1 1 r r A Tillamook Headlight, November 26, 1914. I Home of Hart Schaffner & Mark Clothing, Stetson Hats, Florsheim Shoes, American Lady Corsets. Home Journal Patterns. ■O'- HALTOM’S Fall Trade and PRE-HOLIDAY SALES The buying has grown greater every day since this sale bes’an. We have entirely passed our previous record. And now we are going after still better records. Several delayed shipments of merchandise which have recently arrived have been unpacked and marked down for quick disposal. Which makes an event worthy of your attention. The assort­ ments are of the broadest and most satisfactory descriptions. And the prices are lowest that can be quoted on such reliable merchandise Note ! E ery item in the store reduced (excepting a few contract goods). I To 35.00 Women’s Suits $18.85 To $17.50 Men’s Suits $12.45 You will find in this great lot of new fall suits everything that is up to date in long and short coat effects. Materials and workmanship are of the very best. Specially priced during this sale t ................................................ $18.85 Men’s all wool suits made of good serviceable Cheviots , Serges and Scotch Mixtures. Come in box and form fitting backs. All sizes. Special. $12.45 ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN’S SUITS REDUCED. $25.00 Women’s Coats $15.95. Beautiful New Fall Garments, made of such desirable fabrics as Ural Lamb, Plush, Pony, Chinchilla, Boucles, etc., trimmed with real fur and other self colored materials. Choice from any of these fine coats, value to $25.00, during this sale at.................................... $15.95 ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN’S COATS REDUCED. $1.50 Silk Waists, $1.98 A large and valuable selection of stylish silk waists in light and dark shades of plain and fancy inessalines. Special during this sale, values to S4.50 go at ................................................. $1.98 ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN’S WAISTS REDUCED. $5.00 Trimmed Hats $2.50 Beautiful new fall creations of the milliner’s art. every wanted shape and style specially priced at............... $2.50 ENTIRE STOCK OF MILLINERY NOW AT % PRICE. $3.50 Fur Muffs $2.49 ENTIRE .STOCK .OF WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S FURS REDUCED. ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN’S AND BOY’S SUITS REDUCED. $10.00 Men’s Overcoats $6.15 Men’s full length overcoats made of fine servicable blue and grey Melton. Special during this sale at........... $6.15 ENTIRE STOCK OF BOY’S OVER­ COATS REDUCED. $1.50 Men’s Underwear at 98<. Men's Cooper Ribbed Wool shirts and drawers. A well known brand for its durability. Speciat gar............... 98(*. ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN’S AND BOY’S UNDERWEAR REDUCED $4.00 Men’s Shoes $3.30 Men's Gun Metal dress shoes in Blu­ cher and Button styles. All sizes and widths. Regular $4.00 values at .$3.30 ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN’S AND BOY’S SHOES REDUCED. $5.00 Boy’s Mackinaws $3.85 Boy’s Oregon City Woolen Mills Mackinaws. The kind that wear. Regu­ lar $5.00 value at............................ $3.85 ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN’S AND BOY’S MACKINAWS REDUCED .To $1.50 New Dress Goods 79^.. A large range of serviceable serges, poplins, cheviots, fancy mixtures etc. to choose from. Special at yd.............. 79^. .ENTIRE . STOCK . OF . DRESS. GOODS and SILKS REDUCED $3.75 Women’s Shoes $2.55 $1.25 Table Damask, yd. 98<*. The most snappy up to date footwear of the season. Gome in Patent Colt with (he new gaiter top effects. Gun Calf and Vici Button shoes. All sizes and widths. Special at pair................................ $2.55 All pure linen table damask 72 inches wide, pretty patterns. Special yd. . 98£. ENTIRE . STOCK OF .WOMEN’S, MISSES AND CHILDREN’S FOOT­ WEAR REDUCED. $1.50 Fleeced Blankets $1.19 $1.00 Wool Underwear. 59.C W omen's Cashmere Vest« and Pants All sizes. An extraordinary clean-up Specially priced at per gar............. 59(*. ENTIRE. STOCK OF .WOMEN’S, MISSES and CHILDREN’S UNDER­ WEAR REDUCED. XMAS KERCHIEFS REDUCED ENTIRE STOCK OF LINENS AND DOMESTICS REDUCED. Fine heavy fleeced cotton blankets in grey, tan or white, fast color, wash­ able borders. Special at pr.......... $1.19 ENTIRE STOCK OF BEDDINGS REDUCED. 25<*. Women’s Hosiery at 19c. Black and Tan Burson Full Fashion­ ed Hose. All sizes. Special at pr. . .19^. ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN’S MISSES AND CHILDREN’S HOSE REDUCED. Get Your Gold Bond Books Filled by Christmas. TO OUR FRIENDS IN AND OUT OF TOWN. ruhlresa thin word particularly to people out of town in nn effort to present our broad stock of useful merchandise, etc. 