Tillamook Headlight, December 3, 1914. Notice to Creditore. Notice of the Appointment of Beginning at a point .392.34 feet south Notice of Completed Contract. NOTICE. Wood, .................................... 45000 Viewers of Street Change and 874.6 feet south 77 degrees east Notice is hereby given to all whom from the northeast corner of the Ed­ Lights and Water .................. 360.00 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN., that rick Thomas D. L. C.. thence north ! Notice is hereby given, that U. G. Notice is hereby given, that on Telephone Rent, ................. it may concern, that on the nth day 300.00 the Common Council of Tillamoek 11.5 feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 Jackson, County Surveyor, for Tilla­ Monday, the 21st day of December, County Jail expense............. of November, 1914 the undersigned City. Oregon, has appointed Henrv 250.00 minutes east 145 feet; thence south was by the county court of Tillamook Rogers, F. S. Whitehouse and A lax 11.87 leet; thence north 77 degrees mook County, Oregon, has filed in 1914, at I o'clock in the afternoon, at Repairs and Supplies ......... 980.00 this office his certificate for the com ­ McNair as viewers to view the propos ­ the County Court House, in Tilla­ County, Oregon duly appointed ad- west 145 feet to place of beginning. ed change of First Street in Tillamook Tract owned by J. s. Lamar describ­ pletion of the contract of F. C. Feld­ mook City, Oregon, a public hearing ministrator of the estate of Bell City, Total, ................................ $3,000.00 Oregon, and has appointed Mon- ed as follows: schau, for the construction of a bridge will be had at which the taxpayers Handley, deceased. All persons hav- d«y. December 21st, 1914. at the City County Coraner. Beginning at a point 391 feet south over Thompson Creek, near Nehalem, will be heard in favor ofor against any Coroner’s fees and inquests ing claims against Said estate are Hall in Tillamook City, Oregon, at the and 1108.6 feet south 77 degrees east 300.00 hereby required to present same, hour of 9 o’clock A. M as the time and from the northeast corner of the Ed­ Oregon, and any person, firm or cor­ proposed tax levies as shown by the Insane .................................... 1 cn on place for said viewers to meet for the rick Thomas I). L. C., thence north 77 poration having objections to file to following estimate by the Countv with proper vouchers, to the under­ purpose of making the assessment of County School Superintendent. degrees west 82.5 feet; thence north the completion of said work, may do Court of Tillamook County, Oregon. signed, at the office of T. B. Handley damages and benefits arising from said 10.54 feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 Superintendent's Salary . .. . $1000.00 Estimate of the amount of money Assistant’s Salary ................. in Tillamook City, Tillamook County, proposed change. All persons claim­ minutes east 165 feet; thence south 11 so within two weeks from the date of 600.00 ing damages by reason of the appro ­ the first publication, feet; thence north 77 degrees west 82.5 proposed to be raised by taxation for Oregon, within six months from the priation of any property affected by Traveling Expenses, ......... 200 OO feet to place of beginning. Dated this 25th day of Nov., 1914. the ensuing year for Tillamook Office Supplies, ..................... the date hereof. 4OO.OO said proposed change are hereby noti­ Tract owned by H. F. Goodspeed de­ J. C. Holden County, Oregon. fied to file their claim for such damages scribed as follows: Dated November 12, 1914. Teachers' and Eighth Grade County Clerk. with the undersigned Citv Recorder of Figures assembled by the County Beginning at a point 391 feet south George Williams, Examinations...................... 20O.SO Tillamook City, Oregon, on" or before and 1191.1 feet south 77 degrees east Court show that it will require the Administrator of the estate of Belle the time above mentioned. from the northeast corner of the Ed­ Notice of City Election. sum of $328,835.50 to defray the ex­ Handley, deceased. Total...................................... $2,400.00 The boundaries and termini of the rick 1 homas D. L. C., thence north penses of Tillamook County, Oregon, Health Officer ......................... 