TILLAMOOK, OREGON, DECEMBER 3, 1914 BANK CAN HELP THE PRUDENT MAN TO ACCOUNTS- STRAIGHT Pre-Holiday Sale—Entire stock re­ Pre-Holiday Sale—Entire stock re­ duced iu price, except a few contract duced in price, except a few contract goods.—At Haltom’s. * toods.—At Haltom’s. * Houses to Rent, see Watson. * It’s a good rule to buy a sewir.q Grant 1 hayer will pay the highest machine v ith an established rep.t .a- market price for hides. Next to T. H. tion fo quality services. The White Goyne’s office. for sale on easy terms at Jot.es Knudson Furniture Company. * Spruce limbs for immediate deliv­ ery—Phone Bell 2F14—Dewey Or­ The school levy in School District chard Co. ♦ X’o. 9 is ¡'A mills. It was 5 mills last year, but with the increase in the Lscful and fancy articles, place valuation it will raise about the same cards and favors for sale. Mrs. Geo. imount of money as the last levy. Willett, 3rd St. West. » . For sale, 3 year old, coal black Wm. G. Tait, president of the First National Bank, was in Portland this colt, well broke for single, double or saddle, good traveler, price $75.00; week on business. tlso yearling colt. W. R. Illingworth, For sale, "White Leghorns, Cockerls Tillamook, Oregon. * and pullets. F. S. Armentrout, Hem­ The public arc cordially invited to lock, Ore. Phone 7-F-12 Bell. * ittend a bazaar at the Presbyterian Mr. Helt of the General Electric Co. Ladies Aid of the German Congrega­ is in town looking over electrical de­ tional Church on Friday, , December , velopment in this territory. I, 1914. German dinner and ; supper | * I „ Attorney G. W. Stapleton, of Port­ served. If you will open a bank account with us we will show you how to keep your accounts straight. Every check you write will be a LEGAL RECEIPT. And we always shall, free of charge, cheerfully advise with you about money matters. We shall be glad to keep you from LOSING MONEY ; so will you. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. Tillamook County Bank. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Pre-Holiday Sale—Entire stock re- . duced in price, except a few contract * Pre-Holiday Sale—Entire stock re­ 1 goods.—At Haltom’s. duced in price, except a few contract Hugo Effenberger was in the city * goods.—At Haltom’s. on Wednesday from Nehalem. ♦ Houses to Rent, see Watson. We are in a position to make some Gasoline 20c. a gallon at Ed’s Gar- long time farm loans. First National * Bank. age. * For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River The county court is in session this bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ week. man. ♦ F. A. Rowe, of Wheeler, was in the All Silks and all Dress Goods at city on Tuesday. Pre-Holiday Sale Prices.—At Hal- * Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tilla­ tom’s. mook County Bank. * W. O. Kilbourne, wife and son the "Good left this week for California for the winter. * Attorney J. L. Henderson left for A heavy team, wagon and harness Portland Tuesday on a short business for sale. See Shrode. * trip. Mrs. Ellis has been appointed post­ Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! of all master of Garibaldi. kinds, and fence posts, for sale. See F. D. Small was in Portland on Shrode. * Tuesday on business. We will soon have several cars of L. S. Miller, of Manzanita, was in hay for sale from the car. See Shrode the city on Wednesday. for prices. The place to eat is at Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. land, had business at the session the circuit court this week. of Men’s, Boy’s Suits and Overcoats, Shoes, Underwear, Hats at Pre-Holi­ day Sale Prices, at Haltim’s. * $35.00 Tailored Suits, $18.85. $15.00 Coats, $9 75. All Millinery at 14 price day Sale Prices, at Haltom’s. * The east wind the first part of the week brought snow in the mountains, some places being a foot deep. For Sale, full blooded Holstein Bulls, one year and six months. Apply to John Neiger, Fairview, Ore. * It must be that Ray & Co. is want­ ing to make the citizens coffee booz- ers, for that company ordered nine tons of coffee in one shipment. Or is it is a campaign of education to grad­ ually wean the booze fighter before the state goes “dry"? C. B. Briggs, of Tillamook, leased the Effenberger ranch about three miles from Nehalem. A residence will immediately be structed on the place, when Briggs will move his family there the first of the year. Mr. Briggs was the druggist in Lamar’s drug store, and he has a w ife and seven childri n swell the population of Nehalem. »1.50 PER YEAR. Founded in the Strongest