i f •5 'Tillamook Headlight, December 3, IÔ14. State Press Flashlights. face but that those who forge them be tain great principles, yet they were Collier’s Caustic Criticism. punished as they deserve, notwith­ There is a mistaken idea that it is standing no election is held.—Tele­ those principles which the Democrat­ ic parly had already espoused, and Twenty ostriches sold for $125 editors’ busiressto gathernews.lt is gram. the very fact that the leaders did not apiece at an auction in South Africa hjl business—but, it is the business of come over to that party indicated because the war has killed the mar­ every one interested in the local pa­ Modesty forbids the Independent the insincerity of the entire propo- ket for ostrich feathers also fashion ' per and the home community to ren­ from tossing too many boquets in its ganda. Not that individual members has decreased many other ori. ’I’ents. I der such assistance as they can. Many own direction, so it only remarks in of the party were not sincere, for Carranza and Villa ma.v both tesign items of importance must escape him passing that after an inspiration of its they were. Yet they followed blindly their designs on the presidency for unless you call his attention to them. exchanges it finds it was practically where their self-interested leaders that matter, but now there is an en­ —Willamina Times. the only Oregon county newspaper to took them, and when the fever of tirely new set of presidents. print a table giving the vote of its their zeal wore off the greater part of Traveling public has fresh ti-c.i'»li es. The preacher roasted the Times county by precincts. The uninitiated them slid back whence they came. Certain American hotels are begin­ and the ladies are offended ’cause we have little idea of the work involved I here is today no progressive party ning to stick their labels on the ‘ said the beautiful silk quilt was to be in the completion of a table of this in Oregon, but there is a party repre­ guest’s grip-sacks. raffled. ’Tis to be auctioned. Well, kind, to say nothing of preparing it In Tennysons’ prophetic pce.ty he senting progress and alive with the that rules us out and every other fel­ for printing. But a large part of the palpitating life and vigor of the com­ saw: low who is "busted”. In a raffle circulation of these newspapers goes DOCKS : WAREHOUSE, mon people. That party never dies. Earth at last a warless world, a single . FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST. every poor cuss would have an even to those who subscribe that they may race, a single tongue— Administrations may come and ad- chance. In an auction only a bloated receive county news such as court and ministrations may go; issues change; I have seen her far away—for is not bond-holder can have a show.—Willa­ elections and it is the newspaper’s earth as yet so young? adversity may pile mountain high, mina Times. business to deliver what it is paid for. but the Democratic party lives for­ Every tiger madness muzzled, ever —Independent. The Independent serpent passion killed It is reported that Governor West is not the only pebble on the beach ever.—Polk County Observer. Every grim ravine, a garden, every o ------ will represent the Daily Journal of by a long way, for the Headlight and blazing desert tilled. In another column will be found an Portland at the next legislature of a large number of other exchanges And yet they have only got so far article from the pen of the mayor of Oregon. Should he do this, it is pre­ printed a table giving the vote in each this city, in which he asks for the co­ as to seek to muzzle the tiger mad­ dicted that republican hopes will be precinct. operation of parents in checking cer­ ness. blighted and the session will be one ----- o------ Prohibition is a tenet of the Pro­ tain tendencies for loitering among of remarkable calm. Hon. Lair Thom­ The Democrats did not expect such the youth of the community. Growing gressives, which dosen't seem to dis­ pson, whom West has designated as reverses as they sustained in the re­ with increasing years, the harmless concert the people of California, who the “Swamp Angel of Klamath cent elections and the Republicans pranks of children, when not looked elected Hiram Johnson and went wet County, is said to be among the simultaneously. most consented.