'Xmas, gifts have been running of late, into the practical and never before have we had such h fine assortment ready at such ail early date. Any articles bought now, if requested, will be held until a few days prior to Christmas and delivered by Parcel Post free of charge to any point in Tilla­ mook County. P9.41* Warr ’ mfPtf free delivery by PARCEL POST TO ANY POINT IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY OF ALL PUR CHASES AMOUNTING TO #1.00 OR OVER. Haltom’s TILLAMOOK'S HOME STORE PHONE AND MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO BY EXPERIENCED SALE PEOPLE. Pre-Holiday Sale Starts Monday, November 30tb THE COUNTY BUDGET. I Carefully Considered By Advisory Board and the County Court. • ----- o----- The Advisory Committee and the County Court spent two hard day’s work of. Thursday and Friday pre­ paring tke budget for county expenses for next year. The Advisory Commit­ tee was composed of W. H. Christen­ sen, of Oretown; Frank Owens, of Cloverdale; A. G. Beals, of Tillamook W’m. Maxwell, of Fairview; Robert Watt, of Bay City; G. R. McKimens of Mohler, and Ben Kuppenbender, of Nehalem. The members of the court were, County Judge, Mason, and Commissioners Farmer and Sap­ pington. Discussing the numerous items took considerable time, for the first meeting on Thursday, with a night session, and it was midnight on Friday before the final agreement was reached. The w hole proceedings were harmoniously, and pleasantly conducted and discussed from every view point. There was a difference of opinion in regard to the County Agricultur­ alist, Mr. Maxwell being opposed tc appropriating money for that official, while Mr. Kppenbender was of a different opinion and wanted to go on record as favoring the continuance of that office. Although not included in Judge Mason’s budget of road and bridge and road work, it was stated that a petition was being circulated for another bridge across Wilson riv^r somewhere near Donaldson’s ford, but it ir.et with opposition with the county court and Mr. Maxwell, who resides in that part of the county. It was thought that it would be economy to construct a piece of road for the settlers. Timber Men Well Pleased. Following is a copy of a letter sent to the County Judge, Homer Mason: by several of the lumber interests who express their appreciation of the ac­ tion of the Court in appointing an ad- vicory committee. Dear Sir:—From the press we are informed of your resolution of the 12th inst. and of your appointment of an advisory committee to assist you in the preparation of the annual bud­ get. In reference thereto, we wish to compliment you and the other mem­ bers of your court on your laudible desire “To reduce taxes to the lowest amount consistent with the proper administration of County affairs.” In carrying out this demonstration, you should have the most hearty sup­ port of every taxpayer in Tillamook County and if we can be of any ser­ vice to you, command us. Respectfully yours, J. O. Elrod, For Tillamook Timber, and Logging Co. P. S. Brumby, For Blodgett Company, Limited. J. E. Wheeler, For Estate of W. E. Wheeler. C. L. Starr, For Stimson Land Co and others. ADVISORY COMMITTEE COM­ MEND THE COUNTY COURT. Before Adjournment the Advisory Committee Unanimously Adopted the Following Resolution Whereas, we the undersigned tax­ payers invited by the County Court to assist in the preparation of the budget for the coming year; and Whereas, The County Court had prepared a preliminary estimate of the needs of the county, and we, after spending two days in going over the said estimate carefully, item by item, we found the same had been so close­ ly considered that few changes seem­ ed to be advisable. Now, therefore, be it resolved that we wish to commend the County Court for the careful and painstaking care in which they had prepared the estimate, which seems to be as economical as is consistent with good business policy. Gco.R McKimens Will Maxwell Frank Owens W. Christensen Ben Kupenbender A. G. Beals Robert Watt. Notice of Completed Contract. Notice is hereby given, that U. G. Jackson, County Surveyor, for Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, has filed in this office his certificate for the com­ pletion of the contract of F. C. Feld­ schau, for the construction of a bridge over Thompson Creek, near Nehalem, Oregon, and any person, firm or cor­ poration having objections to file to the completion of said work, may do so within two weeks from the date of the first publication. Dated this 25th day of Nov., 1914. J. C. Holden County Clerk. * Registering Motor Cars & Drivers For 191$. Registration blanks have been re­ ceived at this office for 1915 licenses. All renewals under the law take effect on January 1st, 1915. Bring your 1914 lisence when renewing. Rollie Watson, Notary Public. Wood............... .......... 