200.00 proposed change, and the boundaries 5.66 feet; tlience south 77 degrees 10 Notice is hereby given, that on for the year 1915, and for the object and descriptions of the private property minutes east 355.18 feet; thence west Notice. to be appropriate! for such purpose are 24.2 feet; thence north 77 degrees 10 Monday, the 7th day of December, and purpose of county improvement, Widows' Pension ................. 1,000.00 --- — - ----------- • - as follows, t- -wit : minutes west 330.78 feet to point of • 1914, at the City Hall in Tillamook the maintenance of county buildings, Care of County Poor................. 2,00000 ----- o----- I he tract of land to be appropriated beginning. County Veterinarian............... 500.00 Notice is hereby given that the un­ for the widening of First Street in Done by order of the Common Coun­ City, 1 illamook, County, Oregon, a roads, bridges', and for the salaries of Indemnity Fund, ................... 1,000.00 with said Ordidance is as cil made the 17th day of November, regular city electon will be held for county officers and employes, and for dersigned, has filed in the County accordance Sealer of weighs & measures 600.00 follows: 1914. Dateu this 20th day of November. 1 illamook City, Oregon, for the elec­ other purposes, as follows to-wit: Court of the State of Oregon, for Auditing County R cords ...1,500.00 Beginning at a point 409 feet South 1914. Road Purposes. Tillamook County, her final account, and 60 feet East of the Northeast cor­ John Aschim. City Recorder tion of the following officers to-wit: County Fair and Exhibits, .. 3,500.00 To serve for one year as follows: Roads, Bridges, Supervisor’s of Tillamook City, Oregon. as administratrix of the estate of ner of the Edrick Thomas Donation Land Claim in Section 30, Township 1 Salaries, Repairs on Ma­ Mayor, one councilman from the Gordon Drugger, deceased, and that South of Range 9 West, W. M., and Total ..................... $46,400.00 chinery, and Supplies.. .$172,000. 1.00 the Court has set Saturday, Decem­ running thence South 77 degrees EaM Administratrix Notice of Sale of Real first ward, one councilman from the School Fund. Clerk’s Office. Estate at Private Sale. second ward, one councilman from ber, 19th, 1914, at to o’clock a.m. at 412.32 feet; thence North 2.74 feet; County School Fund, ......... $40,000.00 South 77 degrees East 164.6 the third ward, One councilman from Clerk’s Salary............................$1600.00 County high school fund .. . 6,000.00 the Court House in said County and thence feet thence South 77 degrees East to a Notice is hereby given that by vir­ the fourth ward, one councilman from Deputy’s Salary ..................... 900.00 ■Count • Library Fund.......... 200.00 State as the time and place of hear­ point 392.34 feet South and 584.6 feet ..................... 780.00 County Institute Fund........ tue of an order and decree of the the fifth ward, City Treasurer, and Deputy Salary South 77 degrees East from the North ­ 200.00 ing the same and any and all object­ Records, Supplies, & Ex. .. . 1000.00 ions, if, any, thereto. Now, therefore, east corner of said Edrick Thomas County Court of Washington County, one Water Commissioner from the Donation Land Claim; thence South 7T Oregon, made and entered on Sept. fourth ward to serve for five years. $46.400.00 Total all psrsons interested in said estate degrees Easts 210.16 feet; thence South Total .................................. $4,280.00 Which election will be held at 8:00 are hereby requested to be present at 14.00 feet; thence South 77 degrees 22, 1914, authorizing and directing the - - . Printing. Sheriffs Office. said time and place and show cause if East 80 feet; thence North 14.00 feet-; administratrix of the estate of R. R. o’clock in the morning and will con­ $1600.00 Official County Printing and thence South 77 degrees East 640.78 Creighton, deceased, to sell at private tinue until 6 o’clock in the afternoon Sheriff’s Salary any there be why said account should feet; thence East 24.2 feet; thence Dajinquent Tax Lists ........ $1,300.00 Deputy’s Salary 900.00 sale the real estate belonging to the of said day. not be allowed, said administratrix North 77 degrees 10 minutes West to a Expert Farm Advisory Work. Miscellaneous ... 