TILLAMOOK, OREGON, DECEMBER 10, 1914 $1.50 PER YEAR. Houses to Rent, see Watson. Get your Xmas seals, tags, tree ♦ Surprise them with a KODAK for decorations now.—C. I. Clough. Xmas morn.—At Cloughs. ■ ♦ C. E. Hadley vs. A. Steinhoff is a Wanted Slashing or wood cutting. suit filed in the circuit court to re- E. D. Cockrcl, Garibaldi, Ore. * cover $562.00 for rent due for the Allen House. The very best bulk or box candy, Some little surprise was caused on Strictly pure food product. Clough’s.’ Account of Carl Knudson leaving the Grant Thavcr will pay the highest city and turning his property over to market price for hides. Next to T. H. his creditors. Coyne’s office. Expert piano tuning, and repairing We are in a position to make some long time farm loans. First National of instruments of all kinds.—R. P. Whitaker, the Musical Man, at Mor­ Bank. * rison’s Confectionary. ♦ For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River Protect your valuable papers from bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free- the unexpected fire by renting one of man. • our safe deposit boxes. Only one The largest assortment of books dollar per year. Tillamook County ever shown in the county. C. I. Bank. Clough. * It’s a good rule to buy a sewir.ç Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! of all machine vith an established reptf.A- kinds, and fence posts, for sale. Set ion fo- quality services. The White • Shrode. for sale on easy terms at Jones « Spruce limbs for immediate deliv­ Knudson Furniture Company. ery—Phone Bell 2F14—Dewey Or­ For sale, 3 year old, coal black chard Co. » colt, well broke for single, double or We will soon have several cars of saddle, good traveler, price $75.00; hay for sale from the car. See Shrode ilso yearling colt. W. R. Illingworth, Tillamook, Oregon. * for prices. » 77/ j F 'PRUDENT '1!fi WILL NOT I HIS W!DO HE WILL L MONEY IN BANK FOR Husbands : Just look at this picture and THINK : Then you will deposit money REGULARLY iti our bank. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. A heavy team, wagon and harness for sale. See Shrode. * Gasoline 20c. a gallon at Ed’s Gar­ Meerschaum pipes the gift of all age. * gifts for men.—Clough’s. ♦ The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying Holiday stationary from 15c. up. C. I. Clough. * ten cents for green hides. Best imported perfumes, large as- Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tilla­ * sortment of odors.—Clough's. mook County Bank. Nehalem Valley Bank vs. James R. The place to eat is at the "Good Lamb is a suit to recover $600.00. Eats," Ramsey Hotel. “SERVES YOU RIGHT Wiv gtprecljcn Th'iitoclj First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore. Member of FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION Of the United States. Arrangements have been made to >cooGooQcoooe>ooeoo>sooo3oooo<»ooQoooooooooocoooooooo keep Bar View hotel open during the winter, and the speciality will be in Choice reprints, ranging from 75c. A game board for the whole family. providing fish and clam dinners for For sale, White Leghorns, Cockerls parties who desire to spend a few to $1.25, now at 50c..—C. I. Clough. * C. I. Clough’s. and pullets. F. S. Armentrout, Hem­ days at the beach the coming winter. The Fairview Birthday Chib met on The tax levy for Tillamook City is lock, Ore. Phone 7-F-12 Bell. ♦ Phone orders. * Tuesday, Dec. 8th at the home of Mrs 9 mills, divided as follows: General, For Sale, full blooded Holstein Pianos, Victorolas, Records, Vio­ Verner Holden for an all day meet­ 3! I mills; roads, 2'/, mills; water Bulls, one year and six months. Apply lins, Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos, ing. At noon a splendid dinner was mills; library 1 mill. to John Neiger, Fairview, Ore. * Harmonicas, Autoharps, Organs and served by the hostess, Mrs Holden The New Music Store, now open, was assisted by Mrs. Crawford and with a very complete line of instru­ Dr. Jack Olson, the dentist will be ill musical accesories as well as a full Mrs. Zwcifel. The next meeting ments and sheet music of all kind* in Nehalem next Monday, Tuesday, line of Music.—R. P. Whitaker, the Music Man, at Morrison’s Confec­ place will be announced later. Call in and get acquainted.—R. P. Wednesday and Thursday. * tionary. » According to Carl Haberlach, there Whitaker, at Morrison’s Confection­ Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ ♦ Over 3000 popular sheets music; remains only about 900 boxes >of Oc­ ary store. sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ tober cheese on hand. The October War revenue stamp tax on all fire Including the "Latest songs and in­ merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * strumental hits" of the day. Prices checks should be out about the 20 th Insurance Policies written by us will Cloverdale Mercantile Co. vs. Geo. very reasonable. Choice from 3000 of this month. Cheese sales are very be paid by this agency and will in no W. Baker is a suit to recover $46.75 at toe. and up.