Tlllamoolc Headlight, December 3, 1914 diseased district be liable to spread An Open Letter to the People of Til- ing ahead, a nd trying to save the J its running (SLOW- the DA' the disease to every dairy herd in this amook County. taxpayers needless expense in build­ GROW £ HORTE F county, which would mean that they ----- o------ Legal Advertisements. ing and reparing roads, and believe 7 AND .SHORTER Editor of Tillamook Headlight. First Insertion, per line...............$ .to would all have to be killed. This is a the people will stand by me in every It would seem that the advisory reasonable effort along that line, and Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 serious matter and it is to the interest of every dairyman to keep the disease committee from Nehalem that went the danger has been, and always will Business and professional cards to Tillamook to assist in making a be, that town site nromoters and real one month ................................ 1.00 away from Tillamook. budget, met the enemy and were estate men will try to dictate in every Homestead Notices .................... 5.00 The mill at Brighton shut down theirs. Timber Claims ............................ 10.00 way possible the location of roads The estimate made for road pur­ and bridges, and 1 have learned late­ Locals per line each insertion. .05 Friday for an indefinate period (or lack of orders. This is what Bro. poses was $172,000. Road district ly, on good authority, that is one rea­ Display advertisement, an inch, one month.......................................... 50 Trombley calls Democratic prosper­ No. 1 which includes Nehalem, is to son whj’ certain men are so anxious ity.—Nehalem Times. receive $47,500; Road district No. 2, for the State Highway Commission All Resolutions of Condolence Bro. Trombley is a political mon­ $62,000; and district No. 3, $67,500, to build a road down the Clatsop and Lodge Notices, per line.. .05 Cards of Thanks, per line.................. os strosity, as Bro. Cotton ought to be if the figures you published are cor­ Beaches and by Necarnie Mountain, I aware of before this. His latest freak rect. Now as road district No. I will when Clatsip county is now building Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen REJoLVED along these lines was to climb into pay into the road fund approximately a road to connect with our roads up etc., minimum rate, not ex­ THAT TIME5 MAY ceeding five lines.............................. 35 the prohibition band wagon for “Ore­ half of the total amount or $86,000, I the North Fork of the Nehalem gon Dry” ami advocate the election cannot see why it should not have a river at a cost CHANGE AND MEN of $100000. That of a booze fighter to represent Ore­ like amount. MAY CHANGE BUT ought to be good enough for all con ­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. gon at Washington. And from what The estimates made for all parts of cerned in both counties for some .SQUARE DEALING (Strictly in Advance.) we can understand there are other district No. 1 are meager enough and time to come. NEVER CHANGED. WE One year ........................................... $1.50 prohibitionists ir. Tillamook who the improvements are all necessary Yours Respy., Six months ............................................ 75 were just as inconsistent when they ARE HERE WITH THE unless it be the $3,500 for a proposed Geo. R. McKimens. Three months........................................ 50 went to the polls last month. We .SAME OLD .SQUARE piece of road from Nehalem to Dean’s would advise Bro. Cotton to ask Bro. Point that would be utterly useless, DEAL. (When Mr. McKimens advocated a Entered as second class mail mat­ Trombley how he can logically define unless we had the balance that right­ BU5TER BROWN. road from Nehalem to Dean’s Point ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at such a position. Bro. Trombley has fully belongs to the district to build a and a ferry or draw bridge across Tillamook, Ore., under the act of been on all sides of the fence the past bridge to Wheeler. However the mat­ IE YOU ARE ONE Of OUR MANY CU5TO- few years. A democratic at heart, he ter of building a bridge across the the river to Wheeler, we understood March 3, 1879. him to say that he wanted this item MER5 YOU’LL KNOW WHAT WE MEAN WHEN posed as a Republican and then be­ lower Nehalem is a sore point and WE TALK OF "A .SQUARE DEAL." IF YOU came a progressive, after which he one on which we are unable to agree. in the budget and that he promised THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. went back to the Democratic party, to have it placed there, and at the ARE NOT A CUSTOMER COME AND LET U S As to the Headlight’s suggestion, it and at the last election was a Prohi­ would, perhaps, be better to wait and same time Mr. McKimens stated he .SHOW YOU. WE GIVE UPR1CHT QUALITY bitionist, advocating the election of a see where the Columbia Highway had made no promises previous to Editorial Snap Shots. GROCERIES AT FAIR PR1CE5. .STAND BACK the election in regard to location of booze fighter for U. S. Senator. wishes to cross, if they wish to cross roads or bridges. When the two lo­ OF EVERYTHING WE JELL, AND MAKE GOOD at all. Why not allow