U ^iTIamook Headlight, November 26, 1914 THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY AND THE GRAND JURY. you return a true bill of indictment? Since the death of her husband she which upon trial by a jury of 12 fair has lived with her daughter of Deer antine. Action was withheld, however citizens in a Court of Justice Mill re­ Park, Wash., coming to Tillamook, pending receipt of more definite in­ formation. Will Waive all Technicalities If In­ sult in my dismissal from office, be­ Oregon in September of this year, dicted—Co«t of Recall Election. ing the same result which you desire where she passed away Wednes­ Notice of Caucus. to bring about by the recall proceed­ day the eighteenth of November. ----- o ings. November 24, 1914. She was of a quiet disposition doing . Notice is hereby given, that a cau- To W. S. Hare, Joe Durrer, W. E. The recall will cost the tax-payers much good always to others. Her life cus will be held at the Court House Noyes, H. G. Foland, Fred Kab- $1400.00. Thte cost will I be was one of much travel and wide ex­ in 1 illamook City, Oregon, on ------- of - a - trial ............. -. — Satur­ kee, Erick Glad and E. R. Ayer, about $100.00. periences. She made many day, November 28th, 1914, at the hour members of the Grand Jury of Are you trying to decrease the friends’ and she was very devoted to of 8:00 o’clock pm., for the purpose her children and grandchildren. She of nominating the following officers Tillamook County, Oregon. burdens of the taxpayers. a member of the Church of God Gentlemen:—During the latter part I understand you are advised by a was firm believer in the "One who doeth for the ensuing year, to be voted on of September 1914, you commenced lawyers that an indictment against ^¡things well.” She leaves three at the city election on December 7th, to investigate and inquire into certain me would be subject to technical ob­ children, two sons and one daughter: • 914, to-wit: J. Spencer of Everson, Wash., W. rumors and pretended charges of in­ jections and difficult to draw. In this C. Mayor, five councilmen and city A. Spencer of Fargo, North Dak., Mrs competency and delinquency in my regard I desire to assure you and your Frank Best of .Tillamook, Ore. water commis­ f treasurer. Also one Services were conducted by C. Peir- sioner from the fourth ward. office as District Attorney for Tilla­ council that I will waive all technical mook County, Oregon. objections and will afford the State son from the United Brethren Church. Done by order of the Common Interment took place at Beaver ceme every reasonable opportunity free tery. At that time I voluntarily appeared Council. Dated this November 18th, before you, answered your questions, from technicalities to establish a case 1914. Ladies Form Civic League. gave information and explained every against me on the charges you have John Aschim, ----- o----- thing concerning such pretended enumerated in your recall petitions. ! City Recorder. In response to a call for a meeting charges and idle Town Gossip, and Having had implicit confidence in Notice of City Election. above all urged and requested that your fairness and sense of justice, for the purpose of organizing a Civic you as Grand Jurors thoroughly in­ and believing you have the interest League, a number of women of Till­ Notice is hereby given, that on vestigate and inquire into all matters of the taxpayers at heart, I now sug­ amook met at the high school audit­ that . you .. give up . the recall . pro- orium Saturday afternoon and took I Monday', the 7th day of December, and rumors you have heard concern- gest - ing my incompetence or delinquency ' reedings and save the taxpayers an the necessary steps toward perfecting ■914, at the City Hall in Tillamook in office, and if you find any reason- enormous expense, and proceed with the organization, a move which will City, Tillamook, County, Oregon, a able facts or truth substantiating l^e indictment without fear of my prove one of the most important fac­ regular city electon will be held for tors in civic improvement that has Tillamook City, Oregon, for the elec­ such charges, to return a true bill of taking advantage of technicalities, indictment so that I may have a fair I The result you seek to obtain is the ever been initiated in the city. Mrs. tion of the following officers to-wit: To serve for one year as follows: — ... .. f same in both cases, except that ¡n Whitehouse was appointed chairman and J impartial trial — and 1 — an ------- opportunity I to be heard by the people in justicica- ' case °f *al the court is insignifi of a ,r trial insignifi­ of the meeting, and after an interest- Mayor, one councilman from the I tion and defense. cant and I will have a fair chance to I ing and concise statement of the sub- I first ward, one councilman from the 1 ject in view, called for nominations second ward, one councilman from With this end in view, I also in­ defend myself. for officers. Mrs. Edwards, who