Tillajnoolc Headlight, December 3, IÔ14. PANAMA EXPOSITION. I < Special Advertising Offe fl N ■ •r There are 2,224,771 people in Iowa according _ to the last census. The railroads have estimated that 15 per cent of these people will attend the world’s fair, and that 10 per cent of these people will go or come by way of Oregon. This means that 222,477 People from Iowa will visit Oregon between March 1st and August 30th, 1915. The crop estimate for Iowa this year is over «655,643,000.00 Some of this money will be spent for land somewhere. The coming months—“ before the Fair opens and after it opens’’—are destined to see the greatest OREGON land movement ever known, including the time gold was discovered in California and the first big rush was on. Many of the people of Iowa have already taken up their residence in Oregon. Other rich Iowans will go there this winter and when they get a taste of the mild winter climate and the pleasant summer weather, hundreds of others will make it their home. Others will buy for invest­ ment. WHO IS GOING TO SELL THEM THIS LAND. Will It Be You ? In my opinion THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME for you to advertise what land you have to sell and get big results. The people of Iowa are building an exhibit at the Fair. They are inter­ ested in the coast country. They are reading every day about it. Think of the prestige you can attain without cost just at this time before the people of Iowa start to the Coast for the winter. Get the mail trains hot carrying your correspondence and literature to prospective buyers in Iowa and before the Fair opens you will have some of Iowa’s wealth in the , bank subject to YOUR check. To help you get things started, we are making a SPÉCIAL ADVER­ TISING OFFER We will publish your Land Offerings in our new list we are arranging. Let us have this at once. We are in a position to serve you, if you will let us. If you have any­ thing to sell let us have it at once, so that we can get the arrangement in our published list. This - - -• list will go into the hands of the printer Monday, December 14th. Now Listen, Friends. Times are a little quiet now, but help to LIVEN THINGS UP. It’s up to you to make TIMES LIVELY OR DULL. Everybody can help make times better in Tillamook than they now are if they will. Use this form for listing your property : I hereby list the following property for sale or trade with ROLLIE W. WATSON and agree to pay regular commission in case lieprocures me a client and a transfer is made. Signed. Total Acres......... ....... Soil Improvements Sec. , Tp Condition Description , Range .................., Stock Miss. Price, $ Terms Ì Rollie W. Watson, agent would God that we could dismiss it a fog becomes an ideal cover, and matum that both Villa and Zapata and will be until trade balances are all from our thoughts! But why even heavy rains or snow have ad­ must retire. considerably more in our favor than should I be so distressed and con­ vantages as well as drawbacks. There Withdrawal of American troops they arc now. The practical certainty cerned? Great God! if any sin of mine are, also, as always, the physiologi­ One of the Burbank family, famous that they will soon be more markedly from Mexican »oil, at the present has gone into the sum of,causes that cal and phychological effects of the as assistants of nature in many fields, favorable should be a sufficient con­ crises in the affairs of that country, lie behind this awful Armageddon, weather on the body and spirits of after experimenting for a consider­ solation to all who are looking to­ must he taken in evidence of the pres­ I grant unto me speedy and puhget re­ the troops. able time in Alaska, announces that, ward legitimate investiments as soon ident’» eagerness to get out and leave pentance. Pardon my soul of any re­ So a modern commander has to by repeated crossings, a potato can as a itivities on the exchange are re­ the Mexican» to their own devices. It ! missness or guilt that may have help­ watch the weather as of first impor­ soon be raised in that territory as sum ;d. The brokers, some of whom can be taken a« proof that "watchful ed to brew this storm of hate and hell tance. A heavy rain may make a dif­ entirely marketable as any other. Po­ are anxiously awaiting, possibly, an waiting" is at an end, at least in the and death! Oh, that I may feel myself ference of hours or days in moving tatoes have been raised in Alaska for opportunity to resume wash sales, «ease and to the extent that we are absolved—that my agonizing soul cry troops to make a junction. Heavy long, but because of their excessive coufd wait indefinitely without any not Io continue waiting, on Mexiian for the surcease of war may find ut­ winds may prevent aerial reconnoit­ wateriness they were hardly to be appreciable loss to the public, or to »oil, for the Mexicans to reconcile an terance and acceptance, and that this ering. A river that to-day may stop j called edible. Two German gardeners, business interests. irreconcilable conflict. We may con­ nightmare that haunts the day and the enemy from advancing tomorrow­ brothers naraer Swineheart, sold veg­ tinue watching, but we are waiting no Our Brains and Heart are Sick. the night may be broken and dispell­ may be a highway of ice. So military etables to the camp at Dawson City longer Five of our warships are »till There is one legally authorized dis­ men must have a knowle’ge of nct- in the late spring and early summer anchored in Vera Cruz harbor, but We go to our bed at night with in­ ed!—Word and Works. tillery which will not pay a cent of crologv and be able to make fore­ of 1898, but potatoes were not includ­ the invasion is at an end. expressible distress and sadness over revenue. It is the one run in connect­ casts. An Austritn expert has i.dvis- ed in their wares because, as one of If the evacuation when the situa­ the all-destroying war in Europe. We ion with the experimental laboratory War and Weather. tion appear« l