150.00 estate of said deceased. I, the under­ Dated this 18th day of November, discharged and her bond exonorated. point 11.96 feet due North of the point (Note: —not recommended by Law Enforcement 500.00 of beginning; thence South 11.96 feet signed, will from and after December 19I4- the advisory board except Alma Pierson, to the point of beginning. 21, 1914. proceed to sell the real estate John Aschim, Ben Kupenbender) ........... 2,000.00 Administratrix of the The North line of said tract described hereinafter described at private sale, Total ................................ . .$3,150.00 City Recorder of Tillamook City Truant Officer.......................... 100.00 estate of Gordon Drug­ being the North line of said street as Treasurer’s Office. the same will be when widened, and for cash in hand, subject to confirma­ Oregon. County Fire »Warden............... 275.00 ger, deceased. the Southerly line as described being tion by said court, said real estate be­ Trea/urer’s Salary ................. $1600.00 Rebate on Taxes...................... 500.00 the propertv line of the various pro­ ing particularly described as follows, Deputy’s Salary ..................... 900.00 Current Expenses............. ....... 250.00 Stock Running At Large. perties owned on the North side of said Notice of Administrator’s Sale of 1 Clerk, Jan. 1st to May 1st . 300.00 Elections.................................... 1,400.00 street at the present time according to to-wit: Real Property. All the following bounded and de- the descriptions given in the deeds At the general election held in Till 1 Clerk, Jan 15th to Apr. 15th 225.00 District Attorney, office rent therefor. S’ ¡bed real property, situate in the amook County, State of Oregon, on 2 Clerks Aug. 1 to Sept. 15th. 225.00 telephone, supplies, Etc. ... ¿00.00 The said widening of said street will Notice is hereby gvicn that in pur­ appropriate the following tracts of County of Tillamook, and State of the 3rd day of November, 1914, a ma­ Tax receipts, Tax register, State Taxes, (estimated) . . .60,000.00 envelopes and supplies .... 55000 Oregn, to-wit: jority of all votes cast in Rockaway suance of an order and decree of the land, to-wit: Tract owned by L. A. Goodspeed de­ The Southeast quarter of the South­ election precinct, in said County and Prcm. on official bond ......... 200.00 County Court of Washington County, Total................................ $328,835.50 scribed as follows: east quarter of Section Eight, and the State, was against stock running at Oregon, made and entered on Nov­ Probable Receipts of the County, Commencing at a point 409 feet Total .................................. $4.000.00 ember 9th, 1914, authorizing and di­ South and 60 feet East of the North­ East one half of the Southwest quar­ large in said Rockaway precinct; Other Than Direct Taxation. County Assessor. recting me, the administrator of the east corner of the E. Thomas D. L. C. ; ter and the Southwest quarter of the therefcre Receipts from County Clerk's Notice is hereby given, that after Assessor’s Salary................... $1200.00 estate of Marshall Roberts, deceased, thence S. 77 degrees East 207' feet; Southwest quarter of Section Nine all Office, (estimated) $5000.00 thence North 12.55 feet; thence North to sell at private sale the real proper­ 77 degrees 10 minutes West 207 feet; in Township 3, South of Range 10 sixty days from the date of this notice 2 deputies ($900 each) ........ 1800.00 Receipts from delinquent for field work . . . 600.00 2 deputies ty belonging to said estate, I will, thence South 11.96 feet to place of be­ West, Willamette Meridian, contain­ it shall be unlawful for stock to run taxes, .................................. ¡000.00 ing 160 acres in Tillamook County, at large in said Rockaway election Traveling expenses for field from and after Monday, the 21st day ginning. owned by H. T. Botts describ­ Oregon. 120.00 work .. $0.00 precinct, in Tillamook County, Ore­ Total, of December, 1914, proceed to sell at ed Tract as follows: Tax rolls and office supplies . 