45000 Lights and Water, ., 360.00 Notice is hereby given, that on Telephone Rent........ 300.00 Monday, the 21st day of December, County Jail expense, 250.00 1914, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at Repairs and Supplies 98000 he County1 Court House, in Tilla- nook City,' Oregon, a public hearing Total.................................... $3,00000 jvill be had at which the taxpayers County Coroner. vill be heard in favor ofor against any Coroner’s fees and inquests . . 300.00 proposed tax levies as shown by the Insane .................................... 150.00 'oilowing estimate by the County County School Superintendent. Jourt of Tillamook County, Oregon. Superintendent’s Salary .... $1000.00 Estimate of the amount of money Assistant's Salary ................ 600.00 proposed to be raised by taxation for Traveling Expenses.............. 20000 he ensuing year for Tillamoo. Office Supplies, ................... 400.00 Jounty, Oregon. Teachers’ and Eighth Grade Figures assembled by the County 2 OG OO Examinations..................... Court show that it will require the sum of $328,835.50 to defray the ex- Total............ .................... $2,400.00 penses of Tillamook County, Oregon, Health Officer ....................... 200.00 for the year 1915, and for the object Widows’ Pension ................ 1,000.00 and purpose of county improvement, Care of County Poor............. 2,000.00 the maintenance of county buildings, County Veterinarian.............. 500.00 roads, bridges, and for the salaries of Indemnity Fund, .................. 1,000.00 county officers and employes, and for Sealer of weighs & measures 60000 other purposes, as follows to-wit: Auditing County Records ...1,500.00 Road Purposes. County Fair and Exhibits, . . 3,500.00 Roads, Bridges, Supervisor’s Salaries, Repairs on Ma­ Total .............................. $46,400.00 chinery, and Supplies. . .$172,000.00 School Fund. Clerk’s Office. County School Fund, ......... $40,000.00 Clerk’s Salary, ...................... $1600.00 County high school fund . . 6,000.00 Deputy’s Salary ................... 900.00 Couaty Library Fund, .... 200.00 Deputy Salary ....................... 780.00 County Institute Fund, . . 200.00 Records, Supplies, & Ex. . . . 1000.00 $46.400.00 Tota) Total ................................. $4,280.00 Printing. Sheriff's Office. Official County Printing and • Sheriff’s Salary .................... $1600.00 Delinquent Tax Lists ....... $1,300.00 Deputy’s Salary .................... 900.00 Expert Farm Advisory Work. Miscellaneous . .. . . 150.00 (Note:—not recommended by 500.00 Law Enforcement the advisory board except Ben Kupenbender) ........... 2,000.00 Total ................................ $3,150.00 Truant Officer......................... 100.00 Treasurer’s Office. County Fire Warden.............. 275-00 Trea urer's Salary ................ $1600.00 Rebate on Taxes, .................. 500.00 Deputy’s Salary .................... 900.00 Current Expeases................... 25000 1 Clerk, Jan. 1st to May 1st . 300.00 Elections, .............................. 1,40000 1 Clerk, Jan 15th to Apr. 15th 225.00 District Attorney, office rent 2 Clerks Aug. 1 to Sept. 15th. 225.00 telephone, supplies, Etc. ... 200.00 Tax receipts, Tax register, State Taxes, (estimated) . . .60,000.00 envelopes and supplies .... 55Ö.OO Prem. on official bond ......... 200.00 Total.............................. $328,835.50 Probable Receipts of the County, Total ................................. $4,000.00 Other Than Direct Taxation. County Assessor. Receipts from County Clerk’s Assessor's Salary, .............. $ 1200.00 Office, (estimated) ............. $5000.00 2 deputies ($900 each) ....... 1800.00 Receipts from delinquent 600.00 2 deputies for field work . .. taxes, ................................ 1000.00 Traveling expenses for field work .. 120.00 $6000.00 Total, Tax rolls and office supplies . 510.50 Also the following School Districts Taking State Census ............ 35000 and cities have filed with the County Clerk, and Assessor, the special levies Total .............................$4,580.50 School District No. 3...........One Mill Surveyor’s Office. School District No. 14....... Two Mills Salaries, Surveys and County School District No. 19....... Two Mills Engineering..................... $5,000.00 School District No. 24....... Two Mills County Court. School District No. 47. .Two % Mills County Judge’s Salary ........ $1200.00 School District No. 56 Two % Mills County Commissioners’ Sal­ School District No. 59.. .Three Mills ary $5 per day (estimated) 2000.00 School District No. 61. Three J4 Mills Expenses and supplies ......... 