—Telephone Regis- did not expect victories as they achie­ after and checked, grow and develop Remarks the Cleveland Plain Deal­ ved. Such is the surprising result of into unbridled license that can only ter. the election. Look at the results end at the police court or reform er: “Gerjnany fears a shortage of po­ tatoes. It is not as joyless as it We once knew a man who used to squarely. In the House of Represen­ school. When the boys, or girls, of sounds, however, the shortage should tatives the strong Democratic ma ­ eight and ten years are allowed the sit on his counter and with doleful jority of 141 has been cut to the slim streets at will and return when they discourage the making of potato sal­ face and voice, and with pencil and margin of 23. Everywhere the Demo­ choose, it is infinitely harder to have ad.” Speak not of cahtoffel salOD paper in hand writ down how little cratic vote has been cut down while them comprehend and grasp the fact so disparagingly. It is one of the money he had taken in during the day the Republican vote has swelled. The that they are subject to dicipline thirty-nine agreeable ways of making and week. That man never advertised turnover has been larger in the east, when they add a few more years to potatoes edible? which fact accounted for his poor Nothing but second rate comets luck. The man who bought him out but decided all along the line. The their age. No home however humble, have been seen for many years. Only progressives have, for the moment at but feels the stigma of disgrace when made a big success of the business, small runty comets appear to be partly because he had more of thé least, returned to the Republican par­ the boy or girl of the family is bred. ty. We have had times of reduced brought before a correctional tribune. business instinct, and partly because All kinds of revolutions have over- he adverised freely in the local paper prosperity and hard times are a The heart to heart talk of the mayor turned dynasties; but wc have yet to and had the goods to back up his serious measure to the party in power is a direct appeal to the parents to see the vodka revolution. Yet the results are not a slap at the better the home conditions, to make statements.—News Reporter. Hoof and mouth disease among the Wilson administration because the that a sphere of influence of such a ------ o-— kine, cholera among the swine. Wait­ presiden was elected by a popular predominating nature that it will keep Keep your eyes on the fellow that er, bring me a reindeer steak. is always finding fault with and vote more than a million less than a the child, and later the youth, from Parties are arranging themselves so curses the newspaper. Its very much majority. For the first time in the corning in close contact with those that winning candidates will have ma­ history of the United States a group things that harden the nature to that jorities instead more than likely he is crooked and is of pluralities—in only making a sort of a grand stand of senators, 32 in number, have been point where admonition and advice every way more satisfactory protection play for fear his sins will elected by a direct vote of the people. fail to longer have any effect. The Parkway fight is still so stiff that article of the mayor is timely and no one offers to compromise on two reach the public gaze in cold type. —News Reporter. forceful, and if the kindly advice and blocks of parkway opposite Union Men of brains, intelligence and good The San Francisco News letter in a admonition’is heeded in many quar- Station. standing at all times have a good and kindly word to say for the Press, the recent leader takes up "The Uncon­ ters where needed, it will result in Politics is cither not worth all the power that makes men greater and stitutionality of Prohibition” and better, happier homes and a higher attention given it or it is worth more. better and assist in exposing and re­ avers, “that the brewers of Washing­ standard amoung the youth of the Even the poorest of us may own a Should be gtinrded against by using Strong Disinfectenta ducing the rogue and rascal to level ton and Oregon will unquestionably city—Umpqua Valley News. European war bond if these arc to be in and around barns. bis conduct merits.—Yaquina Bay sue the respective state governments so many; though what then becomes news. for damages.” It further asserts that of liquid capital? NATION SAVED BY BOYS. “As early as 1855 Prohibition was de­ Johnson’s election is another proof ■■ - -o------ The brewers and saloonkeepers of creed in New York, but it was prom­ Union Army in Civil War Made up of that California is a law unto her self Is it cheap, safe and reliable antiseptic and dÌ8Ìnfecteiit. the country are in a controversy as to ptly declared unconstitutional, and save when she gets into trouble with Two Million Boys. Costs ready to use only 3c. per Gallon. which shall pay the war tax on beer. consequently never enforced." The Japan, and then Uncle Sam has to ------o------ The brewers are endeavoring to pass editorial says that Prohibition is