the city election to cations for a road and bridge was ONIT. DELIVER PROMPTLY, ATTEND TO OUR It was contempt of court at the last But without an appropriation for a be a "walk over?” BU5INEJ5 AND ARE ALWAY J ON THE JOB. taxpayers’ meeting to elect a chair­ bridge, we need in this district every discussed, Mr. McKimens undertook to convince the advisory committee man and proceed to vote on the dif­ IN OUR .STORE YOU GET MORE THAN A HUN­ cent that belongs to us, I cannot see that it would not cost any more for a Have you paid your war tax to help ferent items in the budget. And it will DRED CENT5 WORTH FOR EVERY DOLLAR. why we should not have it. The the free trade party out of a hole? be contempt of court if the same tac­ roads we have need widening and to road from Nehalem to Dean’s Point and a bridge across the river at that tics are adopted this year. The object have the crooks taken out. There are point than a bridge at Nehalem and a The president says we are all in the of the meeting is to give taxpayers an new roads to construct, and all need toad to connect with the Loerpabel same boat. Then let us throw out the opportunity to be heard for or against some kind of surfacing to keep us out road; in fact he strongly contended fellows who insist on rocking it. any item in the budget it being up to GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG of the mud. We noticed in the budget that it was the best location. We had the County Court to make any chang­ items to the amount of $28,500 for no intention whatever of misquoting Sandlake got a square deal, and the ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. es in the budget after they paving various roads about Tillamook snap shot man is glad on that account have listened to the taxpayers. That City. Now as it would be impossible Mr. McKimens, and after what trans­ The booster editors are entitled to TILLAMOOK, - - - - OREGON pired at the meeting of the advisory and that only, is the intent of the law. in this or the next generation to pave committee we were a little surprised another chicken dinner for boosting It would be wrong if it was otherwise for that long delayed improvement. all the roads of the county, why dis­ to hear that he never favored a bridge For instance, it would be an easy criminate ? across the river at Dean’s Point. matter to pack the meeting with per­ Colonel Roosevelt has quit the Therefore, I move that the Hon. Evidently Mr. McKimens did not sons who were attempting to obtain Bull Moose party. That’s tough on County Court cancel the items for make his position clear to the advis­ taxpayers' money and rush through all those who shouted their heads off paving roads and transfer the $28,500 ory committee, and we construed his some improvement that they might when they formed the Progressive to the credit of district No. 1 and remarks as favoring a bridge across be interested in. We were a little Party. Like the Populist Party, no thereby do an act of simple justice. the river at Dean's Point.-Ed.) surprised when the matter of locating doubt, a few Bull Moosers will still E. K. Scovell. a road and bridge at Nehalem was cling to that mushroom party. Nehalem, Oregon Nov. 30, 1914. High School Jottings. discussed, that it was decided to re­ — —o------ Is there a law for the rich and a law fer that to the taxpayers’ meeting for (Our correspondent is right in Dr. Bertha M. Stuart, physical di­ for the poor in Tillamook? Or is settlement, which would mean that theory but not in practice. It is the rector for women at the University the faction that could muster the big­ there a travesty of justice because gest crowd would carry the day. It is general rule in all counties to im­ of Oregon, and an expert in physical the grand jury and the district attor­ up to the county court, after listening prove roads where there is the most training and plays for women and ney are at loggerheads? Anyway, to both sides, to decide what is best travel and where the wear and tear children, will speak in the high ft out our view point there is some­ on roads are heaviest. Heavy teaming school auditorium Friday evening, for the county. thing radically wrong somewhere that and big auto trucks are cutting up the Dec. 4, under the auspices of the requres to be straightened out. Very few persons in Tillamook roads, especially in the central part Parent Teacher’s Association. The of the county, so much so that tax­ subject which she will discuss is We want to call Bro. Trombley's County arc aware of the magnitude payers are coming to the conclusion “Plays and play buildings for Chil­ attention to the Democratic war tax, of the Columbia Highway and what that it is now economy to lay hard dren.” Dr. Stuart may also speak to great advantages and benefit it will and show him an object lesson that is surfaced roads and a waste of money the girls of this school and their of some interest to him. If he sends be to the counties through which it to construct any more macadam mothers next Friday afternoon, two papers in a parcel, one of which will pass. Tillamook County is for­ roads on the main and heavy travel though this has not been definately tunate in this respect, for as soon as is an exchange and the other a sub­ highways. If Mr. Scovell’s theory decided. scriber, outside of this county, it will the work is completed on the high­ was followed the County Court would The Webster Club had its semi­ way in Clatsop County, this county cost him $1.04 a year. Say, Bro., don’t be spending 80 per cent of the road monthly meeting Tuesday, Dec. I that look as though the government will be the next to be connected with fund building roads in the timber and The question was "Resolved, that the that commendable enterprise. To give the point on the paper which is to receive the is going into the free trade graft 20 per cent where the citizens are United States should maintain a large business when newspaper men have our readers some idea of the Colum­ type impression is stationary at the instant the located.—Ed.) Navy.” The affirmative won by a tc pay an excessive tax like that to bia Highway, we reproduce an article unanimous vote of the judges. The type hits. The carriage does not bob up and from the Oregonian which is as fol ­ to help the Democratic party out of a lows : Mr. McKimens Defines his Position. teams had three members each and down when the shift is made to write capitals. financial hole? arranged as follows. Affirmative: No citizen that lias ever been over .----- o------ . Areata Everson, Eldred Reed and Why? Mohler, Ore. Nov. 28, 1914. The budget, as prepared by the the Columbia Highway, whether he Iranzel Mills. Negative: Lee Doty, County Court ami Advisory Commit went in an automobile, or a horse­ Editor Headlight, Tillamook, Orc. Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. Dear Sir:—In commenting on the Lalen Maddux and Herbert Stam. tee appears to meet with general ap­ vehicle, or afoot, has failed to be im­ The state question has already proval, with the exception of the pressed with the high worth of the work of the advisory committee in The only movement of the carriage is back and Bayocean road, a large number of undertaking. It is to be the great the issue of the Headlight dated Nov. been made public, namely, "Resolved forth on its closely adjusted bali bearing runways— that the Federal Government should taxpayers thinking as we do, that the connecting link between Eastern and 26, you make the following state­ and this does not take place while the print is being county should complete that road in Western Oregon; it traverses the ment. "Mr. McKimens wished an own and operate all interstate rail­ made. There is no lifting of the carriage. the next two years. If the County most magnificent river in America; it item placed in the budget, as lie said roads acting as common carriers, in­ Court decides to do so, and we hope opens up a fertile territory; it is a he had promised this. He recommend­ cluding interstate lines competing This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type­ it will, very little objection can be noble piece of road construction. Al­ ed that a road be built from Nehalem with them.” Active work will soon writing is free from blurs and every letter in the right raised with the budget. We do not together, it bids fair to be known as on the west side of river to Dean's begin on the question and the tryout place. want to see other road work curtailed one of the great highways of the point and a bridge built across Ne­ will begin in about two weeks. The state division for the debating as outlined in the budget, but all we world. halem harbor near the saw mill." league is as follows: Coos Bay Dis­ ask is that Bayocean be given a For a year Mr. Ycon has been road­ Now there is no truth in the state­ Asie for Demonstration square deal, and this can be done by master for Multnomah, giving his at­ ment you make that I had promised trict, Coos and Curry Counties; East­ ern Oregon District, Union, Wallowa, the court raising the levy sufficient to tention particularly to the Columbia the road, or in the statement that I Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney build one half of the road this year. Highway, but working also for first- wanted a bridge built at this time, or L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. Counties; Lower Columbia District, class roads throughout the county, at any time in the near future at that Tillamook, Clatsop, Columbia and Hum« Oific« .nd factory: SYRACUSE. N. Y. point. There are several reasons why Lumber men in this county have lie has given to the public gratuitous­ Multnomah Counties; North Willam­ just cause to feel blue. Cheap stump ly the earnest and competent service I wanted the road built this year ette District, Washington, Yamhill, ape, from 10c. to 35c. in Canada, and of a fine organizer and a sensible and from Nehalem to Dean’s Point. The Clackamas, Polk, and Marion Coun­ the lumber brought into the United honest roadbuilder. With the aid of principal one was to get to the rock ties; Southern Oregon District, Jose­ States free of toll, will soon knock the the Bensons, father and son, who on the point to use on the roads as phine, Jackson, Klamath and Lake soon as possible, as we have no good values out of timber in this county, have devoted their time and money to Counties; Southern Willamette, Lin­ thanks to the Democratic party. Well the cause of better roads, he has