510.50 Bids will be received by me at the Also the following School Districts gon; under penalty of $10.00 for the private sale, and to the highest bidder Commencing at a point 409 feet south for cash in hand, all of the following and 60 feet east of the northeast corner law office of M. B. Bump, in Hills­ first offense ,and $20.00 for each and Taking State Census ............. 350.00 and cities have filed with the County Clerk, and Assessor, the special levies described real estate, situate in Tilla­ of the Edrick Thomas D. L. C. thence boro, Washington County, Oregon every subsequent offense, to be re­ south 77 degrees east 207 feet for in­ Total .............................. $4,580.50 School District No. 3......... Ont mook County, State of Oregon, to- itial point; thence north 12.55 feet; also at the office of the Tillamook covered from the owner of the stock. Surveyor’s Office. School District No. 14........Two It is the duty of each constable and wit: thence south 77 degrees 10 minutes Headlight in Tillamook, Tillamook School District No. 19....... Two each road supervisor to enforce the Salaries, Surveys and County The Southeast quarter of the North­ east 33.5 feet; thence south 12 65 feet; County, Oregon, this Nov. 17, 1914- Engineering, ....................... $5,000.00 School District No. 24........Two north 77 degrees west 33.5 to Widow’s dower right in said land provisions of the law pertaining to west quarter, the East half of the thence feet initial point. County Court. School District No. 47. Two % Southwest quarter, and the Northwest Tract owned bv F. C. Baker describ­ can be purchased for a reasonable stock running at large. price. Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this County Judge’s Salary .......... $¡200.00 School District No. 56 Two 54 quartor of the Southeast quarter of ed as follows: County Commissioners’ Sal­ Commencing at a point 409 feet south Dated at Hillsboro, Washington 19th day of November, 1914. School District No. 59 . .Three Section six (6), Township two (2) and 60 feet E. of the northeast corner of Cunty, Oregon, this Nov. 17, 1914. ary $5 per day (estimated) 2000.00 School District No. 61. Three % J. C. Holden, North, of Range nine (9), West of the Edrick Thomas D. I . C.; thence Katie J. Creighton, County Clerk for Tillamook Expenses and supplies .......... 300.00 Union High School, Six tenths of a the Willamette Meridian, containing jouth 77 degrees east 240.5 feet for Mill. Administratrix of the es- County, Oregon. Or* Hundred and Sixty acres (160). place of Beginning; thence north 12.65 : thence south 77 degrees 10 min­ Total...................................... $3,500.00 City of Tillamook Nine Mills tate of R. R. Creighton, That bids will be received by me feet utes east 34.9 feet; thence south 12.75 Circuit Court. City of Bay City. Seven Mills deceased. either at the office of the Tillamook feet thence north 77 degrees west 34.9 Stock Running At Large. Jurors, Witnesses, Bailiffs . Two Mills Port of Bay City. M. B. and D. D. Bump, Headlight, in Tillamook, Oregon, or feet toplace of beginning. ----- o----- Etc............................................$3,000.00 Tract owned by Mutual Telephone Attorneys for said Estate. At the general election held in Till­ at the office of W. N. Barrett, at Company described as follows : amook County, State of Oregon, on Justice Court. Hillsboro, Oregon, and said sale will Dated this the 24th day of Novcm- Commencing at a point 409 feet south the 3rd day of November, 1914, a ma­ Justice and Constable fees, .. 750.00 ber, 1914. be subject to confirmation by said and 00 feet east of the northeast corner County Court. L. M. Herron who has of the Edrick Thomas D. L. C.; thence ■ Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., jority of all votes cast in Kilchis Court House. J. C. Holden, mortgage and tax deed to said land south 77 degrees east 275.4 feet for B Surveyor. election precinct, in said County and Janitor's Salary $660.00 County Clerk. place of beginning; thence north 12.75 will at date of delivery of deed to pur­ feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 min­ State, was against stock running at ■ John Leland Henderson. Sec- Estimr e of Road District No. t. chaser cancel mortgage and execute utes east 34.2 feet; thence south 12.85 " retary Treas., Attomey-at- large in said Kilchis precinct; For work on road from Wheeler to Brighton......... feet; thence north 77 degrees west to $800000 quit claim deed to purchaser. therefore B Law, Notrary Public place of beginning. For work on Wheeler road from Garibaldi to Brighton.. .. 