'Tillamook TILLAMOOK JOTTINGE ntertained a number of his friend- ,t an eight course “Flag” dinner a i he Tillamook Hotel, including Mr md Mrs. Fred C. Baker, Dr. and Mrs E. E. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. East • an, and Miss Bessie Bays of Beaver II in all the club did itself proud and sec. Worrall and the entertainment •ommittee are to be congratulated. Headlight, Free Cups and Saucers. December 3, IÔ14. reference to trying to sell the rock on this land, and testified that they nev­ er talked the matter over together. The court held that Kiger had bound himself by his talk to Gcibisch to let them go ahead with their work, ind that Dwight himself having known of the work going on there was estopped to claim that the con­ tractors had no right under the cir­ cumstances, and dismissed the suit. A great deal of comment has been had on this case owing to the great public interest felt in the jetty work. Had the plaintiffs succeeded in get­ ting an injunction against the defend­ ants the work on the jetty might have been delayed indefinitely, or the contractors would have been compell­ ed to have paid Dwight & Kiger whatever price they might have asked for the rock after they had gone ahead and expended this large sum of money in getting ready to take out the rock. The testimony showed that the land was worthless practically for any­ thing except the rock, and that it was a benefit to the property to have the quarry opened up, as this of * itself necessitated the expenditure of a large sum of money. Attorneys S. S. Johnson and Oak Nolan were attorneys for Kiger & Dwight, and Attorneys Botts and Stapleton represented Giebisch & Joplin. On Saturday, Dec. 5, 1914, we are going to give away 1000 Japanese cups and soucers, Joo cups and sau cers will be given away in the fore- noon; 400 in the afternoon and joc liter supper. Every lady that is a On Monday afternoon a serious ac house keeper, who visits the store or cident happened to Sylvester Taylor his date will receive one of thesi which wiil deprive him of his righ1 cups and saucers as long as they last Grand Jury Comes Back. hand for life. He was working fot None of these cups and saucers will John Perry with the wood saw in th' be reserved or sent to any one. The Tillamook. Otegon, Dec. a, 1914 only way to get one is to come after west patt of town. In some way Tay lor accidently slipped while feeding fo M J. Gersoni, Tillamook, Ore. t on December 5. Remember you do tiie saw, and in doing so threw out Dear Sir:—In answer to the charges not have to make a single purchase his hand, striking the saw. This sev nadc by you against the grand jury or pay a cent to procure a cup and •ted the whole of his fingers and n your recent letter published in the saucer. Just come and get one. thumb above the knuckles, He wa: Hearld and Headlight, we would like Lamar's Variety Store. taken to a doctor as soon as possible o be able to state all of the facts as “Drop in and look around.” and Dr. Wendt dressed the wound .ve found them, but we been sworn to This is a most unfortunate accident o keep such proceedings secret and Episcopal Services First Held in this for Taylor, for he is a young man. ,0 are thereby prevented from divulg- County at Oretown. i,g what is necessary to properly The first part of “The Trey O mswer you, but your action judged Hearts” was given at the Gem Thea Oretowm, Ore. Dec. I, 1914 ter on Monday and Tuesday evening, by such letter, leads us to conclude Editor Headlight— and to show the interest taken in it, .l.at you intentionally took advan­ Sir;—I wish to call your attention the house was packed. The play tage of this fact and knew we were to the fact that Rev. Jones, Episco­ proved highly interesting and is thus handicapped, or else you were palian minister, lived at Oretown beautifully staged. Owing to the fact ignorant of the law, either of which from Oct. 1891 to April 1894 during tliaf the Headlight is publishing the condition would unfit you to hold the which time he regularly held Episco­ stiory this made the films doubly in­ office of county attorney; for if yoji palian service« each Sunday in the old teresting to those who had read the intentionally took such advantage, Oretown school house. first chapters of the play. The man- you arc acting in such an unfair man­ Mrs. Bell J. Sellwood, wife of Rev. agment of the Gem Theatre is to be ner that shows you would not be a fit John Sellwood was much interested