real­ rock handy that we can get without coln, Benton, Linn, Lane and Doug­ what’s the use of complaining? The ized their common ideal of a perfect it costing taxpayers an unreasonable lass Counties; Umatilla District,L ma­ people of Oregon sent a free trade road in the Columbia Highway; and amount. As this rock is along side the Senator to Washington. With stump with them he desired to make all the qiver, it could be loaded on large tilia, Marion, Gilliam, and Wheeler; Upper Columbia River District, Hood age in the Northwest at from $1.50 to roads about Portland what they scows or barges, and taken up the river to convenient points for distri­ River, Wasco, Sherman and Crook $200 a thousand, how are the mill should be. Counties. men going to compete with these The Columbia Highway is to be. bution by wagons, as I believe it is The Athletic. Association held a conditions confronting them? The Oregon’s show road; but the roads of cheaper than hauling long distances answer is easy. The saw mills at the county arc to be a definite and with wagons. There was gravel haul­ meeting last Monday, Nov. 30. An Wheeler ami Brighton and Tillamook lasting asset, available for the most ed on the roads up here this year, amendment to the constitution was are closed down and hundreds of constant and trying use, and contrib­ that was at least half dirt, and as a re­ proposed and accepted to the effect that those who wish to remain or be­ workmen are out of employment. uting directly to the welfare of all sult, there are places where the roads come members of the association arc in bad shape since the rains, es ­ citizens. The Highway is but a unit must have passing grades in at least The dairymen in Tillamook County in a system of permanent roads for pecially the Loerpabel road, and I be­ lieve 1 am safe in saying that there three subjects. In this way athletics cannot be too careful in regard to the Multnomah County. is not a well informed person in Till- becomes an incentive to harder gave an interesting lecture to the ag­ Fairview Birthday Club. foot and mouth disease, fos it would A meeting of the taxpayers yester­ study. Other minor details were dis­ riculture class, his subject was “Cut The Fairview Birthday Club vi^ be a most jerious condition of affairs day decided to recommend the com­ mook County but believes now that cussed, among them the advisability worms, maggots, lice, and how to kill meet at the home of Mrs. Ver«ef should it make its appearance in this pletion of the Columbia Highway it is cheaper to use crushed rock in of inducing outside basket ball teams them. The culture and growth of Holden, on Dec. 8. Mrs. Holden *'*’ ro»d work where there is heavy travel county. Oilr attention has been called (except the paving) out of the 1915 tc come to Tillamook and also the T. alfalfa.” be assisted by Mrs. Crawford to shipping ill cows from other states. tax levy and to propose a bond issue when it can be had convenient. When H. S. team visiting out side schools. Mrs. Zweifel. It is to be an all As the disease is so prevalent in the of $1,000,000 to be used for hard sur­ the big mill was built at Wheeler, the The assembly hall is being rewired There will be a game between T. H. meeting, and all members ar« East and a case appe . :ng in the facing various important Multnomah mill company brought in all the and new lights are being put in. The crushed rock and sand on their barge S. basket ball team and Bay City object is better light, which is very quested to be there by 11 West, some stringent precautions roads, including the Highway. Election of officers will be one^**16 from the Columbia River to use in team next Friday night, this will should be taken to prevent it getting Obviously the day of the paved foundation work, as it was the cheap­ piobably be the decisive game be­ necessary for some students, espec­ important business transaction*- The i ito Tillamook Now is the time td road in the country, as in the city, is ially the Freshmen need more light tween Bay City and the T H S teams volunteer program plan sees)« ,o be take and insist on proper precautions, here, Macadam roads, or gravel roads est and quickAt way to get the ma­ especially if the association intends on dark subjects. terial. There are other good reasons or dirt roads, are not good enough, quite an interesting feature. It15 ,o the disease has reached West, and to visit other cities and invite them Recently eight new pupils were en­ hoped that all members will K for that reason we think it unwise for they do not last, under present traf I have on this road location, but it tic conditions, on main thoroughfares. would take too much time and space here. listed in the school. The enrollment ent as a good time is in st ore fa 4». to ship cattle into Tillamook at the A wise people builds for the future, as to discuss it at this time, I am look- . .Mr. Jone«, the County Agriculturist, of the school is now 400. E. Stank.’-4 present time, for one animal from a for the present, . ADVERTISING RATES. RAY & CO. 0[ 113 Printing Pomt .Docs Not Bob Up and Down In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter 306 Ok st., Portland, Ore EH IS UAJVIAR’S VARIETY STORE, TlUUAmOOK? OREGON« " Drop in and Look Around.”