10000.00 Dated this 14th day of Nov., 1914. Notice is hereby given, that after Tract owned by Methodist Episcopal j For work on Gods Valley road................................................. ; 1500.00 Tillamook Title and John Roberts, Administrator Church described as follows : sixty days from the date of this notice For work on Loerpabel road.......... ........................................ 2500.00 Commencing at a point 409 feet south I of the estate of Marshall Roberts, it shall be unlawful for stock to run For work on McKimens road................................................... jooo.oo Abstract co. and 60 feet east os the northeast cor- | 2500.00 deceased. at large in said Kilchis election For work on North Fork road East and West side of river ner of the Edrick Thomas D. L. C.; 1 I ¿oo.ua W. N. Barrett, precinct, in Tillamook County, Ore­ For work from Foley to North Fork of Nehalem............. thence South 77 degrees east 361 feet I »Law, Abstracts, R ml Estate, For new construction from Nehalein to Deans’ Point . 35O0.00 Attorney for said estate. for place of beginning; thence north . gon; under penalty of $10.00 for the For general repairs...................................... 5000.00 A Surveying, Insurance. 12.85 feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 ' first offense ,and $20.00 for each and For Miami road on South side of river. . joo.ao Both Phones. minutes ease 153.92 feet; thence south 1 1000 00 every subsequent offense, to be re­ For work on Mohler road........................... 10.46 feet; thence north 77 degrees I , Summons. TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. ■ 500.00 covered from the owner of the stock. For work from Foley to Miami............... west 102.6 feet; thence south 2 74 feet; ' For work froni Garibaldi to Miami 1200.00 thence north 77 degrees west 51.32 * m « .st ■ sc as * * .* ■ 1 It is the duty of each constate and For work on Wilson River road In the Circuit Court of the State of feet to place of beginning. 500.00 < each road supervisor to enforce the For work on Hobsonvillc, Bay City road 5800.00 Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. Tract owned by Lydia Morgan de- , Singer Sewing Machine 5000.00 provisions of the law pertaining to For Dolph road one-third of estimate.... scribed as follows: Jeff D. Matney, plaintiff, Company. Beginning at the southeast corner of stock running at large. vs. $$2,500.00 Total the Methodist Episcopal Church tract Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this Lizzie Matney, defendant. described in Deed recorded in Book GEO. H. ALDERMAN, Estimate of Road District No. a. 19th day of November, 1914. To Lizzie Matney, the above-named “D”, at page 428, of the records of Agent. For patching up road atLarson creek, North of Bay City................. $ 50.00 J. C. Holden, Deeds of Tillamook Countv, Oregon; For work on the Doughty road................... ............................................ defendant: thence north 10.46 feet; thence south County Clerk for Tillamook For work on the Kilchis river road......................................................... . 400.00 Machines for sale anti rent. 400 00 In the name of the State of Oregon. 77 degrees 10 minutes east 62 feet; County, Oregon. For work from Kilchis bridge to dry run near Zurchcr place......... 800.00 Needles, parts, oil and re You are hereby required to appear thence south 10.64 feet; thence north For paving on Tillamook Bay City road, from paving to bridge. . . 7000.00 | forall makes of machines. and answer the complaint filed against 77 degrees west 62 feet to place of pairs For work on road from Jenkins ’ place up Wilson river ..................... . 1000.00 beginning. Stock Running At Large. you in the above entitled court and For work on road from Bester's ford to County line........................... . 1000.00 Tract owned by Annetta B. Mason For paving Fairview road from R.R. crossing to near Grange Hall . 