* Tillamook Headlight, November 26» IÖ14. THE COUNTY BUDGET. Home of Hart Schaffner & Mark Clothing, Stetson Hat.°, Florsheim Shoes, American Lady Corsets. Home Journal Patterns. Carefully Considered By Advisory Board and the County Court. Fall Trade and PRE-HOL1DAY SALES The buying has grown greater every day since this sale be^an. We have entirely passed our previous record. And now we are going after still better records. Several delayed shipments of merchandise which have recently arrived have been unpacked and marked down for quick disposal. Which makes an event worthy of your attention. The assort­ ments are of the broadest and most satisfactory descriptions. And the prices are lowest that can be quoted on such reliable merchandise Note ! E ery item iu the store reduced (excepting a few contract goods) To 35.00 Women’s Suits $18.85 To $17.50 Men’s Suits $12.45 You will find in this great lot of new fall suits everything that is up to date in long and short coat effects. Materials and workmanship are of the very best. Specially priced during this sale t ................................................ $18.85 Men’s all wool suits made of good serviceable Cheviots , Serges and Scotch Mixtures. Come in box and form fitting backs. All sizes, Special. $12.45 ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN’S SUITS REDUCED. $25.00 Women’s Coats $15.95. Beautiful New Fall Garments, made of such desirable fabrics as Ural Lamb, Plush, Ponv, Chinchilla, Boucles, etc., trimmed with real fur and other self colored materials. Choice from any of these fine coats, value to $25.00, during this sale at..................................... $15.95 ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN’S COATS REDUCED. $1.50 Silk Waists, $1.98 A large and valuable selection of stylish silk waists in light and dark shades of plain and fancy messalines. Special during this sale, values to $4.50 go at ................................................. $1.98 ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN’S WAISTS REDUCED. $5.00 Trimmed Hats $2.50 Beautiful new fall creations of the milliner’s art, every wanted shape and style specially priced at................ $2.50 ENTIRE STOCK OF MILLINERY NOW AT % PRICE. $3.50 Fur Muffs $2.49 ENTIRE .STOCK OF WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S FURS REDUCED. ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN’S AND BOY’S SUITS REDUCED. $10.00 Men’s Overcoats $6.15 Men’s full length overcoats made of fine servicable blue and grey Melton. Special during this sale at........... $6.15 ENTIRE STOCK OF BOY’S OVER­ COATS REDUCED. $1.50 Men’s Underwear at 98