has the third ward, One councilman from The salary of the District Attorney formed you that I would request Gov­ recently come to the city, and who the fourth ward, one councilman from ernor West to cause this matter to be is $1200 a year paid by the state. The cost of the recall estimated by has had much experience in club the. fifth ward, City Treasurer, and investigated in order to aid you in ar- I riving at the truth of the situation and the County Clerk is $1400 paid by the work received the unanimous vote of one Water Commissioner from the the assembly for president; Mrs. fourth ward to serve for five years. I act according to law. This I have tax payers of this County. Aiderman was elected vice President Which election will be held at 8:00 Trusting you have no motive other I done, and the Governor immediately and Mrs. Everson Sec-Tres. o’clock in thp morning and will con­ : sent his secretary Miss Hobbs, who I than to see fair play, I remain ever A committee on constitution and tinue until 6 o’clock in the afternoon I understand was in consultation with I ready and willing to aid you in the by-law's, Mesdames Edwards, F. R. of said day. I I you, and «be returned to Salem on the discharge of your duties as a Grand Beals and Erskine will be ready to re­ Dated this 18th day of November, K next train, having devoted some 2 or I Jury of this County. port at the next meeting. A member­ 1914- Yours truly, | 3 hours in making the investigation, ship committee was also appointed, John Aschim, M. J. Gersoni. I utterly disregarding the courtesy and Mesdames Bales, Mason, Shultz, Hill City Recorder of Tillamook I fairness due a state co-official to ask and McGee. Oregon. g me whether I had any information or “THE TREY O'HEARTS.'’ While the object of the league is K proof to offer in defense or justifica- Stock Running At Large. civic improvement in its broadest ■ tion of such charges, if any. Appears in the Headlight and Given sense, it is also the intention to be­ At the general election held in It is common knowledge that much ’ in Moving Pictures. gin a movement which it is hoped ■ talk and criticism prevailed during’ will ultimately result in securing a amook County, State of Oregon, on ■ the last term of the Court because1 With this issue we publish the first ' county library and a Carnegie Build­ the 3rd day of November, 1914, a ma­ ; several criminal cases of considerable ' chapters of “The Trey, O’ Hearts,” | ing. The laws of Oregon provide I that jority of all votes cast in Kilchis ■ interest in the community were which will appear in the Tillamook any county may levy a tax not to I ex- election precinct, in said County and on the ground Headlight weekly for fifteen weeks, 1 ceed one-half mill on each dollar of State, was against stock running at Kilchis precinct; taxable property for the purpose of large in said a the Gem Theatre. Next Monday and establishing a county library, No therefore Notice is hereby given, that after | Tuesday evenings the films will be 1 county seat is more advantageously shown of the chapters we have pub- 1 situated than Tillamook to give the sixty days from the date of this notice lished to-day. The story and the films entire county the benefit of a iibrary, it shall be unlawful for stock to run have proven immensly attractive in both by books loaned in the city and at large in said Kilchis election other cities, for it is one of the best through the distribution at sub-sta­ precinct, in Tillamook County, Ore­ plays ever produced in moving pic­ tions, as is the plan of these institu­ gon; under penalty of $ic.oo for the I thrown out of court < first offense ,and $20.00 for each and that the indictments which I present- tures. and be given in moving pictures at tions. The Story. Furthermore, Mr. Carnegie will every subsequent offense, to be re­ I ed were not sufficient to sustain We cinched the exclusive publica­ give much more generously for a covered from the owner of the stock. I conviction. It is the duty of each constable and tion rights of Louis Joseph Vance’s county than for a city, because of the Attorney General Crawfort and new sensation, “The Trey O’Hearts,” greater number of people that can each road supervisor to enforce the ■ other eminent lawyers were of the we did it at a price that staggered receive the benefit of his gift; and provisions of the law pertaining lopinion that the indictments in ques­ other publishers—biggest sum ever with this in view it is proposed to be­ stock running at large. tion, which caused all the talk and Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, paid for a serial of its kind. gin amovement towards that end. acriticism against me, were good and 19th day of November, 1914. The Universal Film Manufacturing Committees from the Commercial competent to (sufficient in every respect. J. C. Holden, Co. pronounced “The Trey O’Hearts" Club, Parent Teachers Association, the question of In view of the fact that