13500.00 cause on or before the last day of the described as follows: TILLA M OOK C LEA NI NG At the general election held in Till­ For work from Grange Hall up Wilson and Trask rivers................. . 1000.00 Beginning at a point 392.34 feet time prescribed in this order for the south and 584.6 feet south 77 degrees amook County, State of Oregon, on For paving on South road from Harrison bridge to Hunt bridge.. . . 8000 00 AND TAILORING GO. service of summons by publication east of the northeast corner of the the 3rd day of November, 1914, a ma­ For work on road from Jeff Harris’ to McCormack's......................... . 1500.00 herein, and if you fail so to answer, Edrick Thomas D. L. lving the bonds of matrimony ex- For work from Killum Creek to Faucet Creek, on south road.......... . 1000.00 therefore scribed as follows : ing between you and the said plain- For work on road up the Netarts Bay.................................................... . 500.00 ........ .......... Beginning 392.34 ...... feet south and Notice is hereby given, that after For surface on Bayocean road, 1000 yards (estimated $>•75)........ . 1750.00 \ Jeff D. Matney, for the recovery 72956 feet south 77 degrees east from sixty days from the date of this notice For one half mile, new construction on Bayocean road ................. 3000.00 Uaintiff of his costs and disburse- the northeast corner of the Edrick it shall be unlawful for stock to run Filling and graveling road from Trask river to Tillamook river • in said suit, and for such other Thomas D. L. C., thence north 11.02 1000.00 draw bridge...................................................................................... . at iarge in said Bayocean election feet; thence north 77 degrees 10 min­ Jrther relief as to the court may utes west63.1 feet; thence south 10.87 75000 approach to draw bridge, on Bayocean road................................ precinct, in Tillamook County, Ore­ For For repair work all over district, Supervisor’s salary, repairs on tieet, right, and equitable. feet; thence south 77 degrees east to gon; under penalty of $10.00 for the Machinery, (estimated)................. 10050.00 —man— if you want the finest . summons is served upon you place of beginning. first offense ,and $20.00 for each and For Dolph road, one-third of estimate....................................................... 5000.00 Tract owned by F. R. BeaL, describ­ old. mellow whiskey, order ./¡cation thereof, by order of every subsequent offense, to be re­ ed as follows: ’ 1. Homer Mason, County OLD $67,00000 Beginning at a poirt 392.34 feet south Total covered from the owner of the stock. '“ Tillamook County, Oregon, and 729.76 feet couth 77 degrees east Estimate on Road District No. 3. It is the duty of each constable and u ance of the Hon. W ebster from the northeast corner of the Ed­ $ f 500.00 each road supervisor to enforce the To replace three bridges between Blum’s and Hemlock by filling rick Thomas D. L. C., thence north WHISKEY . . I 500.00 ■ °^dge of the Circuit Court 11.02 feet; thence south 77 degrees 10 repair work from Hemlock to Cloverdale.. ................... provisions of the law pertaining to For . . 1200.00 For repair work from Cloverdale to Neskowin.............................. * ■’vhich said order is minutes east 65 feet ¡thence south 11.23 In SO ye-ni Its equal hasn’t • tock running at large. 2000.00 work on Slabcreek road ..................... For been found. feet ; thence north 77 degrees west 65 * , ,b day of November, ¡914 1000.00 Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this For work on Meda and Little Nestucca road to place of beginning an“ ->f the .. r: first — . ...llL.f^n B. P LAUGHLIN publication feet 4000.00 rading and gravi graveling Pacific City road For grading Tract owned bv W. B. Aiderman de­ 19th day of November, ¡914. Til.LAM JOK . 10000.00 atpth day For bridge at Woods , 1914. »*' ’ of November. scribed as follows: J. G. Holden, . . I 500.00 Beginning at a point 406.34 feet work on Woods road For Ijjate of the last publica- County Clerk for Tillamook For work ti ->n L- 300000 south and 794.6 feet south 77 degrees on .. _ . Blaine road I the last date on 30000 CoMtv. CMeaca. For work on East Beaver road ........ J.wer* •« "52,50000 benefit of the spondee. Total 4L* scribed as follows: for Plaintiff. I YOU!! I. W. HARPER