an fetch both the law and the authority. News from the seat of war in Eu­ the tax along to the retail dealers, infringement upon our constitutional In the new flats, the beds go with setting forth the claim that they can- rights and cites the text of the rope tell of mere boys being engaged the house; in the old flats the gas fix­ in the fighting. During the recent G. tures used to sometimes go with the not bear the additional expense, but amendment XIV Section 1 of the A. R. Encampment at this city, Henry tenants. the retailers strenuously object. The constitution of the United States. The RELIABLE DRUGGIST. M. Morgan, of Portland, Ore., who Much different arc these Turks general public has little interest in real gist of the editorial is that the was in Battery G., 1st N. Y. Artillery, from those that Byron wrote of; and brewers are entitled to compensation Wier Sprechen Deutsch. which side pays the additional tax handed us a leaflet showing the wc suspect Byron was a little imagin­ on beer, but it does have an interest for the loss coming to them since they cannot remove their buildings, number of youths who inlisted in the ative. ! in the general results, especially as and that their machinery and other Union army during the Civil War, After an inspection of the Eindell there is a likelihood of the brown portable property must suffer some which is interesting just now. entrance of Forest Park on a Sunday beverage that smelleth of the hop be­ The total number of enlistment was afternoon wc should say two isles of damage through handling and jaring ing served in smaller doses.—Polk in transit; also that new sites must be 2,778,309, and the total number of dif­ safety would never do. It needs a County Observer. purchased and new' buildings erected ferent men in the service was about whole archipelago. in new locations and that the cost of 2,250,000. The following is as correct The Review wishes harm to no one, transportation is in itself a heavy ex­ a statement as is possible to obtain but we hope the victims of the in­ pense. All this may yet furnish an as­ of ages of Union soldiers and the creased number of cases of murder tute and technical lawyer a case with number enlisted: and rapine, which wc believe are cer­ .1 big fee.—News Reporter. 25 MRS. ALICE HEITSMAN, 10 years and under r ................ tain to follow, will be persons who 38 It years and under r ................ 1,2, 3 Room Apartments, voted to abolish the death penalty. This special number of the Univer­ 12 years and under r ................ 225 Furnished or Unfurnished, When mawkish sentiment is substi­ sity of Oregon Press Bulletin is is­ 300 13 years and under r.......... ... $1 to $5.00 PER WEEK tuted in lieu of common sense, evil 1,523 A Perfect Baker- b* luUly dependable. every day. year in. sued in courtesy of the state Com­ 14 years and under ■ ................ Free Phones, Water and Light. will be the result. We expect to sec monwealth Conference, which is to year out. Built cn honor, of the best materials. >5 years and under ................ 104,987 First St and 4th Aye. East, Oregon overrun with desperate char­ Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges hold on the campus of the state Uni- 16 years and under • ................ 231,051 acters who have no fear of a prison The only range maer re«4*rvolr which L at« JT<« • tea kettle, through a that 211,411 Union soldiers were cap­ revenue war tax to give it a sugar after et atarniMhl from one jilor® of copper. eettlng «gainst Unad very careful investigation. tured, 16,668 of whom were paroled «..a uaing of fir»» box. It boi la if» gallons of water In a very with coating but it will be more correctly The conference had its beginning in »inulta »aid by turning a lover the fremo and reservoir inov* Pura frurn nre. An exclusive pot -nted AD/mk f< ature, f/pen end Aabea •> pan d'xs away wuh «t.ove.fng aebc»» vvnillatad ath known as an unjustifible extravagance the impulse of a large number of per­ on the field. In 1910 it was estimated prevent« floor from catching fire at ht up catch«« «shea. Board that less than 600,000 of our gallant At* ut to thittu p->u Ih» irtatt ! hnpruveniMt blunder.—Sheridan Sun. sons who with the process and wel­ “boys in blue” were still living. Since ever put In a range. Don’t buy the range yott OTpect to last a ¡U» fare of Oregon deeply at heart desir­ then many more have marched on to timo ‘ uriaight. unao«-n.** or you 11 te our« to I m » anointed. Owne to < ur «tore, and see the G reset Dr. George Parrish asks why if ed to contribute what they could by Ma/aitic — have It« many eicluafve f«aturea ea- "Heaven’s Eternal Camping Ground." (K.roo.1 Kained find out why the Af<