congratulated on bringing such a man to fill the office; and if you did it in religious work here at that time high class play to this city, which we ignorantly, then your ignorance of and it was by her influence Mr. Jones are sure will be appreciated. “The such a well known Jaw would be a was located here. Mrs. H. S. Rock. Trey O’ Hearts” will be a success and sufficient reason fo“your removal. TO ENLARGE THE PORT. Again, if you wanted to give the drawing card from first to finish. facts concerning the investigation of Grange Meeting. -1 - ! Interesting Meeting Took Place at your case by the governor, you would I z The City Caucus. the Commercial Club. the Following is the program for not have inferred as you do, that it Grange meeting Dec. to: Song by was at your request he began the in ­ At the city caucus on Saturday Grange; Brief review of public events In pursuance of a call issued by the evening, at the court house the fol- vestigation. You are well aware of the reason why and at whose instance it since our last meeting, Morrison Commercial Club for a meeting to lowing nominations were made for was made. You also know why an in­ Mills; Recitation, Joe Donaldson; discuss plans, ways and means for the city election, which will take dictment was not brought in, and that “How can we enhance the comforts enlarging the Port of Tillamook, and place next Monday: wc dare not publish the reasons why and attraction of our homes” Mrs. hereby obtaining the benefits to be Mayor—S. A. Brodhead. Roy Jones; Reading, Mrs. Ina Chance derived from the harbor improve­ it was not. Treasurer—M. W. Harrison. You want to know why we did not Discussion, “What is the relative pro­ ments, the members of the present Councilmen: bring in an indictment and give you portion of honest men and the dis­ Port Commission, together with a First Ward—John Keldson. a chance to get a fair trial, and rep­ honest men today compared with 50 .number of interested citizens and Second Ward—G. A. Edmunds. resent that you are willing to waive years ago,” C. E. Trombley and Wm. farmers, met at the commercial club Third Ward—R. T Boals. ill technical objections, which strictly Maxwell; Song, Mrs. C. E. Trombley rooms on Wednesday afternoon, Fred Fourth Ward—M. Melchior. speaking, means merely abstract and and Mrs. Campbell; “Which yields R. Beals. President of Commission Fifth Ward—G. B. Lamb. harmless error; and if you pretend to the greater profit, one cow or fifty called the meeting to order, Wm. Water Commissioner Fourth Ward chicken? Marion Chance; Roll call Maxwell was elected chairman of the mean more than that, and are com­ —U. G. Jackson. by each telling which is the best sel­ meeting and C. J. Edwards Secretary. Mr. Brodhead had filled the posit- petent to fill the position of county ection given to-day. Song by Grange. Secretary Worrall, of the commercial attorney, you would know that you ion of mayor before having served Club, explained the object of the could not by law waive any fatal de­ one term, and filled the office of Giebisch and Joplin Win Case. meeting. 0. A. Schultz, on request, fects in the indictment, and that some councilman for several terms, having opened the discussion by comparing of the most competent lawyers of our taken considerable interest in city af­ The case of Dwight & Kiger against conditions here with Gray's Harbor, county have stated that, owing to the fairs. condition of the law an indictment in Giebisch & Joplin was tried in the etc., and showed many advantages to such case would be very difficult to ciicuit court this week, and judge be derived from having a deeper Circuit Court. on Wednesday channel to the bay, making cheaper draw so as to make it hold, and you Webster Holmes, A. G. Beals vs. F. 11. Wilkins and may therefore make a pretty close morning handed down his dicision in freight rates both ways, not only to Portland, but to San Francisco and all Burton Rice. Action for money, De- guess why an indictment was not favor of the defendants. In this case Dwight & Kiger were coast points. Mr. Schultz having fully murrer to complaint sustained. found against you; but the recall A. R. Caruthers vs. Bay City. Writ leaves no such loopholes, and the peo­ owners of the land on which the rock investigated this question, gave much of review. Writ sustained and judg­ ple may thereby decide whether or quarry was situated from which the valuable information. The discussion ment for plaintiff as