—R. P. Whitaker, the dull, and were it not for the way effect your rates on future busi­ for merchandise furnished the defend- Music Man, at Morrison’s Confec­ Angeles market there would be ness written. Rollie W. Watson the little sold. Fire Insurance Man. tionary. Useful and fancy articles, place cards and favors for sale. Mrs. Geo. Willett, 3rd St. West. * Tillamook County Bank. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Founded in the Strongest Way Growing Stronger Every Day Haltom’s Plans a ig Pre-Holiday Bargain Event for Gift Shoppers I Free Delivery by Parcel Post. All purchases to the amount of $1 00 or over will be delivered free to any point in Tillamook County. Gifts for Ladies. Gifts for Ladies, Embroidered or Initialed Handkerchiefs........ 3 for 25c. Embroidered or Initialed Handkerchiefs ...... 2 for 25c. Embroidered Handkerchiefs with H. S. Borders, 2 for 25c. Embroidered Handkerchiefs with Lace Corners, 3 for $1.00 Gift Boxes of 3 Handkerchiefs Embroidered, per box $1.39 Gift Boxes of 3 Embroidered Handkerchiefs per box $1.89 Hair Ribbons, generous widths many colors, per yard.................................. ••• •®c Boxes of 6 Handkerchiefs with framed picture, box $1.49 Ladies’ Boudoir Slippers, many styles and colors. per pair ........................... 98c. And ....................................... $1.25 Silk Boot Hose, black only. All sizes.............. Per pair 65c. Silk Boot llose in black and white.......... Per pair 49c. “Kayser” Silk Hose, black and colors, values to $3.00 for................................... .....1.49 Tea and Work Aprons 19c. to 98c. Gifts for Children. Men’s Suits and Overcoats at a Great Saving What more sensible gift than a nice smart Hart Schaffner&Marx Suit or Overcoat or a real good sweater. Note these four Bargains for Men. Ladies’ Umbrellas. Good Actual values to $27.50 in Hart Schaffner&Marx 35 coversand stylish handles. Suits for - - - - - ▼ • Each $2.89, 4.50 and 5.95 Actual values to $25.00 in Men’s Overcoats, C|7 Marabou Fur Set. Priced including some of Hart Schaffner & Marx for * specially at....................... 12.85 Actual $15.00 values in Men’s slip on Kain- $12.35 Gold Bond Trading coats for only * Boudoir Stamps. Men ’ s Sweater Coats that are actually worth $4.68 Caps, Gold Bond Trading Stamps $6.00 for only - - - - ▼ * are given with every purchase. Have your books filled and re­ deemed not later than JANUARY 1. 1915 Papetieres, nice quality notepaper, envelopes to match ........................... ■ • 50c.. 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 fhese Are Special Bargains. I IETS which fill a long felt want, or are useful Phone and Mail Orders. Orders by phone or mail re­ JL Hn(l sensible are the kind which are appreciated ceive both cureful 11 nd prompt above all others. With this truth in mind The attention, You can surely de­ pend upon our experienced salei Home Store prepared this great Bargain Event so that force to carry out your instruc­ you might be able to do your’Xmas, shopping with tions. the least possible tiouble and at the some time secure Gift’s at saving prices. See the window and Depart­ mental displays and glance carefully over this list—you Initialed Handkerchiefs, will be sure to find just the right kind of gift for the Fur Sets............ Each $2.69, 3.19 each ...................................... 10c. And........................................... 3.98 White Linen Handkerchiefs, right person. Mascot Kid Gloves in black and colors........ Per Pair $1.50 Sskay Kid Gloves in black and white only, Per Pair $2.00 Britland Tan Kid Gloves, Tan only........ Per Pair $2.00 Veraliere Kid Gloves in black, tan and Grey Per Pair $2.00 Fancy and Jewelled Hair •Pins. Most acceptable Gifts..................... Per pair 35c Sach .................... 40c and 98c. Millinery—Just Half. The whole of this season’a stock of stylish and becoming creations is being closed at just half the original prices. 25c. to 98c. Ladies' Black Bear Muff. Specially priced............... 3.19 “Niagara Maid” Silk Hose. black only.......... Perpair 98c. Ladies’ Black Bear Muff. Special gift price............ 3.79 Ladies’ Mink Necklet. A splendid gift ..................... 5.00 Ladies' White Lamb Scarf. Specially priced........ .... 8.75 Ladies’ Mink Fur Scarf, T. A splendid gift .. ■ ........ ... 10.45 Messaline Silk Petticoats. Each.............. $2.19 and 3.75 Jersey Top Silk Petticoats, 3.79 Each.............. _____ in values to Silk Waists 1.98 4.50. Specially priced Silk Waists in choicest Eacli 3.75 styles and colors Ladies’ Eiderdown Bath Robes, most acceptable. ... 3.93 Each . - - Ladies' Flannelette Kimo­ nos, useful and desirable 1.19 Ladies’ ¿22.50 and ¿25.00 Winter Coats for ßg Included in the selection there are Astrachan, Plush, Burmah Lamb and Salt’s Kurltex Coats in the smartest and most becoming styles for present wear. Ladies’ Suits in Value to ¿25.00 for only - qj? qo flfsIO These suits are shown in quite the modern styles and are excellent values at the regular prices. View them on the Balcony. HALTOM’S Children’s Bathrobes........ 1.19 Knitted Bootteee 39c.’an