and 6, May F. Drew, Lot 10, Block First , Block 23, Rockaway Beach. 2, Drew’s Addition To Tilla­ 18, 1 Rose Morgan, Lots 14, and 15, mook.......................................... Roc) Block 23, Rockaway.Beach. . John R. Miller, Lots 5 and 6, Jessie Adaline G. Miller, Lots 34, 35, Woods...................................... I Bloc 36, and 37, Block 23, Rocka­ Krebbs Brothers, Lots I, 2, Ovo 5 wey Beach................................. and 3, Block 1, Woods.......... Bloc A. H. S -hloth, Lots 4, 5, and 6, Lenard Krebbs, Lots I, 2, and H. M. Block 24, Rockawey Beach. . 3, Block 2, Woods................... Bloc H. ~ B. Rowell, Lots 5, and 6, W. D. Priestley Estate, Lot 5, Henry Block 25, Rockaway Beach. . Block 2,Woods........................ Bloc Anders Lee, Lots 24, and 25, Leonard Krebbs, Lots II, 12, Lewis Block 25, Rockaway Beach. . and 13, Block 2, Woods......... Bloc Frances Ricks, Lots 28, and 29, Mary Barrett, Lots 20, 21, 22, Eneas Block ms 25, Rockaway Beach. . and 23, Block 3, Manhattan 14 B H B. Ferris, Lots 26, and 27, Beach........................................ E. F. Block 25, Rockaway Beach. . Manhattan Realty Co. Lots 16, Bloc First Bank & Trust Co , Lots 17, '8, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, F H. 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44, Block Block ti, Manhattan Beach Bloc 25, Rockaway Beach............... First 1 B. V. Neal, Lots 1, 2, and 3, M. E. Fremain, Lots I, 2, 3, 23, Block 26, Rockaway Beach... and 4, Block 16, Manhattan Roc First Bank & Trust Co., Lots Beach........................................ Fred / 19, 20, and 21, Block 26, Emily Banks. Lot 7, Block 8, 50, t Rockaway Beach.................... Maroney Town.................. Firs» ! J. H. Shepherd, Lots 32, and T. J. Dillon. Lot to, Block |, >. A and 33, Block 26, Rockayaw I.ake Lytle............................... Bloc Beach ....................................... May Enright. Lot 12, Block 12, First 1 VV. R. Ronclette, Lots 36 and and Lots 1, 5, and 6, Block 42. 4 37, Block 26, Rockaway 13, Lake Lytle........... Beach ......................................... May Enright, Lot 11, Block G. A. Russell, Lots 6, 7, and to, I ike Lytle........... 9, Block 27. Rockaway Beach. May Enright. Lots t and 2, Firs’ First Bank & Trust Co., Lots Block 22, Lake Lytle. 22, 23, 24, and 25, Block 2?. May Enright, Lot 20, Block Rockawcy Beach. .,............. 31, Lake Lytle........... First Bank & Trust Co., Lots Wrn. J. Elliott, Lot 6, Block First 33, and 34. Block 27, Rock­ 33, Lake Lytle............. 2.3. away Beach.............................. May F.nright, Lot 1, Block Ilea ayaw Beach.......................... . 43, Lake Lytle........... First Harry Gibbs. Lots 31, and 32, H. L. Stavcr, Lot 9, Block 49 44, Block 27. Rockaway Beach.. . Lake Lytle............................... ilei. C. A. Lenhart, Lots 38 and 39, F P. Frost. Lot ro, Block 49, First Block 27, Rockaway Beach. . Lake Lytle............................ i, an A. E. Lenhart, Lots 36, and 37, Beals I.and Co. Lot 10, Block Be < Block 27, Rockaway Beach. . ’ '52, and Lot I, Block 54, First First Bank & Trust Co., Lots Beal’s Addition To Lake •I B< s’ at 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, Block 28, Lytte.......................................... Rockaway Beach.................... Beals Land Co. Lots to. and20. First First Bank & Trust Co., Lots Block 60, Beal’s Addition To 37, Í Lake Lytle.............................. 3i. 32. 33. and 34, Block 31, Fi,T, Block 31. Rockawcy Beach. . Beals l and Co. Lots 29 and 30, Block 66, Beal’s Addition First Bank & Trust Co., Lvts First To Lake Lytle........................ 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, to, II. M*, * Beals I.and Co. Lots 17, 18, 12, 13, '4, 15, 16, 17, 18, »9, way 20. 21. 22, and 10. Block 67. Beal’s Add­ 23. 24, 25, and 26, Geo. ' Block 34, Rockaway Reach. . ition To Lake Lytle.............. Roc First Bank & Trust Co., Lots Beal» Land Co. I.ot t, Block First 68, Real’s Addition To Lake 28, 20, 3°. 3», 32, 33. 34. 35. 3«. 10. Lvtle.................................. .. 37, 38. 30. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, wax F. R. Reals. Trustee, Lots 3, 46. 47. 48. 49, and 50, Block 34 H I and Lots I, , 2, 3, 4J 5, 6, . and .. 7, 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. tt. 12, 13, Bl 14, 15, 16. and 17. Rlock 71, Block 35, Rockaway Beach. . JI ha Real’s Addition To Lake First Bank & Trust Co., Lots Tt. T.vtle......................................... 8, 9. to, it, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Rs F. R. Beals, Trustee, Lots 18. 16, 17, t8, 19, 20, 21. 22, and r-i tp, y>, at. 22. 23. 24, 23, 26, 23, Block 25, Rockaway Beach......................................... 37. a«, 20, 30. 3». 32, 33. 34. First Bank & Trust Co. Lots 26 35. 36. 37, to, t 4». , , 42, .. . 38,30. . .. ... 43> 44 45. 46. and 17. Block 27, 28. 29, 30. 3». 32. 33, 34. 35. 71, Beal’s .Addition To Lake 36, and 37 Block 35, Rocka­ Lytle............ .......................... way Reach................................ F. R Reals. Trustee. Lots 48. First Rank & Trust Co., L*ts 49. ?•. yt, M, 53. '4. S'. «nd 38. 30. 40, 41, 42, 43. 44, 45, 46. 56, Block “I. Real’s Addition 47, 48, 49, and 50. Block 35. to Lake Lvtle......................... and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, Mary Rerger. Lots 26, 27, al. 10. tt. 13. 14, 15. t6, and 17, 29. y». it. 33, 3X 14. 3'. and Block 36, Rockaway Beaeh. . 36, Block 83. Reals Addition First Bank A- Trost Co.. Lots to Lake Lvtle. . 18, to. 20. 2t. 22, and 23, F R Beal» '»'roster Lot» at) R’ock 36, Rockaway Beach. . so »» 1«, 5es View P»rk (Continued on another page.)