demanded. not they wish to retain you in so im­ rock for the Jetty at the mouth of then became general and a feeling Tillamook Bay is being taken. It ap­ was shown by the city people to want State of Oregon vs. Edgar Williams portant office. Indictment for cruelty to animals. As to our circulation of petitions pears that last year when bids were the co-operation of all the farmers in Defendant pleaded not guilty and bail for your recall, wc beg leave to state being called for the construction of this water shed to assist in bringing fixed at $100. that we are not doing so as a grand the jetty, the Port of Bay City ap­ al.out the Port’s enlargement. The Lewis L. Smith vs. W. G. Dwight, jury, but as citizens of the county who proached Kiger with a view of get­ new law wal fully discussed to drop­ Quiet title. have an in..•■st in its welfare and ting an option on the rock so that ping our present Port and organizing Albert August John Zimmerman who feel it to be our duty to let the bidders for the jetty work would a new and larger one, taking in much and Alfred Larson were admitted to people know the kind of man they know what price they would have to more territory for purposes of taxa­ citizenship. have for county attorney and we have pay for the rock to go in the jetty. tion and it was preferred to have the Mr. Kiger was willing to dispose of adjacent farmers come into and as­ The grand jury brought in a “no done so at our own expense. hili' against Russell Hawkins, who Your suggestion that wc drop the the rock at one cent per ton, but sist the present Port by voting to en­ was bound over on a charge of violat- recall and proceed with the indict­ wished to have included the rock for large its boundaries. The cost of ing the corrupt practices act at the ment is at least a wise move on your the Nehalem jetty as well as for the deepening the channel was discussed, recent election, For some reason the part, as out of the respect for your Tillamook jc.ty, and he wrote a let­ and it was suggested that in reorgan­ grand jury did not hear the corn- family, the charges in the recall pe­ ter to Major Morrow offering the izing the new Port or enlarging the plaining witness. tition were made as light as possible. rock at one cent per ton to the con­ present Port that the farmers be giv­ er. their just and full representation According to your letter you seetn tractors for the two jetties. The contractors examined the let­ as to its management. J. H. Dunstan Christian Church. to be anxious to save the county the armers wanted to be shown expense of a recall and state it would ter and made their bids on the said the f farmers Some were out to Church last Sun­ cost $1400.00, but wc understand that strength of it. After Giebisch & Jop- j,ow and where they would be bene- awarded the contract Mr. fjne | Kiger was the sole owner of the pro- accrue to all citizens and farmers ,perty perty and had a contract prepared from better water ways to the city your place take advantage of the op­ ones competent to pass on your qual- submitted accord- ­ from the bay, said committee, when iff cations to fill the office, which I and gu bmittcd it for signing accord portunity to attend the services. I Preaching service at 11 a tn. Even­ means that you would not be willing ¡ng to what he claimed was agreed on. ready with such information, to call ing program as follows, beginning at to let a jury ol f twelve of your fellow 1 Kiger retained this without signing, a public meeting of all citizens and 7:jo p in. Chorus singing led by citizens judge w vhether you arc fit for Thc contractors went ahead and built fanners to hear and discuss the plans ____ or not, even though they thejr rai|road. cleared off thc ground and information. The committee as orchestra, Solo, W. G. Culver, “Bow- the position n Down thine Far'” by Chancellor arc under - thc guidance of a judge > and spent something like $20,000.00 appointed is: B. C. Lamb, chairman, ,'..J law and advised by getting ready to take out thc rock, O. A. Schultz, Cyrus Randall, Carl Jenks. ITiis special number will be skilled in thc „ .uld had been working between two Haberlach, and A. L. Edgar. accompanied by the violin and piano. lawyers. >. This means that you intend- ( alld Sermon subject: "Just one Thing cd to carry thc case to the supreme I and three months on thc matter | This committee will at once get Mr. Dwight notified them that buisy, and as Mr. B. C. Lamb is one Lacking.” Public