Way, Growing Stronger Every Day “SERVES YOU RIGHT Wiv §preiljcn grutedj First National Bank Tillamook, Ore. Member oï FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION Of the United States. Useful Christmas Gifts Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * ' The committee on the Ministrci The Water Commission has decid­ show feci assured that they are now ed to reduce the water rate 25 per in a position to announce to their many friends the dates for their big cent, commencing at the new year. show. They have selected Friday and Do your Christmas shopping early, Saturday, Dec. 18 and 19th, at which the stores in Tillamook City have time everything will be in .perfect many useful things to choose from. running order. This will be only one | Ray & Co. closed a deal for nine of the many good things that they I tons of coffee, the largest shipment have in preparation. Remember help i NEXT TO GEM THEATRE. of coffee ever made in this county. the Booster Band to Boost Tillamook j County at the “ Frisco Fair 1915." | Lloyd Edwards, who spent Thanks­ giving with his parents, returned on You do your part and they’ll do theirs . Pre-Holiday Sale—Entire stock re­ Pre-Holiday Sale—Entire stock re­ Monday to resume his studies at According to official returns re­ duced in price, except a few contract duced in price, except a few contract Pacific College. ceived by Secretary of State Olcott goods.—At Haltom’s. * goods.—At Haltom’s. * Protect your valuable papers from from all counties in the state, the Carl Dawson, while wrestling in The ladies ’ of the Altar Society will the unexpected fire by renting one of constitutional amendment abolishing Zachman’s blumbing shop on Tues­ give a chicken dinner at the People's our safe deposit boxes. Only one capital punishment was passed at the day, fell and sprained his ankle, Store next Monday (Election day), dollar per year. Tillamook County ’recent election by a majority of 157 votes—100,552 being cast for the which will confine him to his home when dinner will be served between Bank. * for several days. 12 and 2 o'clock. Arrangements have been made to measure, and 100,395 against it. Mult­ The ladies of the Presbyterian Remember when you want useful keep Bar View hotel open during the nomah County gave the measure its winter, and the speciality will be in biggest majority of 2377. The prohi­ church will hold a sale and tea at the Christmas presents, that Allen Pag« providing fish and clam dinners for bition constitutional amendment car­ guild house Saturday, Dec. 12, at'2 has a fine assortment of rugs, stoves, parties who desire to spend a few ried by a majority of 36,480—136,482 o’clock. '1 here are many articles that heaters and other things that 100,362 will make beautiful ’Xmas gifts. The needed in the home. Call in and days at the beach the coming winter. votes being cast for against. public arc cordially invited to attend. them. Phone orders. THE ELECTRIC STORE The Stillwell Store Announces THEIR * Our new up-to-date show cases, suit cabinets and all store fixtures for sale at a great bargain. Merchants vzill find this a great op­ portunity to buy any part or the whole stock at less than market value. Which will be one of the greatest merchand ing events ever held in this City or else where, an opportunity affording you to pur chase the highest grade merchandise in many instances at less than the cost of production It will be a wonderful sale the saving will be beyond comprehension—the low prices truly startling. Extra sales people will be in attend­ ance to make your shopping a pleasure. A STATEMENT FROM MR. STILLWELL. Owin to the ill health of Mrs Stillwell, compelling her to move to a different climate I have concluded to dispose o f my entire stock of merchandise. I wish at this time to thcir patronage during the time I have tried to serve them honoiably as a merchant. It has been my endeavor to always supply the public with the very best merchandise obtainable and to sell at a fair profit, and I as sure you, that during this sale you will be offered this high grade merchandise at prices in many instances below the f th manufacturer Our stocks are new, bright and seasonable, the very latest weaves and colorings (having been purchased within the last year.) Again thanidng you , for the , many acts c f . cc*nilaence ‘ ('■ you vniI novc have shown me, , we inv ite you all to this feast of high grade merchandise at prices you cannot duplicate elsewhere. A. J. STILLWELL, Tillamook, Oregon. Sale Starts Monday Morning, December 7, 1914