Judges and County Clerk for Tillamook the best action story for film purpos ­ Civic League and Library Board will Court ■ lawyers, learned and Supreme experienced in County, Oregon. es they had seen in three years. They begin the necessary preliminary work more apt to [the law, were not of the same mind backed up their judgment by putting for this purpose. Stock Running At Large. E and differed in opinoin as to who the punch and $200,000 cash into a set Mr. Carnegie bases his donation on [was right or wrong in hie contention of pictures that are more than remark the amount of support to be given, as, At the general election held in Till ■ lof the law; it stands to reason, that able—they’re simply extraordinary. for example, if Tillamook County amook County, State of Oregon, on ■you gentlemen of the Grand Jury are Won’t Cost You One Red Penny. should give $25,000.00 toward the the 3rd day of November, 1914, a ma­ thardly qualified and You read a paper regularly. Read support of a county library his gift jority of all votes cast in Rockaway Budge and determine ours and get all the soul stirring, would be $25,000.00. While the plan election precinct, in said County and sny competency. The heart-gripping installments of “The might not be feasible just at this time State, was against stock running at *5>f Oregon would be Trey O’Hearts”—it sets a mile mark it is well to begin to think about it, large in said Rockaway precinct; udge correctly this question. in literature and it won't cost you a talk about it, and when the opportune therefore On October 3rd, I was unexpected- time comes be ready to take final penny more to read it. Notice is hereby given, that after SV called to New York on account of Overshadowed. steps toward the culmination of plans sixty days from the date of this notice lie fatal illness of my parent, and up- “The Fortune Hunter” —“The already made. it shall be unlawful for stock to run n my return to Tillamook, after an Black Bag”—“The — Brass — Bowl v ” _ — ' It is hoped that every women in bsence of five weeks, I have learned Louis Joseph Vance wrote them all. Tillamook will feel it not only a priv­ at large in said Rockaway election hat you gentlemen of the Grand You know what millions thought of ilege but a duty to become associated precinct, in Tillamook County, Ore­ ury with the aid of the Governor and these stories. You know how they with the Civic League, for on each gon; under penalty of $10.00 for the he whole state machinery were un­ gripped—thrilled and inspired. But one rests a certain amount of respon­ first offense ,and $20.00 for inch and tie to secure facts or information to “The Trey O’Hearts" overshadows sibility for making the city just what every subsequent offense, to be re­ ubstantiate the truth of those charg- them all. Vance has set himself a it should be. A large attendance is ex­ covered from the owner of the stock. It is the duty of each constable and s and were obliged to drop the in- mark in this story he’ll never beat pected at the next meeting which will each road supervisor to enforce the lictment against me. and we doubt if even he, master of be held Saturday, Dec., 5 at the high provisions of the law pertaining to As I understand the law pertaining the written word, will ever pen anoth­ school. stock running at large. o the duties of a Grand Jury, you er like it. Action—plot and telling, all Canzada Everson, Sec. Tres. Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, ave done everything that is required combine to push ’The Trey O’Hearts’ 19th day of November, 1914. if you and which is considerent with into the top notch of the best sellers Hoof and Mouth Disease has Cost J. C. Holden, our office by having made inquiries $750.000. in record time. County Clerk for Tillamook nd an investigation lasting for a I Mental Back Summersaults. Washington, Nov. 17.—To date the County, Oregon. eriod of six weeks. When at the end No matter how clever, you can t federal and state governments have f that time you fail to find any facts fathom the plot of "The Trey expended approximately $750,000 in Stock Running At Large. nd are unable to prefer or prove any O’Hearts” one inch ahead of the the campaign against the live stock barges against a person, it is your words you’re reading or the scene foot and mouth disease epidemic. Of At the general election held in Till­ uty and the policy of the law to drop you’re viewing. It keeps you turning this about $400,000 has been born by amook County, State of Oregon, on le matter under investigation and do mental back summersaults all the way the Federal Government, almost ex­ the 3rd day of November, 1914, a ma­ othing more, unless you discover whether you’re reading the story or hausting the available funds of the jority of all votes cast in Bayocean ther evidence which would be suf­ seeing the picture. Department of Agriculture. An emer­ election precinct, in said County and cient and justify an indictment. gency