invited. court, and yet in your letter you state ¡when ■ H. A. Van Winkle, Pastor. that such trial would cost but $100.00. • j | he had half interest in the property, of the best posted men in the west on and for them to quit work. About the the advantage of transportation and Now, as we figure it, thc cost of a re- ■ t •______ - —- .... t nQ. call would not exceed $80000; but if ( same time Mr. Kiger had them cheapcncss, wc can all look forward Thanksgiving Ball. j tified to get off the ground. to some definite action soon towards the charges arc true that you are not it appears, took an the Port’s enlargement. Mr. Dwight, i. .. The flag dance and social on Thurs- competent, and that the costs and ex­ the land option for half interest in penses to the county of these numer ­ day night, Nov. abth, was a grand There was a general feeling of har­ days success. Thc club rooms had been el- ous cases which have been thrown ( from a Mr. Painter just a few mony and co-operation and a get to­ legantly decorated with American out of court by the court, and includ­ I after the Port of Bay City was ne- I gether spirit manifested, and it is flags and bunting, the grand march ing those dismissed by you when you gotia ing with Mr. Kiger for the pur- hoped that all will use reason and be was a beautifully patriotic pageant, discovered that you were out of ; chase of the rock. Mr. Dwight got a reasonable and work together for each marcher carried a flag and un­ court, were figured up, would they ' deed and placed it on record some what we all realize must be done, to­ der the instruction of C. R. Worrall, not amount to much more than the three weeks after Giebisch claimed to il it: A larger Port boundary and bet­ and leadership of Dr. E. D. Allen and cost of a recall and your salary com­ have his contract with Kiger for the ter water facilities. rock, but did not notify Giebisch of ( The Commercial Club is behind this Miss. Hazel O'Donnell a number of bined? having any interest in the property and Sec. Worrall assures us that they As to your representation that we military figures were intruduccd— marching by platoons; the revolving w acre investigating your matter for a for two months after that. are going to see it through, and keep Kiger admitted having the conver­ it before the people of this watershed star; assembling the colors etc. Jen­ period of six weeks, in order that the kins’ full orchestra rendered a melody people may judge of your reliability sation with Giebisch, and visiting the until it is accomplished. of Patriotic Air«, each gentleman in such statement, we will state that quarry several times, making no oh- two jection to the work going ahead. He wore a small silk flag, and each lady such investigation lasted but and Mr. Dwight both claimed that ( x——S. DR- displayed red, white and blue. Special days. WENDT. very truly, while they were of firing together Yours electric features were under the di­ W. S. Hare, Joe Dürrer, W. E. they took no part in each others busi rection of Geo. Chaphe; the flag Fit dusse« at Noyes. H. G. Poland, Fred Kabkee, ' nets, and disclaimed any knowledge march received much applause. Prior _ , Reasonable Prices. Guaranteed * of what the other one was doing in to the dance, JudgvC. R, Worrall, i Jurick Glad, and E. R. Ayer. County Commissioner F. L. Sap pington returned from Hood Rivet on Monday, where Mrs. Sappingtor has been quite sick. She was a littli t etter when he left. Catholic Order of Foresters. The State officers of the Catholic Order of Foresters chartered a court of that order in Tillamook; initiated the charter and social members and installed the local officers. Forester Hall was crowded on the occasion ind the impressiveness of the ritual, ogether with the eloquence of thc visitors fired thc local members with fine feelings of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity, as between man ind man, and with the hopes of ac­ complishment along lines of a broad- ei social consciousness among mem­ bers of the Roman Catholic faith. The court proceeding were followed by a sumptuous banquet given by the ladies of the parish. The following state officers were present: M. J. Malley, State Chief Ranger; Anthony Hermans, State Vice Chief Ranger; A E. Huchenstein, State Secretary; C. J. Mahar, State Organizer and Robt. O’Neil, an attorney of Port­ land. The elected officers of the local court are: Henry Plasker, Chief Ranger; Mr. John Kirchoff, V. Ch. Ranger; Frank Fitzpatrick, Past Ch. Ranger; Ford E. Shaw, Speaker; J. B. Delsman, Recording Secretary; Joe Durrer, Financial Secretary; Ed. Stasek, Financial Treasurer. Trustees Herman Sander. Ben Jacob and J. Berns. The order will give its dance on Friday evening which is strictly invitational. Q ALVIN R. WORK ALL, LAWYER, BUSINESS COUNSELOR. TITLES, ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUBLIC. 