300.00 Union High School, Six tenths of a Mill. Total....................................$3,500.00 City of Tillamook .Nine Mills Circuit Court. City of Bay City. Seven Mills Jurors, Witnesses, Bailiffs Port of Bay City. . .Two Mills Etc......................................... $3,000.00 Justice Court. Dated this the 24th day of Novem- Justice and Constable fees, .. 750.00 ber, 1914. Court House. J. C. Holden, Janitor’s Salary $660.00 County Clerk. Estimate of Road District No. X. For work on road from Wheeler to Brighton..................... $8000.00 For work on Wheeler road from Garibaldi to Brighton.. .. 10000.00 For work on Gods Valley road............................ 1500.00 For work on Loerpabel road..................................... / ’ 2500.00 For work on McKimens road....................................... 3000.00 For work on North Fork road East and West side of river 2500.00 For work from Foley to North Fork of Nehalem"?." . ’ " . 1200.00 For new construction from Nehalem to Deans’ Point....// 3500.00 For general repairs... ..................................................... 5000.00 For Miami road on South side of river.............................. 300.00 For work on Mohler road................................ 1000.00 For work from Foley to Miami................ 1500.00 For ” work from Garibaldi to Miami 1200.00 For work on Wilson River road............................ 500.00 For work on Hobsonville, Bay City road..................... /./'./ 5800.00 For Dolph road one-third of estimate................................ '. / 5000.00 NOTICE. Total.............. . .......................... '...................................... $53,500.00 Estimate of Road District No. a. For patching up road atLarson creek, North of Bay City.. .. $ 50-00 For work on the Doughty road.....................■........................ 400.00 For work on the Kilchis river road......................................... 400.00 Eor work from Kilchis bridge to dry run near Zurcher place 800.00 ror paving on lillamook Bay City road, from paving to bridge. . . . 7000.00 For work on road from Jenkins’ place up Wilson river.................... 1000.00 ^or work on road from Bester _ ’s - ford line......................... ------------------ ---- - to County .................................... 1000.00 For • paving Eairview from near mi Grange Hall 13500.00 - — -• - road ——— -- —••• • R.R. •••». crossing_to sivax a ■ ror work from Graage Hall up Wilson and Trask rivers................ For paving on South road from Harrison bridge to Hunt bridge 8000.00 For work on road from Jeff Harris’ to McCormack’s....................... . 1500.00 For work on road from Fairview factory to McCormack’s/.."... . 800.00 For work from Peltzs’ corper to brick yard’....................................... . 1500.00 For work from Childer’s place to Fish Hatchery '. . 1500.00 For work from Trask river bridge to old Netarts road . 5OOO.OC For work from Tillamook river bridge to Frank EckJof’s................ 500.00 For work from Killum Creek to Faucet Creek, on south road.......... . 1000.00 For work on road up the Netarts Bay................................................. 500.00 For surface on Bayocean road, 1000 yards (estimated @ $1.75)/ . . . . 1750.00 For one half mile, new construction on Bayocean road.................... . 3000.00 Filling and graveling road from Trask river to Tillamook river draw bridge..................................................... 1000.00 For approach to draw bridge, on Bayocean road................. '........ 750.00 For repair work all over district. Supervisor’s salary, repairs on Machinery, (estimated)................................... 10050.00 For Dolph road, one-third of est.mate................ ' .. 5000.00 Total $67,000.00 Estimate on Road District No. 3. To replace three bridges between Blum’s and Hemlock by filling.. . .$ 1500.00 1500.00 For repair work from Hemlock to Cloverdale. 1200’00 F6r repair Wiprk from Cloverdale tet Neskoxrin 2000.00 Fijr workvon Slabcreek road...................... 1000.00 For workson*Meda and Little Nestiwca Toad 4000.00 For grading and graveling Pacific City road 10000.00 For bridge at Woods............................ ............ » For work on Woods road................... „... 1500.00 300000 For work on Blaine road.................... ?........... 30000 For work on East Beaver road............. 8000.00 For work on Sandlake road.................. 6000.00 For general repairs............................... 7500.00 For paving from Hunt’s bridge south. .. 5000.00 For Dolph road, one-third of estimate......... Total .I sas «»00 I