appropriation of probably $200- State, was against stock running at Superhuman Imagination. J However, being perhaps public The imagination of this man \ ance 000 will be asked of Congress when it large in said Bayocean precinct; birited and overzealous in your ef- is superhuman—surprise is too mild meets to complete the work of stamp­ therefore prts to safeguard the interests of the a word to describe situations "1 he ing out the disease. Notice is hereby given, that after leople and to decrease the burden of Trey O’Hearts” is filled with to over­ Experts of the department estimate sixty days from the date of this notice he tax-payers of the County; you flowing. And the end of every install- that about $700,000 has been spent for it shall be unlawful for stock to run gentlemen of the Grand Jury, acting ment, written or pictured, is i a start- slaughtering condemned animals, one at large in said Bayocean election ■ill in your official capacity, and ling climax that leaves you I tense in half of which is born by the Federal precinct, in Tillamook County, Ore­ laving failed to return an indictment every nerve, waiting and watching Government and the other half by the gon; under penalty of $10.00 for the state government. The last outbreak first offense ,and $20.00 for each and rhich would afford me a public trial for the next one. kd a means of self-defense; you saw of the disease—that of 1908—the every subsequent offense, to be re­ Federal Government $300,000. The in­ covered from the Owner of the stock. It to go a long way out of the scope Obituary Notice. fected states then included Pennsyl- It is the duty of each constable and f your official, duty and the consis- ency of your office, and evidently Soobia Souhia Spencer was born June 22, , vania, New York, Michigan and each road supervisor to enforce the provisions of the law pertaining to ompted by public spirit and a sense 1837 in Old Town, Maine, t where her Maryland. On reports from field inspectors •tock running at large. justice you instituted recall peti- early life was passed. At the tge of of the disease . had oc- j| Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this >ns against me and each one of you eighteen she married Luther Spencer that ------- outbreaks _ « ... embers of the grand jury is now . the same place and after twenty-' cured in the state of Washington and >9th day of November, 1914. in the District of Columbia, depart- depart J. C. Holden. rculiting petitions throughout the three years they moved to Wisconsin ¡„ County Clerk for Tillamook | unty, giving as reasons demanding where’the remainder of her married roent officials prepared to-day to — passed. I piaCe the affected areas under qua»- j LouaV, UrctaJSL recall that I am incompetent to life, twenty-seven year« ww operly perform the duties of my ice and that I am absent from of- e without good cause, all of which reased the burdens of the tax- yers in the County. he reasons which you give for my all you have been investigating for whole weeks, and if they are true I L A M B-SCH R ADE R COMP A N Y. DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREET, BETW EEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST. F- C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line Hoof and Mouth Disease Should be guarded against by using Strong Disinketonts in and around barns. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMLOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO KHI J ABLE DRUGGIST. Wier Sprechen 1 lettiseli. Some of the Reasons Why A .‘•rftrr «booluUly dapandable. every day. year in. yeur out. li lilt on honor, of the best materials. O itwears Three Ordinary Range« The only rar T< made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. Malleable iron can’t break—charcoal iron won t ruel It he cleet. Economical In Fuel The t'emt of tb t M ijrttic are rimted (not put tmcHher with lx4U( id Htov«’nutty)—they will nluiayi remain airtight, bccaiLM* withe»- affect« them. The Majetha oven I’J hned throughout with pure uebettoc board, held in nJ toe by an open iron grating - you can h « w It— «nd it taya tterc always. Air tight joint« and pure aabaaU« luting aMtire an even baking heat. Having one-hair the fueL All door 3 drop to form rigid chetvec. No eprinee. Malleable i on oven racke «ikl* out aulou*alually. UUd' ing whatever they contain. The Great M a - jestic R ange ^ Charcoal and Malleable Iron — mpprr renervofr which h< «fu lik® A tea kwtfh». thfOUffh a eoppRT ixxk. t «tamped fron une phw” of roppsir. Aettin« AKuinat left hand llmnif of firn box. It 1*41« 15 rallofM of water in a v-rj it*« and by turning n kvu iht grealett Itnpruvtnunl I usHstic jl th- yo.1 «»w*t tn last n Ufo $, un*>«T>,” nr you II •>« »urw to h* 4rtn« to our Itme, »nd «eo th* Great *ve It« many fic K mivb •<- out why U m Mti/mic la ■trnngrr ranr»* w>u r«s most nnr«Mi are w*ak«wt. It la the VI range at M.y pro.«* U «uuuhl be U» /oux Stehen. FOR SALE BY ALEX. McNAIR & CO.1