25 years experience. Consultation F ree. Commerciul Club Bld , Tillamcok. QR. l . l .» hoy , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, - Oregon. - ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building’, Tillamook JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bay City - Oregon Teachers’ Examinations. QARL HABERLACH, Notice is hereby given that the County School Superintendent of Til­ lamook County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for state certificates at the Circuit Court Room, Tillamook City, Tillamook County Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Decem­ ber 16, 1914, at 9 o'clock a.m. and con­ tinuing until Saturday, December 19, 1914, at 4 o'clock p.m. Wednesday forenoon—Writing, U. S. History Physiology. Wednesday afternoon—Physical Geography, Reading, Composition, Methods in Reading, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday forenoon—Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods in Geography. Thursday afternoon—Grammar, Geography, American Literature, Physics, Methods in Language, Thes­ is for Primary Certificate. Friday forenoon—Theory and Prac­ tice, Orthography, English Litera­ ture, Chemistry. Friday afternoon—School Law, Ge­ ology, Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday forenoon— Geometry Botany. Saturday afternoon—General His­ tory, Bookkeeping. W. S. Buel, County Sup’t. TILLAMOOK SANITARIUM (Incorporated) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B eock ' Tillamook Oregon H. GOYNE, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office : O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillamook Oregon. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-ATLAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - - - Oregon. ROOM NO. 261. J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT 213 T illamook B lock Tillamook RT- Oregon BOAI.S, M.D., physician ; and surgeon , Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillamook .... Oregon E. REEDY. D.V M., J VETERINARY. Both Phones. Tillamook .... Oregon R. E. E, DANIELS, A well equipped Sanitarium fcr the care of all classes of disease, with all the comforts of a home. Dr. S. M. WENDT, Med. Supt CHIROPRACTOR. I.ocal Office in the Commercial EAT VIERECK’S L. E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Beth Phones. Residence and Office in Whitehouse Residence. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY, At All Grocers. IMPORTANT EVENTS I9I4-IB AT OREGON «IMl COLLEGE WINTER SHORT COURSE—JAN. 4-30 Agriculture, including Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Horti­ culture, Poultry Husbandry, Insects, Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream­ ery Management, Marketing, etc. Home Economics, including Cook­ ing, Home Nursing, Sanitation, Sew­ ing. Dressmaking and Millinery. Commerce, including Business Man­ agement. Rural Economics, Business Law, Office Training. Farm Account­ ing, etc. Engineering, including Shopwork and Roadbuilding. Building. TILLAMOOK - ORE T_J T. BO1 ab A A . YTTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books io Office. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamoos QR. .... Oregon Both Phones. GEORGE J. PETERSEN DENTIST, Successor to Dr. Perkins. TILLAMOOK, G. McGEE, OREGON. M D. FARMERS WEEK —FEBRUARY 1-6 A general clearing house session of six days for the exchange of dynamic Ideas on the most pressing problems of the times. Lectures by leading authorities. State conferences. EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lectures, movable schools. In­ stitutes and numerous correspondence courses on request. MUSIC: Piano. String. Band, Voice. No tuition. Reduced rates on all rail- roads. For further infuma ion address, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. ^Office : Next door to Star Theatre G BORGE WILLETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW The Oregoa Agricaliursl College. T illamook C onmbkcaal B uilding (tw-U-l lo-l-l) COS V ALLAS. OKEOOV | 11 illamook .... Orecou